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Mount Skins I would pay top dollar for:

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I'd love a bat style skyscale, a flamingo skimmer and or raptor skin, fun water floaty skimmers (like a blow up flamingo pool float, a slice of pizza, fun stuff like that. some would also be cool as skiff skins), also a phoenix skyscale (we kind of have that as a griffon but I would love it anyway). and not to go off topic, but the bubble glider would be great to be able to dye it and you could dye it pink and pretend it's a bubble gum bubble. That would be fun as a skimmer too. oh and as a roller beetle skin.

Again, off topic, I still want to name my skiffs and my mounts.

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I had another mount skin idea today while doing the Altrumm Mines event: a Wallow Siege Turtle skin, with amber cannons instead of jade. It’d be a neat Kurzick twist on a traditionally Luxon mount, they’re a similar shape, and amber is a canonically viable ammunition source because it’s apparently what Bladesworns load their gunsabers with.

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Personally (and it's been a gripe of mine for a while), I'd love it if they finished all or at least most "themed" sets. Some of them are almost complete, with only one or two skins left. ANet really underestimates the potential purchasing power of matchy-matchy.

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Roller Beetle - Plush Beetle would be interesting, Beetle with a number on it and when it rolls the number is still seen on the front, sides and back (like a VW Beetle #53 ^^)

Edited by Dyers.1830
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A dune roller/charr tank roller beetle skin is a suggestion i've seen thrown around time and time again since not long after the beetle's release, with some variations but essentially "a roller beetle in the way the charr would design one", drawing some comparison to how the Synergetics Gyrocycle-skin and others from the same set embrace the asuran aesthetic. I think a mechanical steampunk aesthetic would call for accompanying sound effects as well, like having the engine rev and roar when boosting, and surge/rumble while stationary.

More racial-themed skins in general would make for great additions.

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