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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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I think kharmin is right.

Even though I agree with OP, I can't see it happening.

I too have all of my shared inventory slots full of travel tomes, because I do a lot of traveling. 


ANet could find a middle ground here, either by making shared inventory slots cheaper, or atleast create several types of traveling devices in different categories. 

One for map destinations, one for special events, etc...


Right now I'm not able to use World Boss Device, because of the obvious lack of shared slots.



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Skiff & fishing wish-list / suggestions for Halloween

Spirits Skiff -

  • an ethereal skiff. At night (based on current map) the entire skiff and all party members gain the ghostly aura (similar to Halloween related foods). During the day, the skiff looks normal. At night, it's transparent and ghostly. You can use it too keep track of day/night cycles... also looks cool.

Halloween fishing food/recipes -

  • grants fishing power & the ghostly aura. Ingredients are fished from Mad King fishing pools, that are part of a new seasonal fishing achievement.

Pirate Raft Skiff - A life raft for the undead

  • a beat-up pirate raft made of rotted wood, with a tattered pirate flag. There are no seats - you stand (push the raft like a gondola). Other items: treasure chest, piles of bones, bottle of booze
  • While on the skiff, all fishing party members are transformed into skeletons (like the tonic) but with fishing animations. The fish you catch is fishbones. The skeleton player driving the skiff wears a pirate hat. Party members have different colored neck scarfs.
  • Alternately, the skeleton appearance only happens at night

A fishing rod made of bones. The lure is a small skull that bobs in the water.


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We have commanders, catmanders, and mentors.  Truly, they are lights to lead us in the darkness of a wide and frightening world.  Another simple addition to this family of leadership, and fitting with Cantha's thematics, might be - a fishmander icon <>< !  It's the smallest bit of customization, but more options for commander tags would be nice, honestly.


Also might be particularly great for fishing parties who want to advertise their presence, without actually going out of their way to advertise their presence.




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Hey everyone. 

As it is right now, we can use the Aesthetician NPC to preview our character's appearance and play with all the customization options available for that character's race, but to preview other races we have to either login with a character of the desired race or use the character creation itself. 

I don't know if this has been suggested before, I couldn't find any post about this: my suggestion is that we have an NPC (or something else) - similar to the Aesthetician NPC - where we can plan (i.e. preview) our next characters and choose the race as well as all the customization options.

This would be especially useful for people like me who already have all character slots in use and can't (or don't want to) delete any of them. For example, I'd like to plan a human character, but I don't have any human I can take to the Aesthetician NPC and I can't create one either, since I don't have any slots left. I know I can purchase more slots and I will when I can, but regardless of that I think such a feature would be nice to have. 


Edited by TheLadyOfTheRings.9148
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We have commanders, catmanders, and mentors.  Truly, they are lights to lead us in the darkness of a wide and frightening world.  Another simple addition to this family of leadership, and fitting with Cantha's thematics, might be - a fishmander icon <>< !  It's the smallest bit of customization, but more options for commander tags would be nice, honestly.


Also might be particularly great for fishing parties who want to advertise their presence, without actually going out of their way to advertise their presence.

I would love a wider range of shapes as well.  Not just fish -- though as I am one effing saltwater fish away from Cod I fully support getting a fish commander tag for achieving Cod Swimming (once the base tag has been purchased) -- but also other simple forms with some connection to in-game activities.  On those occasions when I'm commanding I try to link a nearby map location along with announcing my tag color since there can be multiples of the same hue on the map, but I've noticed it's very helpful if someone with a catmander tag says "X thing happening on pink cat" instead of a more generic "event on my tag."  More shapes, more clarity!

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More (better) character customization options in the Character creation or with the Total Makeover Kit

Character customization is really lackluster, every expansion adds such trash customization options that it's disgraceful. 
While there are billion new armors coming out.
At least they are giving us more helmet options to cover up our faces and hair. 

Edited by corwin.3495
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Option to turn off the notification about spending mastery points


I currently have two characters at lvl 80 and am only exploring the world without progressing the story. Every time I fill a mastery level exp bar, a notification pops up every 20 seconds or so to tell me I need to spend mastery points to level up this mastery. For when I do not have enough points or don't want to level up the mastery I currently have selected, it would be great if there was a "do not remind me again" option in the pop-up.

Edited by Natah.7326
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10 hours ago, corwin.3495 said:

More (better) character customization options in the Character creation or with the Total Makeover Kit

Character customization is really lackluster, every expansion adds such trash customization options that it's disgraceful. 
While there are billion new armors coming out.
At least they are giving us more helmet options to cover up our faces and hair. 

Oh hell yes, thank you. I just ranted to someone for 15 minutes about how disappointed I am with new hairstyles and faces. I remember listening to a stream once about that long fern hairstyle for sylvari, and you could tell instantly someone made it with love. But the ones I have checked now after not playing for a while are just... sadness.

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I have some feedback about the accessibility of the redesigned Reinforced Armor icon. Or rather, lack of accessibility. I understand that the icon was changed from the anvil to reflect that it's not "repair" anymore. However, the new helmet icon is very low contrast both in normal view and in the map/minimap view. As a person with moderate visual impairment (I have to make all the UI as large as possible, and high contrast things are easier to see), the new helmet icon is VERY hard to see. It is also difficult for me to tell apart from the icon of npc's who sell armor, particularly on the map/minimap.


I really think it would make a big difference for players like me to change the icon back to the anvil. The anvil has a distinctive shape, the icon has enough contrast that it's easy to see on the map/minimap, and it's not mixed up with armor vendors.

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Hey all,

I'm a GW2 player with a disability that hinders the use of my right arm. so for most tasks, I use only my left arm.

This includes playing guild wars 2. I have remapped most things in-game to use keys located close to where my left hand naturally resides on the keyboard, which is the area around the WASD keys.

The only pain-point I still have in terms of gameplay, is targeting skills. as it requires me to lift my left hand, reach out for the mouse, target the area, then reach out to the keyboard again. this has to  happen every single time I cast a skill. during this, I can't move my character, activate a skill or do pretty much anything, until I get my hand back on the keyboard. In endgame content, this is a major pain point. The only workaround that currently exists in-game, is Auto-targeting an enemy, which would lock the target effect of the skill to be on the selected enemy, this workaround would do the job sometimes, but in other situations it is useless, like where the target is not an enemy, but rather an area on the ground, or a player (think throwing bombs to the assigned players in the Sabatha fight, which is a mechanic that I literally can't do, because I have a very limited time period to move closer to the play, then move my left hand to the mouse, then target that player, then throw the bomb to them. I just take too long and always fail this mechanic).

 So how to fix this?


Here's my suggestion:

Give us an option to make the targeting a skill, movable by key-strokes, just like it is movable by mouse.

Here's an example on the implementation: If the player hits "Shift + left-mouvement" (with "left-mouvement" being the bound key to move the character left), this would cause the targeting circle thingy to move to left for a bit.

Same thing for Up, Down and Right keys.

Basically, give us the ability to move the targeting effect using the keyboard (just like we can move our characters using the WASD keys), so we could move it, in any direction, without ever needing to touch a mouse.

This would allow players with disabilities that prevent them from playing with mouse and keyboard, to move freely and engage in combat, using just the keyboard. Which would be a major upgrade to my (and many others') gameplay experience.


I'd be happy to answer any questions or provide further clarification, thank you for reading!

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Different game options to switch easily:


Open world i like best possible graphics and all the nice effects to be on.

Instanced content i prefer minimalistic, clutter free, fluidity optimized.


And this more than just switching graphics between best performance ans auto detect(or even best graphics). I change a lot of options, including sound, sometimes controls and other things.


It would be really nice to have at least 2 different setting to switch easily.

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For DRMs, have a system that attempts to place the player in any already publicly created instance which can take new players. This will make doing the daily DRM less daunting, as you have to guess which one is the most popular one at present if you're looking for other players.

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Please allow us to hide commander tag from the screen/interface as a player for more flexibilty/less confusion doing bosses with complex mechanics or lending tag & more immersive RP including when playing solo.


Please make this separate from the tag  being private (as in, whether I the player see my tag & other players outside squad see my tag are separate settings)


Idea of details for possible implementation?

In the interface where you select the tag, (the box that has all of the tag icons you can choose from), an additional "tag icon" of a white outlined box with a darker color in the center (empty box) would probably be pretty clear. One could select that and voila! no tag!


I'm not picky tho.  I'm happy with a checkbox, or any implementation that is nice and EZ for the team!


Justification & examples of possible use cases:

If I tag up with a private squad with myself in it, I'd like to be able to hide the icon over my head so I can immersively self-rp without bugging or confusing anyone else around me.  The tag image also really interrupts the RP.     


If I tag up publically, say as an open RP group, I'd like to not see my tag over my head in the actual squad when we're RPing, but have the icon on the map. (thus the separate settings).  the tag really makes it hard to immerse.


Or, if I tag up with a squad, for LFGing to get people in map to do event, but someone else is going to take over the actual command or we'd rather go no leader- but because it's in the phase where we just need people, we're not doing any leading yet, it feels awkward, because here's the commander tag, people think they need to follow it.  I'd rather just have it visible when there's actual commanding to do or we actually need to have people gather in a specific spot to gauge for the more complex bosses.


Or, what if you're LFGing for someone experienced in the event to lead?  You want whoever is experienced, tag or no, to step up.   But now the expectation is on you to lead, since you have the tag and it's visible!   Here comes more explaining and trying to encourage people (who are extra timid! and they think you can do it, since you have the tag!)


Or I want to lend my tag to someone who doesn't have tag yet, mark them and let them lead (or demo) as a lieutenant, being able to hide my tag from people inside the squad would REALLY help confusion.

>   For example specifically, in certain bosses, persay, I want the group to follow the person leading (which I put a heart over the head). In the meantime, I'm managing a specific mechanic that requires less people to manage but goes better if someone who is more experienced with the boss & mechanics does it, which means I am doing something away from what the main group should be doing.  The main mechanic *needs* the most amount of people, and if the majority of people go do the other mechanic I'm doing and follow my icon instead of the icon of the person I set to be the leader, we'll probably lose the fight.     The current state- not being able to simply hide my icon so that the only icon is the true leader, means that me and the person leading both have to explain a lot over and over to make sure that everyone follows the proper leader, people doing the correct mechanic that requires the most people, and even then usually you have some people who get confused and follow me instead of the person who I'm 'lending tag' to.    




Similarly, ANY bosses in which we need people to focus on doing mechanics where the icons are and I as the tag may be somewhere weird (maybe doing a mechanic that requires less people to do it but is more complex/more punishing) that doesn't need ppl, I feel like it's a lot easier if one could hide the tag from the squad members and one self, so people know to focus on the markings I set and the instructions rather than to follow the tag and space out. (I know broadcasts help with instructions, but i think this would give more flexibility and decrease confusion. ).  We have some great fun metas where you just follow the tags, a few basic instructions and space out, and some great fun metas w/ complex mechanics where every squad member has to pay more attention. It's hard to context switch and I think for some specific cases, being able to hide tag may give a lot more flexibility for leading and help with that context switch for leader and squad.  One could still use broadcasts for no confusion over who is doing the leading.  It would be real nice to have the option.   


Thanks 🙂

Edited by cloudsareyum.8120
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On 7/20/2022 at 3:41 PM, Kingslayer.6397 said:

I hope this can get the attention of the one who designed this Sword from the Image.

The heavy armor set of this character on the image is the Heritage Heavy Armor set available for GW1 Players who linked their GW1 account to their GW2 account.

However, I believe the Sword is still non-existent in the game.

Heritage One-Handed Sword

I would like to request to please implement this one-handed sword gskin in the future as  a Gem Store item.

I think you may get more of a chance at this being seen for gem store stuff posted in this thread. That's where gem store suggesties go me thinks.


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A way to obtain legendary armor for those experienced PvErs who don't do Raids, PvP or WvW.  I don't mind the current ways and like them for myself, but I feel like I know of a good amount of super experienced Veteran players who just do not enjoy that content, and it'd be nice if they at least were able to get legendary armor without sacrificing time in unfun stuff.


It could go something like the Legendary Weapons- while the Legendary Weapons require gifts of battle, it's at the level a veteran pve-er could still do it.  Maybe something like, massive achievements and materials (more materials required than for the other modes, or requires stuff like full exploration, etc).   The vet players I know like this, they have all the legendary weapons, they have extremely good knowledge of the game, love achievements world, story, mechanics, everything but they can't go for the armor because the extensive amount of WvWing, PvPing, or Raiding required is too much.   And it feels like a lot of players just- that type of PvP experience or toxicity isn't for them.   It's something in the game they just don't enjoy.  And I feel like, GW2 has a lot of content, and it's wonderful coz a player can pick what they enjoy and do that.  And I feel like it's a little unfortunate that these super loyal vets are basically locked out of legendary armor.  It seems a bit unfair.   Fashion warriors aren't always wvwers, or pvpers, or raiders, it'd be nice to not lock them out.   If the non-raiding PvE version is as or more difficult to make than the legendary weapons and show mastery of the game or even more so, then it still will be an "exclusive" kind of thing  that not everyone has showing mastery of game / game mechanics, or something, but it will also not be locked out to super experienced vet players who simply dislike PvP, WvW and Raids. 


Of course, if this would be too bad for Anet financials (like that buying transmutation charges is needed income for Anet to survive and I want Anet to survive so I can play GW2 for many more years 😄 ), I understand if this is not implemented.  I'm not even asking for myself or with a massive poll so.. xD


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a way to mark roles on pug raid\strikes squads.

let the squad commander have to option to change border color of members icon based on assigned role (quick\alac\heal\combination of them). can asign multiple borders for multiple roles (heal+alac).

so that:

you know what roles you are expected to play

squad leader have easier time keep track of who plays what role

new joining players know the current composition of the squad and what is needed

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I'm not sure this has ever been requested before, but if it has, then hopefully this request will bring more attention to it. I would really love it if each species could use both the female hairstyles and the male hairstyles. Especially since in some cases, like with the Asura and Charr, the differences between male and female characters aren't as noticeable, and if I recall, some of the male Asura hairstyles even look more stereotypically feminine (to me anyway). There's one male Asura short hairstyle in particular that I absolutely love and, I'll admit, is the primary reason/inspiration for my request, as I want it for my female asura, but I still think it's a good idea to let female and male characters have access to all hairstyles of their species. With GW2's overall inclusiveness, it seems odd to me to separate the male and female hairstyles at all anyway. 

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