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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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On 8/21/2021 at 9:47 PM, Belleunicorn.7840 said:

I'm a returning player.  I've found the changes hard to follow & think tooltips or in game guide would be helpful.   Now for the stories.  I've played & play several MMO's, I'm a pve player who solo's alot.   In most games I can do the story modes w/o dying alot since they're about the story.  In this game I feel like I'm in a dungeon by myself at best or a full blown raid at worst in some of the stories.   I find the tiny print of most of the quests & the inability to see the faces of the NPC's make it so I care less for the characters and therefore experience less immersion.   It would be great if you can enjoy the story more & die less.  

Also why do I have to pay 200 per episode for the story lines.  I get your a "free" mmo but I'd be more inclined to by for an entire season like a DLC or even like ESO pay a sub to get access to those seasons w/o separate purchase.   If that's not possible how about including previous seasons with new expansions.   I'm pay more to have Living World Episodes in the expansions than having to buy gems to catch up on the story lines I missed.    At this rate there really isn't much of a reason for me to play the game since I can neither afford to pay to catch up in the story line.  

Do you still have difficulty even with interface-scaling set to largest & DPI scaling checked  reading the character names?  Although I do agree it would be nice if they allowed larger text size for accessibility irrespective of the rest of the game.

The names are pretty large when on 150% scaling Windows, DPI checked and interface large or larger (normal is okay for me too but I can see how someone would find that very small text.) 

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On 8/14/2021 at 3:49 PM, Lyssia.4637 said:

Forgive me if this has already been suggested, but a search bar somewhere - bank, I would think - that allows you to search for items across all chars.  For us altaholics and those with max chars, who tend to lose things on those lesser-played.

Until they implement this, unless you've already uesd this before, gw2efficiency is your friend. It has a search bar that can search for items throughout all of your characters inventory, equipment and bank.


it *would* be nice if that was in game so I didn't have to go to an external website for it though. XD  I don't mind it myself too much though, since i keep going to the wiki too, so... external websites anyway XD

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27 minutes ago, cloudsareyum.8120 said:

Until they implement this, unless you've already uesd this before, gw2efficiency is your friend. It has a search bar that can search for items throughout all of your characters inventory, equipment and bank.


it *would* be nice if that was in game so I didn't have to go to an external website for it though. XD  I don't mind it myself too much though, since i keep going to the wiki too, so... external websites anyway XD

No, I didn't know about gw2efficiency!  I'd still like it in-game too, but that will really help right now.  Thank you!

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3 hours ago, Lyssia.4637 said:

Another request, if you would: a way to hot key individual mounts, so I can switch quickly between raptor and skimmer, especially.

You can set hotkeys for mounts individually in keybind settings.  You will still have to dismount to swap mounts though.

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On 8/21/2021 at 3:16 AM, Naneel.2348 said:

I recently unlocked Griffon and was a bit diappointed that you can't use Upwinds and Ley-Lines. So can you please make it possible to leave your ride midair. (Would also help to rescue yourself, if you falls down a cliff with the other rides) Alternetively give Griffon (and Dragon) access to upwinds and ley-lines. Either through the Gliding mastery or as a new mastery for Griffon (and Dragon) or both. This would make the rides more useful and less frustrating in HoTs and S3 maps.


There IS a dismount skill for all flying mounts, in addition to a stealth skill, but I believe it needs to be trained as a mastery.  I recall getting it, but don't remember if it was unlocked when it came out as an update (part of mount mastery) or as a new mastery to get.

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9 hours ago, mathion.8549 said:

There IS a dismount skill for all flying mounts, in addition to a stealth skill, but I believe it needs to be trained as a mastery.  I recall getting it, but don't remember if it was unlocked when it came out as an update (part of mount mastery) or as a new mastery to get.

If you mean the 4th Kristall-Champion mastery. It is a dismount, but I don't really like. The Jump is not really helpful and locks you to long in the animation, so that you lose a lot of height until you can change mount or glide. I don't know of a stealth skill, but I haven't unlocked Eisbrood-Saga yet.

I would like an option to directly change from ride to glide, like we can change from glide to ride midair.

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Exotic Armory


The Legendary Armory is a quality-of-life update for sharing all of your legendary equipment on all characters on the account.


What about an Exotic armory for players that have not legendary equipment and want to share exotic equipment on all characters?

Exotic equipment takes up a lot of space in inventory and it will be a great quality-of-life update for casual players to share it on all characters too.

It will be better if all exotic equipment in Exotic Armory could be customizable too.

Thanks for reading this suggestion.

Edited by sueps.2896
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When reading squad chat, zone chat and any other, it is hard to read with the font having so very little spacing.  It becomes like "o's" and lines.  I would like an option to change the font.The spacing between will help me distinguish letters, as well as a little bit of space between sentences for easy following.  It looks like a big wall of text for me.  It makes me reread or give up reading because everything is squished together.  I searched high and low for how to fix it and there is nothing on change font or line spacing.  All I come up with is change the size,  which does not help at all. 


Basically asking for better Kerning and Leading.  https://www.canva.com/learn/typography-terms/


GW2 Chat screenshot on imgur  Not to size, I have a 2560 x 1940 and if I change that everything goes out of wack.


Side note it would also be nice to change the colors for party, squad, guild to my prefered colors.  


Thank you, 


Edited by Philapa.3842
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Unfortunately, with the tools currently available I think UI size is the only setting that comes close to helping with this, but it sounds like you've already tried that. I find that we have a very basic chat system in GW2 just full-stop. I've been spoiled by other games in the past, so the lack of options here just makes me want an overhaul update.


The Wishlist:

- Ability to copy text from the chat box and/or save a log of each play session (logs turned off by default, but can be opted into through settings)

- Names that are always able to be right-clicked regardless of /say or /emote entry of text

- A silent version of emotes that doesn't produce chat spam (possibly with audio removed as well) for when you wanna shrug/laugh/weep but don't want to bother the people nearby

- Another look at the range of emotes because maybe I don't need to know that someone is crossing their arms three villages away from where I am

- Party chat that remains after you leave (or get ousted from) a party instead of dissolving into the void (same for various channels of text that seem to vanish or reappear as they please)

- Color selection for various channels/affiliations (guild, party, squad, etc.)

- Font selection

- Tiny number counter to inform you when you are running out of characters as you near the limit (with toggle for those who don't care about this)

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1 minute ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

Unfortunately, with the tools currently available I think UI size is the only setting that comes close to helping with this, but it sounds like you've already tried that. I find that we have a very basic chat system in GW2 just full-stop. I've been spoiled by other games in the past, so the lack of options here just makes me want an overhaul update.


The Wishlist:

- Ability to copy text from the chat box and/or save a log of each play session (logs turned off by default, but can be opted into through settings)

- Names that are always able to be right-clicked regardless of /say or /emote entry of text

- A silent version of emotes that doesn't produce chat spam (possibly with audio removed as well) for when you wanna shrug/laugh/weep but don't want to bother the people nearby

- Another look at the range of emotes because maybe I don't need to know that someone is crossing their arms three villages away from where I am

- Party chat that remains after you leave (or get ousted from) a party instead of dissolving into the void (same for various channels of text that seem to vanish or reappear as they please)

- Color selection for various channels/affiliations (guild, party, squad, etc.)

- Font selection

- Tiny number counter to inform you when you are running out of characters as you near the limit (with toggle for those who don't care about this)

Wow I really like those ideas to and wholeheartedly agree.

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1 minute ago, Farohna.6247 said:

I would like being able to change colors on text to distinguish it more, and for those who have visual differences or dyslexia a way to change the font would be very helpful.  Good suggestion.

I am not dyslexic but I do like the font for it, easy to read.

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Is there an option to add a commenter's post to beneath my initial forum post? Like pinning it to just below mine, so like their ideas stay theirs but also adds useful content to mine?  I liked the ideas from Agent Moore and Farona's. for either reasons why and other options needed.

Edited by Philapa.3842
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I don't find the text in the chat box too bad, but it could be better and I certainly wouldn't complain about having more options. It would definitely be good for accessibility.


A choice of font (doesn't have to be loads of options) and colours for each channel would be nice.


4 minutes ago, Farohna.6247 said:

I'm not either, but I also like the font.  It's easier to read with less eye tricks for everyone 😉

Do you mean the Open Dyslexic font?


I'm (mildly) dyslexic and weirdly I don't like it. I can see why it works for other people buy I find it too 'blobby', it changes the shape of letters and therefore words too much, which is distracting, so I don't find it any easier to read. Also for me the most important thing is having a clear distinction between 'tall' and 'short' letters and it doesn't really do that.


If I get a choice of font I usually pick Verdana, although that's partially because it's widely available and most people don't notice it's not Arial or whatever, so if I write documents for myself I don't have to re-format them for other people to use (most the documents I've created at work are in Verdana). By far the most important thing is using a sans-serif font with good spacing.


There's other things which can help too, like background colours but that seems to be very personal; there's no one colour which is good for everyone. For me black text on a pale, dull yellow is best, but that's ugly, can be a pain to set up and I'd have to change it for other people to read. So I usually settle for light grey and/or changing the monitor brightness so the screen is less bright. (Fortunately books often do have black text on off-white to pale yellow paper.)

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