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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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"Legendary trinkets that are available with and without visual effects, like Conflux and Transcendence, will now feature a visibility toggle for their effects."


Other trinkets are "too much work" at the moment and will be addressed in future. (maybe)

Can't find the source but remember WP talked about it in one of the videos.


Here - 


Edited by Rod.6581
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Other trinkets are "too much work" at the moment and will be addressed in future. (maybe)

I am sure it is „a lot of work” to hide some effects. You need elite programmers for that (neah this is a highschool problem). At least if they could make you able to change the effect colors so they could be fitted to your style. This is also very easy to program.

 Now lets be serious. It is a shame that this wasn't implemented in the first years of this game.

Edited by Lawrence.9106
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I recall that the reason some effects could not be easily disabled is because equipping them gives an invisible stacking buff.  The game checks to see how many stack of the buff you have and decides which appearance to display on your character model. Basically, to toggle the visuals they would have to implement a way to toggle the buff on all parts of the legendary accessory set you are wearing.  

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make legendary armor/weapons/trinkets unbreakable


if they get damaged, you can just remove them and equip again and they are not broken anymore, so might as well make them unbreakable. from a coding perspective it seems easier to make them unbreakable than to make the slot in the equipment tab remember that it's broken, and what if you equip something else that is not broken? K.I.S.S. make them unbreakable 🙂

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I'm not sure if this has been requested or discussed before, but I would personally find it useful/helpful if I could return to the login screen while the new update downloads without needing to login again. I use MFA and it's tedious entering those credentials again. Small, maybe not worth the time, but wondered if something like this would at least be possible.


Thank you

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I recently unlocked Griffon and was a bit diappointed that you can't use Upwinds and Ley-Lines. So can you please make it possible to leave your ride midair. (Would also help to rescue yourself, if you falls down a cliff with the other rides) Alternetively give Griffon (and Dragon) access to upwinds and ley-lines. Either through the Gliding mastery or as a new mastery for Griffon (and Dragon) or both. This would make the rides more useful and less frustrating in HoTs and S3 maps.


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Simply put, if an item is used in the mystic forge, let’s say an ascended great sword, which has infusions and other upgrades in said great sword. Than instead of the upgrades  disappearing, they should be pulled out of the items automatically and placed back in the users inventory. further more, reforging precursor items should result in giving the user a token that can be used in place of the precursor which has been reforged.

The cost for removing upgrades is minimal and tedious compared to the high cost of many mystic forge recipes. And the cot of loosing value infusions. 


I recently used an ascended pvp chest piece to craft a legendary chest piece. Unfortunately I was in a rush and forgot all about the upgrades in my ascended chest piece. The gold value lost was 26g, not terrible but it could have been much worse. To my shock support was not able to confirm that this had happened because those upgrades were place in that armor over 90 days ago. 
I see several flaws with this and in my opinion some clear solutions. 
If nothing else, a warning box would have been nice to see maybe.


the fact that I can delete any item in my inventory, and support can go back and find that it existed, and recover it, but not find an item that was previously used in the mystic forge with upgrades in it, is surprising. 

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Guild and Guild Hall:

1.     Guild slot expansion I need to be able to be in a total of 15 guilds vs the current 5. I want to be in a guild that has each guild hall for fishing (4) and my raid guild (1) and my fractal guild (1) and my guilds that run on specific maps for Triple Trouble, Dry Top, RBA, etc (4), my personal guild storage (1) my WvW alliance guild (1) and my PvP guild (1). You can extend them down on the guild panel where they currently are and get rid of the Guide Index which serves no purpose at all.

2.     Permanent Guild Hall instance expansion Allow me to apply the change to a guild I lead and will permanently expand the instance of my guild hall to 50/100/150. I want all of my guildies to be able to get into the same instance and not have to leave and reenter to accomplish it. When we are running group events in the guild hall it is such a dis-satisfier to have to stop everything because the instance is changing to accommodate one arriving player or one leaving.

3.     Guild Rank Expansion: The current number of ranks is locked at 10 and in a larger guild that is limiting. I’d like to see the limit increased to 15. The number of permissions to assign to ranks has grown over time to currently 32 permissions but there were no additions of Rank Slots to support those additional Roles these permissions could support. I like to advance ranks of my guildies to add unique responsibilities. I also like to apply ranks at times to groups of guildies just for fun. If you have created all 10 allowable ranks there is a blank space below that list that can easily accommodate 5 more ranks. We will also need a minimum of 3 emblems to apply to them as well.

4.     Advanced Scribe Deco License so that 400 Level Scribe Creations in my guild hall are interactive and functional for any repping guild member. Some examples: Winter’s Day Trees should each be gatherable for a gift during the time the festival is active….or all year for that matter if we want to keep them out somewhere. The globe (of disappointment) that cost a gift of exploration to make should list differing waypoints weekly, one per each world map. Guildies can go to that waypoint on interacting with the globe. The cornstalks should have candy corn gatherable. The snowmakers should allow gathering of snowflakes. If the guild is willing to produce the mats to make these very expensive items I’d like to see the items give back…slowly. To control the farm, allow a player to be able to only farm 1 of each advance crafting item located in a guild hall per day.

5.     Favor Convertor I LOVE that guildies can choose their buffs at the tavern based on what they are doing. I'd like a favor convertor that can be permanently applied at the tavern host that will allow me to select that our favor earned from missions increase the number of buffs guildies can carry at a time. This incentivizes a guild to complete missions every week. If I toggle this to "ON" (checked) in the guild pane, the favor would come out of our favor stash for the week at mission reset. 1 buff is default as it is now at no favor cost. The guild leader would select at the vendor from a menu 2 buffs=300 favor, 3 buffs =500 favor, 4 buffs = 700 favor, 5 buffs= 900 favor, 6 buffs = 1100 favor, 7 buffs = 1300 favor, 8 buffs= 1500 favor and all 9 buffs = 1700 favor per week. The favor is extracted from your guilds favor when missions reset. If there is not enough favor to support the license purchased then your guild will revert to just being able to take the default 1 buff until your guild leader makes a selection that your guild can afford and that will stay as the weekly until a new selection is made or you end up at default again because of low favor.  During times when you know you want to stack your favor up for anticipated guild hall additions you can turn it off and allow your favor to build up.

6.     Placeables Right now if you add the “Use Placeables” permission to a rank it is all or none and it governs all of them. The 4 categories of Storage need to be separated for the purposes of assigning permissions to use them to appropriate ranks and they need to be added to the permissions in ranks. This area in the guild pane needs to be separated to the categories it is comprised of in the available rank permissions. So “Use Placeables” should be replaced by “Use Banners” “Use Misc.”, “Use Siege” and “Use Guild Deco” (this last one gives those with the perm on their rank the perm to use the placeable deco to advance scribing, not to decorate). I want to encourage a brand new member to the guild to pursue scribe crafting if they want and allow use of decorations (which is a placeable) to them for advancing crafting. I want to allow use of consumables meaning Banners, Misc. and Siege (placeables) to higher ranked guild members only.

7.     Assembly Device is a hostage situation: Allow me to type in how many of an item on the left panel I want to put into the assembly device. If I need a stack of catapults I am currently hostage to stand there and load that machine for an entire evening. I don’t care if it takes the same amount of time to produce them. Just don’t make me stand there.

8.     Customizable Esa / Workshop Proprietor Panel: Once your guild hall is built you have all of these vendors hanging around that server virtually no purpose. I’d like to see them have some ongoing value if they are going to take up space. I'd like to see a panel added to the workshop proprietor that includes every material required for every guild deco. The guild bank would have a panel added to hold all of this material looking much like your personal materials storage. When a guild leader checks an item in the list at the Workshop Proprietor it then shows on Esa the Frugal’s panel. Guildies would see just those items needed in his window and be able to donate into the guild hall vs sending them to a person. Also, things that are needed like the gift of exploration, that can't be mailed, can still be donated using this feature for scribe crafting. Once added, the items are free to be used for deco crafting just like the placeable deco are available.

9.     Add festival music to guild hall music selections. We already have SAB music, but we don’t have Winter’s Day, Lunar NY or Halloween music to select as an option.

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Quality of Life

1.     Character select needs to allow me to sort ALL of my toons to a single page view with a number of toons in a number of rows that I can select. I need to be able to move them from one row to another to sort them based on how I play/use them in order to find them quickly and to quickly identify how many I need for another purpose or what ones I can free up to do something else. When you have 70 toons clicking through that panel to get the one you want is monotonous.

2.     Permanent Bank, TP, Merchant need to be made account accessible. If I have these items on my account I should have an icon on the bottom of my inventory to launch them. They shouldn't take up my shared slots. Also, I need 10 more shared slots than what is available now.

3.     NPC that trades Black Lion items for other Black Lion items. Specifically, Black Lion Salvage Kits, Black Lion Trading Posts, Repair Canisters, Merchant Expresses, Bank Access Expresses, Upgrade Extractors, and any of the Passes. I want to be able to trade any one of these items for any one of another or one for a Black Lion Statuette so I can select an item that will be useful for me when I have a permanent version of one of these or just to many of any of one.

4.     Dye templates – On all dye application panels (mounts, armor, outfits) there is Dye Template #1, Dye Template #2, Dye Template #3 each with a respective checkbox. When you want to set up your dye combo for your holiday look you can click on Dye Template #1 and then set it up. Do the same on Template #2 for, say, your WvW look, and maybe Template #3 for your PvE dye choices. Once set up you check the box and swap between saved templates quickly.

5.     Add a very irritating repeating sound to Squad Ready Check that continues endlessly until a player selects Ready or until the ready check is cancelled when in a raid instance.

6.     Guild Kite Vendor has been missing in action for years. I have about 30 remaining Guildies who still have the illustrious guild kite with our emblem on it. These made excellent gifts to Guildies during holidays and guild celebrations….guild kites are sadly missed.

7.     Add Mystic Black Lion Salvage Kit forge or crafting recipe

Something like 3 Black Lion Salvage Kits and something from Myani’s list gives you 100 kits in a single stack.

8.     Library On the hero tab there should be a line called Lore like where you have the mini’s and outfits. I have about a billion books that I've collected in story or events and they take up a large amount of room. I need those books to be collection based like the minis so I can click in the panel and select the ones I have to read back on so I can have my space back.

9.     Self-Style Hair Kits Need to be redesigned to be a Single Attribute Makeover Kit. Total Makeover kit’s let you rework several or all attributes of your toons appearance while the Hair Kit points just to hair, but there is no other kit available to just let you redo your eyes, or your height. It is irritating to have to use a total makeover kit to get at just one attribute that isn’t hair. I’d like to see the Self-Style hair kit become a single attribute kit that include hair as one of any of the options available in the total kit that you want to change.

10.  Place of Power needs to capture Quartz Crystals from my bank or my collection. I should not have to have quartz crystals in my inventory slots to support making a charged quartz crystal.

11.  Consume All for Notarized Scrolls of Heroics, Tomes of Knowledge, WvW and PvP potions

12.  Player Counter in options to show how many players are in the game at the current time. Also include a player counter on the corner of the mini map to tell me how many players are on the current instance of the map I am on.

13.  Advanced Mail: Don’t suppress my mail ever when I’m mailing guild members. Allow me to mail groups of members with a checkbox selection by guild rank, friends, etc. like how the gifting check boxes work in the TP

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I'm a returning player.  I've found the changes hard to follow & think tooltips or in game guide would be helpful.   Now for the stories.  I've played & play several MMO's, I'm a pve player who solo's alot.   In most games I can do the story modes w/o dying alot since they're about the story.  In this game I feel like I'm in a dungeon by myself at best or a full blown raid at worst in some of the stories.   I find the tiny print of most of the quests & the inability to see the faces of the NPC's make it so I care less for the characters and therefore experience less immersion.   It would be great if you can enjoy the story more & die less.  

Also why do I have to pay 200 per episode for the story lines.  I get your a "free" mmo but I'd be more inclined to by for an entire season like a DLC or even like ESO pay a sub to get access to those seasons w/o separate purchase.   If that's not possible how about including previous seasons with new expansions.   I'm pay more to have Living World Episodes in the expansions than having to buy gems to catch up on the story lines I missed.    At this rate there really isn't much of a reason for me to play the game since I can neither afford to pay to catch up in the story line.  

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5 hours ago, lokh.2695 said:

No amount of UI will prevent people from making mistakes. This issue might be better solved by OP and customer service via messanges than by adjusting the system.


However one "are you sure" box could go a long way...

there is enough are you sure boxes we dont need anymore, OP would just click past that on aswell.

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As far as user experience:

Yes, having an automatted removal of upgrades would useful. Could be limited to adcended only as to circumvent Black Lion Kits or the upgrade extractors issues.


No amount of warnings will be able to prevent users from eventually making a mistake. Autonatted removal would take care of that. 


The question thus becomes rather one of:

- how much effort would it be to implement

- how desirable is such an automatted system, both from a user and developer perspective

- how fair is it, and how confusing, to treat different rarity of gear differently (if say this was in place only for ascended gear)

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Hello Friends, 


I think it would be nice after playing the game since beta to look into account binding crafting. If you unlock a crafting discipline  on a character that you don't actually want anymore but are forced to keep due to you loosing the crafting discipline I feel its wrong. I don't think its nice to spend all that time on grinding up using all them resource's and if you don't actually like the profession you have it on. Yeah keep the number of crafting license's to each character (I have 3 on my main account) but if you have the achievement to get to 500 crafting completed you should be able to keep them perks if you want the discipline on a different character. 


Anyways short post but i think its worth a look. 



JimBourn 🙂

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Visual noise reduction.


Please think about adding some visual noise reduction options, it's always been bad but with the new AoE borders it's way worse. I would love an option to turn those off because for me it's becoming too much to play the game. Especially in small areas like the basement in the CM dungeons.

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I wouldn't much like that change, since crafting is a good way to level up alts.


The high level recipes are already account bound, so you don't lose anything there, and you can still sell what you made for the gold and transfer that to the new character, or to reclaim mats.  (You can salvage for mats too, but it's not as effective.)  I get the frustration, since I had a hard time leveling to tailoring to 500 at first on my main, but I don't quite get why you'd bother on a profession you didn't like, unless to keep the char as a crafting char.


You already keep the crafting license, if I understand what you mean correctly; the expansion already applies to all characters on the account.  I'm not sure what other perks you mean; I can't think of anything you get for crafting at 500 beyond the ability to craft level 500 things.


As I said, I sympathize with the frustration, but I think in a broad sense, the change would just devalue crafting in general too much.

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2 minutes ago, Bournster.2607 said:

Understandable but what if you have no character slots and you need a certain class for raids or WvW all the others you are happy with only thing your using that slot for its for armor smith and its 500. No bags ect. 

Well, either buy or a new slot, or relevel a character and their crafting professions(I think these are cheaper than gems to gold for a new slot.)

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