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WvW in Guild Wars 3: Besides bug fixes, how would you as a Arm Chair developer change it?

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5 minutes ago, Knighthonor.4061 said:

WvW in Guild Wars 3: Besides bug fixes, how would you as a Arm Chair developer change it?

I hate to say this, but is WvW part of GW3?

Edit: I ask this as 90% of my time is WvW after 100% on other RvR style games.

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
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They don't even want to put any development into wvw for gw2, what makes you think it will be in gw3 lol. It would be insulting to even put it in gw3 at this point seeing how badly they treat "cornerstone game modes", why put content into a future game they don't want to develop.

I would expect battlegrounds at best, maybe a 15v15 to 25v25, just so they can lure any "gvgers" buddies into it.


But here's what a gw3 wvw bleak future would look like...

Eotm system, randomly assigned to a color for the month, no borderlands, no ebg.

Only tower objectives will exist, with unbreakable walls you can't go on, one gate, no upgrades just one level to the objective.

The only siege you can use in gw3 wvw is rams, takes 3 shots to break the gate, the rams also comes with stealth, protection, stability, shields.

There will be a "smc" in the middle, but it will just be a bigger sized tower with some extra stairs to the lord.

Lord gives a heal at 75% defiance bar, that heals everyone including the enemies for extra longer fights, at 25% they revive everyone in the area including the enemy for extra extra longer fights.

Lord has a chance to drop the cosmetic infusion of uber awesome unicorn rainbow glows, has a 0.0000000000001243864564% drop chance.

After capture you immediately get access to a waypoint at the objective.

No points system, but a lattice system connecting objectives to keep a focused "front line" of attacking, and also keeps people in front of ball zergs to farm. You don't win, you farm players.

Speaking of farms, players will now have a chance to drop 2 bags of loot instead of 1.

Support will have 20 boons to spam, no boon strips in the game, no conditions so no cleanses needed either, no aoes, no cc, skills can't hit further than 300 range. Strike damage, boons, heals, that's all combat will have, easy lazy route to balancing.

Only celestial stats will be allowed in gw3 wvw, makes it easier to balance.

Bloodlust will now be built into objectives, the more objectives you own the more bonus zone wide stats you will get.

Oh did I mention gw3 will only have one class? it's Guardian. They may add more for diversity in the future, in which case whenever you enter gw3 wvw you will be automatically changed to Guardian. Also to carry on a tradition, Guardians will still have stealth, don't worry it's something they will add in gw2 through expansions soon.

All different mounts will be allowed in wvw, but it will not have an attack, or dash, no flight, only jump, and only run as fast as swiftness. This way you can use any of the skins, a very important upgrade for the cash shop.

Speaking of cash shop, hitting auto run in gw3 wvw will now open the black lion trading post instead. Any players who run for more than 2 mins at a time without stopping will be booted back to pve and have the cash shop open in front of them for a minimum of 10 mins, you cannot close this window until the timer is done.


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Abilities have got to be completely independent from the PvE versions. So that it can be balanced independently as the game mode requires it, without screwing up PvE.

Matchmaking has to be improved. This game is hell to try and play in an unbalanced fight, there either has to be mechanics to avoid those imbalances, or to mitigate them so that outnumbered servers/teams have a fighting chance.

Every method of playing has to have a counter. Blob might be easily beaten by 10 teams of 5 working together. Teams of 5 might be easily beaten by a cloud. Cloud might be easily beaten by a blob. Something that looks to encourage fluid, intelligent gameplay where the side that can react and adapt has an advantage.

Appropriate rewards as well. You should get the same level of rewards as PvE for the same time invested. And unique WvW rewards too, that you can only attain through this mode. Nothing in the rewards that is required in the PvE space. They need to be detached entirely.

Damage boost, defence boost, mobility/disengagement boost. Pick one. Just one. You don't get the other two.

I'm sure there is more, but that's all that springs to mind.

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24 minutes ago, Kranlor Greyhelm.8417 said:

Abilities have got to be completely independent from the PvE versions. So that it can be balanced independently as the game mode requires it, without screwing up PvE.

How do you "screw" PvE? It's frickin mobs. And it's meant to be hard, not easy. PvE is balanced by way of mob hitpoints and stats, not whether your bloody skill does 1500 or 3000 damage.  We've already seen a 3x increase in dps over the years and PvEers are still crying for more just so they can kill a raid boss in 20 seconds, sigh...

I'd rather see it the other way around. All skills made for PvP. Just one ruleset. The skillsplit between WvW, PvE and sPvP has always been stupid - even between just WvW and sPvP it's stupid. Balance PvE around that instead. And with WvW maps integrated into the regular world maps instead of being on their own, so that you can actually see how your world is doing straight from the world map.

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9 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

I hate to say this, but is WvW part of GW3?

Edit: I ask this as 90% of my time is WvW after 100% on other RvR style games.

I'll say yes. PvP games are still the biggest on the market. If you can find a way to win over pvp players your game will be huge.

I think first things first is combat needs to be drastically simplified. An easy win is getting lots of people to play and you do that by making combat approachable and not what it is now. It shouldn't matter if a thief finds it fun going in and out of stealth every 3-5 seconds. The player on the other end of that experience is not having any fun. A willbender shouldn't be able to travel 6,000 miles in a few seconds, have enough burst for 40-60% of your HP and then if they lose the trade travel 6,000 miles away all within 15-20 seconds.

I think this is one thing I'd genuinely love to understand from Arena Net. Who pushed for no monks? Who pushed for the increase in skillbar size? Who pushed for specializations to double or even triple the skillbar of some professions? What was the logic in detail on all of these decisions? And this doesn't create problems in just wvw. It creates them everywhere in the game.

Second thing is they need to find a way to balance for lack of player population. Right now I'm on TC. We're against BP and FA. These servers have 5-6 times the players we do in offhours. How is it fun for a new TC player to approach their first objective - a camp or a spawn tower and be faced with 5-6 to eventually 10+ BP players coming to kill them. Again, fun for those BP players? Sure. Fun for the TC guy trying out WvW? No. 50% magic find is not a solution to this. Is there an alternative to server matchups? If it's matchups should they last a full week?

There are tons and tons of questions to ask. Pvp is not worth giving up on because again - outside of Minecraft historically and Harry Potter in 2023 all of the biggest games on PC and console have significant pvp elements.

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I would give it back to NC Soft
I would get an AI Bot to do matchups
I would get an AI Bot to do metrics
I would get an AI Bot to write the coding and speedup Alliances
I would get an AI Bot to eradicate human error
I would get an AI Bot to replace the humans :)

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I only play this game because I've spend time and money on it.

This game's PVE bores me to tears.

The raids are clown level easy (and selling raids is just accepted as a norm, whish is unthinkable in a real mmo).

It's pure p2w (pof, eod, soto etc).

WvW was the only attraction, but now it's just hackers and brainless salty boonball boomers.

As long as Arenanet keeps CMCiegfried und Roy in their employ at their current position; I will never touch another 'game'' made by this studio.

Not even maybe.

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How to change something that doesn't exist. The only thing is to stop it from developing. I barely touch PvE anyway, all I do is WvW. Unless GW3 is so amazingly beautiful and can play on my 10 yrs old laptop, don't see why I would buy it.

Edited by SweetPotato.7456
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To be completely honest, I can't see why they'd put any PVP/WvW in a potential GW3.

They've spent since 2014 (darn near 10 years soon) trying their hardest to focus on PVE and make the game into a PVE game, ignoring and forgetting PVP/WVW. What makes anyone think they'll make a new game with PVP in it? (Stockholm syndrome?)

I'd honestly expect them to make more of a single-player game with good coop options, perhaps a return to GW1 system with MMO hubs but the entire rest of the game instanced. As those elements (story, living season, expansions, ow maps) seems to be what they've had the most success with over they years.

And by not making it an MMO, it doesn't compete directly with GW2, so they can put/continue that in semi automatic mode with some content now and then, without burning all the GW2-whales feeling of investment.

To be honest, I'd consider them insane if they tried another WvW.

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3 hours ago, Leaa.2943 said:

There is no way they make WvW in GW3. They are not even interested in keeping WvW in GW2 updated or even do bugfixes in which we have litterally thousands and thousands of. 

This. No need to rephrase the truth in my own words.

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On 3/31/2024 at 9:49 AM, Knighthonor.4061 said:

WvW in Guild Wars 3: Besides bug fixes, how would you as a Arm Chair developer change it?

I would start with making defending places more fun as siege stuff is so useless. 

Next get rid of giant boon balls its unfun gameplay both playing in one and fighting against one.

Thirdly putting some development effort and time towards wvw gamemode would also be nice.

But all in all i just wish if GW3 is even a thing it would have WvW because if not i really have no interest in the game otherwise WvW is why i first took interest in this game and it also is the main thing why i have been invested in the game for 12+ years. 

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On 3/31/2024 at 2:49 AM, Knighthonor.4061 said:

WvW in Guild Wars 3: Besides bug fixes, how would you as a Arm Chair developer change it?

I think the model they have and started with in general worked but even the sandbox model needs its sand refreshed and cleaned over time. Not sure I want to go in depth right now since it is a rabbit hole though an interesting ask. But I am at a client and have no coffee so will leave a foot note for a better rambling environment. The question comes down to, what creates player created content and keeps the players coming back for more. I think I would point toward Xen's post of Top 5 for some of those thoughts for players. But more later, coffee calls from somewhere.


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