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Revenant need some kind of better mechanism to separate roles so we can be fairly balanced


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I thought the Legend swap system was good enough.  Honestly I still feel that way, but Anet see things differently.      

I mainly play support Rev in WvW. And we keep getting one nerf after another with no compensation.  Other support classes get stronger and stronger.      

Of the issue is that our support can be abused by DPS specs, well do something to separate the two roles so us on the support side can get fair improvements.  Vindicator support was very exciting at first, but now it's nerfed into nothingness.      

You over nerfed our burst healing. Didn't compensate us with better condition control or something.  

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I agree, i also play a support build. Its been nerfed so much that players that  use support builds are punished. I've been really feeling this in Structured PVP. I cant heal anything, nor kill anything. I have to run an offensive build to do anything. 

Like if i run a full support healing build it means I don't have good damage. After nerfing the healing  my build isn't up to par. Like i understand if Anet was nerfing healing if all builds are hybrid in the same way, but they aren't so this means all players aren't using characters with the same effectiveness as another player.  *Example below

(Percents are representative of effectiveness just as an example.).

Hybrid Build

40% Damage, 40% Defense, and 20% healing ----> After Healing Nerf (50%) ----> 40% Damage, 40% Defense, and 10% healing (90% effectiveness)

Healing Build

20% Damage, 20% Defense, and 60% healing ----> After Healing Nerf  (50%) ----> 20% Damage, 20% Defense, and 30% healing (70% effectiveness)


10% Damage, 10% Defense, and 80% healing ----> After Healing Nerf  (50%) ----> 10% Damage, 10% Defense, and 40% healing (60% effectiveness)

Just for conversation sake, this example is represented as a Hypothetical 50% healing nerf. What I am saying is that you're not running a character at 100% effectiveness if you are utilizing a percentage of healing specialized in your build which places you at a disadvantage the more of a healing spec you're using. 


Edited by MatyrGustav.6210
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I once discussed about a "tolerance" mechanic for Vindicator that would make it more interesting to play as well as dictate if the Vindicator player is more aggressive (DPS focused) or more defensive (Support focused). What this does is just how many utilities of each side you can use before the opposing side gets "fed up" and forcibly switches over. This will be displayed as a mechanic only the Vindicator UI can track where you get "charges" as to how many utilities of a certain side you can spam before you're forcibly switched. 

And how the player "chooses" is via the GM traits. 

If you take Forerunner of Death, your "Archemorus tolerance" increases while your "Saint tolerance" decreases. You can cast more Archemorus skills (around 5 or 6) before the Saint Viktor forcefully takes over and you can use only a few Saint Viktor utilities (around 2 or 3) before Archermorus wrestles control back. Vice versa for taking Saint of zu Heltzer. 

Which tolerance is higher also dictates which side of the Alliance stance is "flipped up" by default upon swapping into Alliance stance. 

Taking Vassal would be complete neutrality and gives both sides equal tolerance before it's swapped and you also gain no additional benefits at all, just equal opportunity. 




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So far matter of free will when you decide to leave it yourself. And a mechanic that forcefull makes you switch can become too early switching or too late. What if you're in a decision that you have to switch between 1 of these 2 and you can't. It's better to let the player have a choice when he wants then it deciding for you

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