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You wonder why new PVP players wont stick around when its just full of premades

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Title says it all really. I don't mind going up against premade if it's ranked, I kinda expect it but, unranked? Really? Is that how you show off how good you are coming up against new PVP players? Or, is this some kind of ego boost that I and my last three team members are unaware of? I mean... you whine that the game is dead, I make no wonder when that happens to new players.

My last three teams all said the same thing. Must tell you or Arenanet something is not right here?

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@Drakx.4205 thats litterly what you get when you.

a. Make ranked solo/duo q only

b. Make tournments needed to get a 5 man Team at the Same time

So in the end there is no other option to "train" in unranked or guild intern (for last one you need to have enough Players actually)

I call it. If ranked would be 5v5 over time most peops might Go for it instead of solo/duo q ^^

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if ranked would be 5v5, game would die.     Its literally the wintrading cartels wettest dream, especially with these low playernumber.  


My proposal:  Scrap ranked and unranked.

New permanent modes:   SoloQ / Colliseum / AT

"SoloQ".    Conquest, no premades, no forced mirrormatches, no badges, no titles, Full rewards.     <- This is your new unranked playground.

"Colliseum"  1v1 Deathmatch, no forced mirrormatches, Special colliseum badges, special colliseum titles, full rewards. Rotates to 2v2 , for 1 week every month. <- Ranked mode for solo players /duos.

And lastly you increase the frequency of AT´s.    One should happen ATLEAST every 15 minutes, where its full 5man Premade, vs other 5man Premade.  Badges, titles, gizmos, high rewards, you name it.


Seasons get also scrapped. No frequent rank resets, to decrease volatility.   Ratings between SoloQ/colli/AT are split.   You can be silver in Colli, and high gold in SoloQ.

Thats it. 

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New arena mode 10 vs 10 mounts versus mounts.

Those who don't have mounts, can borrow 1 at locations.

Adding some more mount abilties, with different objectives, because every mount has its useage and is of worth.

Pve mastery traitlines are not active to not give unfair advantages.


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5 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

New arena mode 10 vs 10 mounts versus mounts.

Those who don't have mounts, can borrow 1 at locations.

Adding some more mount abilties, with different objectives, because every mount has its useage and is of worth.

Pve mastery traitlines are not active to not give unfair advantages.


mount combat? rly? 😄

i havent unlocked a single mount, except the warclaw.     I am PvP/WvW only pleb! i dont like this. Old dogs dont wanna learn new tricks. :C


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1 minute ago, Sahne.6950 said:

mount combat? rly? 😄

i havent unlocked a single mount, except the warclaw.     I am PvP/WvW only pleb! i dont like this. Old dogs dont wanna learn new tricks. :C


I just also wrote, those who don't have it can borrow one. And pve mastery traitlines don't count to give unfair advantages to those who have 😁

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1 hour ago, Sahne.6950 said:

if ranked would be 5v5, game would die. Its literally the wintrading cartels wettest dream, especially with these low playernumber.  

Eh kinda of a mixed bag for the wintrading cartel. They already had their giga 🥜 💦back when they got duoq because solo/duoq is 1v2 which is objectively not fair or balanced. Their continued success relies on them having an advantage over everyone else, while keeping soloqs to farm and for quick games
I guess in 5v5 they could be in a situation where they control both teams, but all they're basically doing is multiboxing to farm gold at that point. Little to no people r gonna care to queue it because of the setup and queue times.
Its all part of the ego trip for the cartel, they don't care about rewards. If they can't pretend to look good in the least popular gamemode of an aging MMO, their entire lives are pretty much over sad as that is

1 hour ago, Sahne.6950 said:

My proposal:  Scrap ranked and unranked.
"SoloQ".    Conquest, no premades, no forced mirrormatches, no badges, no titles, Full rewards.     <- This is your new unranked playground.

👎 SoloQ should just be the ranked mode. Exactly as is but with no premades. Take or leave mirrormatches, keep badges, keep titles, keep all rewards.
Unranked should stay exactly as is and pips and reward chests should be earnable there as well

1 hour ago, Sahne.6950 said:

"Colliseum"  1v1 Deathmatch, no forced mirrormatches, Special colliseum badges, special colliseum titles, full rewards. Rotates to 2v2 , for 1 week every month. <- Ranked mode for solo players /duos.

👍Could work as an alternate ranked arena with its own LB or miniseason

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18 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

I just also wrote, those who don't have it can borrow one. And pve mastery traitlines don't count to give unfair advantages to those who have 😁

20 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Old dogs dont wanna learn new tricks.

i cba to learn the buttons 😄    (also i dont think mount combat is exactly interesting.)


  but i shouldnt rly be the metric anyways. 

Like... i havent even read what Chad Shoutski´s buttons do.     Just yesteraday i learned that Staff 3 gives you unblockable attacks.... not because i read the skills...  but because someone was saying in the forums that it was degen 😄


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Just now, Sahne.6950 said:

i cba to learn the buttons 😄    

  Reveal hidden contents

  but i shouldnt rly be the metric anyways. 

Like... i havent even read what Chad Shoutski´s buttons do.     Just yesteraday i learned that Staff 3 gives you unblockable attacks.... not because i read the skills...  but because someone was saying in the forums that it was degen 😄


I bet others do 😉 (me)

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I honestly don't know what the solution would be, I was just ranting as a new player in PVP (in GW2) it hardly seems fair that I would have to face a premade team in an unranked game which I've joined to learn more about another class/build.

I do think that removing any rewards in unranked may deter "noob farm teams", unless like I already said it's an ego thing, in which case you need to find something better to do with your time. All you'll end up doing is making the new players quit, then what will you do when you, yourself face teams that stomp on you 5 games in a row? I promise you, you're not going to like/enjoy it.

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6 minutes ago, Drakx.4205 said:

removing any rewards in unranked may deter "noob farm teams",

rewards in unranked are already lower than ranked.  


the best tip i can give you:   Stop caring about loosing or winning.    see every pvp match just as   " you get to fight 5 random enemys"     thats it.

You just need to claw your way thru it.

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game already has a level of new player protection in terms of matchmaking, fresh accounts get prioritized for a while with other new players

anyways, removing unranked rewards isn't gonna stop the people who queue as a group that wanna crush pugs and lower skilled players
you're shooting everyone else, including yourself, in the face to mildly annoy people who aren't doing it for that

seems like a good idea

i get where you're coming from, it's annoying to queue into 5-stacks when you're learning or just trying to goof around or whatever, but this won't do anything but drive away casuals even more (because why would they queue up at all at that point?)

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17 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

the best tip i can give you:   Stop caring about loosing or winning.    see every pvp match just as   " you get to fight 5 random enemys"     thats it.

You just need to claw your way thru it.

That's hard when you're spawn-camped. It was never about winning or losing for me personally (I can't say the same for other members of my teams last night) I wanted to gauge a new build/class to see if I wanted to level it etc etc.

It would have been nice to at least get out of the starting area with one shots.

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Just now, Drakx.4205 said:

That's hard when you're spawn-camped. It was never about winning or losing for me personally (I can't say the same for other members of my teams last night) I wanted to gauge a new build/class to see if I wanted to level it etc etc.

It would have been nice to at least get out of the starting area with one shots.

What do you want to level the class for? 

Things perform severly diffrent in pvp than they do elsewhere.   

PvP is mostly dictated by "whose class is currently ontop, because of some stupid patchnotes".

If you just want to test a few skills, and see if you like the feel of the class, there is bots in the pvp lobby, that you can fight.

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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

What do you want to level the class for?

If you just want to test a few skills, and see if you like the feel of the class, there is bots in the pvp lobby, that you can fight.

I meant it in terms of "Do I want to use this class as my sole PVP player?"

Bots I agree allow you to do that, but they don't teach you how to react, unlike facing a player who could do something unexpected.

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10 minutes ago, Drakx.4205 said:

I meant it in terms of "Do I want to use this class as my sole PVP player?"

Bots I agree allow you to do that, but they don't teach you how to react, unlike facing a player who could do something unexpected.

if you want to find out if a class is good in pvp, you simply look here:   Memebattle.com

Everything thats considered meta is currently really strong.    The builds in the row below that CAAAN work, but you need to outsmart the people using metabuilds.


There is no need for you to test if things like renegade or mechanist are good in pvp.... they are not.  

Most builds further down the list, used to be very good.  But anet isnt really too good at hitting a sweetspot when it comes to balancing.   So a nerf to a dominating build usually sends it to the shadowrealm, where its doomed to be useless for the next 2 years, until they overbuff that build, so its dominating the meta again for 2 months..... uuuntil they dumpster it again.


Gw2 balancing is literaly cyclical.    Builds rise and fall with each patch.

Check for whats ontop, and then learn that build if you want to be good.

Or play what you enjoy most, and simply be aware that, you are fighting a uphill battle. 

Knowing this helps with keeping your sanity intact while playing GW2 PvP.

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Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

if you want to find out if a class is good in pvp, you simply look here:   Memebattle.com

There is no need for you to test if things like renegade or mechanist are good in pvp.... they are not. 

Gw2 balancing is literaly cyclical.  

Check for whats ontop, and then learn that build if you want to be good.

Or play what you enjoy most, and just be aware that, you are fighting a uphill battle. 

Knowing this helps with keeping your sanity intact while playing GW2 PvP.

That doesn't tell me if I'll enjoy playing it, there's a reason why experience is better than theory.

I'd have to take your word for it, they are not something that's ever taken my interest.

Again, I'll take your word for it. Filthy dirty casual here.

No. I'd rather play something I enjoy and learn its ins and outs than take the FOTM build to win my games.

I like underdogs, I love nothing more than watching an underdog come out on top over the FOTM because they've taken the time and effort to know and the hard work that goes into it. That's not to say that if you're a fan of FOTM then you shouldn't play it. It's not for me. Who am I to tell you how to enjoy your game?

At the end of the day, GW2 is a game and as such it should be enjoyable, if it's not, then why continue?

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10 minutes ago, Drakx.4205 said:

That doesn't tell me if I'll enjoy playing it, there's a reason why experience is better than theory.

I'd have to take your word for it, they are not something that's ever taken my interest.

Again, I'll take your word for it. Filthy dirty casual here.

No. I'd rather play something I enjoy and learn its ins and outs than take the FOTM build to win my games.

I like underdogs, I love nothing more than watching an underdog come out on top over the FOTM because they've taken the time and effort to know and the hard work that goes into it. Thats not to say that if you're a fan of FOTM then who am I to tell you how to enjoy your game?

At the end of the day, GW2 is a game and as such it should be enjoyable, if it's not, then why continue?

i am a big fan of "playing whats fun".    i literally play Free to play ele..... for the sake of fun.   i totally get where you are coming from.

Then you just have to claw your way thru it, and find inner peace with the fact, no matter how good you play, you wont be able to beat certain builds.

Gw2 is pretty extreme in that sense.  Even when playing perfect, you will hit a brickwall when someone semi competent on a metabuild is standing infront of you, simply because of certain mechanics they have access too, which outright delete you.

At some point skill doesnt matter anymore.  Its about builds.     The sooner you realize that, the less of a let down it will be down the road.


My personal tip for you:      --->multiclass.<---   Play 2 diffrent classes!   it helps to not be left in the dust, when the gw2 balancing wheel of fortune goes round the next time.

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4 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Its all part of the ego trip for the cartel, they don't care about rewards. If they can't pretend to look good in the least popular gamemode of an aging MMO, their entire lives are pretty much over sad as that is

And that's a wrap, everybody

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10 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

New arena mode 10 vs 10 mounts versus mounts.

Those who don't have mounts, can borrow 1 at locations.

Adding some more mount abilties, with different objectives, because every mount has its useage and is of worth.

Pve mastery traitlines are not active to not give unfair advantages.


I'd be down with 8v8 big maps with only the raptor mount useable. That would actually be mad interesting lol 

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