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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Mounts are hard to deal with. The current best way is to bind each to a different key press, as the menu that does exist in game is impractical for rapid use. We can't click to open the menu, then the right mount in the menu, that the icon again with any rapidity or reliability (assuming you can even do the first part; half the time you fail to open the menu and just summon the selected mouse since the click area is so small).  At this point my entire button row is all ctrl+_ for mounts, and I am out of thing in reach I can bind for mount summoning. I have no idea what I will do with the turtle; I might just have to outright abandon some mounts due to having no keys left to call them.

Could we please just get a mount UI in the game. There used to be a nice mouse over wheel interface for picking the mount as a third party mod, though at this point I think it's no longer functional (and anyway we shouldn't need to risk a ban for illegal modification just to have a usable control scheme). Please work out a better, faster, easier and more reliable way to choose mounts in game. We have only so many keys and shouldn't have to designate entire rows just to operate one feature, and frankly this is a problem that will only get worse as more mounts are added.

Edited by Boogiepop Void.6473
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12 minutes ago, Boogiepop Void.6473 said:

Mounts are hard to deal with. The current best way is to bind each to a different key press, as the menu that does exist in game is impractical for rapid use. We can't click to open the menu, then the right mount in the menu, that the icon again with any rapidity or reliability (assuming you can even do the first part; half the time you fail to open the menu and just summon the selected mouse since the click area is so small).  At this point my entire button row is all ctrl+_ for mounts, and I am out of thing in reach I can bind for mount summoning. I have no idea what I will do with the turtle; I might just have to outright abandon some mounts due to having no keys left to call them.

Could we please just get a mount UI in the game. There used to be a nice mouse over wheel interface for picking the mount as a third party mod, though at this point I think it's no longer functional (and anyway we shouldn't need to risk a ban for illegal modification just to have a usable control scheme). Please work out a better, faster, easier and more reliable way to choose mounts in game. We have only so many keys and shouldn't have to designate entire rows just to operate one feature, and frankly this is a problem that will only get worse as more mounts are added.

Google "gw2 radial menu", that's what you want. Would I prefer it to be officially part of gw2? Yes. But it's not and since it's ok to use the radial menu, your best option at the moment is just using it.

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6 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Google "gw2 radial menu", that's what you want. Would I prefer it to be officially part of gw2? Yes. But it's not and since it's ok to use the radial menu, your best option at the moment is just using it.

The GW2Radial is awesome and is accepted by the ANet staff. It makes the mounting a lot easier.
I binded it to Q to easily access the mounts.

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1 hour ago, Zentao.6314 said:

The GW2Radial is awesome and is accepted by the ANet staff. It makes the mounting a lot easier.
I binded it to Q to easily access the mounts.

I doubt that it is "accepted" by the arenanet staff. I would like to see a link.
In general, Arenanet staff operate on behalf of arenanet. So it is the same thing, unless stated that their comment is not made as an official stance from the company.
afaik, they always had the stance that they will never approve a third party app. The simple reason is that such apps can be changed out of their control by updates which can cause a lot of confusion. What if they add a handy teleport option to the radial menu, to convinient teleport anywhere in the game. A harmless app suddenly turns into an undesired app.

When playing GW2, you should abide by the rules


8 hours ago, Boogiepop Void.6473 said:

and anyway we shouldn't need to risk a ban for illegal modification just to have a usable control scheme

This  also seems to be incorrect. When they do not say an app is ok to use, they also do not say the opposite. 

When playing GW2, you should abide by the rules. If a third party app helps you in performing actions that are a breach of  the user agreement, you will get in trouble, but not cause the app. That is just a tool. You are in trouble cause of your actions that are unacceptable, the tooling used is of no consequence.

In this specific case, the described app and desired buttons seems to me to be not of any issues as you do not break any rules.

Edited by mercury ranique.2170
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2 hours ago, mercury ranique.2170 said:

I doubt that it is "accepted" by the arenanet staff. I would like to see a link.
In general, Arenanet staff operate on behalf of arenanet. So it is the same thing, unless stated that their comment is not made as an official stance from the company.
afaik, they always had the stance that they will never approve a third party app. The simple reason is that such apps can be changed out of their control by updates which can cause a lot of confusion. What if they add a handy teleport option to the radial menu, to convinient teleport anywhere in the game. A harmless app suddenly turns into an undesired app.

When playing GW2, you should abide by the rules

From their github description:

An ArenaNET-approvedTM addon to show a convenient, customizable radial menu overlay to select a mount, novelty item and more, on the fly, for Guild Wars 2.

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13 hours ago, Boogiepop Void.6473 said:

Mounts are hard to deal with. The current best way is to bind each to a different key press, as the menu that does exist in game is impractical for rapid use. We can't click to open the menu, then the right mount in the menu, that the icon again with any rapidity or reliability (assuming you can even do the first part; half the time you fail to open the menu and just summon the selected mouse since the click area is so small).  At this point my entire button row is all ctrl+_ for mounts, and I am out of thing in reach I can bind for mount summoning. I have no idea what I will do with the turtle; I might just have to outright abandon some mounts due to having no keys left to call them.

Could we please just get a mount UI in the game. There used to be a nice mouse over wheel interface for picking the mount as a third party mod, though at this point I think it's no longer functional (and anyway we shouldn't need to risk a ban for illegal modification just to have a usable control scheme). Please work out a better, faster, easier and more reliable way to choose mounts in game. We have only so many keys and shouldn't have to designate entire rows just to operate one feature, and frankly this is a problem that will only get worse as more mounts are added.

Here's my setup:

  • Ctrl + Z - Raptor
  • Ctrl + X - Springer
  • Ctrl + C - Default, which I set to the newest mount, so currently Skyscale
  • Ctrl + V - Skimmer
  • Ctrl + 1 - Jackal
  • Ctrl + 2 - Griffon
  • Ctrl + 3 - Roller Beetle

So I still have Q, W, E, A, S, D, and F that I can reach with no effort, and R and 4 would need a little bit of a reach to get.


Edited by pinerider.1950
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Hi everyone, hi Anet,

Idea: Keep the commander tag visible when the commander is in the downed state. (in WvW at least)

Why: In WvW, when the commander is down, usually it's important to stay together, and try to get him up as quickly as possible. The sudden disappearance of the tag creates a lot of confusion in the squad. For now, the solution is to mark the commander with a party target, which is not the intended purpose of a party target.
I'm not doing raids and world events so I will not comment on the pertinence of this change in these modes.

Thanks for reading

Edited by Quadeard.8457
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A few random suggestions for improving Guild Hall functionalities and making them more attractive to guild members. As  mentioned in other posts, those beautiful and huge guild halls are now mostly empty with no activities happening there, and people visit mostly to harvest nodes and get a guild boon from the NPC, or start guild missions if/when they decide to organize them. 
Here are some thoughts on that:

  1. Since a guild hall is initially taken from enemies that need to be defeated, introduce an event where these enemies raid the guild hall to 'steal' some resources. The event can have a certain appropriate duration after which it completes, and the resources are either 'stolen' or the participating players win. This should not devalue the guild level or resources availability in any way, but the enemies in the nearby area outside the guild instance could become a little 'better' or gain a few advantages when encountered in the pve world. Depending on feasibility of this idea, some NPCs in the guild hall might become unavailable for a short time if the event fails.
    This might be set up as a recurring weekly, biweekly or monthly event, so that interested members can join and clear it, and get guild commendations in return for protecting the guild hall from invaders.
    A name for this event might be 'Guild Hall Invasion' or something similar.
  2. There are always people who want to do guild missions more often than others. An idea is that guild missions can be auto-organized by an NPC, so that players are notified in the guild chat that this event is going to start at HH:MM, potentially on player login. Interested guild members can then perform the missions and get their commendations.
    Time intervals between these events can be set automatically at first, and later times might be set or the event disabled at the NPC by guild members with appropriate access rights.
  3. This has been mentioned in previous posts, but I'd like to reiterate it here since I find it interesting. A portal similar to the one in Mistlock Sanctuary which provides instant access to Fractals and the Aerodrome or directly to specific raids. It might be set up to be accessible like other guild perks that require materials and some work by guild members to unlock.
Edited by DNT.7452
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4 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:



Please make...


● Enchanted Map Scraps stackable.

Maybe Ascended Salvage Tools, also?


● A Tome for all the Festival Invitations. 


● Function to Sell/ Buy mount Skins in Trading Post.



Thanks guys.


one of these is already in game!

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Moveable/Minion Turrets for Engineer.

I'm sure it has been brought up at some point in this game ,but the Engineer's turrets are somewhat fun to play with. One of the only down sides is they don't follow the player. Unless you are fighting a boss you'll be moving around a fair bit through out the maps. IMHO it would be a really good boost to have them hover around as the player moves. As far as appearances go Anet could just use the balloon appearance they have in the water. Now I know turrets are not part of the min/max meta builds as is ,and I don't think this idea would change that. It would be more for Open world/Leveling/Story. As for AFK farming well people already do that so this would not make it worse ,or better. Also the turrets are do for some love considering the current state they are in. Please Anet improve the usability of the turrets.

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I would like another dumb item like the aviator box. You ever have an old uncle or grandfather in real life who has a really crappy boat that you need to reef on the old motor to get started? Yeah, how about a piece of junk skiff - for roleplay purposes.


Randomly, your new skiff will stop working and its movement skills will get put on a short cooldown. Maybe you even have to press the movement skill multiple times to get moving again - like reefing on an old  junky motor. Your character will mumble and complain and smoke will putter out of the motor. There is no benefit to this skiff.


I'd buy it.


Also, radios for skiffs would be cool.

Subnautica - Die Peacefully: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wpNpnjaDjA


Edited by Ruufio.1496
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On 9/13/2017 at 2:25 AM, Rawr.9467 said:

One QOL addition they could do is a customisable UI. I use a 4k monitor and the UI is just so small that it's annoying to click on tiny icons like leave instance or the "yes" button when readying up for raids or the like.

I really don't think this is even a "first world problem" anymore. We're in 2017 people. 4k is becoming more and more common.

I do use third party apps like yolomouse to circumvent this problem to a certain degree but it's more of a bandaid than a solution.

The game looks gorgeous in 4k but honestly it really is a strain to play with the current UI.

I curious about this I don't really feel like we are at 4K yet, I operate at 2K and I'm quite happy with it but I don't feel like the power is there for 4K yet? I have a 3080TI and outside of getting a 3090 which is a complete joke and wouldn't make much if any difference, I feel like 4K is really over pushing it. Perhaps that will change though with the 4080TI who knows.

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