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Trouble with Renegade Legend 6-10

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I play on a steamdeck and to save my hands I have ground-target-snap-to-target enabled.  This let's me use most AOE things in game just fine.  But I started playing a Revenant and unlocked Renegade and the 6-10 will just randomly not target half the time.  I don't have this issue on any other classes 6-10 and I don't have it on any of the core Legends.    But when using Kolla I can't get the abilities to activate without mousing over them and clicking them.   I have them bound to ctrl-# where # is 1-5.  Has anyone had any issues like this or similar or any advice?  I'm sure it isn't a steamdeck issue since none of the other professions or Legends are impacted.


Not sure what settings to adjust or what to try.  If not a setting issue I'm not sure what to look for in game that would be preventing them from being used.   Like I mentioned every other ability for every class I've played works fine.

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