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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Why is it the Charr starting area is the only area which hasn't a world boss?


May I suggest the following please:


● Add a world boss to charr starting area.

( The Stone Ghost)

● Change the Sylvari WB to the Nightmare Vine Dragon.

(We already have Triple Trouble)

● Change the asura WB into a 4 element monters boss.

(Why just fire?) (Make it more interesting)


I think the other two are just fine.



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[World Boss Portal Device], it would be nice if the z-order of the menu when you use this item was "better".  Right now using this device, and other things like it requires more steps than there needs to be:

  1. Open Inventory
  2. Use device
  3. Close inventory (because the device menu is behind the inventory menu)
  4. Make selection on device menu

This should (could) only be 3 steps instead of 4, with the menu from the item you're using showing in front of your inventory instead of behind your inventory.

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Well Rested bonuses should work in major cities and VIP lounges.

The idea is to encourage the player to take a break using these bonuses, so that they don't strain themselves playing the game; it's why other MMOs do this.

You may want to also consider doing something like increasing the bonus from 25% Open World XP to 100% XP, so that players don't feel like time spent resting is wasted, and even offering a slight magic find boost; And even better yet, detaching it from the Arborstone masteries.

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The new jade tech jetpack needs better visual effects. 

It needs to have bigger and brighter jet flames during jumping and gliding animations. It is really hard to see the current effects of the jetpack.  Complete downgrade compared to legion jetpack 

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When doing an instant sell, have the 5% listing fee come out of the proceeds of the sale instead of coming out of your wallet. I'm low on gold and found a high value item that I want to sell on the trading post. But I can't do it because I can't afford the listing fee. For instant sell orders, there's no reason to not have the 5% come out of the proceeds instead and remove this barrier.

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On 8/2/2022 at 7:17 PM, Lite Ning Strike.5203 said:

Gemstore Item: Similar to the Harvesting Tools, that have are a permanent use tool stored in inventory something that can be purchased to allows stat changes to armor as long as you already "know" the Rune you are wanting to change the stats too.


This gives someone the option to purchase this ability or to get Legendary Armor through game play for the option.


This will allow players to test various builds affordably. It could work for greens, blues, yellow, gold and ascended.


Not everyone can do the math to know what certain combinations will do but this would allow players to mix and match as often as they wanted or needed.


The inability to test gear as long as you don't have legendary is an issue imho. And I speak here especially about test / evaluate. And this should not be active in any case in normal game. Therefore making stat change different and add a tool for this is IMHO not a good idea.

However, what about the Raid Training cave. If non legendary gear would behave inside like legendary - on demand stat change, reset to to in game stats when you leave the cave.
You can optimize in training cave, test stats, runes, sigils like a full legendary owner ... Find what you like to make then a educated decision for what items you will strive in game. ... 
It is the inability to test and experience on your own (without legendary) that I really dislike (or may be, that's not that big of a deal for a TP Baron 😉 ... but that's not what the majority of the players are.)

Edited by Sevetamryn.2974
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I hop around the map frequently using waypoints, and sometimes I struggle to find the right waypoint again and have to zoom in and look around to find it, especially in some maps that have multiple layers.

Enhancement idea

Allow players to "pin" or "favourite" a waypoint. I've included some ideas as to how that could look below.

  • You might be required to go and interact with the waypoints physically in the world to mark one as a favourite.
  • You might find a way to display it both in the map, and around the mini map in a limited capacity.
  • When displayed on the map, it could be a constantly present overlay either on the left or right side in the form of a list of waypoints. You could reduce its opacity when not in focus so that it is not pervasive. 
  • For the icons of the waypoints 
  • Waypoints that have been saved in this way should be account shared. For any other characters that do not have them unlocked yet they can be hidden or simply greyed out so to indicate they are there, just unavailable.
  • You could also show when a waypoint is contested like it is normally indicated in the UI with crossed swords. 
  • The names of waypoints could be truncated and expanded on hover. So as to give a player an idea of what the waypoint is for, but still keeps the list width uniform otherwise. 

This is my first time posting feedback so I wasn't sure where to put it. Other posts have suggested that after the revamp of the forums you should just post in the most relevant section.

Edit: Posted to QoL thread as recommended, thank you!


Edited by Voltic.5769
Crosslinking for reference.
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[Feature Request] Ability to pin or favourite waypoints

Allow players to "pin" or "favourite" a waypoint and have this displayed in the UI for quick access fast(er)-travel.


I hop around the map frequently using waypoints, and sometimes I struggle to find the right waypoint again, often having to zoom in and look around to find it. This becomes increasingly difficult in maps that have multiple layers.


I've included some ideas as to how that could look below.

  • You might be required to go and interact with the waypoints physically in the world to mark one as a favourite.
  • You might find a way to display it both in the map, and around the mini map in a limited capacity.
  • When displayed on the map, it could be a constantly present overlay either on the left or right side in the form of a list of waypoints. You could reduce its opacity when not in focus so that it is not pervasive. 
  • For the icons of the waypoints 
  • Waypoints that have been saved in this way should be account shared. For any other characters that do not have them unlocked yet they can be hidden or simply greyed out so to indicate they are there, just unavailable.
  • You could also show when a waypoint is contested like it is normally indicated in the UI with crossed swords. 
  • The names of waypoints could be truncated and expanded on hover. So as to give a player an idea of what the waypoint is for, but still keeps the list width uniform otherwise. 
  • A nice additional touch could be to indicate the direction of waypoint on the world map, similar to the tracker at the top of the quest list on the right.

Original post for reference. Thanks to @kharmin.7683 for pointing me to this thread as the right place for leaving feedback! 😊 

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 Players who are blocked will now be unable to add the player who blocked them as a friend.



This is great, however can we have it so they can't join the squad / lfg that you are posting? There are people who trolls lfg, when there are 9/10 or 4/5 they join to remove your lfg and leaves.
You as the lead is blocked from posting the new lfg due to spam suppression.


Thanks Guildwars team and dev.

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Tie an animation to crafting.

Obviously, a custom-made one for each of the disciplines with randomized cycles and a variable entre and exeunt depending on the amount of items crafted and/or time spent crafting in the wondrous beauty native to Tyria would be breathtaking... 

...but even as "little" (like I know how much work it takes) as adding animations already used for certain in-game interactions would go a long way to make the crafting stations look more alive, because currently the player crafts(wo)men look much more like some low effort-game's NPCs, just standing on their designated spots to make an area feel less empty, than our actual NPCs do.

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Raid LFG Tab --> Please add a sub-category for raid sellers.

On NA servers, it's annoying to look for a legit LFG raid....only to have to read through so many raid seller advertisements to find an active squad.

I don't mind that raid sellers exist, would just appreciate them being in a separate listing from actively raiding squads.

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1 hour ago, Chrysline.2317 said:

Raid LFG Tab --> Please add a sub-category for raid sellers.

On NA servers, it's annoying to look for a legit LFG raid....only to have to read through so many raid seller advertisements to find an active squad.

I don't mind that raid sellers exist, would just appreciate them being in a separate listing from actively raiding squads.

Whilst you await a 'fix', you might consider using the provided filters.

Good luck.

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I don't think this makes any sense at all.


You can get +5/+9 infusions that do not have any affect on them, so just use those if you don't like the red effect. Some stat infusions with effects are cheaper, but you have to deal with the effects.


Having a wardrobe for infusions would just horribly devalue them, and lead to 50 times more posts of "when can we disable to visual effects, my retinas are burning".


They're not skins, they're the same as amulet enrichments, and they provide actual bonuses.

They don't need changing, really.

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 I would like to see a 2nd PvE legendary ring collection be made available with Living World Season 6 (or whatever Anet may call it).

Currently, Aurora, Vision, Coalescence all form a compounding "floaty ball" effect. But to be fair, I don't think many actually like this effect (sorry, and also thank you for letting these be disabled). Additionally, the Prismatic Champion's Regalia amulet is nice, but I'd like to see some kind of "fusion" between these trinkets and a new PvE ring, while adding an open world and strike-based collection for EoD (and potentially LWS6) content to give us players not so interested in the aurene leggy weapons a leggy collection to complete in the new content. I recommend making it a collection more open world farming orientated like the trinkets (not farming 150 LI for example), but having collections involving strikes where you have to complete a strike with a collection item in your inventory for example seems fine.

My suggestion.
The new ring's base animation is like Aurora, Vision and Coalescence. However, if a person gathers Aurora, Vision, Coalescence and the new ring, the ball motif disappears and changes to an aura that matches well with the Prismatic Champion's Regalia when stacked, maybe a baby aurene or some kind of small dragon (saltspray) spirit that randomly comes out and flies around the character like the otter enrichment. Upon drawing weapons, have a burst of light that radiates from the character and swirls/wraps around the character for a second or two. 

The reason is, this would basically "complete" the legendary trinket series and unify everything together thematically. The otter infusion seemed very popular at release, so I think doing something like this for the final stage would even encourage those players that completed their legendary set with the WvW ring to go after this legendary just for the cosmetic. This would also bring people back to EoD maps, maybe push a few more people to try strikes, but mainly helping to (re)populate EoD open world maps and metas. Since it is a synergetic effect, it would also encourage players to try for Aurora, Vision, and Coalescence if they haven't already. I know the leggy armory combined with being able to disable the balls encouraged me to go for trinkets.

On a separate but related note, it'd be nice to see a competitive mode legendary trinket either through WvW or obtainable through both WvW and sPvP for our non-PvE friends.

Edited by firedragon.8953
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Dearest Devs,

    I was thinking it might be more fun to have a bit more control of the way character customizations interact.  Maybe "Link to profile" buttons or a "Link All To:" button.  There are some elements of character layouts that seem not to be linking when I change Equipment or Build, such as glider or say disabling the appearance of a helm.  Perhaps this is a selfish concern, and I know you're all super busy.  Maybe it's possible though.


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1 hour ago, Lottie.5370 said:

Having a wardrobe for infusions would just horribly devalue them

It's more likely it would increase the demand because of people seeing it as a more worthwhile shiny to chase, so if anything, price might go up for the super rare ones. And if by devalue you mean make them more common, the super rare ones aren't gonna become any more common of a drop if people can wardrobe it. It'll just mean the few who do have them can use them on more than one character easily.

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