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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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I think what we want is called a vsync option so that it can match the refresh rate of the monitor. Although i do still like a variable fps limiter like 30 fps when i want the game to idle in the background while i work waiting in a map for tequatl or raid lfg or something like that.

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An enemy outline that achieves the same goal as guild war 1's skill warm up monitor. It can shift colours or thickness, but all that matters is that it is something new and not MORE red circles on the ground to telegraph boss attacks. 😂

Edited by Redfeather.6401
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I have issues with how it was fundamentally implemented and have heard nothing about anyone actually saying anet sees these things as issues. I would love for the Jade Bot to be an interactive part of my game play, but the way it is now I don't see it worth anything besides the odd personal waypoint usage.

  • One easy fix. Make it clear in-game in several places that you need a t6 cores to use the chips. I see players in map chat and my guild chat asking why they can't add their first chip into their Jade Bot. Is there even any induction in game? It should say if you hover over the chips and maybe even the slot its self that it requires t6 cores. Please update your descriptions.
  • Another is account bound pieces. Are the parts account bound? Well yes, but actually no. You need a bench. Oh can I grab and place a bench when I want to quickly change stuff out? Well only in fixed locations EoD maps, and if you're in the middle of a long train event and it's on the other side of the map, tough luck. Your not in EoD? Tough luck in your waiting for a meta to start that your in a map with your guild/squad/full map and don't want to hop over to a EoD map or guild hall.

My question is, why are benches even a thing? All they do is make you wanting to place one chip in each character and forget about it to never interact with it again. Putting chips in shared inventory slots or even the bank if you have a permanent bank is meaningless as you need a bench to swap stuff. You've streamlined the game to be alt friendly and account bound, but added benches for Jade Bots to hamper that friendliness.

  • Another is separating the different actions of the Jade bot. I believe anet has said this is getting looked at so it's not all the 'J' key for the waypoint/fishing/skiff? Good, thank you.
  • Also making exotic chips have parts that are rng from meta events? Really? I get it if you wanted to make it super pricey and then also having say some to have drop in the open world as an incentive to get people to continue those metas as a nice extra, but the only way is rng to make exotic chips?
  • Last that I can think of is the downstate skill. Forcing people to use it on first interaction is silly. Lots of times I go down and just want to bandage as I know someone will get to me in a moment and I just need to stay alive a few extra seconds and may need that skill if I go down again when someone isn't near by. It was said we had a choice to use it or not, but where is the choice? Either waste it now and not have it when you need it or let yourself die to save it for later?

I know some will argue I just don't want to make enough chips for all my characters? but you know what? I don't! But more then that, it's the hassle of swapping. If there was a super pricey way of having a pera personal bench, I'd get it/craft it. The way things are now, it's just not friendly to use and no incentive to make me want to care about personalizing a core mastery of EoD and that in its self is just sad.

(In before they give us all personal benches and then trolls use them to place in and over chests so people can't get loot, but anet says isn't actually a problem and wont do anything to fix an issue that's been going on for years. 🙈)

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Could we PLEASEpleasepleasepleaseplease get a mint and clove varietal seed farm?? I have well over 8 stacks of Cilantro, Sesame and Peppercorn, from Sandswept + Kourna, but no decent and easy farm for mint and clove seeds. I'd like to be able to make healing ascended food without farming for hours or paying an arm and a leg.

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2 hours ago, justsoelmo.7068 said:

Could we PLEASEpleasepleasepleaseplease get a mint and clove varietal seed farm?? I have well over 8 stacks of Cilantro, Sesame and Peppercorn, from Sandswept + Kourna, but no decent and easy farm for mint and clove seeds. I'd like to be able to make healing ascended food without farming for hours or paying an arm and a leg.

Varietal Clove Seeds are pretty cheap on the Trading Post.  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Varietal_Clove_Seed

Different varietals drop depending on which maps from which you gather.

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- Player Housing, I want more things out of crafting. I maxed out all professions to 500 but I love scribing since its the profession that allows you to craft items to customize guild halls. I want to be selfish and use and keep all the items for myself and deck out player housing better than FFXIV shows off their housing models.

- Revamp old wardrobe skin armors from 2012 era. So much wardrobe skins feels out of date comparing to recent outfits and skins we are recently getting.

- More mastery upgrade for jade bot, I wanted more of this stuff there could've been a feature added similar to batman Arkham series with the grappling gun then you attach yourself to a zipline after getting off you get increase speed boost.

- Hotkey for mount radial for game client rather than relying on 3rd party mod

- An actual in-game obtainable mount skin that can be acquired from playing the game rather than obtaining them through the gem store. Please just a few set of each mount for the sake of novelty of obtaining them.

- Do something like what FFXIV does with their chocobo barding's for mounts but for Guild Wars 2. We can either get the materials from around the game from either doing PvP, Open World Meta Events, Raiding, Living Story, Strikes, or obtained by getting the achievement. We can use these barding to customize the saddles, appearances, mount helmet, etc.


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Maybe I'm just missing something, but I've been clicking to salvage Research Notes for what feels like an hour, and I'm not even halfway finished with what I need for my legendary yet xD My hands hurt!

Could we please get some sort of "salvage all" option for potions. I beg you.

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On 3/20/2022 at 9:33 AM, Parasite.5389 said:

With Fishing being a large feature of EoD, and certain fish only appearing during certain periods of the day/night cycle, could we get a simple map element to show us whether it's day/night/dusk/dawn, a simple changing sun/moon in the top right of the map will do.

i know you can type /time to see what the current tyrian time is, but it's a lot easier to when you can just glance over at a UI element.

You can also set your mini map to always show Tyrian time.

Though it’d be nice to have a symbol so I don’t have to remember what times qualify as dusk/dawn.

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Can a feature be added to the bank where you can deposit your gold, where the money deposited can't be spent unless you go to the bank and withdraw it.  Basically like a real savings account without the interest rate or a debit card, lol.


Trying to save up enough gold to buy expensive items, but then having to buy this or that and suddenly I'm back to square one, is such a waste of time/effort and super frustrating.

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1:  I would love to see our Gliders separated out among our Equipment tabs.  It's so jarring to be wearing a certain backpiece and have a totally unrelated glider pop out.


2:  Restore the original Mystic Salvage Kit icon's appearance or make it visually unique in some other fashion (more than just the border highlight-that's barely noticeable and I've gotta really look to see it).  Having it and the research kit share the same icon is very not good, downright bad choice.


3:  A "Salvage Stack" option on the Research Kits would save my clicky-finger a lotta clicks and my mouse would thank you.


4:  Give the bait-fish and fishing gear a home in our Material Storage or a separate bank-tab "tackle-box".


5:  Map-swapping due to population should not cost us all our jade battery charges + offensive & defensive buffs.  Losing everything we just spent 20 minutes buffing up makes swapping maps very painful.


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I would love to see an option to share kill credit with my party in WvW.

As a DPS player I get more kill credits because I get more tags. But I can only get those kills because I have support players providing me with heals, cleanses, stab, etc. They deserve credit for those kills too.

I try to tip my party's firebrand and/or scrapper some of my heavy loot bags to thank them for the essential role they provide. However I often forget, or don't catch them before they log, and regardless they still miss out on WXP from kills and associated achievement progress. Please fix this and give my support friends the credit they deserve.

This is a QoL issue from a DPS player perspective because passing rewards on to support players is an error-prone chore.

Edited by HelveticaScenario.6485
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Can Mind Shock (Scepter 5 on Specter) be a different color? It’s a yellow expanding circle. A lot of boss mechanics put a circle on the player with the similar coloration. I often forget or can’t tell if a boss mechanic is going to hurt me or if I casted Mind Shock and I’m waiting for it to channel. Color Blind options for things like that would help a lot too. 😞

Edited by gamerfcapuno.1670
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