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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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As a raid leader you normally do not deal with people you don't know and never talked to. All the raid guilds I know meet and discuss their builds before starting anything, that works fine without inspection. 


I have been kicked out of WvW groups because they felt my wvw rank was too low. And with gear inspection there will be a small list of accepted build/gear combos and anyone who dares to deviate a bit from this will be kicked out of any random group. So we will be left with one or two accepted builds per class. That is the exact opposite of Anet's 'try anything you like' philosophy. And many people would quit the game - those who play more casual and aren't equipped with legendary and ascended stuff. 

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30 minutes ago, Rogue.8235 said:

Would like one as well, though, I admit it's more for the completionist in me.  As for solutions now, are there any particular paths that are great for grabbing some quick pods or is following any of the paths sufficient?


Nah, you don’t have to wander far to find a couple outside of the gathering outpost. 

I agree with the advice, but I’d like one too for completionism

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1 hour ago, BlackNephilim.6591 said:

As a raid leader you normally do not deal with people you don't know and never talked to. All the raid guilds I know meet and discuss their builds before starting anything, that works fine without inspection. 


I have been kicked out of WvW groups because they felt my wvw rank was too low. And with gear inspection there will be a small list of accepted build/gear combos and anyone who dares to deviate a bit from this will be kicked out of any random group. So we will be left with one or two accepted builds per class. That is the exact opposite of Anet's 'try anything you like' philosophy. And many people would quit the game - those who play more casual and aren't equipped with legendary and ascended stuff. 

If you aren't running full zerkers/vipers as a DPS you shouldn't be signing up for groups. Defensive stats do nothing in instanced PVE.

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When GW2 was released, the devs purposefully left out "inspect gear" option to avoid their player base developing an elitist upper echelon of players who would refuse to participate in high level content (then: dungeons lol) with players who lacked perfect gear. This was how other MMORPG's like WoW behaved at the time, and devs wanted to avoid that behavior.

But today, that sentiment seems outdated. Players in high level content already gate each other by requesting you to ping KP anyways, or display titles for CM strikes, which accomplishes the same exact player gating effect.

I vote +1 for gear inspection ability.

Edited by Silverpoopoo.1476
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10 hours ago, Einsof.1457 said:

I don't see how making sure someone's stat combos actually go with the build they are saying they are running is a bad thing. 

Of course you don't see it ... because you probably think it's a great idea to be able to check it. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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In the absence of an official inspect feature, players have created their own gatekeeping metrics. I believe that adding an offical inspect feature would merely simplify and codify players' already-demonstrated desire to gatekeep.

Functionally, I don't actually think adding a not-just-cosmetic inspect will really affect too many people. It seems that many (not sure if it's a larger or smaller proportion though) players who want to get into higher end content already know how to do so while bypassing the pug gatekeepers. 

What will probably change is the volume of complaints on the forum/subreddit about the "toxicity" of the feature.

If adding the not-just-cosmetic inspect feature doesn't fundamentally alter gameplay yet invites bad public discussion about the game, I say leave it out.

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1 hour ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

If you aren't running full zerkers/vipers as a DPS you shouldn't be signing up for groups. Defensive stats do nothing in instanced PVE.

You do realize that is a kitten statement right? There are a lot of meta builds that mix and match pieces for the most benefit. Not all of them are full zerker/vipers because not all builds need it. The condi Virtuoso for example uses a mix of vipers, rampagers, and sinister because full vipers would be a dps loss. Not everything is that black and white when it comes to builds.

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10 minutes ago, robertthebard.8150 said:

Congratulations.  You have just demonstrated exactly why this "feature" isn't needed.

That's exactly it. Gear inspect simply can't exist in a game where average players have such shallow understanding of game mechanics. Such a thing would be misused a significant amount of the time. If people want to 'police' their team mates ... they have options to do so already, with the associated reasonable 'effort cost' to go with it.

I'm almost at the point where if there is a gear inspect, then it would have to come at a cost of something to prevent adverse actions against the players inspected. For example, you can inspect a player ... but you can't kick them from your team if you do. Come to think of it ... forget it. The game doesn't need it if the intention is to 'check' players suitability for being in certain teams. Suitability is determined by people knowing the encounter and their build, not the gear they use. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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I love this idea. Though I don't care about stat combinations and whatnot, I'm just interested in seeing cosmetic/layered armor skins and maybe color schemes that are equipped! Some people spend an awful lot of time with Fashion Wars 2 and I'd love to celebrate that by being able to review in detail what people did to look so good 🔥

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On 1/24/2023 at 12:06 AM, PolarBear.3961 said:

Inspecting for transmog yes please but not stats,runes,glyphs or rarity. That would make this game toxic as heck.

Oh no people might expect you to wear group builds in group content. the horror! What is more toxic? A player expecting a decent build in strikes/fractals or your average open world player joining in full cele boost gear expecting a carry?

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Just now, Nephalem.8921 said:

Oh no people might expect you to wear group builds in group content. the horror! What is more toxic? A player expecting a decent build in strikes/fractals or your average open world player joining in full cele boost gear expecting a carry?

You do realize not every person is like that in the open world.... There are a lot who follow the sites and builds from the meta ones and use that in the open world as well for when they do have to do stuff in instance. Not all open world are the same.

Your general attitude though from looking at your recent posts already puts you as a toxic person though. You type with a lot of negativity and anger in your responses which makes me wonder how you act in game. I am kind of glad they don't have the inspect feature to stop people with your type of mindset  to make the experience worse for everyone else. There is already enough toxicity as is in other forms, so I would like to see it not spread any further in this game with a feature like the gear check.

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Just now, Doctor Hide.6345 said:

You do realize not every person is like that in the open world.... There are a lot who follow the sites and builds from the meta ones and use that in the open world as well for when they do have to do stuff in instance. Not all open world are the same.

Your general attitude though from looking at your recent posts already puts you as a toxic person though. You type with a lot of negativity and anger in your responses which makes me wonder how you act in game. I am kind of glad they don't have the inspect feature to stop people with your type of mindset  to make the experience worse for everyone else. There is already enough toxicity as is in other forms, so I would like to see it not spread any further in this game with a feature like the gear check.

Anger is mostly coming from trying out ff14 and just realizing how hyper casuals have claimed this game while most of the mechanics are not casual at all.

I hate having to ask for obscene amounts of kp to get decent players while 1 is enough in other games. You know what happens when you try to help extremely underperforming players in a nice way? They insult you.

Some people here belief that they would get kicked for offmeta then and would not be able to showcase their homebrewed builds. Those builds are always bad unless its basically meta with minor changes.

It would have prevented me from having to play with that signet share hfb in fractals. well it was signet share 7months ago but got removed so he played with a completely useless traitline. Could only see that because of unique trait effects.


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3 minutes ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

Anger is mostly coming from trying out ff14 and just realizing how hyper casuals have claimed this game while most of the mechanics are not casual at all.

I hate having to ask for obscene amounts of kp to get decent players while 1 is enough in other games. You know what happens when you try to help extremely underperforming players in a nice way? They insult you.

Some people here belief that they would get kicked for offmeta then and would not be able to showcase their homebrewed builds. Those builds are always bad unless its basically meta with minor changes.

It would have prevented me from having to play with that signet share hfb in fractals. well it was signet share 7months ago but got removed so he played with a completely useless traitline. Could only see that because of unique trait effects.


I do get that. I really do. I play FF14 as well. I have for years now, so I know how it is over there. And I also get how you feel about need more than 1 KP. I also get why you think a lot of the homebrewed ones are bad for group play. 

But, having the gear inspect would make things a lot worse for people in general. Look at the example above with the person thinking only full zerker/vipers not realizing other specs use other gear pieces. There are a lot of people who don't do their research and would kick on site actual meta group builds because they don't know how it even looks because it is not a full something.

I fully admit the way things are right now are not perfect and bad stuff with builds can happen making people require more KP. It is better than the alternative though with people kicking out of ignorance because they don't know how actual builds and craft work.

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Inspecting gear isn't good for the "real primary game mode" wvw ;) Build+gear is usually regarded to as "non-public tactical information".

Knowing exactly what an opponent or a raidmember is using would just dampen everyone's excitement + surprises + entertainment imo. Almost defeats the game's primary purpose.


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On 1/23/2023 at 11:35 PM, nagoL.3701 said:

Oof you guys are quick with negative feedback, is their a reason why this wouldn't be implemented that I may not understand?

Because people expect to get carried through content and don't like when they are told that their gear is wrong and should fix it, of course you will get tons of negative feedback when the community has this mindset lmao

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The problem with inspection is it only provides a clue, similar to stuff like achivement points.


Gear quality has nothing to do with build quality or play quality, my Celestial Reaper out-DPSes most other Reapers (including those running full Berserker+Power/Ferocity food) in instanced content because they don't know how to play it to its maximum potential. Sometimes I see players doing half my damage while they're on full glass, and you can tell its full glass because of how often they go down.


Meanwhile on my Berserker power Reaper, I find myself out-DPSing other classes that have far higher benchmarks, again because they don't know how to play those builds to even half of their potential.


Getting your gear right is at most, 30-40% of what it takes to be a good player.


There's no gearcheck or inspect in the game because it does little good, it only saves a bit of time. Its like old tale, a professional with a rock can beat a novice with a gun, and the way this game is structured that applies here more than any other MMO I've seen, with experienced players able to attain up to 10x performance.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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1 hour ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

my Celestial Reaper out-DPSes most other Reapers (including those running full Berserker+Power/Ferocity food) in instanced content because they don't know how to play it to its maximum potential.

Yeah that's because they have no clue of what they are doing and that's another issue, but if you're good why are you even using celestial reaper in the first place for instanced content? 

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16 minutes ago, Parpage.9867 said:

but if you're good why are you even using celestial reaper in the first place for instanced content? 

And here is another piece of proof why gear inspect would hurt the game, by reducing every class to one or two builds that are accepted by the ignorant elite and will not get you booted. 

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1 hour ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

The problem with inspection is it only provides a clue, similar to stuff like achivement points.


Gear quality has nothing to do with build quality or play quality, my Celestial Reaper out-DPSes most other Reapers (including those running full Berserker+Power/Ferocity food) in instanced content because they don't know how to play it to its maximum potential. Sometimes I see players doing half my damage while they're on full glass, and you can tell its full glass because of how often they go down.


Meanwhile on my Berserker power Reaper, I find myself out-DPSing other classes that have far higher benchmarks, again because they don't know how to play those builds to even half of their potential.


Getting your gear right is at most, 30-40% of what it takes to be a good player.


There's no gearcheck or inspect in the game because it does little good, it only saves a bit of time. Its like old tale, a professional with a rock can beat a novice with a gun, and the way this game is structured that applies here more than any other MMO I've seen, with experienced players able to attain up to 10x performance.

You would be bottom dps in squads where dps players have both working hands. The fact that you can outdps most classes (or so you claim) on a terrible build inside instanced content only shows the state for majority of the playerbase. Running inferior builds for the sake of build diversity when you could run a proper one and x2 your damage and be useful squad member is just *insert kitten here* 😅

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