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23 hours ago, urd.8306 said:

So what you say is: It's like with re-linking.

it just isn't. When your server is paired with another server (if you're lucky, because in EU we have 'rainbow' servers) you still have your server. You know the schedules, habits, and players (community concept) and while you are on your server temporarily allied by another server you are still participating in the point ranking system of all servers (competition concept)

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8 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

The lag spikes are interesting since agree they aren't consistent in similar sized fights. Something is off there. Also not sure the time of play attributes are working. Over the weekend seen periods where one side has mass coverage versus the others are low. Also seeing issues where one side is just in the wrong tier compared to the others. Now to be fair in a everyone is even spread this shouldn't be a thing but it points to there are attributes that are not performing as expect or the initial placement logic is off. 

I'm sure the algorithms are screwed up in some way since people were misplaced, and also a lot of people are being moved as well, so that just screws it up double time. I think they need to bump the next team creation up a week from jan 26th to 19th if they can work out the bugs for it this week. I'm guessing anet is trying not to be disruptive as possible as it's obvious the casuals have no tolerance for changes. 🤷‍♂️

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am i having fun?
I dont think I've ever had less fun in WvW since the game launched.

Its just miserable. Putting aside the absurdly unbalanced matchups, the whole community thing is gone. there are pretty much zero open tags anymore, its all wvw guilds running closed groups. Just feels very insular, and not very welcoming, esp to casual or newer players.


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This has been terrible experience.  WvW is the only reason I log into the game.  Community is gone, seems more toxic.  Just terrible. 

My wife and I are in a guild of two...we got seperate 'Teams'.  Is kinda funny actually.  I'm playing WoW as well as I write this.  Please revert this.  ty!

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17 hours ago, Ronin.4501 said:

TBH it's been mostly mind-numbingly boring.

In the past my guild has always gone it solo (we run anywhere from 5-25 normally), but we decided to form an alliance with 4 other small-to-medium guilds since the beta was 3 weeks long. Thus far it's been run with the map queue blob or bust. Not really my kind of action. To be fair, the blue server is running pretty much the same so we don't seem to have much of a choice.  And the red server seems to have nothing but roaming groups of thieves so trying to roam solo is a kitten show (Sorry Skrittsburg folks I'd feel bad about you being severely outnumbered if it weren't for all the thieves everywhere).

The other reason it's boring is during NA primetime we seem to have queues of 20+ on most every map (EBG is even worse but it's my least favorite map aside from EOTM so I'm not complaining there) so I'm spending as much time in Arborstone/LA as I am playing in WvW. I would fault us for the excess population except that after reading through a few pages of the thread regarding players being placed on the wrong shard it seems a large number of players were incorrectly placed on our server.

While I understand this is a beta and not everything is going to go perfect, it feels like we have the exact same issues with each beta, so with each beta I lose more and more confidence in Anet (which wasn't exactly high to begin with) that any of this will ever be sorted out.

I don't like running thief. Almost never did before this. It's the only way to even maybe stay alive.

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No, worse GW2 experience i had to date.  The team i was put in seems to be not active  aside of few hours at the evening and the guilds that are active are German or French while i am from English world.  Solo roaming have been nor really possible since everyone just run around in big blob. It have been so frustrating that i decide to step away from the game till the beta is over and whine in the forum about it.

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The chaos of setting up to flip hills and having 10x the usual numbers show up (we're talking 20ish players), only to find no one brought supply and the harass from the walls is making everyone run around like headless chickens is a really good example of what things are like as a whole.

I have never seen such disorganisation.

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10 hours ago, Palikka.8249 said:

Our current match up is so unbalanced. I renewed my WoW sub instead of this beta, thats how much fun i had.

I did the same thing😅😅 season of discovery 25-40 comming soon and i can finally finish w40k rogue trader 🤓

reinstaled planetside 2 too🤓

Edited by Pluton.7364
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On 1/14/2024 at 4:42 AM, Anov.4237 said:

Nope. On my "server " people just dont care. No one repairs walls, build seige etc. knowing people dont reset them. Everything is about fighting. On EB big zergs fight in SM. Else its quite boring.

Not wrong. As expected there is a lot of karma trains since it doesn't matter if you win or lose and even more of that then you might normally see since it is a beta week. That said you can still find some like minded players that want to hold your stuff if you use callouts and build some defenses in advance. I get what you mean, I likewise see beta weeks as rough since who cares. So I would recommend to play and test so that you can provide feedback and if the current state is better or worse than what you saw during the event versus normal. Good hunting!

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My matchup was good over the weekend, pretty close, but now during the week my team is losing by 2:1 margins during the (NA) daytime.

So Anet has all these metrics and algorithms they use to determine matchups. Can we see them? I want to know how they're measuring participation.

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Not fun.

The community aspect that was naturally brought forth by servers has been historically under-appreciated, and the results of its removal has been consistently negative.
I'm in a server with what seems to be made up of smaller guilds or left-over people (those who didn't choose particular guilds). We are unsurprisingly getting overpowered by enemy teams who have much larger guilds at their disposal, due to them being far more organized than we are, on top of them having much higher numbers in general.

Chat is more toxic.

We are outnumbered in all maps more often than not. It typically isn't that much of a negative for me, but because I'm playing with others who either don't know how to defend properly or just simply don't care, then it's just more stressful than fun.

A lot of people just standing around at spawn.

I want this experiment done, but we've got more weeks of this. And the worst part is that they want this as a permanent thing for WvW. Sure, it might help with population balance (currently, that's a no) but it won't solve the issue of being placed in a team that makes WvW more of a negative experience.


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i think this is the wrong way for changing wvw :


Lack of server identity, too much small group play without investment, no real stake, no server community.

Depending on the server the reactions are different but with experience, we know how the server reacts, there it’s soft it lacks punch and balls.

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I can report everything is fine with the chats and honestly it has been pretty similar to my own Sea of Sorrows server. 

The added benefit this time is I see all my guild mates on and we tend to roam together and stop small Raids. I have some amazing build for this so it has been alot of fun coordinating stuff with them. Before my guild was so spread out unable to join a full server. 

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I'm a casual and infrequent WvW player and for me it's been about the same as normal, but with slightly more complaining in Team chat during the first few days.

I'm normally on Desolation but not in any WvW guilds. I was away when the selection was happening so I didn't choose a guild, it was left with the (currently inactive) one I picked for a previous beta. I think the team I ended up on is Giant's Rise, but I'd have to log in to confirm. I've recognised a few people I normally see in WvW but most of the commanders are new to me. But I've just been doing what I normally do - joining open tags and following them around objectives when I can and capping what I can solo or with whoever happens to be around when I can't find a tag to join and the experience doing that has been the same as when I do it on Deso - both the good and the bad. We've had times when no one is building siege even though the squad menu says we have supply, people dropping random siege in the middle of nowhere for no reason (and then for some reason it gets built instantly), one commander who seemed to be running in circles at random and bumped into objectives or enemy groups purely by chance, and other weirdness, but also plenty of effective groups who are able to get stuff done.

I don't expect to be able to stay with any of the regular players from Desolation when world restructuring finally goes live because I don't think I play WvW often enough for any of the guilds to take me, so my main concern (having been on the same server since launch) was whether I'd be able to get the same experience in whatever team/s I do land in and so far the betas have made me think I will, so I'm not too worried. Still a bit sad about losing a server I've been on for over a decade, and not being able to stick with any of the commanders I like, but I can't do anything about that.

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I was involved in one of the best extended SMC fights Ive seen in years so its not all bad. Still, being tossed in with complete strangers, no recognized tags, roamers I dont know, no map chat camaraderie, kind of dillutes the positives for me.

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I have been playing WvW since the launch of GW2, and this game mode is what brings me back after long periods of not playing. I used to be part of well-organized guilds focused on fights, but life circumstances mean that I unfortunately no longer have the time to invest in that.
For several years, I've been on the same server, which naturally has its dedicated Discord server. On this server, I find the same community, the same guilds, and the same players. It's a tight-knit and organized community that I've always been able to join without constraints when a leader is present. This community and server are the main reasons why I return to GW2 after periods of interruption. I play with my wife in a small guild where there are just the two of us. She plays a bit less than me in WvW but enjoys joining me.

The world restructuring is, for me, the worst thing that could happen. A big part of the community on my server has an alliance that I cannot join. It's not a question of skills but rather the frequency of play (I sometimes don't play for a few months). Even if I could join this alliance, I wouldn't be able to play with my partner in WvW because she doesn't play as regularly.
So my partner and I find ourselves with other players, guilds, and alliances that we don't know. And that's when chaos begins No coordination, no sense of community, no Discord, no common language, no fun. Server balancing is worse than before, as many have already pointed out.

In the end, I only log in to do my daily activities because the content offered during this BETA is just disappointing.
In short, if world restructuring is ever implemented, there is a very high chance that I won't return to GW2, and WvW will remain a distant memory for me.

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18 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I don't expect to be able to stay with any of the regular players from Desolation when world restructuring finally goes live because I don't think I play WvW often enough for any of the guilds to take me

Some of us don't care about 'how much' you play or even 'how' you play. I just need to know that you stayed involved with your server for a long time, when it won and especially when it lost. And that's enough to get all the trust you deserve. If you still enjoy playing with some players you are familiar with, send a message in the game and you will always be welcome brother. ( or sister 😊 )

Edited by Mabi black.1824
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16 hours ago, Ringo.3406 said:

I have been playing WvW since the launch of GW2, and this game mode is what brings me back after long periods of not playing. I used to be part of well-organized guilds focused on fights, but life circumstances mean that I unfortunately no longer have the time to invest in that.
For several years, I've been on the same server, which naturally has its dedicated Discord server. On this server, I find the same community, the same guilds, and the same players. It's a tight-knit and organized community that I've always been able to join without constraints when a leader is present. This community and server are the main reasons why I return to GW2 after periods of interruption. I play with my wife in a small guild where there are just the two of us. She plays a bit less than me in WvW but enjoys joining me.

The world restructuring is, for me, the worst thing that could happen. A big part of the community on my server has an alliance that I cannot join. It's not a question of skills but rather the frequency of play (I sometimes don't play for a few months). Even if I could join this alliance, I wouldn't be able to play with my partner in WvW because she doesn't play as regularly.
So my partner and I find ourselves with other players, guilds, and alliances that we don't know. And that's when chaos begins No coordination, no sense of community, no Discord, no common language, no fun. Server balancing is worse than before, as many have already pointed out.

In the end, I only log in to do my daily activities because the content offered during this BETA is just disappointing.
In short, if world restructuring is ever implemented, there is a very high chance that I won't return to GW2, and WvW will remain a distant memory for me.

I have the exact same experience but when my wife and I wanted to WvW together I was forced to leave Blackgate never to return again becouse you can't join full Servers. 

The real problem is the current set up basically forces you to never play together with your guild or friends. Why would I ever leave a full server just to play with others who also operate on a full server. 

If they implement alliance then the fimilar server will move to fimilar guilds. 

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I think the novelty has already worn off.  This Saturday afternoon and evening are significantly less active than the previous week, on the servers I'm playing on.  And this is with the same power of bonus event running, albeit with a less noticeable icon..  Maybe the remix next friday will bring it back up a bit.

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