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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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As returning player, I had deleted my first GW2 which had some purchased items from the in game store and I lost them as well. My bad...

The support restored my items but not the character which is fine for me.

I just wanted to suggest a QOL in game addition which can be very beneficial for both support team and players in order to avoid accidental deletion of purchased items.

Please add the ability to lock purchased items from the store!

Thanks and goodbye!

Edited by Seagrey.7180
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I assume you meant you deleted a character with items on it? Deleting GW from your computer wouldn't make you lose anything. 

There is a similar post right now about locking characters so they don't get deleted, which brings the same discussion.

Short answer: don't delete characters, due to birthdays & presents.

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If possible to add a second notification when deleting characters or make it impossible to do so, when the character has store bought items equipped or in inventory.

I removed a boosted character and it had unbreakable tools equipped. 

I got my items back after a support request, but this could have been a feature that could have saved time for me and for GW2 support.

Please consider this, thank you!

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I float around the edge of the zergs "fly like a butterfly sting like a bee" mode

So bloodlust + full zerk  then swap with the other  weapon when the stack is full to use the other 2 sigils


5 hours ago, sokeenoppa.5384 said:

Just get a better sigil and proplem solved.

Ah yeah, something is wrong with the code lets call it a *feature* and problem solved 😒

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Wish it had weapon load out where you can lock in your weapon stats and sigils , maybe it should need legendary sigils for that, but let me store a configuration. Currently if you play professions like warrior or ranger is way better to use ascended weapons to switch them since you skip the hassle of redoing the customization.

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Make BOTH WEAPON SETS VISIBLE on the character model at the same time.

The easiest is, of course, the two-hander/one-hander + one-hander combo: 2h constantly on back, 1h + 1h constantly on hips, which probably wouldn't need any changes at all, because even shields on the back would arguably look even more kitten with a staff or a bow hiding behind them.
A two-hander/two-hander might need some tweaks, which, from my non-existent game development experience, looks most plausible as simply mirroring the unused weapon's "sheathed" model, so, while both are on the back, they form an X (one could be slightly further away to reduce clipping, but, in most cases, it wouldn't be a problem, and, if need be, the especially bulky weapons could get off-set on a model-to-model basis, or whichever approach is cheaper; won't sue you for 6 pixels having a perpetual mid-life crisis).
And the most problematic and/or in need of serious new work put into it would be combining two/three/four one-handers. From the couple of mental sketches I've drawn with my dragon huntress, I couldn't find an elegant solution that would require (next to) no work, save for keeping one of the sets where it is now, putting the second one on the back into a smaller X (or simply glue it near the shoulders, in case of smaller one-handers or off-handers like war horns; or... kinda anywhere, really, considering we'd only use the current draw/sheathe animations), and let them swap depending on which set is currently active - might look a bit odd, but it wouldn't require any new stuff for drawing the back-sheathed set (as bonus kitten points of badassitude, picture a sword/shield in one set, sword/sword in the second one: the main blade ready at hand, while the crossed swords sheathe on back with the shield on top, looking like a bona fide royal crest; utterly gorgeous). 
Weapon/(nothing) + (nothing)/weapon sets would still preferably show up as they do now - as a single set - but that might need some extra spaghetti thrown in alongside the new positioning for the second set, I imagine.
Or, naturally, leave this one out of the equation entirely, 'till somebody gets too bored and/or is able to play around with it. Would suck, but "all or nothing" is a bananas mindset to begin with.
And, of course, a toggle option for people who would rather stay stuck in the past. Options are always nice.


Might be my big screen or that it's too close (and, arguably, neither of those is true), but, even back in WoW, having the important UI things like CDs and certain buffs close to the center of the screen - or wherever the action is - was of paramount importance both for performance and for comfort.
Yes, most of the BC/Wrath customization has been done through unofficial add-ons only. On the other hand, WoW has been even back then a much busier place, demanding players indiscriminately to watch many more things in order to be as little as useful, not to talk of optimal. And it's actually not that different here - I dare say GW2 in this day and age is even MORE demanding in most respects - yet solely on the grounds of how much of the UI is set in stone carved eons ago, making players actively worse only because they haven't played the game for ten years (obviously exaggerating, unfortunately not by much):
Look at, say, CDs. They're not limited merely by the inability to customize the UI, but also by obfuscating the second weapon set's CD, which means a player has to either learn them by heart, or cram an entire rotation. And then everybody's surprised why 90% of (not just) the open world has suddenly turned into a mobile Jade Sea.
(This particular issue could be easily solved by adding a specific window for watching CDs across the entire class. With A LOT of options. Or even not; for example the most basic CD watching tool from Black Desert would do absolute wonders in Tyria. Not saying to go all Blizzard on it, just draw some inspiration and understanding, and do your own thing.)
Same with boons. General gameplay revolves around those, considering proper boon application can boost the effectiveness of a character to ridiculous heights, and because they're not permanent as in something like WoW, actually feeling the difference and being able to link said difference to an effect would make it much easier - and more natural - to learn and use it.
Which, in turn, would allow the balance team to focus on balance of unique playstyles, not homogenization of everything into a formless mass of perfect - but boring - equilibrium.
Because people aren't idiots. They're just lazy.


I happen to like this one miniscule thing to an unreasonable extent: a female huntress instead of a male hunter for both, a mistress instead of a master, a creatrix instead of a creator.
The same thing there already is regarding some titles, like Fractal God/dess, or Duke/Duchess of the Arena.
Even more rough variants, e.g. Knight/Dame of the Arena, would be magnificent, in case English couldn't do better than he-dame/she-knight, and, of course, I'm not talking about turning GWAMM into "He-God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals" or Demon's Demise into "Demon's Denise/Demon's Denis".
And localizations would be that much easier than the original, considering modern English is quite possibly one of the most bland languages when it comes to flavor of this kind.

Going by the Wiki's list - sorted by title, ascending (2v2 Contender -> Yakslapper) - with a gender-neutral (not necessarily literally synonymous) suggestion in parentheses for extra wokeness.
Assuming every term is English; e. g. "magus" and "connoisseur" are used in English for both masculine and feminine side, while in original Latin and French, respectively, the feminine equivalent of magus would be "maga", and connaisseuse the counterpart for connaisseur. 

General rules, powered by OG Wikipedia: Gender in English, -ess, -rix:
- masculine agent nouns ending with -or = feminine -(t)rix (more or less outdated, replaced almost everywhere with -ess; sounds that much better in my opinion; always had a soft spot for x in words, though)
(e.g. to act -> (male) actor - female actrix [rule-consistent]/actress [modern use])
- so... everything other than that goes: masculine -er = feminine -ess, but I'll try to find real world usage as the basis (although there's a point to be made about using archaic jargon in a high fantasy setting)
Note: there's also the suffix -ine, most popularly used probably in the word "heroine", the feminine equivalent of the masculine "hero", but I couldn't find any actual rule as to why "heroess" is obsolete, even though -ess is the more prevalent suffix in use, and vice versa. Might just be the usual living language shenanigans.
Also, charrming markings, for clarity and ease of Ctrl+F'ing:
- grammatically sound words which I wasn't able to find any or very little mention of are denoted by ~,
- changed titles are denoted by +
Another note: military terms feel right in their lack of flair, considering the overall function over form themes, so I'd probably keep most, if not all, of those intact, which would also prevent the confusion about why the player character is always referred to as the "commander", but the titles go for "commandress" instead.

That being said, let's dance.


+ 2v2/3v3 Contender -> 2v2/3v3 Contendress (Contestant/Opponent)
2v2/3v3 Elite
Acclaimed/Ascended/Exalted/Furious/Heralded/Illustrious/Insatiable/Masterful/Respected/Uncontrollable/Unstoppable/Wondrous Achiever -> ~Achieve(re)ss (Presence/Horizon)
Acolyte of Dwayna -> depends pretty much on the lore team alone (acolytes in the original Christian practice were historically solely male, because if there's a mark on the human past this "MINE NOW" religion left, it's "ruin everything different", first of all women, because Ariana Grande was born two millennia too late, but the Tyrian human pantheon is all-inclusive), because the word itself sucks in real world merely due to Christian associations (otherwise it means simply "attendant"), so I wouldn't really change it, 'cuz I'm a ~Christian, too, and F (to pay respect to) those guys, amirite
Adept/Apprentice/Journeyman*/Seasoned Toymaker -> Toymakeress (Toysmith)
Ally of the Sunspears
+ Armchair Commander -> Armchair Commandress (A. Strategist/A. General)
Ascended Spirit
+ Avenger (of the Dispossessed) -> Avengeress (of the Dispossessed) (Retribution/Vengeance [otD])
+ Barnstormer -> ~Barnstorm(er)ess (Aerial Grace/Avian Gymnast/Cirrus Funambulist)
Baron of the Arena
Baroness of the Arena (even gets its own achiev; putting the "arena" back in ANet <3)
Been There, Done That
Best of the Best
+ Bouncer -> ~Bounceress (Bodyguard/The Muscle/Private Eye-Out)
Bubble's Best Buddy
+ Camp Counselor -> Camp ~Counseloress (C. Intelligence/Local Area Brain)
+ Cannoneer -> Cannoneeress
+ Canthan Wanderer -> Canthan Wander(er)ess (C. Nomad/Jaded Vagabond)
+ Challenger of the Arena -> ~Challeng(er)ess (Adversary otA/Combatant otA)
+ Champion -> Championess 
    - Champion of the Gods (Exemplar otG/One to the Six)
    - Champion of Zommoros (Mystically Forged/By Zommoros' Side)
    - Crab Toss Champion (Contestant/Prime)
    - Dusk's Champion (should stay as Champion[ess] due to the arena's name)
    - Fractal Champion (F. Mastermind/F. Architect)
    - Legendary Champion (L. Duelist/Scars of a Thousand Wars)
    - Returning Champion (R. [Dragon's] Watcher/could very well stay entirely as Returning Champion, considering it's a reference to "Scion and Champion", and Aurene's a female dragon, too, who apparently don't care about sexes even from the reproductive standpoint)
+ Champion Brawler -> Champion Brawl(er)ess (C. Duelist/C. Rival)
Champion Genius
Champion Illusionist
Champion Legionnaire
Champion Magus
Champion Paragon
Champion Phantom
Champion Ritualist
Champion Shadow
+ Champion Slayer -> Champion ~Slay(er)ess (Champions' End/The Perpetual Challenge)
Chicken Chaser (would be the usual -(er)ess, but it really looks like a Fable reference, in which case I'd say 't should stay the way 'ts been made, yeh)
Closer to the Stars
Cod Swimming Amongst Mere Minnows
+ Combat Healer -> Combat Heal(er)ess (C. Medic/Battlefield Relief Crew)
+ Community Conqueror -> Community Conqueress (C. Ambition/Weaponized Pillar of the C.)
+ Community Hero -> Community Heroine (C. Determination/Pillar of Stratagem Creation)
+ Contract Killer -> Contract Killeress (Target Marked/Kill Secured)
Corvus Luminiferous (Not related to the topic, but this thing is kind of an unholy abomination, isn't it? Corvus is not an English word, save for the archaic uses for a type of battering ram and a grappling hook, and "luminiferous" is a purely English word, the two being smashed together in a Latin-resembling way. Certainly sounds cool, though. The less, the more I think about it. Hm. Always better to know!)
+ Crabgrabber -> Crabgrabberette (a natural fit, even if slightly bending the rules)
+ Crystal Circuit Racer -> Crystal Circuit ~Rac(er)ess (C. C. Speed Demon/Run Circles 'Round Kralk)
Dame of the Arena
Dances with Demons
+ Dark Traveler -> Dark Traveleress (The Wandering One/Grim Vagabond)
Decade's Devotion
+ Deer Commander -> Deer Commandress (The Other Red Nose)
+ Defier of Doubt -> ~Defi(er)ess of Doubt (Doubt-Defiant/Dared to Question)
Demigod of the Arena
Demigoddess of the Arena
Demon's Demise
Disciple of Palawa Joko
Distinction in Applied Jumping
Duchess of the Arena
Duke of the Arena
+ Dungeoneer -> Dungeoneeress (As Above, More Below/Perspective Prospecting)
Duo of Destiny
Elonian Envoy
Emissary of the Mad King
Envoy's Herald
+ Eternal Gladiator -> Eternal Gladiatrix (should stay this way due to the arena's name)
Everlasting Ally of Ahdashim
Ex Machina
Exalted Legend
Facet of X
+ Fancy Flyer -> Fancy ~Flyeress (Style in Flyin'/Swing on the Spiral)
+ Fashion Collector -> Fashion Collectress (Connoisseur of Options/Looks Do Kill)
+ Fatebreaker -> Fatebreakess (Architect of My Own Fortune/Denied Lady Luck)
Favored by the Djinn
Festival VIP
Finders Keepers
Finely Crafted
Fishmongers Know Me
+ Flameseeker -> Flameseek(er)ess (lore term, probably should be left untouched)
Forged Steel
Fractal God/dess
Fractal Prodigy
Fractal Savant
+ Freebooter -> ~Freeboot(er)ess (pirates were in the vast majority men, because every sailor worth his salt knows that a skirt on deck brings bad luck and a kraken, so this one could stay the same for both sexes; on the other hand, Tyrians are free from our world's prejudices...)
Friend of Amnoon
Friend of the Vabbians
Gazed into the Void
+ Ghostly Hero -> Ghostly Heroine (G. Legend/Spectral Silhouette)
+ Gladiator -> Gladiatrix (Morituri Te Salutant/Sharpened)
God of PvP (presumably just not showing up, like Fractal God)
God of the Arena
God of WvW (presumably, presumably)
God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals -> should be Goddess, of course, but this one's probably pushing it with the character limit already, if anything
Goddess of the Arena
Good Apple
Grand Artisan
+ Great Jungle Wurm Slayer -> Great Jungle Wurm Slay(er)ess (Fourth of Three/The Worst Trouble)
+ Guild Warrior -> Guild Warrioress (imagine being so woke as to rebrand nearly two decades of your legacy)
+ Hero of Lion's Arch -> Heroine of Lion's Arch (Revered by L.A./Aegis of the High Seas)
Honorary Delaqua
Honorary Skritt
Honors in Applied Jumping
+ Hunter -> Huntress
    - Bounty Hunter (Eyes on the Prize/Assessing Assassin)
    - Champion Hunter (C. Survivalist/C. Vagrant)
    - Exotic Hunter (Epicure of Shiny/E. Treasure/A Foreign Bloom)
    - Hunter for Hire ([weapon] for Hire/Sell[weapon], e. g. Sword for Hire, Gun for Hire, Sellsword, Sellgun; first class-changing title? or maybe even currently wielded-main-hand-weapon-changing title!? #humor[OR IS IT])
    - Monster Hunter (Apex Nemesis/Killing Monsters)
    - The Hunter (Rule of Nature/Pursuant)
I Have Many Lure-Bound Hooks
I'm rich, you know.
I'm Very Buoyant
Illustrious Legend
Immortal Legend
Immovable Object
Indomitable Legend
Jazz Connoisseur
+ Journeyman of the Forge [/Toymaker] -> Journeywoman of the Forge [Toymaker](Adept otF/Bearing the Forge's Knowledge)
Junundu Certified
Keep Guard
+ Keeper of the Sun -> Keeperess of the Sun (Custodian otS/Sun's Pavise)
Killer Queen - can't tell if this one's a consolation prize for female characters, or some reference I'm too young/old/out of touch to understand
Kind of a Big Reel
King of the Arena
+ Kingmaker -> Kingmakeress (Éminence Grise [Grey Eminence]/Marched to Hell and Back)
+ Kingslayer -> Kingslay(er)ess (Assassin of Kings/End of the Bloodline)
Knight of the Arena
+ Knight of the Thorn -> Dame of the Thorn (same conundrum as with freebooters and acolytes, although "dame" is already used by the previous title's equivalent, and, from what I'm reading, it actually was - even is! - a counterpart to knighthood for women; also doesn't get more accurately feminine in all its breathtaking splendor than a "Dame of the Thorn", does it)
+ Leader of the Yak -> Leaderess of the Yak (The Alpha Yak/At the Helm of the Yak)
Leaves No Hero Behind
Legend of the Arena
Legend of the Mists
Legendary Demigod (back to presumptions)
Light in the Darkness
Long-Term Commitment
+ Lord Slayer -> Lord Slay(er)ess (Overthrown the Entitled/No Legacy)
Magnetic Personality
+ Maguuma Trailblazer -> Maguuma Trailblaz(er)ess (this one sounds off without the -er-; M. Guide/Quickest Way to Maguuma's Heart)
+ Marauder -> Marauderess (Grit/Perseverance)
+ Master -> Mistress
    - Dungeon Master (Wandering the Secret Depths/Sounds from the Dark)
    - Grandmaster at Golden Arms (G. A. Guru/Commandant of G. A.)
    - Hivemaster (We Are Legion/Hiveminding My Own Bzz-niss/bonus meme: WouldRatherANetSpendMoneyElsewhere)
    - Kegmaster (Kegcellent Physique/Able to Hold AND Throw My Liquor)
    - Master Carver -> M. Carver/~Carv(er)ess (Carving Artist/The Blade Is My Paintbrush)
    - Master of Draconic Fire/Ice (Wielding the Dragonflame/Dragonfrost/An Ember of Primordus/A Glaze of Yormag)
    - Master of Secrets (I'll Never Tell/Don't You Trust Me?/Data Mind)
    - Master of the Arena (Combat Personified/The Duelist)
    - Master of the Forge (The Aim, the Song, the Forge/Making the Forge's Knowledge)
    - Master of the Spirits (Nexus of the Wild/At Peace In The Storm's Eye)
Merciless Legend
+ Miniature Collector -> Miniature Collectress (In Hastur's Wake/Never In Bad Company)
+ Mist Runner -> Mist ~Runn(er)ess (Presence in the Mist
+ Mist Treader -> Mist Tread(er)ess (Voice in the Mist)
+ Mist Walker -> Mist Walk(er)ess (Ghost in the Mist)
My Guild Hall Smells of Fish Progeny
+ Mystic Benefactor -> Mystic Benefactress (Mystically Magnanimous/The Mystic Forge Is Flat!)
Peerless Geometer
Plays for Keeps
Primeval Scion
Primordial Legend
Prince of the Arena
Princess of the Arena
Prodigy of Shing Jea
Professional Skritt
+ Professor -> Professoress (Pedagogue/Live and Learn)
Pupil of Owl
Queen of the Arena
+ Queller of Profane Whispers -> ~Quell(er)ess of Profane Whispers (My Voice is My Own/Insurmountable Will)
+ Ransacker -> Ransack(er)ess (Greed/Voracity)
+ Ravager -> Ravag(er)ess (Ruin/Devastation)
+ Reaper -> Reap(er)ess (Cull/Harvest)
Relentless Legend
Rift Warden
Rock Star
Rolling Ace
Royal Guard
+ Ruler of the Skies -> Ruleress of the Skies (The Winged Sovereign/Wind's Sole Rival)
Ruthless Legend
Salty Sea Dog -> old Terran sailing trends and women; another question for the writers
+ Sanctum Sprinter -> Sanctum ~Sprintress (Zephyrite Gale/Aspect-Touched Athlete)
Shadow of a Shadow
+ Siege Breaker -> Siege Breakess (Breaking Through/Aggressive-Aggressive)
+ Silent Killer -> Silent Killeress (Soundless Storm/Nary a Breath)
+ Silent Savior -> Silent Savioress (Mending Silence/A Name Merely Whispered Now)
+ Slayer -> Slay(er)ess (
Slippery Slubling
Soldier of the Arena
Southsun Stalwart
+ Spirited Drinker -> Spirited ~Drink(er)ess (Spirit in the Bottle/Proudly Quaffin' Life's Delights)
+ Stormcaller -> Stormcall(er)ess (A Force of Nature/The Perfect Storm)
+ Storyteller of Orr -> Storytell(er)ess of Orr (Orrian Bard/Reminiscent of the Days of Old)
Sunspear Recruit
Supporter of the Kingdom
Sweet Tooth
Temporal Tourist
+ The Annihilator -> The Annihilatrix (first of the -or titles without an -ess equivalent already in wide use, although "Annihilatress" doesn't sound bad, either)
+ The Archdesigner -> The Archdesigneress (Archdesigner sounds magnificent, the feminine version is too long; I propose changing the latter to "Archcreatrix", 'cuz obviously, but to also preserve both the sharp feel of the Archdesigner title, and to keep its meaning almost entirely intact)
The Be-All and the End-All
The Blazing Light
+ The Demolisher -> The ~Demolishress (The Demolitionist)
+ The Emperor -> The Empress
The Eternal
+ The Executioner -> The Executioness
The Extra Life
The Extra Life (but in guardian)
The Golden Child
+ The Great Equalizer -> The Great ~Equalizeress (T. G. Equilibrist)
+ The Great Reformer -> The Great Reformeress
The Inevitable
The Magnanimous
+ The Sunbringer -> The ~Sunbring(er)ess (The Solar Vanguard/The Sunbreak)
+ The Tormentor -> The Tormentress (always voting for "Tormentrix")
The Truly Nimble
The Unclean
The Unseen
+ The Voidwalker -> The Voidwalk(er)ess
Tournament Test Subject
Tower Guard
+ Tower Toppler -> Tower Toppleress (Towering Presence/Rook Nuke)
+ Traveler -> Traveleress (On the Path/Went with the Wind)
Twice-Told Legend
+ Ultimate Dominator -> Ultimate Dominatrix (endorsed by the lack of squiggly red lines, even!)
+ Ultimate Liberator -> Ultimate Liberatress ("Liberatrix", I mean)
+ Ultimate Raider -> Ultimate ~Raideress (U. Assailant/U. Resource)
Ultra Shiny
+ Unhappy Camper -> Unhappy ~Camp(er)ess (Don't Picnic/Rooting for You)
Unstoppable Force
Unyielding Legend
Veteran of the Arena
Veteran of the Mists
Voice in the Void
Winn's Favorite
Wurm's Bane
+ Yakslapper -> ~Yakslapperess (Yak Shall Not Pass/Unburdened)

This took a bit longer than expected, didn't it.
Accepting payment in Character Slots and/or taking Aquatic Ruins out of Fractal dailies.

Disclaimer: I'm not a linguist, a historian, or even a native English speaker, I'm just a passionate guy able to read and prone to wondering. If somebody with actual expertise in any of the relevant fields is willing to share their insight, I'm always up for a tea.

Edited by Vyr.9387
Took two dream-stealing sessions.
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This is one of those low-key annoyances that I keep forgetting about, but can we get Wiki added to the right-click contextual menu in game?

Yes, I know we can currently type /wiki then the name of the thing we want to know about, or shift-click the item we want to know about.

But having wiki functionality be part of the contextual menu would be so much quicker and more elegant.

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I like this idea, maybe to help those who get tabbed out it should be at the very bottom of the drop down list.

I keep a browser on my second monitor so going to the wiki doesn't tab me out.  Therefore this would be a really nice QoL for me.  I'm in favor of it.  Maybe it could be an optional toggle-on like the compact inventory button?  Go into settings, tell it y/n on giving the /wiki option, then everyone can be happy.

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More things to look at.

Other water resource catches besides fish like crabs, lobster, or your choice with corresponding catching tools.


Open world missions and types - reconnaissance, rescue, explosives planting and defusion, search and destroy, target of interest extraction, object and person recovery, threat suppression, repair, perimeter security, heist, breeching, infiltration, 


Give each profession a unique abilitiy or advantage for one or possibly more boon or condition. This would help create more necessity and uniqueness for each profession. This could be for each base profession no matter which espec is being used.


Have a guild announcement message thing that displays on all members screen when one is made. Has an option to disable or temporarily disable.


An open world sand box area where players can transfer their guild hall builds of decorations and other build like racing arenas to for others to see and interact with outside of there guilds.


Be able to use only two trait lines where one of the lines get double traits used. Three minor traits can be compensated else where...


A skill or buff that protects buffs or debuffs against one removal action.


Environmental enemies like trees, branches, flowers, rocks, grass, etc. Some may be stationary while others may have limited mobility. Some may be active only at certain times or have certain criterias.


Have mount skin drops, outfit drops, unlimited gather tools, portal scrolls, chairs, toys, account upgrades..


Add a "use x amount" to unidentified gear to have an option to not open too many and overfill bags


A quick skill bar build link copy button in order to paste it into the chat. Have it placed on main screen.


Events where players must collect materials and parts through searching and gathering resources to build parts that can be combined to make different high powered weapons, defensive devices, protective structure like bunkers, enemy detections devices, energy sources, machine production facilities, technology upgrades, and anything that would be useful in the event. Things may also be needed to be moved into proper places. Roads may need to be cleared and made to create a path.


Exclude unidentified gear from salvage all selection.


Give incentive and motivational rewards for instanced content to promote consistent player retention of experienced player to help newer players.


Give light weather buffs and debuffs to players. 


Pro titles. Requires certification. Shows experienced players for certain content.


Get alliances out. Make it easy for guild and alliance members together to play in wvw and other content.


In WvW have a map that is separated by large bodies of water. Different types of naval vessels would be available for different tasks like cargo ships, aircraft carriers, mount carriers, ship to ship combat, ship to air combat, ship to land combat. Naval vessels would have limited carrying and artillery capacities. Different vessels would have different movement speeds. Submarines and other submersible vessels would also be available. Marine vessels would have limited fuel capacities that could be refueled by other vessels. Different aircrafts would also be available with similar mechanics. This map would have a few different resources that would need to be collected manually by players. Resources could include things like, minerals and wood to build things with, raw fuels, etc. Some materials would also need to be refined to at certain refineries to become different materials. Resources are available throughout the map. Some resources are found underwater also. There would also be more specialized types of mounts that cannot be dismounted. A player would be committed to the mount until the mount is fully downed and the player respawns.


A long term open world "wonder of the world" monument that can be built by players with materials collected by players. Timegates for parts of the monument can be okay. Players can use parts of the monument by interacting with it to gain buffs. The monument can give passive world buffs in addition to that. Upgrades to the monument can also give benefits. This monument can take anywhere from months to a year to build and fully upgrade. This monument is susceptible to npc attacks however, which can slowly and gradually degrade it and possibly destroy it. On the other hand players can repair it and build defenses around it to protect it to a certain degree. Opposing NPCs can also build monuments and do the same also.


Move map award icon away from top right corner of mini-map. It is too easily touched and obstructs reward items that appear in that area.


Make waypoints easier and quicker to select. Have an option at click point to select go to waypoint after clicking on waypoint. Another option would be to have a selectable option to one click a waypoint to go to it.


Have a load balancing queue and matching system in wvw when players are trying to join a map. Limit the number of players that can join a map when a server team is out-numbered. Match servers with new servers when a sever team is out-numbered or when a server has reached max capacity.


Add more traits for each trait line. Commiting to each trait line limits build diversity too much with only three traits in each group to choose from i each trait line. The usage and builds variation is very limited compared to modifications to build with utility skills alone. Each trait line pool of three traits is camparable to the pools of heal skills, utility skills, and elite skills. Having only three in each line pool seems too limiting to build diversity when choosing each line. Adding three new traits for each trait line every two to three months for each profession sounds like a good cadence. Each addition of new traits would give about 27 traits total. Getting four traits in each trait pool would take about 1 to a 1.5 years long. Adding two or three trait line updates (6 or 9 traits added per profression or more) per update could an option too if 3 traits at a time per profression is too slow.


Traits - combining all trait lines may increase trait and balance complexity but may simplify having to group traits in general. Maybe just having less limits on which traits could be selected may be needed instead of uncategorizing each line. So instead of groups of groups of pools of traits to choose from, you would have 3 pools of traits to choose from to have 9 traits total. Gw1 had basically two pools of skills to choose from (7 skills from a pool and 1 elite skill from another pool), gw2 has multiple pools of skills and compartmentalized traits to choose from. Would decompartmentalizing traits improve the game overall?


Email - when deleting email, instead of instant email deleting, send the mail to a mark for deletion box that gets deleted after a week, month or so as a accidental deletion safety net. This can be done for items in inventory too.


Limit the number of servers a guild or alliance can play on based on the number of members. So all members of the same guild and alliance must play on the same servers. Their designated wvw guild will determine their wvw server.


Be able to upgrade a current legendary weapon with another legendary skin without having to craft the whole new legendary. Have the cost and requirements be a third or less of the new one.


An event or part in the game where all participants have one or multiple doppelgangers spawned to become different enemies of the fight.


An event where multiple enclosed small nearby areas in different elevation levels are present. Other areas will spawn at random areas also. Some areas will also be non-enclosed also. There will be platforms that move in different directions, patterns and periodic cycles. Some platforms bay need to be moved to at certain times, some may be safe areas to go to. Each area will have portals to other areas to aid in relocation. Enlosed areas are visibly open so players can so other areas and react to events transpiring else where which may be required. Some platforms may move up an down while others horizontally and others to different platforms. There are also some large platforms that will tilt and slide players off or on to other places. Some platforms or areas may shrink and grow in size. Some may elongate and separate into multi platforms or areas. Tunnels may also form. There are 8 corner places of a box area and 2 central places. Some places have portals set on a timers. Usage of skiffs may be needed in a water area. Underwater movement and gameplay may be needed at times.


A skill that creates an elevated platform with a portal for others to access it. Players can only board or leave platform through the portal. After a length of time the platform disappears and players will fall down from there. The platform is used mainly for elevation advantage and melee avoidances. Height and platform size may be a consideration.


A skill that causes one or more targets to move in reverse motion of the direction used by target. If the affected target moves tries to move forward, they move backwards instead or side to the other side.


A skill that causes one or more target to face the skill user for the duration of the skill. The affected target is unable to face the opposite direction. A similar skill would do the opposite.


A skill that drain the targets' stamina.


A skill that prevents dodging.


A skill that has a target radius that reveals stealthed things for a length of time.


A skill that increases the range of allies skill a small amount for a length of time.


A skill that decrease the skill range of one or targets.


A skill that reveals traps.


A skill that disables traps.


A skill that causes traps or wells to heal or buff allies.


A skill that causes a group of allies to jump fairly high forwards or backwards at the same time.


A movement-line skill where a directional line is drawn on the ground by a player and allies who activate that movement when in a radius range will quickly move in way that that line is drawn at their position of activation. Variations can be made of this skill too.  


A dispersal skill where a player creates a target radius area where allies who are in the area of the radius can trigger the skill to quickly move themself away from the center of the radius. A similar skill could pull allies to a radius instead.


More variations of a teleportation skill.


 Monthly competitive pve contests for content like strike missions, raids, meta events etc with competitive awards like legendaries, infusions, mount skins, endless contracts etc.


More impressive and unique pve and pvp rewards.


Player housing like guild halls.


Race outfit packs.


Outfit packs.


Outfit rewards.


Customisable outfits. Be able to apply custom skins to outfits. Be able to apply armor skins, weapon skins, trinket effects, infusions, and other effects to outfits.


Make wvw control points more difficult to contest and make it easier to see what is contesting a point. Explain what can contest a point. Maybe have multi-contest points that are required to contest a point.


Wvw, have control points like stonemist castle where multi tiers of control points are required to be controlled to control the whole control point. Have larger colored circles for higher tier control points.


Wvw, have a map where there are control points are around main control areas that have random spawns at each skirmish and also timed intervals where the controlled area gives buffs, resources, debuffs that might be included also, increased production of specific resources, in sort of a way like a 4x strategy game has tiles that produce random resources for each player.


Wvw, have more strategic waypoints available or traversable areas to reduce walk time to get to more areas. Two-way linked portals, one-way linked portal, can add some strategy to maps. 


Commander tag linking that links chat and tag mechanics together. Tags can request to link to other tags to become a super blob group. A linkable tag can have lower player capacity if player capacity is a consideration.


Wvw, have area of control border protection where a servers bordering area on the map can be upgraded to protected from attacks by means of selected tactics, border protection upgrades built, or other ways. This will help protect servers from having to fight multiple fronts when fighting two servers. More resources may be to apply this as a part of gameplay balance. This would increase strategy where servers or groups can funnel battles to through map control and border upgrading to increase their advantage.


Wvw, have areas where only certain mounts are usable.


Mastery, a group for fun abilities (emotes, musical instrument, haircuts, one mount skin, an outfit, an infusion..


Skill and weapon sound effect alteration. Be able to choose their sounds.


More in-game instructional guides for what players should be doing during meta-events to ease the gameplay of casual and new players. Some screen text, highlighted, flashing things, more voice assistant, marked things..


Wvw, when a wall on a controlled point is down, show it on the map to controlling server on the map.


Squad gui, be able to show more members in "party gui" interface.


Limited gear check of other players' gear for fashion wars and expand if needed.


Mount player-combat skill bar above mount 1-5 skills. This skill bar lets players perform player character actions while mounted. This bar could be 5-10 skills in capacity depending on design needs. This bar would have at least 1 attack skill, 1 heal skill, 1 utility skill, 1 elite skill and 1 profession skill. These skills can be mount dependent or not depending on design needs. A new additional mount trait line could be added to modify mount characteristics and mount player characteristics also.


Squad GUI, show the color of the commander in the roster gui to help quickly and easily match with corresponding map tag color.


Squads, be able to list the squad in LFG as a lieutenant.


Stat changing gear without the cosmetics of legendaries that's easier to get than legendaries.


Have a player rating for difficult instanced content like raids and strike missions, similar to pvp ratings.


A skill or mastery that gives the player a backpack propulsion device that boosts the players elevation and allows them to hover and move around in a floating sort of manner for a certain limit of time. Gas fuel or battery level could be the source of power for this device.


A helicopter mount mastery that summons a helicopter that can be mounted by multiple players like the skiff. This mount can fly around like a skyscale or to a similar effect.


Edited by Zahld.4956
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I like this idea, if only because it would make wiki more apparent as a tool to newer players. Since some apparently don't want such an option in there, I would say make it a toggle-able part of the context menu (like Donari suggested) that defaults to visible. That way it shows by default for people who are the least likely to know about the command and helps introduce use of wiki to them.

Edit: It could also have one of those "this will open an external browser window" warnings with a "don't show this again" checkbox for the warning, so people aren't taken by surprise thinking it's an in-game wiki.

Edited by Labjax.2465
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