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Artisan of Arms Achievement for Mesmer (Healing Rifle)

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Why not try the infinite spawning ravens in wayfarer foothills were the norn kill the big wurm?

In the none instanced area the wurm is dead and you got ravens you can 1 shot all day long.


Man those were the days you actualy got loot inside story instances.

Edited by Linken.6345
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11 minutes ago, Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

I think it is silly they they added these 1000 kill perks with a weapon, even though they already existed.

Meh, it gives people more things to do and more ways to earn AP for the rewards.

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So I went to Queensdale to try and get the achievement.  No matter what I killed with the rifle (rabbits, even bandits) I did not get credit towards the achievement.  Are they any Mesmer's out there that have the same problem?

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Urban battle ground fractal - i think it's difficulty 4... turn right as soon as you go outside the spawn and kill the veterans there, just hold down autoattack 1 and it will get the kills, did mine today, took a little while but got it done

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5 hours ago, Maria Murtor.7253 said:

If I remember correctly, people farmed this Vigil mission in the Lion's Arch sewers with the infinite spawning rats. Isn't this a thing anymore (in theory)?

It's still a thing. It would likely take you around half an hour to complete one Artisan achieve that way (notice: this does not include time required to get to that point in story).

Edit: notice, though, that since rats do not actually attack you, and simply move through the place you are in, you cannot semi-afk it depending on your autoattack to do the work. Not only you'd need to keep spamming that "1" button, but, in case of melee weapons, you'd actually need to move towards some of the rats.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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2 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It's still a thing. It would likely take you around half an hour to complete one Artisan achieve that way (notice: this does not include time required to get to that point in story).

Edit: notice, though, that since rats do not actually attack you, and simply move through the place you are in, you cannot semi-afk it depending on your autoattack to do the work. Not only you'd need to keep spamming that "1" button, but, in case of melee weapons, you'd actually need to move towards some of the rats.

Good enough for me. I still have a Rancher, which can join the Vigil. The second skill should make it a nice tool to semi-afk the achievement, while playing something different (I refuse to grind such an achievement with a for healing/support designed weapon. So, semi-afk it is for me.)

Can you be more specific, @Shadowmoon.7986? I'm curious.

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