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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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With Fishing being a large feature of EoD, and certain fish only appearing during certain periods of the day/night cycle, could we get a simple map element to show us whether it's day/night/dusk/dawn, a simple changing sun/moon in the top right of the map will do.

i know you can type /time to see what the current tyrian time is, but it's a lot easier to when you can just glance over at a UI element.

Edited by Parasite.5389
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3 hours ago, Parasite.5389 said:

With Fishing being a large feature of EoD, and certain fish only appearing during certain periods of the day/night cycle, could we get a simple map element to show us whether it's day/night/dusk/dawn, a simple changing sun/moon in the top right of the map will do.

i know you can type /time to see what the current tyrian time is, but it's a lot easier to when you can just glance over at a UI element.

You can set Tyrian time on your Compass UI.  Whilst you await the implementation of your suggestion, of course.

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Problem: This request is more focused for players that have more than 10 characters. At a certain point finding characters is a pain when you have a ton, the time wasted hitting next to figure out where in the list a character is can be troublesome. As a player with near max slots used I feel this pain any time I want to find a character I haven't used in a while. 


Request: Add in new features to the character select screen that allow filter by:

- Race

-- Sort by Races ASC/DEC Alphabetically

-- Filter to just 1 Race

- Class

-- Sort by classes ASC/DEC Alphabetically

-- Filter by 1 class

- Level

-- Sort by levels ASC/DEC

-- Choose a specific level

- Name search

AND / OR a way to group or pin or favorite most used, or custom order permanent positioning in the list. 



The sorts would allow players to quickly see by groupings by the Race / Class / Level. The filter to 1 options would reduce the displayed list to just the selected option, would be possible for players to end in a state of zero characters listed if they don't have a character that meets that criteria. A pin or favorite option would reduce the complexity of needing filters a little, but still only works with the first few you pin. The permanent positioning order would allow for players to do the sorting themselves. 



Edit: If this is the wrong place for this request please let me know and I can move to the right location. 


Edited by Jonesi Blitz.5263
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I think someone needs to buy more displays for an ultra-ultra-ultra-wide monitor setup. :classic_tongue:

But jokes aside since a 105:9 setup is probably a bit to expensive for most people even if they can afford 70+ character slots. Personally I'd already be happy to be able to manually sort my characters instead by last used...

Or at least give us some really cheap, but distinctive outfits to help us to quickly distinguish the JP chest campers from the crafting alts and the other utility characters one collects over time.

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Consider to add "Logistic Infusions" and a special slot for them in boots.

"Logistic Infusion" will increase character's movement speed and will have 3 tiers +15% +20% +25%.

Maybe some cheap price of Laurels will do for it.

I.e. some professions and elite specs do not have passive movement speed increase. Some players find movement speed increase to be useful for open world\pve activity to nullify combat penalty.


Edited by Aeon.4583
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When you stop your skiff in middle of lake or water body, should automatic trigger hotkey or swap option to fishing mode. It is common sense, rather then clicking at a tiny arrow button to select once more fishing. It is just not intuitive. Gotto make it smarter.

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1) Have a new section for fishing gear, fishing food, all fishing related thingy
2) Pls categorise the weapons properly. Not sure why is some weapon only found by random typing on BLTC. Where instead if you search for a specific category, it should be listed. Instead, have to type manually say "et" , "ab" to find something odd? Quite a waste of time to find these skins or weapon types. A-Z and so many keyboard combinations. Classifiy them properly OK

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• Remove the 10 minute timer for placing tactics on supply camps after capturing them. Camps are WAY too easily capturable, and most are taken over IMMEDIATELY after the 5 minute Righteous Indignation is up - therefore rendering placing tactics on supply camps pretty much absolutely useless because you have to wait 10 minutes to place tactics on them after claiming it with your guild - it's for this reason I no longer bother putting tactics on supply camps. If the 10 minute timer for placing tactics on supply camps was removed, then people would be able to immediately place tactics on the camps, and AT LEAST get 3 minutes use out of the tactics (because you have to wait 2 minutes before placed tactics come into effect) before (most likely) being taken over by any enemies.

Edited by Zaoda.1653
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On 3/21/2022 at 5:11 PM, Aeon.4583 said:

Consider to add "Logistic Infusions" and a special slot for them in boots.

"Logistic Infusion" will increase character's movement speed and will have 3 tiers +15% +20% +25%.

Maybe some cheap price of Laurels will do for it.

I.e. some professions and elite specs do not have passive movement speed increase. Some players find movement speed increase to be useful for open world\pve activity to nullify combat penalty.



Yeah I'd like some sort of movement speed for all professions and builds. I simply can't live without at least 25% movement speed in WvW, because without it, I feel like a sloth. The lack of movement speed for all professions hinders build crafting, and I find myself having to choose runes on my armour that give speed, rather than damage bonuses. It would be nice to have a way to not have to worry so much about movement speed, and have all classes/professions be able to have 25% movement speed without having to self-sabotage our builds.

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I hope the 3/29 update includes adding the story instances to a lot of the descriptions for the EoD story meta achievements.  Trying to figure out what traps to avoid where, etc., is kind of annoying.  Some of them have it, others don't.  Someone in continuity was taking naps.

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Please make Globs of Dark Matter drop from more things in general; or drop rate to be much higher.

I just wasted 8 pieces of exotic gear using Runecrafter's Salvage-o-Matic, which has 100% drop rate, and yet I didn't get 1 single Glob of dark matter. 

Also wasted away my Runes of divinity just to try get some...


We can't profit out of it, as it cannot be sold, so no need for its scarcity.


Please make the numbers on items we are trading in TP more visible.

The tiny little white number is really hard to see.

I suggest a bright fluorescent orange or green.


Thanks for your consideration.


Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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[Suggestion] A better indication that legendary precursors can only be crafted once would be helpful.


Currently all I could find that warns players about this is a small text saying "You crafted this item already" at the bottom of the crafting window. It does not say "You cannot craft this again" and I am not aware of any other warning.


This could be implemented in several ways. A warning pop up when you first craft the precursor, or blocking of the required items from the vendors after crafting. Even just a text change would help a bit.

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Fishing quality of life suggestions:

Can we get two icons added to the line of icons relevant to fishing (Fishing on a Full Tank, Fishing Party Catches, ... line).

The icons, with associated counts are:

1. Lure icon, with a count of the number of lures still on the fishing rod.

2. Bait icon, with a count of the number of the baits (is that the plural?) left on the fishing rod.


These two counts would decrement as relevant.

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There are a large number of quality of life things the game needs to look polished for steam release. These would be nice in general, but for making a good first impression on steam things need to be addressed or people will view the game as outdated and poorly executed.

Emergency Priority:

  1. Color Blind Mode! There are people who can’t play or can’t play all modes because they literally can’t see things like ability marker circles.


  1. Reduce the amount of excess clicking, ie the loads of useless confirmation popups (for Level up, for banners, when you get items from the Mystic Forge or crafting, completion of story content where there is no choice to make, etc.) These may individually be minor but they add up over time.

Action Camera:

  1. Players should be exposed to the Action camera and asked if they want to use it immediately. It's hidden deep in the menu and many don't know exists right now. People may not continue playing due to not knowing about his option.
  2. Fix areas where action camera breaks interaction (for example, during the cannon sections of the final core story instance).
  3. Fix cases where it is hard to properly target lock. Lock should also apply to the current enemy you are hitting if nothing else is targeted, to ensure lock requiring skills can be used.
  4. Fix cases where the target will shift back to the main boss even though you have targeted on minions (for example during intermediate phases of the Gerent fight) or will shift to minions even though you have targeted the main boss (for example the bandits during Sabetha).
  5. Fix cases where camera interacts badly with terrain, rendering players blind due to the camera being behind them (ie when walls are too tight and you have to look in a certain direction).
  6. Normalize and simplify AC disable for dialogues. Don't disable AC for banner popup. For ready check, disable it until you click an option, then return. For go-no go check (ie for strikes) disable it until you click a option, then re-enable, instead of disabling the entire time the box is open. The behavior currently is very random.


  1. Account-bound gathering slots (perhaps for gems) for use with infinite tools or just so you don't have to take up so much inventory by having everyone carry 10-15 slots of tools.

  2. Auto-reload for harvesting tools. Just put them in if you have more and are not in battle (restrict to regulars in case of special tools).

  3. Full harvest of large nodes. You are going to fully harvest, so do it in one click instead of requiring 2-3.


  1. Always display stat setups, instead of forcing people to memorize what each is. The customize panel is halfway to this but still means you can't spot items by name easily once the stats are set in all cases (ie which stats are Dire, Sinister, Zojja, Laranthir, etc.).

  2. Add an indicator in-game for items that are salvageable for special resources (insignias, inscriptions, research notes). It's hard to know when to use special salvage kits ie runecrafter.

  3. Buy notifications that come up every time (ie Coffers in Siren's landing, discounted fractal keys, etc.) need to be reduced. Once we have seen them there should be a way to turn them off or at least they should not pep again in the same gaming session.

  4. Integrate the equipment, dyes, wardrobe, and outfit panels into one panel. So you can change armor AND change the dye to see how things work before you spend Transmute charges.

  5. Dyes and skin selection for other things (mounts, skiffs, etc.) should be in the respective panels, not submenues in the one for the character. You shouldn't need to change skin, then go to another panel to change the dyes.

  6. Let us consume multiple food/utility items at once and stack the duration, instead of having to constantly mouse over and check our skill bar (very useful for raids).

  7. Autodeposit items which have no other purpose (ie Badges, Proofs, karma granters, currency granters, etc.) Consume all is much nicer than before but still needs extra clicks.

  8. Give us a library in somewhere to store book items so they aren’t clogging inventory. Otherwise we just delete them and read the wiki if we want to go back.

  9. Tonic wardrobe, housing all infinite and finite tonics and accessible by any character whenever they want to use a tonic transform. We have this for "novelties" but not for tonics, which are treated as normal items.

  10. Show actual stat change amounts for the character you are on for percentage food on mouseover (ie show what 3% or ferocity into power will actually means for the character you are logged in as).

  11. Equip second ring and accessory with menu (ie “equip offhand”) as can be done with weapons, instead of always replacing the first ring or accessory unless manually dragged in the equipment menu.


  1. Ability to lock or queue reward tracks for PVP and WVW rather than defaulting back to a random track (usually CoF) when your current one is completed.

  2. Options to customize the guide, so you can not always see a random story step and so you can have other things followed without blocking the dailies. Also so you can see dailies you want, not where you happen to be (CT vs LS maps vs IBS vs catha...). Shouldn't need to open the achievement panel to find relevant daily info.

  3. The status area has gotten out of control. Too many icons, without fixed ordering, overflowing over the right side of the UI. A full rework on how this works is needed. We need to be able to see everything at a glance intelligibly, and to be able to see things like duration without needing to stop playing and mouse hover.


  1. Redo LFG to show more useful information, like if a map is full. Also, leave groups in LFG for a brief period so if, for example, 1 person drops, the LFG just opens again instead of needing manual relisting. Also has the advantage of making LFG look more full so game looks less empty.

  2. Make LFG larger. It's too small now.

  3. Show Specialization icon in LFG, not just base class.

  4. Reduce the number of tabs in LFG and reorganize. There is too much now (every expansion and LW doesn't need to be separate), making it look empty because everything only has a few groups at a time and it's unclear where some content even goes (ie what does Dragonstorm count as? It's not a strike,but champions list can't have it due to restriction to party).

  5. Clean up interface for Party, Squad (10 vs 50 should probably have different names) and mentor.


  1. Option to have chat display region next to all messages. Saves a lot of “are you NA or EU?” when trying to gather groups or set up events.

  2. Option to display account name or selected nickname next to all messages. Helps identify people, as most people are known by account, not character, of which they have many differently named.

Trading Post:

  1. Let us queue up multiple different items to buy and/or sell on the TP and buy or sell them all at once.

  2. Search by skin instead of specific weapons. Getting hundreds of duplicates due to stat variations when you are just looking to unlock and salvage is not useful. Also allow a search specifically for items unaquired items (skins, dyes, etc).

Mystic Forge:

  1. Let us queue up repeated mystic forge transmutations instead of having to re-add the items over and over as we can for crafting.

  2. Remember forged items (MF recipes) and high level items (ie legendaries) so we don’t constantly have to jump in and out of the game to look things up on the wiki. Wiki integration is fine but should be optional, not a replacement for in-game information.

  3. Let us access the bank from the mystic forge panel. Ideally this would function as it does in the crafting panel (and in conjunction with MF recipes), but at least add an access tab so we can move relevant items to inventory without running back and forth to the bank.

  4. Expand the left panel. We need more space for manipulating viewing items, rather than a giant, mostly empty art panel that has no function.


  1. Let us auto-craft sub-items in a recipe instead of having to dig down and do every item one by one. This also avoids overcrafting since you can’t accidentally craft 3 of something when the final item needs only 2, etc, and would make it easier to determine if you can craft something since you would be told how many you can craft PERIOD, not just based on what sub-items you happen to have currently crafted.

  2. Remember selected sorting/categories in the crafting panel (so we don’t have to turn off crafting levels every time we log in). Also start with all categories collapsed so it's easier to find what you want.

  3. Expand the left panel so we can see more items. We need more space for manipulating the panels. Have subrecipes open TO THE SIDE instead of on top of things. Have the ability to open multiple subrecipes at once.


  1. Sorting options not dependent on bag type or which bag the slot is in.

  2. Have an option to outline or otherwise mark non-sorting and invisible slots when bag view is off. Right now you have to either leave bag view on or arrange for your slots to line up just right and remember it, which can lead to accidents.

  3. Ensure that, if possible, when two one-handed weapons are replaced by a two-handed weapon, both weapons end up in the same bag as the two-handed weapon came from. Currently, the off-hand weapon goes to the first available slot, whichcan cause it to be lost, can make it sellable and/or salvageable when it shouldn’t be.

  4. Key/map item wallet. Not having this discourages going back to a map because you would rather not have this in your inventory. Also, account bind map items instead of soulbinding them so they can be shared between characters.(ie the 9 map event items from Bitterfrost).

  5. Fishing Bag so you don't have characters who can't fish. A "major feature" like this shouldn't have accessibility issues.

  6. Cut down on the deletion confirmation, and make it contextual. Once you have completed a collection and the item has no use, for example, you shouldn't have to do anything to get rid of it.

  7. Jade Bot cores should be account wide and chips should be unlocks, not items. It's very alt-unfriendly and requires massive inventory juggling. Going to an event in cantha only to realize you have no jade core and needing to spend 15 minutes and go to a bench to get a character set up is not a pleasant experience.

Classes & abilities:

  1. Animation Lock – Abilities with animation locks (ie Hundred Blades) should immediately unlock on hitting the dodge key. The need to manually unlock by moving a little before dodge will respond makes these abilities unwieldy and leads to TONS of missed dodges.

  2. Classes with alternate forms – Have a way to look at the alternate form abilities without actually transforming. Especially pertinent for Druid and Necro, since their transforms are on a timer and have to be built up by combat, so it is hard to transform just to be able to read the abilities.

Specific class QOL:

  1. Engineer – Return from down/dead state in the same kit you were using when you went down, instead of resetting to default weapon.

  2. Ranger – Sword 2 and 3 require so much room and are so hard to control that they make sword almost unusable in areas with complex terrain and/or lethal drops. A slight rework to how they function to make them more controllable and less subject to terrain vagaries would bring the weapon back to usability.


  1. Make ascended ring, trinket, etc. drops stat-selectable as armor and weapons are, and add HoT, PoF and EoD stats to the selection pool for all ascended drops. Right now most non-armor/weapon ascended drops are so low value due to useless stat combos.

  2. Show fractal levels available on daily pane for daily fractals, instead of making us go into the achieve panel to figure out the numbers.

  3. Show fractal identity on recommended fractals.

  4. Make AR account based. As it stands people can have only a few characters who can do high fractals and be unable to adapt to new content/changes in preferred compositions for parties. Also the expense of fulling infusing multiple characters just to be able to do the content you already ground to unlock is unrewarding.

Strikes/Instanced content:

  1. Let us enter from anywhere. No reason to force people to transfer between Eye of the North, The Aerodrome, Arborstone, etc. just to join a squad instance.

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I hope to see an change to the Skins for the specific Templates.


If an template can have an specific skin ,can the "hide/show" boxes on stuff like weapons & legendary trinkets be fixed for the chosen template aswell?


I would really love to have an template where effects are shown & one where it hides everything. Its annoying to hide big backpacks & legendary trinket effects in some cases (like CM fracs, CM raids or to reduce lag on mass player events)

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Maybe we can add some Keys aswell to the wallet.


Like Fractal Encryption Keys & Rusted Ornate Keys (the one from Kraits & for underwater chests)


They are simply annoying in terms of taking up space due to the fract of randomly getting them. Every inventory slot is important

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Idea 3: 


Give us an chat-code to switch channels. like /JoinChannel Name


it simply hurts the hands & mouses of people that are going to spam "join channel" to an friend on an full or bottlenecked channel. 


Could aswell be bound to the /ip  command

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