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Hello guys,

after 10 years break or so I am considering coming back to the game since I am a way more casual player now and it seems that GW2 is a game that you can play without having to play that much to stay gear updated

The main issue I have now is to choose which char I’m going for. I know that I may in the end play much more than one char, but starting with one char that I carry out through the entire game is an objectif clear for me, which make me feel like playing the game again.

That's why I m here asking for your knowledge !

Through different mmo I understood that the char I like to play are mainly :

-mobile (the more the better)

-big burst possibly to kill foe rapidly

-Aoe for quick farm ?

-more direct damage than dots

-love the great sword skins

And finally, I’m an easily bored player.. therefore a char with different play style (easily switched from one to another without needing a full restuff) would be a great plus. I thought about ele or thief…? What are your thought ?

With pros and cons would be great thanks guys !

Edited by RedLinkyu.5147
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Narrowing down to the greatsword aspect, I would look at Revenant (either Herald or Vindicator) and Guardian (specifically Willbender). Both can be set up for power DPS (direct damage) and both can be mobile. However, Willbender has more movement and while Revenant has some mobility while using Shiro (which you will use for power DPS), some of it is more "feel" since some skills involve shadowstepping animations, but you end in the same position you begin. However, that will mostly come from dual-wielding swords.

On the topic of flexibility, both Rev and Guardian are very flexible and can fit almost any role in a group and work well with Celestial stats (great for solo play across PvE and WvW and works well in most group settings, though won't beat someone geared for a specific role). For solo play, you'll still maintain most of Guardian's flexibility as a Willbender. Downside is, Guardian doesn't have a lot of mobility if you're not playing Willbender.

To add to Rev, each of the legends that you can use have specific uses/roles, but you can't alter their skills. That may help you compartmentalize between different builds, versus Guardian where you need to know specific skills to swap.

Edited by XSevSpreeX.2143
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   You don't specify game mode but I will guess is PvE..   Some of your request are hard to concilliate:

   * Greatsword with power burst, mobile. On paper I would say Warrior, but the strongest solo Warrior build is Bladesworn, which is slower and more tactical than the other Warrior specs, and usually doesn't  wield greatsword and camps gunsaber unless needs to reload ammo. Is also tricky to play, albeit the power burst are phenomenal. Power berserker is closer to your goals, but much squishier than Bladesworn and condi Berserker is also superior (and doesn't use greatsword).

    * Power Willbender has very good mobility, uses gs and has good burst, but has a frentic gameplay and relatively low dps, and is more squishy that other options. Guardian has great build variety, tho, but only WB is very mobile.

   * Vindicator with gs and power stats is very mobile and has high burst, but is harder to play than the celestial variant, which is much tankier but slower paced and has lower dps (the trades you have to made to get a build which is essentially immortal). Power Vindi in pure mele is my favourite PvE build in the game, but I play mostly celestial since it just performs better.

   * Power Ranger with gs has great mobility and good burst, but is nothing special in AoE damage and as with Rev, the celestial/condi builds are tankier and overall better.

   * Power Reaper woth GS has great AoE, strong burst and very good sustain, but mobility isn't its strongest side.

   * Mesmers with power stats and greatsword have huge dps burst but is more single target oriented and a bit squishy.

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Guardians are pretty much meta picks in almost every facet of the game. They're strong in any role you stick them into with a little bit of gear and spec work. 

GS Ranger is fun and flexible especially because their pet can be so fun to work with too, but I never loved their mobility options. They have them... They just never excited me personally. But with that pet helping vs aggro, maybe mobility is less necessary and this might work for you.

I also recommend GS Mesmer. It doesn't get enough love. With mobility being your first bullet, they have a multitude of fast repositioning skills, evades,  portals, and stun breaks that will meet your criteria. Additionally Greatsword is ranged 1200, and can tag multiple mobs. All their elite specs will work okay with GS as well for personal use. You won't top damage charts and the skill ceiling on mesmer is high, but you might love it.

Tbh a lot of this is loaded based on your personality. You'll need to spend some time with each to decide for yourself what THEMES you enjoy as a person and align your profession choice with that most overall.

Casually, any profession can succeed. The last couple of years GW has really started to embrace "play your way". You can play almost any profession any way you choose. It won't be until the highest of fractal and raid content (if you even play that stuff) or PvP (if you play that stuff too) that you may notice meta picks getting in your way. 

Welcome back! Hope you enjoy your time here 😊

Edited by Wyrm.2840
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Guys thank you very much for your feedbacks !

I knew I wouldn't be able to have a fit to all of my requirements but your explanations allows me to better choose.


As for people how want to know, I have decided to go with the revenant, since I never played the class before and feel like a completly new start could produce a nicer experience. However, I take all of your comments in consideration and I will for sure come back here to choose which char to go next with as soon as I will feel the need of it !

Thanks again to thoose how take the time to read me and produce helpfull answers.

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9 hours ago, RedLinkyu.5147 said:

As for people how want to know, I have decided to go with the revenant, since I never played the class before and feel like a completly new start could produce a nicer experience. However, I take all of your comments in consideration and I will for sure come back here to choose which char to go next with as soon as I will feel the need of it !

   Good luck! For manually leveling a Rev I would recomend running a condi build (with condition damage, vitality and power, mixing pieces until carrion gear ~level 61), buying gear every 25-30 levels (not more than 4 gold coins from 1 to 80) and doing mostly PvE maps (leaving hearts until level 60 or more). Core build:


 Then I would unlock Vindicator first with cele stats. A sample of a typical cele Vindi run of Hero Points farming gold:




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After 10 years or so playing a necro I can firmly say that ranger is your man. Here's why:

  • quite mobile on power builds (gs, staff, sword)
  • huge burst (especially Soulbeast)
  • very fluid and responsive skills, similar to thief.
  • while you have few aoe skills they are extremely solid (longbow 5, axe 5)
  • very versatile kit with numerous defense options (pet drawing aggro, block, evades, stealth, period of complete direct damage immunity).
  • various builds from brain dead ones (bearbow) to quite complex ones (soulbeast says hi).

The smelly armpit of this choice is that gs is a mix of defensive/power weapon with skills that have animal animations in them (bear and eagle) and in general while it hits hard, it does not feel (<- keyword) nearly as hard hitting and awe inspiring as let's say a vindicator or reaper gs.
That being said many of these awesome GS users have one major problem - their ranged game on power builds is mediocre if not right down bad.
Power ranger on the other hand is quite competent both short and long range.

Edited by ZeftheWicked.3076
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