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QOL suggestion in WvW


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As this is an ongoing problem in WvW - "Wall Runner" needs to have its own report category in reporting players. "Botting" simply does not cover it. Having it labeled as "Wall Running" would help ANET differentiate it from the botting done in pve by afk farmers. No idea how much effort it would require to add that to the menu when you report someone, but it would be a great relief to many players who get tired of queues created by numerous players who constantly abuse this technique to either stay in EBG/BL or have an alt to spy while they run another account on the opposing server. I'm sure there are other menu options people would want to add, but this one would cover a huge percentage of the "Botting" reports.

Thank you for any effort to address this.

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You obviously haven't read the fine print. It says ANet will action after they check the chat log. So unless the toon is cursing and swearing every time it hits it's head on the wall, they aren't going to do anything.

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3 hours ago, Blind.4162 said:

You obviously haven't read the fine print. It says ANet will action after they check the chat log. So unless the toon is cursing and swearing every time it hits it's head on the wall, they aren't going to do anything.

The current reporting mechanism has nothing to do with what is said in chat. They are violating terms of agreement just like the afk farmers are in pve. Thus if they do not respond to queries when whispered by a in game moderator, they are subject to being kicked from WvW and face possible temp bans. 

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1 minute ago, Triptaminas.4789 said:

Yes, im well aware of all that, majority of humans is unsalvagable, yet i might be bit naive to think players playing game all day would be more impartial for afkers than paid crowd would do, the discord leaks shown the paid devs now.. have very strong moral integrity for sure 😉 the balance one at least.


Anyways, now nothing is moderated, que problem would be severely lessened by basic autorunner kicking, if they don't have people handling it they could source them from community and be done with it, that was my main point. The bans sourced from community would definitely end up with lot of collateral, not sure if it would outweight the positive but topic here was mainly on 15 guys autoruning behind the spawn portals in qued map

Yeah and the assumption of people, who play the game, therefore „know“ and „see“ the hacks, exploits, afk-ers etc is true. Giving them the possibility to do something against it seems to be logic. I totally get that.

i just saw a lot, like… a lot of systems in different games where players could kick or votekick others. And everytime. Every. Single. Time. The system got abused. We don’t want that to happen.

you know… when i report a player, that should be enough. The sad thing is that nothing happens after that.


PS: there are already people who think a commi that tags up and doesn’t let them into their squad because they don’t want to start discord are „tyrants“ who „abuse their power“ n stuff. Just for a little comparison.

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7 minutes ago, Triptaminas.4789 said:

i didnt suggested randoms

Anet doesn't know us players beyond some meaningless statistics such as playtime and what class/specs someone plays so whoever gets picked would be pretty random.

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I like OPs original suggestion, seems sensible.

As to moderators, it's pretty common in a lot of communities to have non-employee community members have some level of moderator powers so the suggestion isn't that unreasonable. Obviously they would only have the power that Anet gave them and I don't think Anet should give them banning powers (certainly not permanent ban), but it would be pretty easy for a system where the moderator investigates and then either marks it as a non offense or tags the account with notes for an Anet employee to review. It's the investigation step which takes time and needs to be done promptly while the offense is going on, I imagine actually applying bans after the fact is relatively fast.

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