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Is There any reason to use Staff weaver?


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On 2/1/2024 at 2:59 AM, Jski.6180 said:

The issues is most of the time the top dps dmg from weaver and realty all staff ele is coming from the core staff wepon. If say the dule skills on weaver where on part with the core staff wepon skill then weaver would be a very viable dmg class in wvw even with out the utility of cata and tempest BUT that just not how it is as things stand. Its like giving up utility for some very hard to land burst dmg skills and SOME barrier. Ontop of having a slower swap time to get to the staff big skills unless you run an utility.

Cata just an over all better staff dps class in wvw and tempest is better at staying alive with staff as well over what staff weaver can pull off. Its simply not worth it running weaver. Over all its not wroth running ele in wvw as things stand vs other classes but that is max min group play not too many ppl are playing wvw or even need to play wvw like that.

Weaver needs something even if its just an utility that makes it skills unblockable or give the weaver quickness or realy dose any thing because the stances weaver has are mostly melee base and def aimed which is an real shame for an dps aimed class. How did cata get more dps aimed utility effects then weaver did?!

I still don't think it's necessary that weaver be top DPS with every elementalist weapon. It has the highest overall DPS build last I checked, I think it also has the highest ranged DPS build with scepter, and the other elite specialisations should be allowed to DPS too. It's not the end of the world if another elite specialisation has better synergy with a specific weapon.

That said, though, I think you did put a finger on an important point there: staff dual skills do feel a bit lacklustre. I think they've been left a bit behind - some of them certainly feel like they're barely better than throwing fireballs.

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3 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

I still don't think it's necessary that weaver be top DPS with every elementalist weapon. It has the highest overall DPS build last I checked, I think it also has the highest ranged DPS build with scepter, and the other elite specialisations should be allowed to DPS too. It's not the end of the world if another elite specialisation has better synergy with a specific weapon.

That said, though, I think you did put a finger on an important point there: staff dual skills do feel a bit lacklustre. I think they've been left a bit behind - some of them certainly feel like they're barely better than throwing fireballs.

More a problem of weaver being a concept that they did away with.  It used to be part of the plan to have specs with specific purposes like druids that could only heal or weavers that can only DPS.  But they tossed that out the window when they decided every spec should fill a role.  Now weaver is one of the only specs left with no role.  No boons for weaver because...no reason at all.  The specs that have boons are all allowed to DPS and have utility in their specs.  So maybe instead of weaver being the hands down best DPS, they just need to give it some of the stuff it wasn't supposed to have to bring it up to date with the current design.

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5 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

I still don't think it's necessary that weaver be top DPS with every elementalist weapon. It has the highest overall DPS build last I checked, I think it also has the highest ranged DPS build with scepter, and the other elite specialisations should be allowed to DPS too. It's not the end of the world if another elite specialisation has better synergy with a specific weapon.

That said, though, I think you did put a finger on an important point there: staff dual skills do feel a bit lacklustre. I think they've been left a bit behind - some of them certainly feel like they're barely better than throwing fireballs.

Weaver an far better melee class then catalyest as weaver gets added effects for bringing in melee with an target though its utility. Witch is odd but more of an pve effect then wvw. Scepter is often too slow for wvw because of the delay on the 3 ,4 and 5 skills your better off running cata for the doble abitle to stack 2 of the same skill from an full atumen set. Or tempest who gets more means of swaping in an out of atuments to get back into air for air overload an far stronger dps tool then dule skills if we are talking dmg over all.

Weaver just has no real effect for an roll if any thing the ability to get to duel skill could of been an utility effect not an full elite spec. I am coming to realize most of the elite spec class skills could of and would be better off being an utility effect not an full trait line for an moment to moment combat game type as gw2 is.

Is aoe barrier worth it for weaver what dose it even have it even the self only verison was kind of pontless most of the time. Most dule skills are not that diffrent from each other or even from the ele skills to feel like an weaver effect. If an skill dose nothing more then condi type and dmg say earth fire how is that diffrent from using an fire skill or earth skill that dose dmg and also condis on there own. The very ideal of the skill realy getting effects from both atumens is just silly the way dule skills even came out.

Maybe self strong boons or even boon strip would of went an long way to giving the weaver an real class idefection but what we have now is just an slow atument swaping ele with a few skills that do the same thing has the core skills with just slightly different animations.

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On 1/30/2024 at 3:34 PM, solemn.9670 said:

Still incredibly useful for WvW. Some players will try to tell you otherwise - this is because they're bad at game. With practice you'll top the DPS chart on staff weaver, or at least consistently get #2 and generate a lot of downs. Other than that, no, not that I'm aware. Yes it needs changes in all game modes.

This. I am rarely not the top 1 or 2 DPS in wvw zerg fights. Running full zerk staff. the difficulty is staying alive, but that comes with practice and skill (and some times luck when you're planting your meteor storm if the zerg goes the other direction..). Being top dps (usually by a large margin) in wvw zerg fights and being super glassy is an acceptable trade off. Outside of that, ele in general doesn't compete much with other classes when it comes to dps and group support in one build.

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21 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

More a problem of weaver being a concept that they did away with.  It used to be part of the plan to have specs with specific purposes like druids that could only heal or weavers that can only DPS.  But they tossed that out the window when they decided every spec should fill a role.  Now weaver is one of the only specs left with no role.  No boons for weaver because...no reason at all.  The specs that have boons are all allowed to DPS and have utility in their specs.  So maybe instead of weaver being the hands down best DPS, they just need to give it some of the stuff it wasn't supposed to have to bring it up to date with the current design.

Eh. I consider that to be bad design, myself. The elite specialisations have different playstyles, it would be (and was, for druid) pretty sucky if a playstyle is locked into only being suitable for support in group content.

Weaver doesn't need to be top damage with every single weapon and every single circumstance. I think there is an issue where enough of the dual skills on staff are underwhelming and can do with buffs... but I wouldn't base that argument purely on "some other spec does more damage with staff". And maybe buffs to weaver in general, if needed, could be oriented more to durability than damage output.

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