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Have meaningful changes been added to spvp since pof launch?


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I was wondering if any significant balance or gameplay changes have been made since the launch of path of fire. I heard that they only really balance once a quarter but the patch that I thought I found seemed kind of skimpy to be a quarterly balance patch. It seems like from threads I see that scourge is still really really good but I see less spell breaker posts.

Did they make any big changes to spvp since path of fire launched?

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@Morwath.9817 said:

@Chaith.8256 said:They nerfed SB into a balanced state that was the quarterly balance patch. Nothing on Scourge, Firebrand, or the Ele &
Revenent profession

Quaggan thought they nerfed Revenant burst.

They did lots of stuff not worth mentioning.

Uselessly replaced some traits. EZ 25 might offsets the loss of Equilibrium. Still can't pick Revenant because Scourge exists.

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