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Not getting rewards for killing Kryptis Rift Target

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Doing some kryptis farming today in straits of devastation, commander was opening t3 rifts, I was getting the chest for clearing out the small mobs but not the one for killing the champion. A lot of people in the squad were also finding the same problem - is there a limit or a cooldown timer on rewards?

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I've been having this issue on T2 and T3.  I'll get the Kryptis Rift Extraction when applicable but not the other rewards for the rift boss.  Was getting really bad today for me in Sparkfly Fen.  Had it happen on another map recently as well but don't recall which map.

edit: it's happening on all tiers.  Just did some T1s in Sparkfly.  Got normal rewards for first two, then nothing for boss on the 3rd.  That seems to be the pattern.  No rewards for rift boss starting on the third time of any tier.

Edited by Bollocks.4078
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