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Under Utilized Maps and Assets

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WvW is the main draw for most players to continue playing end game.  4 maps week after week gets stale.  It's time to throw away the old wvw and make this game what it always should have been, a wvw game with pve infused.  Instead of 4 maps, alter pve maps with either myst variation lore or warzone it to make it more appropriate for wvw.  Let players earn that wvw map instance by map completing it in a pve only instance (account unlock).  Once they pass that milestone, they are offered a portal to the myst in that zone to fight other servers for dominance.  Then we erect bases, and unlock pve content (dynamic events) by holding bases longer.   Ashes of Creation will be doing this.  I want to see this game beat them to it.  I feel like gw2 always wanted to do this from beta, but allowed the game to splinter into 3 parts instead.  Unifying the 3 game modes into this will make the world feel more alive and dynamic, which is what the original vision of gw2 was all along. 

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