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Let's create the next Elite Specializations.

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This post is for those that want to collaborate and create the next set of Elites. I know a fourth elite specialization is not promised, but wouldn't it be nice if we could contribute to the next concept or idea.

Please share your idea for the elite Specializations of your dreams. Also let's try to stick to what is probable based on what can actually be created without conflicting with what current elites and core class abilities that are already in the game. I hope you'll are ready for this.

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Alright, I'm gonna start with Warrior, which I think is the hardest profession, right now, to be creative about. One thing for sure is they currently have the most used weapons in the game so to come up with fighting style that's different, with the current available weapons to pick from will be a task. 

I think Warriors should get Dual Foci styled like cestus. The professional mechanics definitely should be different than the other three, so I'm still unsure what direction to go with that. Skill wise, I think they should get something like a necro minions, calling them retainers or troops. That's just an idea until someone come up with a better one. 😁

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I had some idea's in the past on Elite (weapons) Specs. some predictions came out sort off.

Things that come to mind from back then:

Ranger: dual pistols/Rifle: transforms your pet into an indestructible animal spirit. The ranger can use the Animal spirit as a conduit to channel other animal spirits into the pistol/rifles as bullets to "haunt" enemies.

Thief: greatsword.(original the idea i had for thief, but now the concept is being used in Bladesworn XD) Ive modified it now: Greatsword skills are powered by shadowmagic, allowing to mix various shadowmagic before unleashing an attack; the more complex the mix, the more powerfull the attack is.(shadow warrior/ninja/shinobi/Hayabusa DOA idea)

Necromancer: dual shields. used as "gongs". the Necromancer smashes both shields against each other to create an unholy sound (circular aoe) the closer to the caster, the more damaging the aoe, The necromancer will also command special Minions that act as an unholy orchestra/band to assist.

Guardian: twin daggers. Carves magic marks on foes that cause them to become "beacons" of aoe dmg. Guardian can also apply marks on allies so they become beacons of boons/healing. The idea of an arcane tatoo artist.

Warrior: staff (original the idea i had for staff warrior, but now the weapon is being used already) The original idea i had with staff was a Yin/Yang system and balance between light and dark energy. Warrior begins in a state of Light energy wich builds up dark with each attack, then if the bar was full the warrior could enter dark energy mode(increase dmg/more raging violence/each attack creates energy blasts) each attack depletes dark energy untill its back to light. staying in light while the dark bar is full results in selfinflicting dmg... the whole balance thing literaly.

Engineer: Staff golemancer; wich also became a reality in the form of mechanist.... sort off. However in my idea; the engineer would command a swarm of Small golems to form all sorts of shapes like shields, cannons, hammers, swords( using the staff as a baton to weave those golems into those shapes.)

Mesmer: rifle. A rather complex idea i had back then called doppelganger. there  would be a permanent clone with wich the player would be a tag team of sorts. 1 would be cloaked while the other would be visible. the cloaked one would lay special/shoot traps on the floor while the visible one would keep the opponent occupied. Their health pools are either connected/or separate. basicly the idea of "i scratch your back, you scratch my back" They could switch rolles if needed(cooldown?)

Elementalist: Shield. This was the idea of the elementalist using the shield as a throwable Discus wich would bounce between enemies; each hit resulting in different effects. Using a different elemental discus while another elemental discus(shield) is still bouncing between enemies would result in crazy combo effects.(pinball idea)

Revenant: The original idea was to have the Greatsword act as a "key" to open various temporal rifts wich could summon creatures/foes/heroes from the Mists.

The Greatsword would have various instant/zero cd"key stances"to switch between offensive/defensive rift summons. Certain rift combinations would trigger a merge wich enhances rift summons even more.




Edited by Noidea Incognito.9607
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Ive thought about usage for that mesmer skill. Merely changing appearance wont result in much usefullness? ; you may look like them, but in for instance pvp/wvw , other players will simply target you anyway. unless you mean its like temporarily switching sides completely... that would be too overpowered( avoidance/detection in one). Perhaps instead of that how about an Elite skill that allows "stealing/taking" a skill from the target while disabling it for them temporarily? But even that might be too OP. 

Edited by Noidea Incognito.9607
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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Warrior: Weapon Master- These Warriors have 3 weapons sets instead of 2. Your normal weapon swap (~) will goto the next weapon where your F3 will toggle back to the previous weapon.  The adrenalin would be one bar and the F1 will still be the burst attack. An F2 ability will mark a combat area called "Battle Grounds" which will buff the Warrior when in it or attacking a foe that' in the marked area. The new weapon will be either Dual Focuses (Foci) or Main hand Shield. Their skills will be similar to Elementalist Augmentation, which will add buffs to the Warrior and additional buffs when their in or attack a foe that's in the Battle Grounds.

Guardian: Summoner- Guardians now have mystical mythical spirit animal companions that morphs based on the virtues the summoner attunes to. F1 will be Chimera, F2 will be a  Caladrius, and F3 will be a Spirit Fox. The Summoner will always attune to one virture when the animal spirit is active and only has the passive of the unattune and off cool down virtures.  The F1 - F3 will Summon the corresponding spirit animal and mark their destination. The spirit animal will attack in their area while also pulsing out their corresponding virtues. F4 will dismiss or re-summon the animal spirit if it dies and when it's not on cool down.  Their weapon will be the War Horn. Their skills would be similar to necro's punishment skills.

Revenant: Remnant- These Revs use the F2 to  transform to an Avatar of the Mist. Like a necro shroud, it changes all their weapon skills and reducing the energy cost for using their right skill bar while loosing the ability to weapons swap while in this state. They're new legend could be the first master of the mist or a legend from the Future, since the mist knows not time. Their new weapon is Focus. Their skills would be similar to Glyphs. 

Rangers: Shapeshifter- Simply put, these Rangers can finally merge into their pet, opposite of the Soulbeast. The F5 will transform the Ranger into their pet and change the weapon skills to their pet skills, where while their in animal form, skill 1 will be the pets first attack,  2 will be the second, 3 will be the third, 4 will be the known beast ability, and 5 could be the soulbeast's archetype skill or a new skill altogether. Their new weapon would be the Shield. Their new skills will be Nature Whisper, where they can call animals or plants to damage enemies or buff their allies. 

Engineer: Mastermind- These Engineers are master planners that professional mechanics change from "Tools" to "Tactics" against their enemies. Like the Thief's Steal ability, Engineers' F1 Surveys an enemy granting an engineer an F2 tactical skill based on the enemy surveyed. This Tactical ability can be an attack that damages/conditions foes or a buff for allies. Their new weaponry is the Focus. Their new skills would traps.

Thief: Raider- These thieves have a new mechanic called Intuition, that when 5 intuition points are maxed, generating a point/sec, they can automatically are granted Aegis, blocking the next incoming attack.  Their new weapon would be Torch. Their new skills will be Improvisations, similar to Ranger Survival Skills.

Elementalist: Archemage- These Elementalist F5 skill is a Arcane, the 5th element, that relies on a energy bar that builds with Arcane magic as the Elementalist switch between the Core Attunements , and allows them to use the 5th element, "Arcane" to go into the Arcane Shroud. While in this Shroud they can't use any other skill, but when they attune to any other element, it goes on cool down. Their new weapon is the offhand Scepter. Their new skills are meditations.

Mesmer: Doppelganger- These Mesmer have only one clone instead of three, that has a health bar and regenerates health every time a skill is used that summons an illusion, instead of summoning a new clone. The F1 causes damage around the clone and command the clone to attack a marked area, F2 causes confusion around the Mesmer and the clone and they swap places. F3 Dazes those around the Mesmer and clone. F4 causes Distortion around you and summons the clone back to your location. The clone will always use the same weapon as the Mesmer and will swap weapons either at the same time or after it lands it's last attack. If a Phantasm is summon, the clone will be replaced by the phantasm and will convert back to the clone after the last phantasm attack. If the clone dies, than the next clone skill will summon the next clone but at a low health. Their new weapon will be a main hand focus. Their new skills will be a new type of Illusion call Poltergeist. Like minions, these are horrid illusions cause a range of conditions when they attack, while also, like the phantasm, replacing the clone when summoned.

Necromancer: Warlock- F1 is a Shroud that allows their life force to be used as a second health bar, but provides no new Shroud skills, but F2 is now a Burst ability where when the life force bar builds up they use energy to cause a major attack based on their offhand weapon or Two-Handed weapon. Their new weapon will be the Shield. Their new Skills will be Glyphs that change when their in Shroud.

Edited by VocalThought.9835
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