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Lunar new year weekly achievement progress rate


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1 hour ago, Qys.5937 said:

What is Celestial Challenge? Is it PvP or more like the activities? 

Activity. You join with other few players and all contribute to the score bar. If it is maxed it's the end and the chests spawn.

The activities within the map are zodiac animal sighs themed. Each animal has its own task - sums up to 12 tasks from which are about 5 activated randomly in one round. If you repeat it often enough over the days and manage to get them all then that's another achievement. The tasks are races, collecting things, capture the flag, kill champs and such. Your enemies are npcs. For each afk player others have to do more work.

Edited by Lucy.3728
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2 hours ago, Qys.5937 said:

I got a weapon chest last night and didn't even know what it was from at first. All I've been doing is the race and world boss trains. What is Celestial Challenge? Is it PvP or more like the activities? 

That chest was not from weekly but 1 time a year tier 1 annual custom mate

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That chest was not from weekly but 1 time a year tier 1 annual custom mate

So the Tarnished weapon chest is something else? What's the weekly reward? I'm trying to look through this achievement panel thing but it's kinda confusing. 

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49 minutes ago, Qys.5937 said:

That chest was not from weekly but 1 time a year tier 1 annual custom mate

So the Tarnished weapon chest is something else? What's the weekly reward? I'm trying to look through this achievement panel thing but it's kinda confusing. 

It is the same kind of chest called Fortunate chest



About the topic what about give points per small chest you open in celestial challenge?

might make people more active to get weekly done quicker

Edited by Linken.6345
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4 hours ago, Vavume.8065 said:

I'm surprised you don't want them just from a collector standpoint, I remember seeing your threads where you mention having every wardrobe skin.

Yep, but I stopped doing that. Too many ugly skins I'll never use, so what would be the point, really? 😄 I also no longer play through the story on each of my PvE characters, SotO cured me of that. 😉

Edit: Actually, come to think of it, it all goes back to EoD. So many weird looking jade-tech skins, and I didn't feel any joy completing the story after the second playthrough. Then came Gyala Delve, and that really cured me of continuing to be a completionist in GW2. 🙃

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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On 2/3/2024 at 7:31 AM, Shuzuru.3651 said:

Race and activities are 5 each, celestial challenge is 10.

That's 25/day without doing the same thing twice a day, so 175 point for a week.

Simply do like 2 more celestial challenge and a race in week and you're set.

To be fair, every weekly achevement of every festival work like this, it's not worse than the others.

They don't give you enough. Firecracker lighting activities give you 2% toward completion. The races give you 3%. The celestial challenge gives you 5%, but takes forever.  That's 10 of each type of activity every week, so even if you do each one once a day you still have to grind to finish it.

If you don't get to play every day, you probably are going to grind to get just the first tier done, and then you still have another 50% to go yet before you get the weapon chest. It's ridiculous. This is the only festival where I struggle to complete things, the activities aren't diverse enough to want to run them each that amount. 

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My complaint here is that 3 of the activities are basically the same, but with different courses - the race event, firecracker lighting and firecracker lighting 2.  The race may have slightly different mechanics than firecracker lighting, but basically you are moving around as fast as possible trying to get to certain points.

Now I suppose the winterday race and giving gifts to orphans is similar (running around trying to hit various set locations), and halloween has a bunch of races, but most of those (in the raceway) are pretty quick.

While I'm happy to do 1 race type event/day, doing 3 starts to feel a bit repetitive.  Given I only got the 100 points towards the weekly last night (and some of that was playing an extra celestial challenge because none of the bosses popped up in the first play through and I had a breakbar daily), I really don't see me getting to the 200 points.  Where as with wintersday, dragonbash, or halloween, I usually get the weekly completed just playing activities I enjoy.  So I suspect the problem here is some combination of not enough points being rewarded and enough unique activities to get those points.


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This will be the worst for the 2nd tier weekly in the last "week" (the 1-2 days). Though in the end it should take only like 1 year more if you only go for the full weekly in the full weeks (3 times and not getting the 4th one). For additional tokens for the envelopes doing the challenge 2-3 times a day can be okay. And this will progress the weekly smoothly towards tier 2 completion.

The races are annoying though. I only do them once. (Too long for just 5 progress.) The other festivals felt faster. SAB had just the full runs (easy on normal mode with shortcuts) I think. Halloween the clocktower to grind and Wintersday also a JP.  Was the Arena in Dragon Bash 5 weekly points per champ? (Not for a full round?) Wiki says 5 for "champion phase". That would also be a lot faster. 25 in a full round.

The Four Winds has a lot of stuff. Races less points. But they are fast and if you split the stuff on two days (if you can play enough tuesday in the last week) it does not feel boring. But here it basically will be ... 17 times the challenge. (I will play both days in the last "week". Doing the adventures/race which gives 15.) I will still try it.

Main annoying thing is the reward structure though: If there is a farmer with dedicated built that trains a lot getting top contribution each wound I will stop trying. Just contributing to get 1 stack per round. And for the last week ... maybe 1 stack in 1 round is enough. Then alt-tabbing doing other stuff while checkin every now and then to just loot the big chest for progress.

They should have added points to dragon ball (for matches played, not per win) - to at least give a bit more options. Even if it were onyl 3 points. And 15 maybe for the challenge. A jumping puzzle inside the challenge area (different instance) would be fun as well - for the future.

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On 2/5/2024 at 7:55 AM, DarcShriek.5829 said:

One week in and I'm tired of the celestial challenge.

I managed at least almost 2 weeks but am done now too.

2 leechers and it took us 13 min to finish it. Not worth it.

But even without leechers it takes too long, or it is no entertaining enough for its duration.

I'd rather trade chests for time. Less chests at the end but also less time to spend in the event. 3 tasks are enough. And auto-kick leechers or no reward and participation/points for leechers..

My last week I ended up with 120 points, didn't even reach the 200. Lack of fun. Lack of points.
It'll be tough to reach at least 100 this week. :s

Edited by Lucy.3728
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My biggest issue with the lunar new year weekly is that missing out in one day of adventures immediately equates 1-2 celestial challenges on top of the ones you already have to do. I do not like realizing on Sunday that the two or three days I've missed, mean I have to do 6 challenges in a row, or do a bunch of unrewarding races. (I mean, ofc I knew before I logged in, but I pretended not to know.)

It seems to go against the philosophy that is behind the creation of the WV, where all time spend in game is rewarded more or less equally, regardless of how it is divided over the week.

I am very active in the challenges and usually manage to have top contribution at least twice, but after two challenges in a row, I'm kinda done. I was looking forward to the festival this year, but I don't think I will be feeling the same when it gets around next year.

Some more activities would really improve my the experience of this festival. How about a JP in the festival area where we jump from decoration to decoration? Or give progression points for the daily local event. (Currently I see no real reason to bother with this daily.)

Alternatively, lowering the amount needed for the weekly would help, especially since the legendary luck is rather underwhelming imo when you already have the items that it is currency for. Say 75/75 instead of 100/100?

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On 2/13/2024 at 7:22 AM, Lucy.3728 said:

I managed at least almost 2 weeks but am done now too.

2 leechers and it took us 13 min to finish it. Not worth it.

But even without leechers it takes too long, or it is no entertaining enough for its duration.

I'd rather trade chests for time. Less chests at the end but also less time to spend in the event. 3 tasks are enough. And auto-kick leechers or no reward and participation/points for leechers..

My last week I ended up with 120 points, didn't even reach the 200. Lack of fun. Lack of points.
It'll be tough to reach at least 100 this week. :s

It's why I stopped during the first week.  Instead of logging in every week to participate, I haven't logged in since the festival started.  I wonder how many other people have done the same or at least given up on participating in festival content.

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On 2/3/2024 at 6:03 AM, Irrational.2871 said:

Lets be honest 10% per celestial challenge beyond good and evil same goes for race wich gives 5% and i didnt even check adventure progress rate. So i assume anet wanna us to do 20 celestial challenges per week in afk mode or so? There are no reasons to participate in it more than 1 time per day and the only option left to get weapon chest is to stay afk while other ppl do celestial challenge wich not cool at all.

Yeah, it's awful.  All of the other festivals I can find something I enjoy enough or at the very least don't find so tedious that I mind going for the weekly, but Lunar Festival I just can't do it.  The weekly is way too much of a grind and there's nothing remotely fun about this festival to begin with.

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