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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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8 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

You could try contacting the CS Team for assistance.

Good luck.

The last 3 times i contacted CS for in game issues they basically said "we have no power to do anything in the game itself, sorry." As far as I know they're telling the truth too, never heard of anyone having anything in-game fixed. A friend's account was hacked several years ago and most of his items were sold and given away. cs said "sorry that happened, but we can't revert accounts. Try enabling 2FA."

I think they're just there to help with account issues and make sure payments get processed correctly.

Edited by Aezen.3086
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Option to turn off mastery and interaction pop-ups. I have almost 1000 hours. I know how buckets work. a big orange arrow pointing at the second slot and saying "hit 2 to dump water" that i have to scroll over and close is less than useless to me. Maybe I don't want that mastery yet. Please, I don't need a pop up about how rifts work every time I fly through one. I know there's a mastery that lets me use them.

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6 hours ago, Aezen.3086 said:

The last 3 times i contacted CS for in game issues they basically said "we have no power to do anything in the game itself, sorry." As far as I know they're telling the truth too, never heard of anyone having anything in-game fixed. A friend's account was hacked several years ago and most of his items were sold and given away. cs said "sorry that happened, but we can't revert accounts. Try enabling 2FA."

I think they're just there to help with account issues and make sure payments get processed correctly.

You will find many players have posted about the CS Team replacing items they have inadvertently destroyed, lost, etc.   Of course, it is up to you.  🤷‍♂️

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Hi, dear ANet team,
can you implement quite simple (to my mind) feature to be able to exchange all you have in inventory Encoded Orders with Shining Blade Officer Ralan at once - the same as Use all option related to Consumables?
Today I tried again to exchange 150 Orders and it quite tedious (1 exchange cycle == 3 actions)...

Thank you

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Hey Anet,

The Legendary Soo-Won weapon variants don't have as pronounced a footfall as the other Elder Dragon weapon variants. The footfalls are too subtle and easy to miss when covered by the weapon trail. Compared to its siblings, their footfall last for a slightly longer duration and are thus more visually striking.

Could you please make Soo-Won's footfalls linger a little longer? This way it'd be on parity with its siblings.

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Please allow us to select PvE/WvW/PvP daily and weekly objectives independent of each other.

For example, at the moment I would like to have PvE objectives for dailies and WvW objectives for weeklies. With the current system I have to make sure that Sunday night or Monday morning WvW is selected in the options so that the weekly gets set to WvW, and then change it back to PvE before daily reset. And of course remember to do this every week otherwise it gets set with no way to change them for a whole week. The current system makes it tedious and not great in terms of QoL. At the moment I am stuck with PvE weeklies because I was not able to log in between Sunday and Monday. I am still going to be doing WvW this week but for less reward, and being stuck with PvE weeklies is not going to incentivize me to do content I dislike like bounty missions or strikes. Please remove this jank and allow the selection of daily/weekly objectives to be more streamlined and more of a "set and forget" type of deal. Thanks.

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They have the ability to blend animations with seated characters, so I'm not sure why they don't do it. We aren't even allowed to see the chat log text for the emotes! The emotes are straight up disabled while mounted, just like how we can't emote while moving. They should probably adjust the emote restrictions to broaden to what extent these things work.

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Dailies and weeklies were implemented in the way they were, because the devs couldn't figure out how to let players choose what they wanted to do on any given day without limiting how much acclaim they can get. They wanted to reward players per daily rather than just a bulk reward for completing the set.

For this they only cut off PvE players from having any reason to ever step into PvP and WvW ever again.

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2 hours ago, Quench.7091 said:

They have the ability to blend animations with seated characters, so I'm not sure why they don't do it. We aren't even allowed to see the chat log text for the emotes! The emotes are straight up disabled while mounted, just like how we can't emote while moving. They should probably adjust the emote restrictions to broaden to what extent these things work.

Look at how a charr sits in the club chair, then in the volcanic throne. It's two different poses, and emotes while seated would have to work with both. I'm sure other races also have chairs where they sit differently.

It gets worse when you add in the bed-chairs, like the one where you sleep on a huge stuffed toy. They'd need to find a way to block those animations entirely on chairs like that.

We do have a couple of chairs with built in emotes. It might be better to ask for more of those?

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17 hours ago, Palador.2170 said:

Look at how a charr sits in the club chair, then in the volcanic throne. It's two different poses, and emotes while seated would have to work with both. I'm sure other races also have chairs where they sit differently.

It gets worse when you add in the bed-chairs, like the one where you sleep on a huge stuffed toy. They'd need to find a way to block those animations entirely on chairs like that.

We do have a couple of chairs with built in emotes. It might be better to ask for more of those?

Going from the characters core or higher for the blending should be fine for most sitting animations, but I do see the issue with the bed chairs.

The chairs serve an RP function, along with emotes, so these things shouldn't be oil and water. Since chairs are mounts, they could also solve the issue with things like players not being allowed to /laugh while riding. It is very annoying to need to dismount for stuff like that, even though we see animation blending being used for things like "Scan For Rift" on mounts.

Edited by Quench.7091
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Option to constrain UI elements to 16:9 aspect ratio or 21:9 aspect ratio, regardless of actual aspect ratio.



While playing at an aspect ratio higher then 16:9, such as 21:9 and 32:9, the UI elements are on the very far edges of the screen.



Current: https://i.imgur.com/fWgAp8y.jpeg

Suggested: https://i.imgur.com/ZpqNzBV.jpeg

Edited by Naso.7620
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Isn't anyone annoyed by the daily/weekly quests and how specific they are? You can complete 2-3 by playing casually, but for the 3rd and/or 4th one you have to go above and beyond to play some content that is not even borderline rewarding or relevant or even enjoyable in some cases. What if I only wanted to play normally on some maps and do some metas and then log out, because that's how much time I had available? Losing daily rewards, despite the fact that I played the game and did stuff and events is like a punishment for playing the game.  
The same applies to weekly quests. They are too specific in my opinion. Why not just say to complete 3 bounties on any map, instead of a specific map? Why complete a certain map meta instead of one of the regional meta - instead of Kaineng blackout, Canthan meta. It would also be in line with the strike quest too, which is pretty great, and you wouldn't have to check the time for that specific meta in order to do it (flexibility helps). Also, defeating 100 something each week can be very time consuming... because it takes a lot of time of spamming events on a couple of maps to do it, of course depending on luck, because some monster types are way more common than others (would be "fun" to get 100 pirates and have to spam the 2-3 maps until you manage to beat 100 of them).

After reading the part above, if you think something like "you have a whole day/week to complete only 3/6 quests, so all that is just being lazy", please take into consideration that this is a game, not real life. During the week, after work, you just want to relax and do some fun and rewarding stuff, not be stressed that "I have to go to that minidungeon I have no idea where it is and do it, even though I just wanted to chill doing some events" (having to check details about some random things that are very intricate and honestly not even that interesting just to get a daily is a huge turn off and after a day of work, I can assure you "it is the only thing I want to do" and I bet there are a lot more people in the same situation) or even better "To participate in an Activity" (Annoying mini events that can be triggered only in some specific places that have rewards worse than a champion on a normal map and guess what, they take just as much time as a full event...). Yeah, sometimes things may align with what you wanted to do, but this is rarely the case in my experience. As for the weekend, in the scenario mentioned above, let's say you managed to complete some of the basic/easy weekly events during the week, besides the daily quests and providing the fact that not everyone is dedicated enough to sit in front of the pc for 4+ hours (because they may also have a life) and that they may also want to do raids/strikes/metas or progress some achievements, it is barely doable. 

All of this requires so much planning and searching that it is no longer fun or enjoyable. You want something simple, that is both challenging and fun, not, for example, some jumping puzzle that drains the life out of you (Chalice of Tears says hi...(we are really lucky that we have some passionate mesmers for this, but if they are not available when you are, well, good luck)), some mini dungeon located in a place unknown to everyone that requires 1000 steps to complete, and which gives almost nothing in return (Spirit Vestibule says hi too) or random activities that reward the player with just a fun (not) time (rewards are just as important as having fun, so spending an equal amount of time on an actual fun and rewarding event is much more appealing (no, not dungeons either, unless they are buffed to include something relevant to buy with the currency, which would also make finding a group take less than 15-30 mins. Right now, it is just rune of the monk, gifts for leggies and some armor/weapon skins (not that relevant, unless you want all the skins and even if that's the case, afterwards, dungeon rewards become irrelevant))). Those quests are perfect achievements, but doing them daily, it is more like a chore and in my opinion, too much for the average player. 

This may seem like a tantrum, but I wrote this as pure feedback (some irony here and there, but I am quite frustrated at the moment by this, especially because it was changed recently and nothing was done about it, so I'm not changing it), so whether you take it into consideration or not, it is up to you. I know it has been like this since quite a bit, but it has always annoyed me to no end that I was playing for 8+ hours a day completing all sorts of achievements, doing metas, struggling to complete some jumping puzzles, raids, strikes etc., and wasn't able to complete the daily quests purely because those quests involved some specific random areas that I had to first check what is up with them and then try to complete them somehow (jumping puzzles are pretty awful if you have a low end pc or bad internet by the way).

I know the dailies were recently reworked, but still include type of quests (mentioned above) that you have to seriously go out of your way to complete, which I believe frustrates players rather than make them feel rewarded for playing the game, hence why I wrote this.

Anyway, it's late and already wrote too much (sorry for the essay). Wish everyone a good day/night!

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Personally, I think making the metas and bounties specific helps concentrate the player base.  You know where the bulk of the people doing the dailies/weeklies are this way.  So far I have only done one story play-through on my main and zero on my alt down in Cantha/EOD.  Now I have been "forced" down there for some metas I had never played and it was fun.  I don't like dungeons, so I don't do those or any other choice I don't feel like doing and still get all the rewards I'm after.  Granted when activity rolls around I beam into LA, slog through it and move on.  Max is seven minutes on Sanctum Sprint so it's not like I'm doing Dragonstorm or anything.

As you mentioned this is a game and the dailies/weeklies are designed to get us to play the game.  Granted some of the choices are easier/better/more fun than others, however, we can't always get the easiest/fastest/most fun choices.  

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Just now, Kiof.5710 said:

Personally, I think making the metas and bounties specific helps concentrate the player base.  You know where the bulk of the people doing the dailies/weeklies are this way.  So far I have only done one story play-through on my main and zero on my alt down in Cantha/EOD.  Now I have been "forced" down there for some metas I had never played and it was fun.  I don't like dungeons, so I don't do those or any other choice I don't feel like doing and still get all the rewards I'm after.  Granted when activity rolls around I beam into LA, slog through it and move on.  Max is seven minutes on Sanctum Sprint so it's not like I'm doing Dragonstorm or anything.

As you mentioned this is a game and the dailies/weeklies are designed to get us to play the game.  Granted some of the choices are easier/better/more fun than others, however, we can't always get the easiest/fastest/most fun choices.  

I was pretty much typing this and you beat me to it.

Especially when it comes to the bounties, it is a great help to concentrate it on a map so you have a high chance to find someone doing them ant time of day or night that week. Especially if you still need some for achievements on that particular map.

One thing I do wish they would change (other than the insane frequency at which certain minidungeons or jps repeat) is that if someone buys all the expansions, but has only played up to, say, Heart of Thorns on the account, the objectives provided to that account also only go to Heart of Thorns. We know those sets of objectives exist because that is what you'd get if you owned none of the other expansions. So do something like making it a requirement that at least one character on the account has played the expansion's intro before that expansion gets added to the list.

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17 hours ago, xCristo.2063 said:

Isn't anyone annoyed by the daily/weekly quests and how specific they are? .......

I definitely get the frustration. However, as others have said, the bounties portion being on a specific map is actually a good thing. While I may roll my eyes at having to go back to the Desolation.... again.... with it being a weekly, I am almost guaranteed there will be either a Com on the map running bounties, or enough people so that if I throw up an apple tag that I will get a small platoon of people to help (as long as I don't put it off till like Sunday night, lol).

For the JPs, I assume they are chosen by random number generator? If so, the RNG needs fixing, cause it seems weighted. There are 42 JPs in the core game (not counting the ones in the mists) plus another 15 in the expansions. It would be really nice if they made it so that once a JP had been assigned to the Daily/Weekly system, it could not be assigned again till either all the other JPs are run, or after the rewards refresh (like every 4 months).  Even if they stick to just the core map ones, or remove the crazy long ones (Chalice of  Tears, Searing Ascent, Retrospective Runaround, etc.) they would still have enough to not repeat for a good long while.

The daily 'activity' really needs reworked.  Sanctum Sprint comes up 2-3 times a week, and you are stuck in there up to 8 minutes twittling your thumbs, cause you can't go AFK or it will kick you out, making you have to start over. They either need to make the activity daily happen only like once a week, or add a lot more activities to the rotation. We get it, some dev is REALLY proud of Sanctum. It is boring content after the umpteenth time through though.

For the weekly "kill 100" challenges, they are not so bad if you can locate the best places to kill them. For example, 'kill 100 mordrem", run the RIBA loop in Silver Wastes for like 15 or 20 minutes will get you there. For "kill 100 awakened" you can either run the Desolation from the starting way point to where the sulfer starts (will get you almost there) or jump into Domain of Istan and hit up the Mordent Crescent Great Hall or Palawadan events.  

It would be really nice if they would allow us to opt out of content we are likely never going to 'want' to play though..... like weekly Strike Missions. We get it, they are "raid lite" and the devs really want everyone to play and love raids..... that will never happen. Some people just do not like raids and the players that gravitate to those.  If we could opt out of Strikes and have that weekly replaced by  other open world challenges that would be great.

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Dear ANet,

Thank you so much for putting expansions on sale several times a year! It really helps get cash strapped friends into the game, or the ability to expand our alt accounts. 

Would it be too much to ask that gems / gem cards go on sale once in a while too? Maybe right around Winter's day? It would be super great to be able to gift friends and guild mates some gems around the holidays!

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