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Jade Tech Offensive & Defensive Overcharge Timers Incorrect & Excessive [Merged]

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If I had to choose between the two, I'd simply prefer lowered passive stats on power, condi dmg, toughness and vitality (50 to 75 each as opposed to the 150) and then have kept the cool-down on the "boon reactivation" working as it had since EoD's launch.

Wouldn't that satisfy everyone in here saying that the passive stats were generating too much power creep?

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This needs to be reverted. There is no QoL in any way, it's the opposite. Two hours were good already. To fill the time from zero my way to go was teleporting to Arborstone, use the lift, fly with a griffon to Echo, use the charges, refill with both batteries and the lift, teleport to Arbor again, use the lift again and in combination with another battery get both protocols to 2h 13min or something.

The protocol charge time has already been nerfed in the past so this patch was basicly just reverting that nerf.

Using these boons is not because I need them to be able to do events. I use them to shorten things up when I am in the Open World. It speeds things up to finish dailies faster. It even speeds up interactions: opening chests, harvesting resources and so on. Trash mobs will be trash mobs, with or without extra boons. It simply makes it faster. With that 90 second cooldown I will love it, when I travel with one of the mounts, get hit accidently (rushing through a fight between another player and enemies, getting stuck and an enemy takes this oppotunity or you will get somehow in some kind of trap like in Crystal Desert (the wire traps in the casino event or the forged spike traps)) and have to wait 90 invisible seconds when I want to jump into something where I want to use alac or quickness.

These boons don't even hurt. Against bigger enemies or mechanics that take more time, it is a one-time-buff anyway because the boons are only triggered when going into a battle stance anyway. The whole protocol stuff doesn't work in raids, fractals, dungeons and even story missions so people have to rely on meta builds anyway and cannot water down achievements in these areas.

Without some of the boons, some activities will take more time now and this is NOT quality of life.

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Pretty please ANET, roll back the changes to protocols. 3hours very good, the fastness of applying them very good, but NOT THAT COOLDOWN. Buffs now are totally useless. Not worthy to take them. We use them only in OPEN WORLD to farm MOBS. Thats enough and not breaking any mechanic RAID/WVW/PVP. Roll back pretty please for the love of GOD . 

When i saw the cosmetic change i was like "cant be more excited" , then i saw the 3h buff ,i said wtf this is incredible, but then i realised how you messed up the whole experience !! Please please please revert back the buffs as they used to be ! Dont change them , ALREADY EOD expansion is totally dead, you made SOO WON Meta pretty difficult to kill like its a raid, most towns are full dead, nobody steps his feet, only Arbostone has few ppl. Give EOD buffs NOT NERFS. PLEASE. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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1 hour ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

To be fair. If your Openworld build relied on these boons, it's not a good build to begin with. 

A good Openworld build will generate all the important boons by itself. 

But why think about build crafting when you just can go Unga bunga snowcrows builds with Perma Boons for free. Am I right? 😉


Yes, I'm an avid "Unga Bunga" enjoyer when I'm mindlessly doing my dailies.  Is that a problem for you?  Am I bothering you with it?  I have plenty of time to FOCUS on build quality and boon management when I'm running with my guild in WvW, and other Content.


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1 hour ago, NukkinFutz.8645 said:

Well, I'm a fairly new player.  1 year and 3 months played.  I've played with Jade Protocols ever since I discovered them early on.  This is a BS decision.  If it was broke, they should've FIXED it A LLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago.

ANet has a VERY hit and miss track record with fixing things in a timely fashion.

And even if something is not broken, ANet might decide to rework it--much to the ancient chagrin but now recent applause of Chronomancers. In addition, skills or traitlines can be removed or butchered at ANet's whim.

Look at the Trait/Speciialization revamp, whole Rune/Relic fiasco, or the backlash from Legendary Relics now needing to "learn" things from Expansion 5 onwards. ANet could roll back all Legendaries so that you need to "learn" stat combinations all over again

Nothing in the game is permanent and there are entire builds that are considered a staple of the meta in any mode are hinging on a single mechanic to make them viable.

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1 hour ago, Lesser.6495 said:

This needs to be reverted. There is no QoL in any way, it's the opposite. Two hours were good already. To fill the time from zero my way to go was teleporting to Arborstone, use the lift, fly with a griffon to Echo, use the charges, refill with both batteries and the lift, teleport to Arbor again, use the lift again and in combination with another battery get both protocols to 2h 13min or something.

The protocol charge time has already been nerfed in the past so this patch was basicly just reverting that nerf.

Using these boons is not because I need them to be able to do events. I use them to shorten things up when I am in the Open World. It speeds things up to finish dailies faster. It even speeds up interactions: opening chests, harvesting resources and so on. Trash mobs will be trash mobs, with or without extra boons. It simply makes it faster. With that 90 second cooldown I will love it, when I travel with one of the mounts, get hit accidently (rushing through a fight between another player and enemies, getting stuck and an enemy takes this oppotunity or you will get somehow in some kind of trap like in Crystal Desert (the wire traps in the casino event or the forged spike traps)) and have to wait 90 invisible seconds when I want to jump into something where I want to use alac or quickness.

These boons don't even hurt. Against bigger enemies or mechanics that take more time, it is a one-time-buff anyway because the boons are only triggered when going into a battle stance anyway. The whole protocol stuff doesn't work in raids, fractals, dungeons and even story missions so people have to rely on meta builds anyway and cannot water down achievements in these areas.

Without some of the boons, some activities will take more time now and this is NOT quality of life.

My spot was garden heights. Tons of batteries, zip lines and charge stations. Wp in get my charges and head out. However if a certain event was going it ports you to the dock which sucks. Yes I agree adding this CD is absurd. 

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It does not matter if the 0 cooldown was a bug to begin with because it resulted to improve the game extremly without breaking it. And that makes it FULLY in line with all of the QoL stuff Anet is spoiling us with.  I did play enough other games I highly appreciate ANet's usual approach to QoL. They are aware of their customers and perfectly fill a niche for players who don't want or cannot afford the time to grind endlessly. On the other side ANet's still leaving it up to the players how they want to approach the game.

Some people seem to miss the point. Noone here is crying about the change because they depend on those 10 second boons burst. All we want to voice is that this accidential thing turned out to be a great improvement for the game and we want it back. It's a powerful boost while being limited enough in it's nature to not break the game.

People say it let's you bypass mechanics easier. Yes, true. But so are dodges, mounts etc. And that is the reason why the protocols as they were have been perfectly in line with all the other stuff ANet goes for.

Another thing. I read a lot of people defending breaking the protocols saying that it's a bug and that they are not needed. This is not the point. Could you guys instead argue why they are a problem? How are they breaking the game? As I said, GW2 is a very diffrent game to pretty much everything else on the market. There's a reason that it can hold it's place among all the competition.

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2 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

To be fair. If your Openworld build relied on these boons, it's not a good build to begin with. 

A good Openworld build will generate all the important boons by itself. 

Playing with builds that aren’t “good” is arguably the best part of open world. Not having to worry about what’s meta is a true blessing. Ridiculous weapon combinations that really don’t synergise for optimal DPS but look kitten cool. Playing elites like Spellbreaker, which gets 0 access to alacrity and just the limited access to quickness from core Warrior kit.

Builds that generate their own boons are great, but shouldn’t be needed in open world, and you can’t rely on others to generate them either unless you’re in a large, competent meta group. Sometimes there’s only a handful of people in the map.

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I didn't even realize it gave you stats other than boons; and now it's even more useless. The original saving grace was it gave access to quickness to a lot of builds/professions. Which when running around getting HPs for a new character it was actually pretty useful.

Once every 90s just as well be once every 90 years. There's a lot of profession skills where the cooldown is so absurd you'd see a bigger dps increase if it just provided +5 power / condi damage.

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Ha ,  another reason to play my herald with his permanent 25 might , fury and quickness 100% of the time...

Was there ever a cooldown ? i remind using the choya transformation and dance to proc combat mode every sec , so i could have 30 secs off all those buffs in just 5 secs

Well if it is every 90 secs icd i won't even bother collecting them , cya Eod.

That's killing the fun for open world enjoyers , the only place were you can play however you want and with those boons feels somewhat effective with a weird not synergize build or weapons , literally bringing a spoon of méta in open world... now ppl are gonna play more and more quickness dps provider , killing all the other spec ... You don't give an amazing toy to a child to just steal it after a year and watch the child cry...

And how the hell is that QOL , it's literally turning your mansion into a hobbo place .... i don't see any quality of life improvement here.

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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4 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

Ha ,  another reason to play my herald with his permanent 25 might , fury and quickness 100% of the time...

Pretty much yeah, most likely leaning towards quick herald for open world now, used to run power/condi  Virt as an alternate but why bother self boons are almost non existent and feels terrible without quickness.  Legit can go 25 might/quickness/odds and auto hammer 1's and do triple mesmer dps open world now.

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I'm not the biggest fan of overcharges as EoD never felt particularly difficult in the first place, and I never went out of my way to use them. 

They were never overpowered either, though, especially for open world, and provided a huge quality of life boost to certain specs.  Their original inclusion was mainly about making the Jade Bot mastery more useful, as it's pretty underwhelming otherwise, but given how many specs feel bad without them or the relevant boons, it also speaks to how poorly Anet has been balancing the game.  Some specs have all the boons, all the time.  Others just clunk along.  My boyfriend used overcharges regularly, or used to, and this has added to his sour attitude toward the game.

I feel like if Quickness and Alacrity are so vitally important that everybody has to have them, even just so certain specs feel good, then either those specs should be retuned or both boons should be eliminated and everything sped up to compensate.

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so much for a "quality of life" patch... this patch reduced QOL massively with this change

Also agree its sad that they dont even know that there was 0 cooldown before, not 30 sec.  shows that they dont even play their own game


Edited by Tammuz.7361
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I agree with the majority of opinions that this was a completely unnecessary nerf. The 90 sec cooldown does indeed make them "...almost useless and pointless to apply now."
Another point that was made "They only ever worked in open world content" is key. Open world is for the casualest of casual gamers that I suspect are the backbone of the player base.

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