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Amnytas is dead

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Just came back after a 6 month break trying to do events in Amnytas. 

The map is dead. There's nobody joining events required for mastery points. The event with platforms where the game's pretending to be a badly done first person shooter is impossible to solo. Mapchat is dead. Tagging up does nothing. LFG does nothing. The bugged pre-event with clueless people upscaling it is frustrating. I tried for 3 hours and just alf f4'd in the end, this isn't worth wasting my Saturday for.

Bonus shout-out to that one idiot in chat telling me to quit the game if I'm not enjoying it. Well, I guess I will. Ironically enough, at least this explains why everything's deserted.

Edited by rune.9572
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PvX players use the WvW Rush event, ANet has pushed AA-reward seekers towards Convergences with the new Special category, Amnytas has a way to complex meta structure that requires coordination not to fail (look at Serpent's ire in Vabbi, which has the same problem) and the player base is stretched over a large amounts of maps for dailies/WV tasks. That's what you get right now.

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2 minutes ago, Gorani.7205 said:

PvX players use the WvW Rush event, ANet has pushed AA-reward seekers towards Convergences with the new Special category, Amnytas has a way to complex meta structure that requires coordination not to fail (look at Serpent's ire in Vabbi, which has the same problem) and the player base is stretched over a large amounts of maps for dailies/WV tasks. That's what you get right now.

Also people need to keep in mind that early into the release of content people will populate the map to finish masteries and achievements. Once Anet releases the next step for the PvE Leggy armor and/or Legendary Relics people will most likely go back to Soto maps. Pretty much like with any content release really.

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2 hours ago, rune.9572 said:

Bonus shout-out to that one idiot in chat telling me to quit the game if I'm not enjoying it. Well, I guess I will. Ironically enough, at least this explains why everything's deserted.

So not only are you complaining on the forums, but you decide to also bring that attitude to in game chat. Neat. Nothing makes other players more interested in helping than someone complaining./s

There is a WvW rush event up. There is a WvW beta just started. There are timers on which the new maps have meta event happening which players are farming. The expansion has been out for a while now so activity besides farming is less active than in the first few weeks (like every content drop before). Put up an LFG and expect to wait, or ask guildies/friends for help (might not have many to call upon with attitude though).

The game gives back what you put in, and you haven't been putting in a lot. Maybe leaving is the best course of action given you were not enjoying yourself in a long time and your attitude did not seem to have changed.

Or wait until the next patch hits, which focuses on the PvE aspects again and might encourage others to go for mastery points again once needed.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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I play during non-peak hours (mid-morning to mid-afternoon, east coast NA) and I've not had issues with doing group content in Amnytas. Plenty of people doing rifts and the meta. Also did the Dagda event chain a couple days ago with a small group, no problem. One guy tagged up and off we went.

I've only ever seen that meta fail once, the second day it was available. Pretty sure it bugged, resulting in us losing a lot of time waiting for tentacles to spawn, or something. Haven't seen any issues there since.

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The map isn't dead, did you pick an off hours time to play or during a meta or convergence time?  Come back when the next patch is released and it will be busier.  

Currently there is a lot going on in WvW with the bonus rush and beta.  People are back to work or school after the holidays, and may not be on at every hour of the day.  Always consider factors besides your own needs, even if it's frustrating.  

Edited by Farohna.6247
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It is weird to see someone claim that the map is dead only to then go on to describe that there are in fact other people present, vocal in map chat, etc.

If there are other people around, and they are avoiding playing with you, the issue MIGHT not be with the map.


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4 hours ago, Futa.4375 said:

HoT maps are populated all the time, even at night. Stop making excuses for yet another thing ANet should have seen coming if they thought about what they were adding for more than half a second.

I've been playing around EU reset lately a lot, 1am CET, HoT maps are far from populated, except during Tarir or Gerent, which is exactly the same thing you can see with Soto maps, EoD maps, PoF maps.

People are not making excuses, they are explaining to people jumping onto the "soto bad" train that what's happening isn't a new thing, Soto managed to hold high population longer so far than PoF and EoD did.

GW2 is not built around focusing on the latest release and invalidating old content, seeing people complain that players are spread around content in the game as if that's a bad thing is just stupid. I checked LFG 10 minutes before the meta and saw 3 squads up, that's 2 more than how many I see for ANY PoF map outside Crystal Oasis for example.

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As someone who is collecting everything for all three weights of the new leggies (yeah I know, probably not the best idea, lol!!) I have been doing SoTo map completions on all my alts.  Have yet once to have a problem finding a group for anything happening on Amnytas, including Lhyr escort which everyone keeps griping about, by simply giving a shout out on the map or by tagging up as needed.  If I got to a map too late to join the metas already listed in LFG that has commander's map full, I try to wait my turn in a queue or else tag up on current map I am on.    So not sure what your issue is, short of being on at a really bad time or a recently closed/overload map.  Even then, a little friendly q&a in chat goes a long way. 

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I play in the evening (Australian time) mostly which is off-peak US time. I did some of those bastion mastery point achievements in the last couple of weeks without too many problems. Just tag up or call out on whatever event you need completed and people will come to help.

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On 1/13/2024 at 1:51 PM, Ashen.2907 said:

It is weird to see someone claim that the map is dead only to then go on to describe that there are in fact other people present, vocal in map chat, etc.

If there are other people around, and they are avoiding playing with you, the issue MIGHT not be with the map.


The core game almost everything is soloable and then mastery points are generally behind popular content (world bosses, fractals, etc...)

The problem here is on Amnytas a lot of mastery points explicitly or implicitly require multiple people to tackle it. I can understand where they're coming from - locking this kind of content behind groups is kind of lame. Like getting 4 more people for Lyhr event. But on the other hand if you advertise in LFG or in map chat and you do a bit of research I don't think they're too bad to complete.

Edited by Leger.3724
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Would be time that they start making game more pay to play less (better play less then quit for good) . I was stuck on raid collection 2 for a long time. Till someone helped me completing it within a few hours. I now have 3 legendary gear pieces. My guild told me that for next 2 sets i need 600 Li. This made me feel bad. I made a math and 12 Li a week i am busy a WHOLE kitten year before i can finish the 2 sets. Besides the gold. I am not even a true raider and i like more games to play. 
and in lfg there is often no chance for me. The Losers ask 750 Li to join. But IF i had 750 Li in first place i am done with raids and have nothing to do there anymore. Because its enough for 15 more pieces of legendary gear. 

i would pay anet 100 euro for 750 Li for sure. Gaming has to be fun. But this whole collection was a torture already in first place. The soto collection is also a big grind. I am not rich irl. But its worth to skip the endless frustration. 

Edited by Holmindeboks.3490
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15 hours ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

Would be time that they start making game more pay to play less (better play less then quit for good) . I was stuck on raid collection 2 for a long time. Till someone helped me completing it within a few hours. I now have 3 legendary gear pieces. My guild told me that for next 2 sets i need 600 Li. This made me feel bad. I made a math and 12 Li a week i am busy a WHOLE kitten year before i can finish the 2 sets. Besides the gold. I am not even a true raider and i like more games to play. 
and in lfg there is often no chance for me. The Losers ask 750 Li to join. But IF i had 750 Li in first place i am done with raids and have nothing to do there anymore. Because its enough for 15 more pieces of legendary gear. 

i would pay anet 100 euro for 750 Li for sure. Gaming has to be fun. But this whole collection was a torture already in first place. The soto collection is also a big grind. I am not rich irl. But its worth to skip the endless frustration. 

Or maybe lets make it Less Complain and more Get good or skip and do another content?

There are 3 ways to get lege set with 4th right behind the corner, no need to make this game pay to win.

And it's not like You HAVE TO have everything in the game to enjoy it. I don't have spvp achivs and collections and I am fine with that.

Edit: oh, wait. I phrazed it bad. You already can have lege armor convinence for irl money if You so want. Spend Your money and buy templates + many sets of ascended gear. Works the same, and You can even store more fashion.

Edit2: Buy the raid clears with Your irl money.

Edited by Biziut.3594
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On 1/13/2024 at 9:53 AM, Futa.4375 said:

HoT maps are populated all the time, even at night. Stop making excuses for yet another thing ANet should have seen coming if they thought about what they were adding for more than half a second.

Not defending the horrible new "ex-pack" content but the only reason people are still on HoT is the crazy rare infusions, and Hots mysteries are a gateway to stuff people really want. Soto we can all live without. It's all meh. 


Take the infusions away and you'd be left with verdint brings dead maps.

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