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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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4 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

My issue with that: we've already raised an elder dragon, so this is not a "new idea", it's already something that we had/have in the game.

We also already had mounts, and here is the siege turtle coming with EOD.  

I know its the forum and people here love shooting additional ideas down instead of taking the effort to think outside the box on how to extend ideas.

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3 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

And here is my idea to expand on that. ur issue is what ? 

No I know, I was being a tad tongue in cheek there. My point is, there can only be a certain number of Elder Dragons and they can’t just be raised by everyone. Even Aurene only became one via very specific circumstances including whatever Ascension rite Glint showed her off screen.

Whilst I’m not interested in all this rearing pets fad the game has utilised for various things (although the tiger cubs Ive made an exception for since that was very well done), I think you need to think smaller than Elder Dragon (or any Dragon) as a feature

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27 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

We also already had mounts, and here is the siege turtle coming with EOD.  

I know its the forum and people here love shooting additional ideas down instead of taking the effort to think outside the box on how to extend ideas.

Each mount does something new in its area. You're talking about raising an elder dragon -which we've already done. You were also saying it wouldn't be following us, but we'd still get some skills to use.... which means the elder dragon would sit somewhere just like aurene currently does and... we'd get some skills from mastery traitlines, which not only is already the case, but will also probably be the case in EoD. I don't see how this is anything new, what you're describing here seems to already be in the game.

tl;dr: replay full gw2 story in order.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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4 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Each mount does something new in its area. You're talking about raising an elder dragon -which we've already done. You were also saying it wouldn't be following us, but we'd still get some skills to use.... which means the elder dragon would sit somewhere just like aurene currently does and... we'd get some skills from mastery traitlines, which not only is already the case, but will also probably be the case in EoD. I don't see how this is anything new, what you're describing here seems to already be in the game.

plz link me the Aurene mastery we have 

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37 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

I know its the forum and people here love shooting additional ideas down instead of taking the effort to think outside the box on how to extend ideas.

Why would you expect someone spend time talking about something they fundamentally do not agree with / believe in / think would be beneficial to the game?

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2 minutes ago, Sigmoid.7082 said:

Why would you expect someone spend time talking about something they fundamentally do not agree with / believe in / think would be beneficial to the game?

I remember the time when ppl suggested mounts and ppl like u would answer with a NO or posting the dead horse icon. 

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1 minute ago, Balsa.3951 said:

I remember the time when ppl suggested mounts and ppl like u would answer with a NO or posting the dead horse icon. 

People really like this example for when people disagree with an idea they have come up with to add to the game huh...


Those people were perfectly fine to do so. You can't expect everyone to agree with your idea and just get on board and discuss it like its going to be the next big thing / best thing since sliced bread.

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3 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

plz link me the Aurene mastery we have 

So your whole issue here would be that one of the masteries doesn't contain word "aurene"?

Seems now you understand why this idea isn't anything new.

3 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

no those are mount masteries

Except Crystal Champion (what do you think "Crystal Champion" means in the first place?) masteries descriptions say:

Master your bond with Aurene so that you can safely collect Volatile Magic.

Master your bond with Aurene so that she can let you share your health with your mount.

Master your bond with Aurene so that she can let you rejuvenate your mount's endurance.

Master your bond with Aurene so that she can lend you magical wings, allowing you to launch from your mounts.

So these are "Aurene masteries we have".



Nice confused reaction emote spam, but what I said remains true 🤷‍♂️ 



Edited by Sobx.1758
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Not sure if it has ever been mentioned before or if it is even possible, but I was thinking I'd really love to be able to dye my toon's hair more than one color at a time (unless we already have this feature and I somehow missed it?). So like multiple dye channels, like with armor, so you can have highlights or half dyed one color and the other half dyed another. Maybe that will come with the new expac, but if not it's a feature I'd really love to see!

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Trouble having mounts to match character design. Either the color will be off, or glider effect not matching.

Currently the equipment templates cannot store glider and mount color scheme with different or variation settings.

1 character will have just 1 mount setting, followed with 1 specific glider setting. 

Problem is my 1 character has 2 to 3 very different appearance. And the glider and mount has been fixed to just 1 setting, cannot be further customised. 

As it is I can't even have different mount or mount colors for different Equipment Templates.  As well not able to have different minis on each Equipment Templates. Ideally I would like 3 different gliders for each of my 3 Equipment Templates. As their looks are each different. 

Dissapointed with such a design limitation or design decision. 


Edited by medivh.4725
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  • medivh.4725 changed the title to Each Equipment Template should store its own set of glider and mount settings

I'd love to see an outfit offered in the gem store that was a simple tunic (no sleeves or leggings, just a tunic with a belt over it and boots).   Examples here are Aragorn's outfit from the 1978 Lord of the Rings animated movie, and Pelisse from the French graphic novel "La Quête de l'oiseau du temps".



Edited by AzureWolf.9150
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Favorites for Unobtained items.

Why? let's people more clearly organize new "chase" objectives if they are targeting skins.

QoL when browsing the wardrobe looking for something.


Additions: Consider adding small text like is displayed on Collections items to indicate where to start looking, or support direct linking to the wiki.


Currency Tabs: 

For the love of all that is kitten, please consider tabs for currencies including main breaks for Central Tyria, HoT, and PoF, Dungeons, and Strikes, with additional optional checkboxes for keys / currency. It doesn't even have to be tabs, just anything to simplify things or allow for sorting options.  


Better Mentor System

Consider adding the option for mentors to essentially "reverse LFG" for when players essentially want to sound an SoS. Can use existing LFG windows, but keep a pool of Mentors available for group invite. Add appropriate achievements or modest daily rewards for incentive. 




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I've been thinking about the filter in the naming system. The name wasn't taken but I wasn't allowed a character to have the surname Yoshitoku. Looking at it, yeah I see where the problem with that name is, Changed it to Yoshikotu and it was fine.

What if we had the option to submit a request when a name is hit by the filter? Someone sees it and decides if that the person is trying to use a proper name that happens to contain a combination of letters that the filter didn't like, or if they are just trying to swear. And approve or decline. Could have it if they keep submitting obvious intentional profanity then the right to request gets revoked. 



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