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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Make Jade Bot to recycle all junk items, which falls into "recycle" category when junk is looted.

I understand there are certain restrictions now for high-value junk.

But not every junk item gets into bags via direct loot. Some of it ( alot of it ) appears from trophy bags. It might take awhile before it will be recycled, since it's not guarantee that player will loot same junk item soon.

Or make "Deposit all" button to initiate recycle with the effect of currently equipped array.

Or. at least, give us ability to manually recycle junk, just like salvage.

Edited by Aeon.4583
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Dunno how often devs read this but i have 3 suggestions:

1 Shared gathering tool slots, preferebly between Shared inventory and inventory, buyable whit gems. When character on account would attempt to mine, log or gather herbs they’d use personal tool first but if empty they’d use Shared tool. As most people use copper tools and a set of Infinite gather tools on Shared inventory slots this would mearly be convinience at this point and id be willing to pay for convinience of not having to re equip and unequip on character log in and out.

2 make jade bot equipment consumamble unlocks, that have to be put in by indevidual characters at stations in cantha but once unlocked they are for whole account, this would be in keeping whit original promice of masteries being horizontal account progression, rather than indevidual need for max vitality and currently you can use same trick as whit Infinite gather tools and use Shared inventory to share bot core for vitality boost, but thats an inconvinience wed all do whitout.

3 make fishing supplies go into account wide stash, like wallet or new thing, but as it currently stands most simply have one fisher character whit all the gear and use him/her for unlocking achivments. Again this goes against original promice of masteries and takes fun awey from game.

also please add dragon and ritualist to stat selectable equipment.

thank you for reading to the end. Cheers!

Edited by NIHILUS.4168
Articulations an ongoing process
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Have asked this before, but will ask again.  Inventory storage slots for all crafting items.  For example, the following do not currently have dedicated inventory storage, but instead take up bank slots: 

  • the four flowers used in crafting metabolic and utility primers 
  • Wintersday gifts  

I'm sure there are others, but these are the ones that come to mind initially.

Thank you.

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Drizzlewood is probably one of the best new maps ever added to the game. We should have more maps added like it. However, there are a few pain points that could be addressed.


  1. Excessive use of knockbacks - Especially in the north, too many things use knowckbacks. these throw people off cliffs and into "death zones" too much, which is frustrating. Knockdowns would be better, as at least then you are not either uncontrollably dead and waiting to tick down (due to no /gg in open world) or unable to return to the even due to being unable to exit combat to mount up.
  2. Unable to use the teleporters in air - this is just odd. For some reason these and only these teleporters require you to be on the ground to use them. You cannot use them while gliding nor while on skyscale or griffon. This is just odd and inconvenient. It might have to do with you coming in on a parachute, but this is a distinct state and once you leave it they should be able to work. even the regular waypoints in the map don't have this. Also the dialogue box to use them every time is annoying. It would be nice either to just remove the War supplies requirement entirely (as it basically immaterial) or have it just go if you have the supplies by double clicking like waypoints do.
  3. "Reward Track" - this map has a pseudo-reward track via the achievement panel (the commendations). This is veryhard for the player to interact with or understand, and hard to keep track of. A real system for reward track in the open world like the one WvW has would be better (and could be applied elsewhere in the game).
  4. Memories of Otter - please give these use all.


  1. While the untimered nature of the map is a great strength, it's hard to get in on a south meta that isn't mostly done, short of starting it yourself and risking low population. We need a better way to help people enter the map at the start so they can actually get rewards.
  2. The way cache keys are handled during south mean that with the above many people often have far too few by the cache stage, which feel horrible. This needs to be rethought so if you participate decently you can get the rewards.
  3. The char beacons for the hidden drops are awkward due to how enemy dense the map is. They need to go to special action, not simply vanish, when you swap back to weapons. Also they need a better message when used in the north in regions you control (players are confused since it just says it can't be used in dominion territory but it really can't be used at all in the north).


  1. High target for the shields - the shields on the tank are high target boxes, which makes it hard for some classes with shorter ranges to contribute. The main hitbox on the tank once the shields are down is at a good distance, so it would better if the generator hitboxes could be lowered.
  2. Char Cars - The tank even depends a lot on the cahr cars, which are few and which some people may not be familiar with. More and respawning cars would let more people contribute and let players who are confused get out without making the event more problematic.
  3. Siege turtles - We are besieging a fortress. Why can we not sue our SIEGE turtles? Also goes tot he more general issue of not being able to get them out in combat. There is no problem with other mounts being blocked int eh fortress (though please clean up the zoning), but this one is just immersion breaking and feels bad since it;'s an obvious place to use them extensively which we lack elsewhere in the game.

Claw fight:

  1. Lots of rendering issues during the cannon phase mean people can't see thing like the scrap or the aoes and so can't ell what is happening.
  2. The scrap cannon building phase can only be interacted with by a few players (and only if the rendering works).
  3. The prone claw phase is very confusing. The knockbacks are not well telegraphed, and the safe zones are not big or very safe given the add density, and the death zones are ill defined. Just need better clarity throughout this phase.
Edited by Boogiepop Void.6473
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It probably is random, but can we have a recipe to be able to craft Frostsaw (GS)? (Even if it is just an Exotic Version)?
I'm more than fine to have an infusion be super rare, but I feel that Frostsaw should be able to be dropped or crafted by now.
Considering we also are somewhat crafting the previous variants, and also from the fact I don't know what to get from those Tyrian Seals Marks anymore.

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4 hours ago, Boogiepop Void.6473 said:

A 200+ pledge thread is just burying things, not condensing them. We need a new merge thread if you insist all QoL must be in one place. the op here is literally years old and half the first 100 pages are about things done already.

I doubt the person/persons that monitor the thread start from page one every time.  Like  for most, the forum keeps track of the last post read in a thread. 

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. When walls and gates are broken, the target should disappear from 'breakable object' in the nearest target key, or from targeting altogether; only available to those who are in possession of building.

For those who use action camera and the (Select nearest target) key, this becomes very inconvenient, when trying to target an enemy player... and you keep aiming/firing/attacking the already broken wall or gate.


. Ballistas are bloody useless mate.

Either increase the range on this, the targeting system, or its toughness.

They have slow recharge for what they do, and are easily dodged and broken.

A full invasion renders this weapon useless.


. Trebuchet also should do more damage.

More than catapults.

They take longer to build, require more supplies, and so less damage.

And please, for goodness sake, replace that cow thing with a fire ball that inflict burning.


. What's with target painter?

It fails every single time.

The trap seems to work, but the instant one fails every time. Anyway you can do this with a smoke signal?

It would be visible to enemies, but at least throwing an orange smoke grenade to indicate the location of an airstrike that would come about 5 seconds later, would be much better than a something that does absolutely nothing.


. Warclaw speed should be increased overall.

Sometimes your commander or team is all the way across the map, and you wanna get there fast.

Have you tried crossing a whole map in WvW? 

It gets very stressful. Not good for anxiety. 


. Pretty Please increase the amount of skirmish claim tickets we can earn a week?

That'd be so good.


Thanks ANet


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2 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:


. Warclaw speed should be increased overall.

Sometimes your commander or team is all the way across the map, and you wanna get there fast.

Have you tried crossing a whole map in WvW? 

It gets very stressful. Not good for anxiety. 


It's my understanding that the warclaw was faster when initially introduced, but WvWers complained it made it too easy for people to get across the map quickly. Add too much speed, and you favor the larger force on the map, because they can be everywhere in a moments notice. Response time helps the smaller force have a chance to capture before the response comes.

3 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:


. Pretty Please increase the amount of skirmish claim tickets we can earn a week?

That'd be so good.



This would be appreciated. Also, even out the distribution across chests, so you get more/time early.

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Searched and didn't find this one yet:  If jewelers are using iron and steel ingots for crafting jade cores, they should be able to make the ingots.  It's not a  huge hardship to make sure you have enough made by another character, but I really don't understand why any craft that can make ingots of any sort can't do them all.  The weapon and armor crafts should also be able to make silver and gold ingots.

These are basic materials, they don't define the crafts, but it is annoying to have to go back and forth just because of a miscalculation in recipe requirements.

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Follow up of previous post.

Please give us level 500 on jeweler, so we can craft ascended trinkets/accessories. 


It's the only profession of the lot that maxes at 400.

I honestly can't see why this is an issue.


Also please give us the ability to transmute trinkets.

Even though nobody else can see it, but sometimes we get something more in theme with certain characters and have to swap around, because... for instance, giving an alpha male a pink pearl necklace... erm... not really suitable. 


You get the idea.


Thanks people. 

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I'm not sure I would want to craft ascended trinkets/accessories, as the Living World Story grants access to those already, however I do very much want Jeweler 500. What to do with it/grant access to, I don't know. Perhaps an alternative path to the Provisioner Token section of Legendary crafting? Maybe the jeweler equivalent to Scribe Theses? It wouldn't replace their functionality, just provide another source.

I would definitely love to transmute the appearance of amulets, rings, and accessories, so long as there's no cost, as it's not visible to anyone but the player, but that's very very very low priority. Also: Assert Dominance. Wear Pink. : )

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17 hours ago, Xaxxus.6719 said:

It would be nice if joining a meta party would queue you to join the server if the server is full.

Mashing the join character button over and over is really freaking tedious.


I second a map queue in open world to join maps doing metas. WvW has a queue. Is it possible to queue for a map?

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4 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

so u wear underwater style also while not underwater

There are many people who wear swim suits on the beach, while not actually wanting to swim in real life.

I don't see why swim suits in a game should not also be available for terrestrial activities.

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