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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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probably been mentioned atleast once but would like to be able to salvage globs of dark matter, you get them at a faster rate then you can craft ascended gear and with the numberous ways to get ascended gear it really has lost it's value.

not sure what to have them salvage into but im leaning towards additional t3-6 mats, charms/symbols for rune/sigil crafting (the drop rate on those are awful on the main way to get them so more ways would be nice), ectos, or gemstone orbs

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3 hours ago, Saga.4102 said:

So going forward with the legandary armory can we do something about this? 😄
Introduce a system that let you "consume" a sigil/rune just like a skin to the armory and make a selection system like pvp with a ever incrising library.






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Here's a QoL that might interest everybody.


The random mount adoption selection could at least be separated into mount specific.

We should get to choose at least which mount we want the skin for.


I have already done this at least three times, in which, every single one of them gave me skimmer skins.


Because I already purchased with my own real life cash, both Awakened and Kralk mount packs, I don't really want anymore skimmer skins, unless I see something that I really like.


Trying to get a random skin that we'd be happy with is too much of a gamble.

But, increasing the chances of getting one we want for the mount we want, would probably increase sales too.


Guys, I don't know who makes the decisions, but with all honesty,  getting a mount skin should not be a gamble. 

We should have the option to choose atleast, the mount we want the random skin for.


The thing is that 400 gems for randomness to a whopping 1200 gems to allow us to choose the skin... really?


I can guarantee you 100% that if you let us choose the mount, I'd buy a lot more skins from TP.

As is right now it's too much of a gamble.

I have three unwanted, unused skimmer skins just sitting there, because I will never use them.

I lost 1200 gems, well, for nothing really.


Yet another issue with mount selection is that some skins should be in the same pack.

For instance, in the desert pack you might have certain skins for Raptor, which aren't available for Gryphon in the same pack, but are in a different pack.


If all the mounts are going to have a Firey theme, all those skins should be in the same pack.


Thanks for your time.


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Pact Commander QoL Improvements


I have all of these masteries, so this is about helping new players.  

The order of the Pact Commander masteries is backwards IMO.  Pact Mentor is currently 1st, but it should be last.  It implies that you know so much about the game that you can guide other people through.  Making this the very 1st ability for a player makes no sense.  I should require some level of investment, such as: unlocking all the CTM points.

On the complete opposite, Advanced Logistics should be the 1st ability to unlock.  No one wants to tediously go around spamming a button after a fight to loot stuff.  Players miss out on a ton of loot because of this.  Namely because they forget they have to do it and more so when a zerg is moving fast.  To be fair, is should be an default option in both PvE and WvW, not something that requires points to spec into.  It's 2022, let move away from the manual looting model in games.


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Can we get Usable skins stashed and stacked inside the wardrobe, instead of fill up our inventory or bank storage? When we add a skin to wardrobe, the free usable should stack inside too, instead of use a transmutation the first time when we leave the skin somewhere on another toon or bank tab.


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I don't see any problem with adding both titles and letting players choose which one they want to use.

(I don't have strong feeling about it, because it's not a title I'm ever likely to use, but I can't see any reason to object to other players having the option if they want it.)

Edited by Danikat.8537
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A big flaw in Gw2, especially for newer players, is that gearing is unclear. The game doesn't guide you into the right gear set like other MMOs which can be a huge gate keeper for endgame content.

I would recommend adding a gearing guide in the aerodrome similar to the DPS testing area or even in the same instance as the DPS test. Once you hit level 80 you get a prompt telling you to go to the aerodrome and talk to a NPC, the NPC asks what role you are looking to play, i.e dps, healer, boon support(quick/alac) etc, and when you click on which one you'd like to play, the game gives you the gear set and the proper traits to run it but only in that instance. This way players understand which gear they need to buy and how to set their traits without having to use a third party source. I believe this will also greatly increase the number of players that do endgame instance content in gw2. 

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2 hours ago, Morozzko.2136 said:

pls make infusions wardrobe

a legendary infusion could be nice, like the legendary runes and legendary sigils.  adding all infusions to the  armory is a bit much.  
as for legendary infusions. I expect you to need to craft 9 if you want to place it in 9 slots on a single character.  I expect the stats to be the standard +5 to a single stat: power, healing, or some such.  I am not sure what the agony rating should be.

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In WvW,

You could make a symbol/Icon for each Maxed Mastery.

That way we could choose by ticking a box, which Maxed masteries to display, in order to let other players know what roles you wanna play; instead of commanders asking who jas what maxed out.


For instance if you have flame Ram maxed, everybody would know, and someone with lower level can just step aside and let you do it.

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Reduce the cooldown for the Recharging Teleport To Friend item to either 15 or 30 minutes, and allow the cooldown to continue ticking down when the character is logged out.


The main reason why people won't purchase the Recharging Teleport To Friend item is because it is not alt friendly, since the cooldown timer pauses when you log out - and if you use your alts for only a few minutes per day at a particular spot, this makes it pretty useless for alts, because if you're only logging in for a few seconds or minutes per alt, it will take A LONG TIME to be able to use the Recharging Teleport To Friend item on that particular character again, and thus, ONLY useful for a main character you're playing.

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Sunlight vision headgear skin should be a mystic forge item.

We already have to combine 2 items for it, might aswell give us the item straighr off the bat rather than having to exchange the output item with an NPC once a year.... only.


Alternatively place an NPC in towns that will exchange these kind of items all year round.


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