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Possible to add the prisoner's attire from the Daybreak mission as an outfit?


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Hello minor spoilers bellow but was hoping to see if it would be possible to add an outfit from one of the instances to the game.

It is the one when you are taken to the Modrent hall and imprisoned. Really liked the look of it and would be a crying shame to have an outfit already made for all the races and not allow us to use it outside of that segment of the instance. My idea was perhaps to do it like the censored version of the Witch outfit the Chines got and we were able to buy with the candy corn cobs. Perhaps through karma or the map's currency we could complete a renown heart and that could be an option to purchase?

I know there is the whole spaghetti code barrier to get past plus the fact I dont believe many were as happy with it as I to wish to find a way to don it again. I do hope perhaps a developer may read this and perhaps in an update it could be added.

Sorry for the messy format not used to posting on forums but its my hope that with the work that went into the outfit it may be able to be used and seen around Tyria!

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@Narrrz.7532 said:

@Shirlias.8104 said:

@Coulter.2315 said:Or as an armour set :D

ThisStop with the outfits :(

Or at the very least allow outfits to be treated as a set of individual armor pieces, so we can apply them as skins to our characters to mix/match them.

it's the meaning of outfits.Doing what you ask is making an armor set instead.

Armor model require way more work than outfit, because they can be treated as single pieces, and that's why they tends to make outfits.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I would really love this as an outfit or I guess maybe a potion? I checked all the hearts and didn't see one. I know Season 3 had a lot of potion vendors including 2 cool ones that let you grow/shrink in size so I'd imagine a prisoner outfit potion would be just as possible as an outfit. I'd totally buy gems to dress like that, though, I liked it.

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  • 5 months later...


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