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Anet, you want to destroy the PUG raiding or what?!


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Here's another post that is close or related to this post main topic.


The PuG raid in games LFG can be ruthless as mentioned inside. Most of the raid veterans in game is being ruthless and blinded like I once was if it isnt because of a rl friend of mine. He just got the game PoF 2 weeks ago(not long after it was out) and the plan was to raid together. He was turned down so many times due to various reasons such as equipment. Firstly ascended requirements to join. He just got the game and it doesnt include LS maps to farm for asc accessories locked behind gems and further time gated with no multiple characters to farm. Fractals is locked behind agony, RNG drops thus stucked atm w lack of agony (only exotics armour) to proceed to t4. And with only 2 weeks old account he barely have enough gold to level crafting and whats more crafting asc armors? For 2 weeks all we did together is farming....farming....farming not really my idea when I got him the game.The LFG raid is dead not just because of anet imo, the players did a role in killing it by setting the expectations bar too high and not accepting and guiding potential raiders. It would be easier to setup a raid squad if the game have a larger pool of players to raid honestly.

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@LordOtto.2650 said:

@Raguel.9402 said:Wow, you must have had a bad day to open two separate threads xD

Please tell us more about your self then!I won't let Raid get destroyed in the future, I PUG it, I guild play it, it's my favorite game mode! It's not crying for sheep, it's crying for a serious conversation, that discuss what mechanics are healthy and what are not, for us!

So do I. But raids were always too easy if anything. Apart from Dhuum maybe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Talindra.4958 said:

@Ferus.3165 said:where do you get that from? has anet ever stated anything like that? because i think you are too full of yourself :)

Because they officially stated that.

all my 900li were pugged. so i guess now i should retire since raid is not for pug!! :) actually i am really bored with it now... time to retire

Stating something doesn't mean it's actually true in case of Anet's expectations. But at launch their perception was that pugs are not the primary target audience for raids.

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@Talindra.4958 said:

@"Ferus.3165" said:where do you get that from? has anet ever stated anything like that? because i think you are too full of yourself :)

Because they officially stated that.

all my 900li were pugged. so i guess now i should retire since raid is not for pug!! :) actually i am really bored with it now... time to retire

"Not intended" is not the same as "not possible". Yes, it is possible to pug them, but that's not how Anet envisioned them.
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Will share my experience --Before raid was out, a group of us.. were very excited about this new game-mode to gw2.. my partner, me and few other guys that we played so much together prior to raids.. good & nice players.. we always wait for each other for any new game content to play together for it being story or anything we are AP hunters and we do all game content together.when raid came, we had to find more to fill our group.. we had countless wipe, and people that we found from forum LFG and from game or Facebook were a bit of issue, one was using knight gear when we nicely say to him that we need specific gear and such.. but were not good enough to make him change, we couldn't kick him because we don't do such things (at that time). our group last 3 months and eventually we all parted with regrets. One of our dearest friend completely left the game never return (that was 3 months since after HOT - he had 29k ap at that time). We lost many good friends as well that they never bother to play much of the game since after finding raids too difficult to be in / too much of a trouble and pain / dramas.my partner and me find our ways with pugs.. we have full clear on Monday raid reset.. and that's all we do, 1 clear a week since .. had a few months break but we do 1 clear a week usually for the loot and gold. we have tried to find static group to join but it is very difficult to join any static group that plays at our time (EU daytime only in EU server). so.. this is why, pug has been our way to Raids. if pug raid is not possible, then we will be retiring too from this game content.

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@Laila Lightness.8742 said:Anet should just make all enemies and bosses lvl 1 wich you can kill with 1 hit and win the majority would be happy for challenge people dont play for challenge they play for easy loot easy rewards high rewards(irony seriusly who said this game should be easy )

1 hit and reward 1k gold is not for any mmo even if i wish XD #gw2freegoldplsit is good to make a mix of easy and hard and challenge mode, which the game is already. but imo there should also be some rewarding casual small group content, not just open world casual contents .. the open world contents that we currently have are pretty amazing.. dungeon were awesome but need update. imo the best time of all gw2 in my experience playing since beta were the peak dungeon time.. i love the early fractal too you can do lvl 30-50 with 5-10 AR during early times depends on group and skills.. now it is completely locked behind AR, as soon as AR tick, its instant dead not down. Fractal is not very friendly for all type of players and many players are shying from it. myself do t4 and cms but getting a bit lazy and bored now a days xD that's just me anyway..

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@Talindra.4958 said:

@Laila Lightness.8742 said:Anet should just make all enemies and bosses lvl 1 wich you can kill with 1 hit and win the majority would be happy for challenge people dont play for challenge they play for easy loot easy rewards high rewards(irony seriusly who said this game should be easy )

1 hit and reward 1k gold is not for any mmo even if i wish XD #gw2freegoldplsit is good to make a mix of easy and hard and challenge mode, which the game is already. but imo there should also be some rewarding casual small group content, not just open world casual contents .. the open world contents that we currently have are pretty amazing.. dungeon were awesome but need update. imo the best time of all gw2 in my experience playing since beta were the peak dungeon time.. i love the early fractal too you can do lvl 30-50 with 5-10 AR during early times depends on group and skills.. now it is completely locked behind AR, as soon as AR tick, its instant dead not down. Fractal is not very friendly for all type of players and many players are shying from it. myself do t4 and cms but getting a bit lazy and bored now a days xD that's just me anyway..

I do t4 daily

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