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 Nope, not at all.

This beta has been nothing more than a experience of getting split up from people I enjoy playing with...

Last match I was able to get manually fixed by forum post/dev intervention...

But approaching each match up with the expectation of being split from friends, then finding out 'low and behold, yep, was split from friends' is awful and the direct opposite of what I look for in a game.

Then I go on a game hiatus until its fixed because I have never played GW2 for the solo experience.

I hate this beta and it effectively makes the game undesirable to play while its occurring.

I hope the entire project get trashed as the garbage it is...   Or at the very least... by the next time they subject us to what is effectively this massive detriment to the game, I'll at the very least have the ability to actually play with friends in a MMO.

Edited by FrogBiscuit.6925
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Well the whole distribution is a mess, at the start i got put in a link without my guild, without my friendlist and without anyone from my server, which was quite confusing since i picked my guild for WvW. Even worse, friday they got linked back to the server i was on and i was happy to play with them... but now I GOT transferd away to the next random team where i knew noone, what the? xD

We had the same problems with other guild members, where some of us were put in completly wrong matchups full of uncoordinated people like us, because rarely 2 people know each other.


Apart from that problem, the balancing is... questionable at best. We have no q on the Weekends, while the other servers are steamrolling over all maps and from what i heard from them was, that they had quite high qs on theire maps. So the inbalance in player distribution has not been fixed too. What a strange system that fixes none of the current problems, but gives us complety new ones.

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17 hours ago, FrogBiscuit.6925 said:

 Nope, not at all.

This beta has been nothing more than a experience of getting split up from people I enjoy playing with...

I hate this beta and it effectively makes the game undesirable to play while its occurring.

I hope the entire project get trashed as the garbage it is...   Or at the very least... by the next time they subject us to what is effectively this massive detriment to the game, I'll at the very least have the ability to actually play with friends in a MMO.

Yes, they are destroying WvW itself. This is nothing but EoTM-like random distribution for a clueless reason. Resolving population issues by sacrificing WvW itself for what? Then WvW is just no longer WvW.

If Anet wants a balanced population vs. population but randomly distributed, they can simply make EoTM bigger. Why are they trying to destroy WvW?

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On 1/28/2024 at 12:54 AM, Neo.4056 said:

Yes, they are destroying WvW itself. This is nothing but EoTM-like random distribution for a clueless reason. Resolving population issues by sacrificing WvW itself for what? Then WvW is just no longer WvW.

If Anet wants a balanced population vs. population but randomly distributed, they can simply make EoTM bigger. Why are they trying to destroy WvW?

Completely agree.  I log in then out and go play something else.  I'm not certain what magic this new system is supposed to bring.  I mean, sure I read the words of the proposal, but I'm scratching my head with the whole thing in practice.


What would make WvW better, in my opionion, is such low hanging fruit, it kind of boggles me why all this effort is being made.

Why not have some WvW events?  I mean obvious ones once or twice a year.  Seems a lot easier than what ever this is.  For instance, a kind of king of the hill WvW guild event.  Flat plain with some minor terrain stuff, two teams go in, one comes out.  They get a parade.  Or something where taking a keep adds to some story element to a server.  'We need resources".  Or a Defenders of the Land recognition event.  I'm just throwing some stuff out.

Why not another path for mount mogs?  Seems a lot easier....make it a difficult path and it will be walked.

Why not modifications to existing maps.  Does not have to be major, some needed changes to deal with specific problems.  That sounds like a good beta that would have solid feedback.  And hey, they working on WvW!  Win win.

Why not add extra levels and side paths for the WvW leveling system.  Expand on the talent system.  There are already people at over 9000...lean into it, make more, make it deeper, take it further.  It will get done.  People love that kind of prestige, especially when it takes effort to get.

I don't expect any of this to be acted on and those quick ideas were just off the top of my head.  I mentioned them as probably easier alternatives that would make it look like ArenaNet is doing the effort thingy.  There currently has been a lot of effort in a direction of what seems to me to actually destroy the idea of a World vs a World.  Are Teams worlds now?  Whatever.  I'm not certain I care enough to debate with anyone regarding of this, so I am not going to do that.  I am just providing how I feel re: the video game right now.

So I logged in again today.  I'm logging out after I post this.   This is my seventh and last post here, I think.  I wish y'all the best whatever happens.  If WvW stay enjoyable I'll continue to play, if not, well, I have some very good memories.  Cheers and all that!

Edited by lorethon.5194
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1 hour ago, lorethon.5194 said:

Why not have some WvW events?  I mean obvious ones once or twice a year.  Seems a lot easier than what ever this is.  For instance, a kind of king of the hill WvW guild event.  Flat plain with some minor terrain stuff, two teams go in, one comes out.  They get a parade.  Or something where taking a keep adds to some story element to a server.  'We need resources".  Or a Defenders of the Land recognition event.  I'm just throwing some stuff out.

Why not another path for mount mogs?  Seems a lot easier....make it a difficult path and it will be walked.

Why not modifications to existing maps.  Does not have to be major, some needed changes to deal with specific problems.  That sounds like a good beta that would have solid feedback.  And hey, they working on WvW!  Win win.

Why not add extra levels and side paths for the WvW leveling system.  Expand on the talent system.  There are already people at over 9000...lean into it, make more, make it deeper, take it further.  It will get done.  People love that kind of prestige, especially when it takes effort to get.

Think about the past 11 years, and the frequency of any of those has happened for wvw, in comparison to pve.

We've thrown out hundreds of ideas over the years.

Don't think anyone at anet cares about pvp, much less missing cornerstone deadend wvw.

Anet doesn't want to put any resources than it has to into wvw, and I don't even think anyone there even wants to work on wvw, there's a reason this project has taken 6 years to do. They're only catering to the boon blob buddies that steam roll over pugs for bags cause they only care about "fights", that's all wvw is these days, just so those cluster of players can stick around and maybe buy something off the cash shop.

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