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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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I suspect a higher jump won't be implemented as specific content has probably been designed with the Springer's maximum jump height in mind.

But a slightly higher, non-charged minimum jump height would be welcome, and improve the utility of the mount without breaking the game.


Whatever, I certainly appreciate the spirit of this post. All mounts outside of Springer still remain relevant, but Skyscale makes it almost completely irrelevant. It definitely needs some TLC!


I'd also like to suggest slightly improving the Skimmer's speed over water, and making its Hover High skill maintain that speed when activated over dry land.

Skyscale again feels more efficient to use over water than Skimmer in a lot of circumstances, which shouldn't be the case.

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Heck, if Anet at least made the Springer jump on button press (like the raptor) instead of button release, that’d be decent enough for me.

Ideally, though, I’d like to see a wall jump added to the Springer. That wall slide just really irks me.

I’m not too sold on just passively increasing its jump height. Something like a double jump may be fun, though, since it adds more interaction.

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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2 hours ago, BlueJin.4127 said:


I’m not too sold on just passively increasing its jump height. Something like a double jump may be fun, though, since it adds more interaction.


Oooh, I like it.  Press jump while in the air and the Springer rolls upside down beneath you and kicks you further up into the air (way higher than the standard mid air launch).

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Hi, I have been playing guild wars 1 and 2 since release and this is just my suggestion.


The upcomming End of dragons is definitely awesome, even more so for anybody who played GW1. That being said, I think that I have a suggestion for improving awesome. Maybe it's mostly GW1 nostalgia, but the Fort Aspenwood pvp was something else..

It would be great if the dev team could come up with a historical battles mission pvp thingy of sorts that would  resemble that. The defending Kurzicks and the attacking Luxons with their siege turtles! And players would be rewarded with either Luxon or Kurzick points. Just like in the day, if you'd be fighting for the Luxon you'd loose Kurzick points and vice versa, and the points could be used for some sort of Elite Luxon/Kurzick armor skins.

In GW1 you even had pvp guilds based on their Cantha loyalties and it gave the game something special 🙂


I think there is a LOT of nostalgia that ArenaNet can use really well.

I think that would benefit them and the players.

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On 10/19/2021 at 5:26 AM, Svez Poizon XD.5268 said:

Wings are very cute but...
it seems very small and barely noticeable on Sylvari. If there is some way to just make them a little bit larger would be very cool. Compared to other back items(wings type) these are smallest of all and somehow do not fit on already smaller Sylvari character.

Take a look by yourself below -> and compare The Ascension size and size of these wings. Also i added sized suggestion in one of screenshots.


Agree 100% on the size issue (not just Sylvari!).

On the original Daydreamer's Wings they are even more too small!  (also, could the Daydreamers wing glow match your Sylvari glow color and timing please?)


As a second comment on the new cycle Skimmer skin, it still does the bored idle spin animation as the skimmer animal.  Since it's supposed to be a mechanical device can it have a different idle animation please?


Edited by Nol Fran Shee.1285
Shorten quote, add Skimmer skin
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30 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

That limit can already be bypassed easily with skyscale. Which is the very reason why this change has been suggested, btw.

True, but remember that the Skyscale is significantly further down the line than the Springer narratively speaking.

A lot of PoF was designed around acquiring mounts in a particular order, and certain map elements were locked for you until you had acquired a specific mount.


It's easy to forget this once you've obtained the Skyscale.

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4 hours ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

True, but remember that the Skyscale is significantly further down the line than the Springer narratively speaking.

A lot of PoF was designed around acquiring mounts in a particular order, and certain map elements were locked for you until you had acquired a specific mount.


It's easy to forget this once you've obtained the Skyscale.

Yeah, that's why I'd lock it behind a new mastery or quest line.  It could unlock after PoF is complete, or even as a reward for unlocking the Springer in both PoF and EoD.

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Suggestion for a bit more immersion:

There's some areas (such as some instances or jumping puzzles) where mounts and gliding is not allowed... sometimes the game doesn't tell you that (like in the instances and you TRY to use a mount, but are unable to), and sometimes the game just flat out tells you "you can't use mounts (or glide) in this area".

I would suggest making a more immersive explanation as to why the mounts & gliding isn't allowed...

  • "Something about this area is unsettling to your mounts - they refuse to go any further!"
  • "The unstable atmosphere in this area makes it impossible to glide here!"
Edited by Kencussion.9273
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For the feedback threads that we have on the different professions pages. I feel as though a good way to keep engaged with the community and atleast let us know that you’ve read feedback could be something like 

“Hi guys, just popping in here, wanted to let you guys know that we’ve read up to X amount of pages of feedback.” And then 5, 6, or even 10 pages later they let us know they’ve read up to that amount and so on and so on 😄

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Please add character select feature like in Black desert, where we can check the character's inventory bag without loading them up? Pretty please? Will make it easier to find what character has what rare/unique/gem store that couldnt be placed in family inventory.

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Just saw this thread 🙂  It would be awesome if one guild could hold multiple guild halls.  The guild members could then decide daily which one they want to go to to do any type of gathering or hanging out.  And, think of all the decorations that could be put in them.  Each one could have their own theme based on the decorations.

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Allow us to use any armor on any class. (I know it's been asked a trillion times but would be cool)

Make some improvements to Orr like make it so that we don't have to wait a whole event just to get a Hero point.  Or maybe make something that gives us all hero points if our other characters claimed that hero point.

Allow us to level any mastery in any map.  Because here I am on my level 80 in Core Tyria doing stuff and I don't get any shards or anything during leveling but still get exp everything I do something

Hero points easier to get in POF and EOD in solo mode.  I know a lot of folk will say just get ascended/legendary gear or get  a group but I don't have desire for that gear and I hear a lot of folk say the game is viable with Exotic when it's not.

Make Sky Scale a bit faster (Also been said millions of times) and give it true flight because we already have a glider in the form of the griffon

Allow us to disable renown heart suggestions and such in the content finder

Stop the contested waypoint thing.  There's some waypoints that seem to be always contested and not even an event or npc around.  I'd rather port in and enter combat immediately then be forced half way across the map when I have to go into that area already 

Edited by nobleboivin.4102
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A QoL update: expand the dyes to your choice every time you go into the dye selection page. It's frustrating every time you change maps or characters, that you have to do this. For me, I like to organize the dyes by colour, so every time I change maps or characters, I have to select the option to organize the dyes by colour. I have literally done this hundreds of times now, and it's really annoying. I'm surprised it's been like this for so long, actually. The dye page should always automatically be expanded to the choice you prefer. For me, it's by colour. I shouldn't have to expand it every time I change maps or characters.


Another update I'd like to see, though more of a suggestion, is previous legendary weapon generations with themes / upgrades for all the weapons, like what is happening with the Aurene legendaries and the "variants". So for example, I have juggernaut, bifrost, astralaria, claw of the khan-ur, and pharus unlocked, but because they are unique skins, when I swap weapons, I have to find something that looks as close to a match as possible, but this simply is near on impossible because most legendary weapons usually have unique colours that many dyes can't match, and since we can't dye weapons, trying to match legendaries is almost impossible.


It would be neat to be able to have a pharus themed dagger for example, and a pharus themed axe, to go with my ranger. I have, after all, unlocked pharus, and it would be nice to be able to match all of my weapons with the legendary's theme. The core weapon would obviously be the original weapon itself, so for example with astralaria, you'd have to unlock the astralaria axe before you could unlock the astralaria greatsword, staff, etc. etc... - Just like the aurene legendary variants, you could go on quests, storylines, achievements or whatever, to unlock the other astralaria weapon skins.


It would not take away from or demean the legendary weapons itself, because they would be required to unlock the other weapon variants in the first place. If anything, it proves you've not only unlocked the legendary weapon, but gone further by doing more achievements, etc. to unlock the other weapons for its theme.


This way people can swap weapons and keep their legendary look no matter what the situation or outfit. I for one am frustrated that I don't have any weapons that look remotely similar to Pharus on my ranger, and it bugs me that I can't match it. This is, after all, fashion wars, and my characters appearance is a big deal for my own personal joy. I would absolutely love to have a Pharus dagger and Pharus axe to go with my ranger's Pharus longbow.

Edited by Zaoda.1653
Added a bit more clarity on the dye page expanding thing, and forgot I also had claw of the khan-ur unlocked, so put that in too.
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  • Trash filter - I simply don't want to pick up certain items or materials anymore
  • Combine Tomes into a new type of lvl 80 boost - a boost which won't make you click through 80 lvl up chests with useless stuff, that's all
  • Keep adding more faces and haircuts
  • Make skins between class weights interchangeable, heavy skins aren't that great for playing fashion wars - was refreshing to have all skins available in another game regardless of class
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