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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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I have multiple characters and for the most part I have to change some of their key bindings just for better control flow. It's not every character but there are some that require minor tweaking. It would be a lot easier if I could just press a key and have a control scheme loaded at instant than go into control options and manually bind the keys over and over again.


Or maybe it's a bad request and I need to continue hunting and pecking for a more uniform key layout, but I've yet to find one that is compatible for me across most of the professions I play. Either way it was just a thought to throw out there. Thank you for reading my post hope you all have a great day. 

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Can in game-mail spam checker be more tolerant? My guild members and me have the very nice habits to send dyes we discover and that we have already unlocked to other members who don't have them. And only after sding to 4 persons, we already get "wait before writing new mails" it is kind of annoying. Can the numbers of mail in a row be at least increased to 10? Thank you.

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6 hours ago, Jaym Resurrected.3972 said:

For the login screen may we filter characters by the type of game mode desired (PvE, WvW, FOTM, sPvP, RAID, Dungeons, All).  I imagine characters being designated by the player for any game mode.  A character may have multiple game mode designations.  Designations are changeable anytime.  


Even just using the entire width of the screen instead of showing 7 characters at a time in 1080p or 1440p would be a huge improvement...

You need to think of the least effort things they can do and for now I think it would be to make the character select show more per scroll through.


edit  : see https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Suggestion-Improved-Character-Select-Screen  https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/community/creations/Character-Select-Redesign/

What you're proposing involves more data queries and variables, see a typical char select graph


Edited by Infusion.7149
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4 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

You need to think of the least effort things they can do and for now I think it would be to make the character select show more per scroll through.

I have more characters than would fit on the screen so your suggestion would possibly be a slight improvement.  A huge improvement is having a filter.  I imagine you aren't a programmer at anet.  I'm not a programmer at anet.  We don't need to presume what is the "least effort" because neither of us know what it would take for an ANET programmer and UI specialist to accomplish either task in terms of difficulty and time needed.   So don't highjack someone's post.  If you have a suggestion then put it up there politely without trying to undermine someone else's suggestion.  Be nice to others it pays back in dividends.  

Edited by Jaym Resurrected.3972
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make an actual legendary armoury tab for us to be able to see which legendaries we got collected or not regardless of wheter the class can use them or not. in this case u could just make an extra tab under H called Legendary armoury and make it a copy paste of the wardrobe but for legendaries only .

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Finish Skill lines for Classes.

For example there should be an ELITE skill or Heal skill for each skill trait line for each class.

For example, there is no ELITE Skill for Mesmer Mantra's nor is there a Mesmer Healing Glamour

This issue is not isolated to Mesmer's alone but for every class except the Reverent.

This is a long overdue issue.


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Please add a non Elite Spec condition based ranged weapon for the Revenant to Complete the class.

Every class with the exception of the Revenant has both a non Condi Ranged and a Condi Ranged Weapon.

This is relevant for class option builds, being either Condi based or Strike based builds, that are not dependent on your Elite Spec options.

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Swapping legendaries on the fly is so much harder now with legendary armory since you have to reselect everything....stats, infusions, sigils
previously you at least could have the legendary in your inventory and one template and hot swap it.

They should make it if you  equip a different legendary weapon it takes the stats and the upgrades of the current legendary

or even better legendaries should remember the upgrades and stats they had in each equipment template even if removed and requipped again in the same template

Edited by skoda.4619
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The reason Anet doesn't want to add slumbering versions of Aurora or Vision is because, from what I hear, Anet doesn't want players to make 1 legendary accessory but receive 2 legendary accessories. So, if Anet makes it so that players need both Aurora and Vision together in order to get slumbering versions of these trinkets, wouldn't that solve the problem? Players cannot equip more than 2 accessories, anyways, so getting 4 legendary accessories after making only 2 of them isn't a problem.

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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The new slot switch button is nice. (Even if keyboard is still faster)


But what I really would like to have is the possibility to bind an equipment and a skill slots together, e.g. fix equip slot 1 with skill slot 1 (deadeye build with rifle equip) and equip 2 with skill 2 (daredevil build with staff equip). Whenever I switch the skills the equipment changes automatically and whenever I change the equipment the skills change automatically.

Edited by Dayra.7405
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Give us NPC which can show what we have locked\unlocked in Legendary Armory, similar to guildhall upgrades NPC which collects items.

Add Copy Rune\Sigil\Infusion from one tab to another.

Convert Cosmetic Effects of Vision and Aurora into Cosmetic Infusion and allow us to remove it, as an alternative to checkbox. Let it be first Legendary Infusions.

Edited by Aeon.4583
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Highlight the players own name or icon in the squad UI so he/she can easily see where they are in the squad group interface.  It makes it easier to see what subgroup you may be in.

Also highlight the commander to easily where he/she is.

Highlighting sub group leaders would be useful too.

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On 11/16/2017 at 12:40 PM, Daddicus.6128 said:

Could we get a checkbox on bank tabs? The checkbox would control where things go when we double-click from our inventory. If this were implemented, it probably should reset as we exit the bank.

Alternately (but probably more work), a drop-down list of generic item types. If this were implemented, it should probably stick around between logons or uses. "generic item types" means equipment, crafting materials, etc., just as they exist for packs. But, added to that would be armor boxes, weapon boxes, maybe recipes, etc.

I would like to organize my bank so that my Silverwastes stuff is in one tab, my Crystal Oasis stuff in another, etc. Either of the above might help with organization.

I would love more organizational options in the bank, at least the same type we get in bags (gear, crafting, etc...) plus the ability to drag tabs to different positions in the bank would be awesome 

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On 7/13/2021 at 9:33 PM, skoda.4619 said:

Swapping legendaries on the fly is so much harder now with legendary armory since you have to reselect everything....stats, infusions, sigils
previously you at least could have the legendary in your inventory and one template and hot swap it.

They should make it if you  equip a different legendary weapon it takes the stats and the upgrades of the current legendary

or even better legendaries should remember the upgrades and stats they had in each equipment template even if removed and requipped again in the same template

+1 and either would be fine, saving wich confic the legie had in the tab or saving the config for the tab so when we swap out a legie it uses the stats and upgrades of the one befor in that slot

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The quality of life improvements brought with the new legendary armory should extend to gem store gathering tools and glyphs. Many players continue to transfer these tools and glyphs to their alts via the bank or shared inventory slots. This update would make gem store tools more tempting to purchase, and players would continue to purchase multiple sets of tools to collect skins and glyphs. Let's get more mileage out of this new armory tech, continue to improve quality of life (for more players this time and not just hardcore/veteran players), and potentially earn more profit.

  • Gem store gathering tools and bound glyphs should change from Exotic rarity to Legendary rarity.
  • Similarly to legendary equipment, legendary gem store tools and glyphs should be able to be equipped on multiple characters simultaneously.
  • The legendary armory should cap each gem store tool skin to X/1 and cap each glyph to X/3. Refunds or compensations should be made for players who purchased tools and/or glyphs that exceed this cap.
  • Gem store tools should not cost transmutation charges to be transmuted.
  • After gem store tools and glyphs are added to the legendary armory, their physical items should be removed from the regular armory, inventory, and bank.
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While I would mostly agree with you on this. I would love to free up my shared inventory spaces of all my glyphs and the set of tools I have. How would you suppose we "earn" this legendary set of glyphs and or tools? Your saying they should just be automatically upgraded to legendary? Would we buy a legendary item that converts them?


I agree I would like to be able to swap glyph stats from one to the other more easily than the remove system. I would love for it to be removed from my shared spaces also. But it sound like you want this to just automatically happen?


How does this earn more $$ if they no longer need transmutation stones? Or if they no long want / need the first set of tools ( I think I have 3 or 4 sets of tools and most of the glyphs)? I can see this if there is a gem store item that once purchased allows the "upgrade" to take place and I can see that this new "upgrade item" item being useful for other things also like upgrading Ascended Armor to legendary without all the style (foot falls, auras, attack art etc.)


Just playing Devils advocate here.

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