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Guild Wars 3 - Ideas [Merged]

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So about GW3.. these 3 articles basically said it's ready to start development.  NCSoft gave them the greenlight, but want them to focus on GW2 expansions for now.

Me personally I don't like the idea because of how things went down going from GW1 to GW2.  You basically got some titles for all your work to show in the new game.  Nothing transferred over in terms of items, gear or anything of the sort.

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Well I like the idea of a new game with a modern engine that the concept of a game lasting forever with endless expansions. I just hope they still make the world interesting to travel, don't destroy that world by allowing players to fly around the entire thing, and keep some integrity to the core fundamentals of Guild Wars. I'm just afraid the community who has number crunched the builds and restricted the satisfaction of discovery that is the modern era of gaming doesn't ruin this franchise like every other franchise of the past decade.

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11 hours ago, Vegeta.2563 said:

So about GW3.. these 3 articles basically said it's ready to start development.  NCSoft gave them the greenlight, but want them to focus on GW2 expansions for now.

Me personally I don't like the idea because of how things went down going from GW1 to GW2.  You basically got some titles for all your work to show in the new game.  Nothing transferred over in terms of items, gear or anything of the sort.

They started working on GW3 at around september 2022. (unanounced project)

Edited by Izzy.2951
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14 hours ago, Vegeta.2563 said:

So about GW3.. these 3 articles basically said it's ready to start development.  NCSoft gave them the greenlight, but want them to focus on GW2 expansions for now.

Me personally I don't like the idea because of how things went down going from GW1 to GW2.  You basically got some titles for all your work to show in the new game.  Nothing transferred over in terms of items, gear or anything of the sort.

Titles, skins and recognition, what else would you want exactly?  

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On 3/24/2024 at 8:54 AM, Westenev.5289 said:

I don't think Gw3 would work as anything other than an MMO. Problem with MMO's is that nobody knows the secret sauce to the next big one - even Riot Games recently scrapped their MMO plans because they didn't have a marketable plan to compete with the current market.


That being said, I think it'd be neat if this game was like "runescape", which uses "classic, 2, 3" to denote massive overhauls to the game. Game Changing things like overhauling the level 1-15 areas and maybe adding a variation of the EoD training field for actual newbies.

Nah Guild Wars 3 could work as a Dragon Dogma like RPG game

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I Want a "Real" PvPvE experienced like WvW was originally hyped up to be. A gameplay where everybody can contribute to the war in different ways other than just Zerg fights and Guild Battles. I want everything accessible to all players, including those not running in Guilds. No Exclusive Guild Locked features like the exclusive Dune Rider that only Guilds can make. 

I want Small scale objectives that individuals can do to help the war and be rewarded,,,, all the way up to Mid Scale and the Large scale Zergs as well.

I want Defense to matter. Dont make everything about DPS and Offense. 

I want PvE Named Elite mobs that can change the course of a PvP fight

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28 minutes ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

I want everything on our accounts transfered over or i wont play it

"GW3 is boring, there's nothing to do, nothing to unlock."

Pretty sure, if GW3 is another MMO, that you will be lucky to get a Hall of Monuments. 

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2 hours ago, Knighthonor.4061 said:

Nah Guild Wars 3 could work as a Dragon Dogma like RPG game


Not sure if this is a joke, but you see a lot of trend-making studios now following trends to varying degrees of success. Gw3 being a Dragon's Dogma knockoff would be a nightmare lmao.

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2 hours ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

"GW3 is boring, there's nothing to do, nothing to unlock."

Pretty sure, if GW3 is another MMO, that you will be lucky to get a Hall of Monuments. 

Then i won't be playing, it's that simple. Got through the GW1 "reset" once, not going to bother with starting over from scratch again. If i have to abandon all my prior investment, i can just choose from other MMORPGs. Not go to a game where i'd have to worry about devs happily pressing the reset button once again.

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17 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Then i won't be playing, it's that simple. Got through the GW1 "reset" once, not going to bother with starting over from scratch again. If i have to abandon all my prior investment, i can just choose from other MMORPGs. Not go to a game where i'd have to worry about devs happily pressing the reset button once again.

The only view I don't agree with. Your enjoyment of an MMO, or any video game, is not based on progress and the destination but the journey of your adventures while you played. I don't want to play a game that has 10-20 expansions, goes on for nearly 25 years and the population reaches a point the developer is going to pull the plug anyways. Look at FFXIV, its getting harder and harder to encourage people to start because its nearly 5 full expansions of content (ARR, HW, StB, ShB, EW, soon Dawn Trail) so make it 6 expansions of content to get "current" with the rest of the community.

IF each Guild Wars has a ~10 year shelf life, before the developers get to do a full on upgrade and a fresh story start to let new players in... you are more likely to encourage new users than having to drag them through 10 years of content just to be with everyone else. Even with horizontal progression, the latest expansion is likely to draw players from the content of previous expansions while its the new shiny content until they finish everything and go back to content they enjoy doing.

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On 3/24/2024 at 10:26 AM, Omega.6801 said:

With the community we have? The community that cries out to nerf open world bosses? I doubt that that would sell m8. 😄

GW3 could take inspiration from Monster Hunter instead. I think there is a way to translate that to a more casual MMO setting. Monster Hunter can be challenging, but it is not as soul crushing as souls games. But you have similar aspects of taking on large enemies with big attacks that can slap you down the street.

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On 3/22/2024 at 5:45 PM, DreamyAbaddon.3265 said:

I don't want another generic space adventure game tho. I want to see Humans, Charr, Sylvari, Norn and Asura going on a Space Adventure specifically in a time period were Tyrian races making new friends and foes in other planets with something that threatens all of the universe that they must stop. I want Guild Wars universe to expand beyond the planet.

I quickly put this together in photoshop as a concept:


Gonna be honest... this doesnt really sound Guild Wars at all. It's set LONG after pretty much everyone and everything is gone, and far away from the entire setting, i dont think we know if there even IS a real "Space" exactly? It might just be More Mists.

This kind of seems like a pretty lazy Scope Creep set an arbitrarily ridiculous amount of time ahead, which pretty much ensures 99.9% of all GW2 and GW1 will practically not exist.

I'd definitely scale it back to something SIGNIFICANTLY closer to the time scale of GW1 > GW2, maybe like 500 years at most, ideally less. Tyria is (to say the least) Really kitteny at the moment because of what The Commander did.

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To put it simply, i want Playable Dragons as a Race Option :V

Not the Bipedal "Human" sort, but just Actual Dragons. (and yes i'm aware it'd be a nightmare beyond belief for the developers to implement and rig, likely requiring unique weapons and/or armor)

And if they have a racial function similar to mounts alongside mounts launching initially? Hell yes. (could even mount another player, too...)

Lore-wise, probably Aurene's Brood/"Minions"/Children?

Dragons are Cool, we can all agree to this as a simple fact.

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7 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Then i won't be playing, it's that simple. Got through the GW1 "reset" once, not going to bother with starting over from scratch again. If i have to abandon all my prior investment, i can just choose from other MMORPGs. Not go to a game where i'd have to worry about devs happily pressing the reset button once again.

That a great point. I didn't realize that so many people today are so committed to the same game. Years ago people were game collectors. I guess this generation of gamers would stop playing games, if their game stopped  making expansions and dlcs. That's why these game designers keep making addictive games, keeping people getting their fix. 

I don't want to see GW3 just keep doing the same thing. I think GW3 should get rid of their profession system and their "Magic: The Gathering" card inspired "skills" game mechanics. Let's think outside their box.

GW3 could have it where they have a tighter RPG  open would game style where interactions with NPCs matter and who you build relationships with matter. What adventures you do or don't do matter.  Weapons you use and skills you develop, matter. It could be where, if you want to learn a skill, you have to find a teacher and you have to practice it.

If you want to be a certain profession, you have to literally play a certain way. Every player would start with their racial abilities and will be able to access a set of common weapons, melee(i.e. knives, staves, main hand sword, and hammers) and a pistol. Once you find teachers and develop a certain set of traits, you're then able to begin building your career path and commit to a profession. Professions would then tailor your skill sets and "fighting style"/ weapon skills.

There should be a lot more emphasis on building alliances, where politics governs how the world works. NPCs may respond differently to your race and profession; your association with with other NPCs' or players races and professions; past interactions; and reputation from completing or failing certain quests.

GW3 could make it one game mode. Where PvE and WvW are one and the same. Players would have to work together with earlier alliances to advance their personal stories until they could make it out into the larger world. 


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56 minutes ago, sanguigasm.1325 said:

I thought we're done with dragons 

Could be a saltspray dragon.   

As long as it makes sense in the storyline and not just "because it's cool", sure why not.  And tengu.  And Kodan.  

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To ANet: If you guys want your game to be successful you should go back to the roots. GW3 should take place before the events of GW1. No more flashy high-tech bullsht. Don't copy this crap anomaly you call Gw2 (it doesn't even have anything to do with actual guild wars). 

Keep it simple: low max level, minimum grinding, maximum end-game fun, engaging and challenging dungeons, races to play: human, dwarf, norn and maybe charr. 

Don't make another typical asian mmo for kids with flashy oversized weapons and 100 level.

The story is already available.
For Tyria: guild wars between kryta and ascalon
For Elona: 2 queen rulers (I forgot their names) and scarab plage
For Cantha: wars between Tengu and the Empire.
For EoTN: what led to the construction of the Eye of North etc. 

Edited by Oulov.7913
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