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Soto story so far and my feedback

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Soto started off pretty strong, I liked the intrigue of the wizard's tower, and how it felt like there was always something wrong going on with them. It was compelling and made me want to learn more, the problem is we didn't get to learn more we got pushed into the demon realm almost immediately in Act 2. Zoja's ascension? Happened off-screen. Learning to trust Petha, nope we just trust her immediately, and now I am supposed to care about a bunch of demons I've had no time to interact with?

This feels like an ice-brood saga kind of deal, it started off so strong, then the writing a nose dive, at least with Icebrood it was understandable. With Soto it feels like yall changed writers mid-expansion and the new writers disregarded most of the first act. IMHO Soto should have focused on the wizards, helping them, learning secrets, understanding Petha, and building trust. The next expansion should have been focused on the demons and pushing into the demon realm to take on the king and starting an uprising with Petha who we would have had time with in Soto. As it is right now the story is falling flat. I have no reason to care about the characters that are with us because I have not been given a reason.

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