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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Sound effects are important for me in combat to keep track of what's happening and I generally enjoy them for immersion/feedback as well, so I don't mute the volume during play. There are a few sfx in SotO that are disproportionately and unpleasantly louder than everything else. The heart of the obscure blasting noise is loud in general, but it's so annoying in quick succession when opening Lesser and Greater Arcane Chests I find myself not even bothering to interact with them. The new ranger pet, Juvenile Sky-Chak Striker, is also very noisy.

I feel like simply turning the volume down on these effects would be pretty easy to do. It would be much appreciated with how many times these noises occur in normal play.

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*Pssst* "Anet. Wanna make a lot of money on mount purchases?"

"Bind mount choices and dyes setups to equipment builds" *wink*

People like matching mounts to themed equipment builds (Who knew). Every person has multiple equip builds that have different color schemes and styles. I'd love the mount to change as you change equip builds... even if it means my wallet may cry.

A win for you, and a win for me!

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On 2/15/2024 at 1:13 PM, Shaman.2034 said:

Orbs of Latent Magic are difficult to see in Amnytas during the day.

I'm referring to the ambient particles of magic scattered around the sky of open world PvE zones. In LWS3, they're known as Unbound Magic, and in LWS4, they're Volatile Magic. In SotO, these are Latent Magic, and when you touch them, they grant 2-4 currency of the zone they're in. In Amnytas specifically, these grant Stardust, a critical component of the upcoming Obsidian legendary armor. The account-wide daily limit of about 100 Stardust from Latent Magic makes these a reliable supplementary source of Stardust toward the total amount needed.

In Amnytas during the day, the sky takes on an orange glow, with gently swirling clouds. Since Amnytas is made of floating islands, the sky encompasses them in all directions, including from below. Static orbs of Latent Magic are found predominantly between the islands, surrounded by nothing but the sky. But Latent Magic orbs are the same swirling orange color as the daytime sky, which makes them difficult to see. The brightly-colored buildings can also obscure Latent Magic this way. Furthermore, Amnytas is full of orange cosmetic particles, which pop in and out of existence throughout the area.

Here are three screenshots of Latent Magic orbs in Amnytas. They are easier to see in static screenshots like this. In-game, the orbs are constantly shifting color, as well as the background, which makes their shape poorly defined. They need to be approached in three-dimensional space, and the only indicator of how close they are is their apparent size on screen. However, when much of the orbs blend in with the background, it becomes hard to gauge their apparent size, and causes me to miss them until I've flown past them, at which point they appear in front of my character, and I need to backtrack.

One way to counteract this is to always position oneself such that the islands are the background. The dark stone textures and other terrain features make Latent Magic easier to spot. However, doing this requires zigzagging back and forth in an unnatural path between the orbs, which takes far longer than flying between them in straight lines. The most natural path is mostly parallel to the islands, which positions the orange sky as the main background.

Another way is to wait for night to fall, which causes the sky to turn blue, while the orbs remain orange. However, the three SotO meta-events structure a player's play session in a rigid way, because the daily bonus chests grant the refined versions of the zone currencies, equivalent to 250 unrefined currency. Since this is a greater source of currency, gathering Latent Magic must be a secondary task, performed in between the meta-events. The Amnytas meta-event takes up almost the entire duration of nighttime, and participating in the entire event chain rewards further unrefined currency in addition to the Pouch of Stardust. Most of the time, gathering Latent Magic fits between the meta-events during daytime, especially since SotO zones have the standard day/night cycle where nighttime is only 40 minutes long.

Latent Magic orbs appear to use an identical particle effect across all SotO zones. Since they are easily visible in Skywatch Archipelago and Inner Nayos, simply changing their colors to better suit Amnytas might shift the visibility problem to one of those zones instead.

Could they be given a thin, dark spherical outline? Like a transparent shell or bubble that encapsulates the magic. This would help communicate their apparent size on screen, so that they could be approached in three-dimensional space more easily. The combination of bright interior colors and dark outline would also make them clearly visible regardless of the background.

I think this is worth considering because of the fact that players are incentivized to gather tens of thousands of these orbs on their journey toward legendary armor, whereas on the development side, it only requires making changes to one model that will automatically apply to all instances of Latent Magic.

I am currently attempting to do the Skyscale Rift in Jahai Bluffs and there are multiple points during the path (including the very start) where these orbs (which are basically white motes) are completely invisible against the pure white skies of Jahai Bluffs during the day and in the temporal rift. Please make them more than one color or something.

In fact, as I went back to get a screenshot, I realized that the ones that I'd already hit on a previous attempt were white, red, and black. Just do that, maybe with a different color to indicate that they still reward currency. Don't make the still-valid orbs pure white. They're nigh impossible to find.

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Can we get an option to right-click and hide boons we don't want to see? Perhaps move them to a 'more' section like the Windows taskbar icons ^.

Leader of the Pack in cities. Really? Right-click, hide.
I don't need to be reminded which Jade Bot service/sensory chips I am using. Right-click, hide.
I haven't changed my guild boost in years. I don't need to see it all the time. Right-click, hide.
Do ele's really need an icon showing current attunement on the boon bar in addition to the exact same larger icon already on the class mechanic bar?
Do we really need signets to show on the boon bar? Other utility skills don't take up space on the boon bar; why only for signets?
And on and on.

Edited by raykor.6723
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Please let us turn off/on head/shoulders/gloves/accessories per equipment template instead of turning it on/off for all templates at once like it currently is.

Please let us set gliders, mounts, and outfits per equipment template instead of just one for all.

Please find a way to allow us to quickly swap out a legendary weapon like we can with ascended - kind of messed up that this is possible with the lesser armor and not with the ultimate end-game gear .-. E.g. I want to swap in a focus from time to time but every time I do, my equipped legendary disappears and I have to then stat select again, put in sigils and infusions, and set the look.

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QoL improvements for EoD:

  • Jade bot "equipment" can be changed anywhere no need to be next to workbench – workbench requrement has no added value to the gameplay
  • Jade batteries either give us more charges or remove batteries/charges – no added value to gameplay, battery giving us 10 or 20 charges or no charges needed with jade bot actually having unlimited charges would make gameplay better

QoL improvements for SOTO:

  • activation of leylines or updrafts should be either permament or it should stay active till we change map – currently any leyline/updraft we activate stay active for short time so you need to reuse it again and that mean that you need to look for starting point and whole "I wanted to go somewhere with these new great features" make it feel not so good


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New idle animations from elementalists, for example: playing with little sprites of elements (little flame inside of the hand, throwing a pebble up and down, tiny fountains, etc).

As to other professions, idk yet but we sure do need some refreshment of idle animations, amirite? ;d

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Add gear tab to achievements.

Like weapons or gear or accessories so I can just click on to choose which weapon or gear I need and sort achievements for it.

Right now I need to go to google, type for example ascended hammer, then find out its called Fix R UP, then go back to achievemnts and search there by name.


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8 hours ago, Gendalfs.7521 said:

Add gear tab to achievements.

Like weapons or gear or accessories so I can just click on to choose which weapon or gear I need and sort achievements for it.

Right now I need to go to google, type for example ascended hammer, then find out its called Fix R UP, then go back to achievemnts and search there by name.

You could just go to achievements -> collections -> specialization collections

Edited by Sobx.1758
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"Send Me Where I'm Not"

If you won't let us pick a specific live instance of a zone to move to (ala EQ2, Lost Ark, others), how about just a "Send Me Somewhere Else" button? You click it, and it sends you to another instance, or spins one up if there is only 1? Something to that effect.

I'm in Inner Nayous. I don't want to do the meta, but want to move to another place where it's not happening so I can work on other events, but no one has a "Taxi for where you aren't!" squad in LFG.

Bonus! Comes with it's own theme song!


Edited by notebene.3190
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Lily of the Elon Qol Request:

Either add a "return to previous location" button, automatically return the player to their previous location when they click the invitation again, add a right click option on invitation to return to previous location.

There is a portal that can do this at the location but from what I understand most other passes already return you to the previous location when used again (at least mistlock sanctuary does).

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2 hours ago, Ghin.1653 said:

Lily of the Elon Qol Request:

Either add a "return to previous location" button, automatically return the player to their previous location when they click the invitation again, add a right click option on invitation to return to previous location.

There is a portal that can do this at the location but from what I understand most other passes already return you to the previous location when used again (at least mistlock sanctuary does).

They do not all do that afew like Mistlock sanctuary do yes.

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Can we also maybe get the rested bonus you get from Arborstone / Wizards Tower in the lounges? Spirit shards are a pretty valuable currency and it feels bad to have spent Gems on something that's actually detrimental to my character to spend time in vs. the  "free" lounges like Arborstone

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Can ranger players have their pets in their home instance? 

I feel that this game needs a menagerie. It's kind of cool to see all your pets chill in your home instance when gathering although, aquatic pets are an issue in this case.

Or if a dev has extra time on their hands, they can create a pocket instance somewhere in the map, maybe the hidden garden in Mt maelstrom and make it the menagerie and chill with all of my pets 

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1 hour ago, Entara.3075 said:

I would love to see someone selling research kits at mystlock.

The crafting vendors do.  Also, I agree with all the suggested upgrades to the various Lounges.

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The kit need more customizations, they can add something like new hairstyles, faces, colors even a new option that can let you to change your character's voice, that would encourage people to buy the kit, beacuse that thing is good two or three times but then it becames bored to only have the same 7 haristyles and faces.

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Sure more options would be nice. Don't expect new voice actors though, that would be a ridiculous expense for little gain.

I scrolled through the wiki quickly, and it sure looked like more than 7 options to me. Is that more of "7 options I like?"

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