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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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I would like to see a new Service chip added that would be a permanent 25% movement increase to the players. When I play my Revenant I'm sick and tired of always falling behind in a group cause I didn't pick one of the 3 options for Revenant in lue of an optimized build. The options being the Rising Momentum on the Harold Elite but that means I can't play the other 2 vindicator or renegade bad placement. Giving up an optimized 6 set of armor runes for the 3 crap options or use the Impossible Odds on the Legendary Assassins Stance which means I'm locked into that stance if I again want to keep up with my group. So I'm requesting the Service chip or just a flat 25% base increase in speed to all characters cause lets face it, this is a big game now and the permanent movement booster options in this game are very, very lack lackluster to say the least and on the newest fractal with zero speed boosters/buffs I can't even make the jump after the first set of orb things no matter what I do and this isn't a get good moment as I tried everything just short of having to kill all the orbs so I can move at a normal speed again. Anyway I don't want this to be too long so I'll stop here. Thanks team for what you do and to the team and rest of the community have a nice day/night. 🙂


PS. I'm sure there's other classes that could benefit from this.

Edited by Lord Voldemort.6189
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Small QoL:

-Can we pute elite icons next to weapons they're associated with in the weapons tab of the build tab in the hero panel? It sucks when I'm going through them all and think I've found something (mainly was back when I was a newer player), and don't know that some weapons are associated with certain elite specs and I get the weapon only to find out I can't use it. I agree with each elite having weapons but on a cursory glance on the left, it would be nice to have it near the name of the weapon type available.

-Use guild favor for autocompleting things like banners or wvw schematics.

-Change Reaper Shroud color in squad. It still is heart attack giving for healers. Also maybe mist form one as well. I can't tell you how many times I'm like "oh they're up, good" and then they're down again and I'm like AHHHHH panic.

-A way to turn LI for account bound currency or items or stuff for legendaries. you could do things like the supply boxes but LI are worth more than magnetite shards and that would affect the market unfortunately.

-An omni book where I can place all the travel tomes. Maybe even the festival token.


Big QoL: 


-Allow for buying decorations instead of crafting (not 100% but as an alternative) for guilds taht are maxed or something and have lots of the guild currencies. Would allow for more of a reason to DO guild missions again for some bigger guilds. (these are for the bigger items like golden wall, the halloween tree, etc)  Realized it is the way it is because we need a place to sink festival currencies into. So, nvm.

-GUILD MOUNT. A massive guild mount that is used for guild events or things like that. It would be basic for those sitting and not driving. Could give permissions to officer to summon it. Would be a MASSIVE thing for guilds to earn but would be REALLY cool. you could maybe use festival currencies to earn it or favor or whatever. There are lots of ways to go about it.

-could be considered small QoL but achievement mount skins. They won't be as amazing as the store but it would be something for people to earn. i know AP are good and everything and get you some skins/gems/gold, but being able to earn a mount skin... absolutely amazing. maybe 1 after each mastery track is fully completed?

-guild donations. don't get me wrong, we have the guild storages but give us an inventory like a mat storage or a storage that helps with scribes or upgrades. taht way people can donate it and whenever an officer logs in they can upgrade or the scribes don't always have to front a lot of stuff themselves. yes, the guild bank does help but it gets SUPER crowded. a lot of guilds try to use their banks for giveaways, freebies, etc etc.

-guild missions additions. essentially add more variety. these are good right now and fun, but would love to see more guild missions to do. for instance, getting maybe an aetherblade bounty (a new one) in some of the core maps. I believe the guild missions are required to be core. Maybe a jade puzzle?

-ADDITIONS TO THE TRAINING GOLEM AREA: a place to practice dhuum greens (the ACTUAL mechanic), Q1 Kiter, Deimos Handkiter, and Pylon Kiting. All of these without having to buy an instance, have it, or jankily try to learn it in the midst of the fight. Ditto can be done for Sniper Tanking, mech tanking, ankka spicy reaper, etc etc. It would be good to get people to be able to practice, especially for those with high ping like my aussie guild. Many want to learn roles but only one can at a time. It makes having backups in case of a death or a mistake extremely difficult.

-Revamp mail system. pretty sure everyone else has mentioned this so i won't say anything more.

Edited by shinkamalei.2574
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QoL suggestion:

2 arenanet employees with the most experience in EACH class working on direction if changes, patches, buffs or nerfs fir the class theyre working on AND communication via forums in appropriate class section for said classes.  Designate leaders of the class!

Show us arenaney IS communicating AND cares. Nothing less than this!


Sure if busy at the moment just have them talk to us when they can

Edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230
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Suggestion: Color coded UI party/squad character icon outlines

Like we all know there is allot of ways to play the game, but over time Leading a group has become more annoying to say. It would be nice to be able to see what each person is what in some way instead of traying to fight the chat and the squad UI. I get that the UI bits are minimal and fancy and stuff but it gives zero information on what is what these days.

One way is to Balance the game in such way that specializations do one thing and you can just look at the Icon, but that cuts up some creativity from the game.

Another is to let people Color their party icon/bar or the outline of the icon with some color to say if they are healer, alacrity, quickness, dps or whatever. The color should be something like the Commander tag colors, people should be able to pick what is what. 
For example if you are quickness dps you will pick Yellow but if you are Quickness Healer you will pick Orange outline and stuff like that.

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( i tried to solve some things this time)

How about we take the bug that happened in the Black Citadel (one side collapsed) and create 4 rooms +corridors  , with a team in each room killing a boss ,  trying to race the rest for the 1st place  ?

Each area can consist of 5x PvE  people , or  15x GvG players duking it out with other opponents and then  face an NPC as a relaxation mechanic .

The camera will rotate to showcase each team in each room for 10 sec each . And in the end the 5th camera (pans out) will be used to show the whole stracture with all the  teams .



People in Twitch can vote with the for which room to attack with :

!7 => top right room

+7   =>  top left room



Special key : !0   +0   -0  does aoe  around the boss (in case people take advantage of the delay and run around) (chance the aoe's shape will be  a 1/4 of the circle will be extended  for 240yards , while the 3/4 will be 80 yards . Any more Special keys (!0) from Twitch  afterwards will copy the previous animation/pattern for 6 sec , if they are not ahead  )


Every in-game participant  have 5x invisible IU  stacks , where the 5th bombs that lands on them does 10k damage and then stack goes for 10 sec cd .Essentially when are hit you become a "flux bomb" to hit your team8s .

Any aoes before or after the 5th stack does 0.1 damage ( so we don't care if there are 10 people or 1000 people on Twicth using the attacks) .

Who ever team is "winnng" (their boss HP is 8% is less than the last team's boss) , then their hidden UI stacks are enabled , or even reduced (take 6k every 2rd attack , 6sec cd) the further ahead they are .

Each HP% of the boss translate into 'score' so it's easier for the viewer to see . And there are "power-ups" (Mario Cart (Blue Shell))  , where allows you to trick the system and viewer , like "freezing the HP of the boss (Shroud) for the viewer , or replacing the "score" with another team (attracting the viewer attention) , not getting affected  by the UI stacks/bombs  for 1 min when you activate the buff ....... and in the end the ultimate  "Blue Shell" where 'stealthy' diactivates some mechanics of the boss from the 3rd phase (low HP).

The power apps are "rolled" by doing secondary mechanics  -some can be skipped -other are crusial for survival


Rewards :

Normally in Twitch watchtime , the more you watch the more the time is filled . So longer the match goes the merrier to unlock the reward.

But we can avoid paying money in Twitch and use each time "authorized" Sstreamers , where they have been instructed to show the location of an npc in open world that offer "blue shards (same as Twitch watch time) if the match last for 15 min and another npc if the match lat for 30 min .The npc will be there for 30 min afterwards . Or a code

Edited by Noir.8561
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No, I have not checked if this has been discussed before, but:


Wouldn't it be an idea to categorize Strike Mission achievements in the Strike Mission section of the achievements tab? Now it only holds the End of Dragons achievements, but there are plenty ones in IBS aswell, and still more to come as I imagine.


I don't play strikes as it's near impossible for me to learn them, considering I can't always commit to playing long times. So I'm unable to complete certain categories because of the Stirike achievements. Which is annoying to say the least.


Any thoughts on this as a QoL upgrade?

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9 minutes ago, Mindbender.9632 said:

No, I have not checked if this has been discussed before, but:


Wouldn't it be an idea to categorize Strike Mission achievements in the Strike Mission section of the achievements tab? Now it only holds the End of Dragons achievements, but there are plenty ones in IBS aswell, and still more to come as I imagine.


I don't play strikes as it's near impossible for me to learn them, considering I can't always commit to playing long times. So I'm unable to complete certain categories because of the Stirike achievements. Which is annoying to say the least.


Any thoughts on this as a QoL upgrade?

Subcategories within the strike missions achievements category does sound like a good QoL idea.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Please make Scribe easier to level up.

Either by adding more recipes and other items we can craft.

I find it extremely expensive to level scribe, as after level 50 ish, everything costs over 1 G each item, which only gives little xp.

Adding the costs for materials needed for guild upgrades, and personal characters development, it's really really hard to level up scribe.


I want to start making items for WvW, but most my guildies are mainly into PVE only or fractals.


They don't like WvW, so even with a almost full guild, I find myself on my own when it comes to WvW.


I can't... and even wouldn’t even try force my members to donate mats for WvW, when they're not interested. 


Thanks for your understanding. 

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how about a checkbox in options to automatically deny aftercast/skill cancelations if stealth applied to you.


If im off onto a non thief class and i get stealthed, the option to screw up my rotation should be on me not a buff like stealth.

Thisll prevent rotation interuptions and allow more yse if aoe stealth to buff allies without any dps downtime

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Some QoL for fishing:


Skiffs should have a storage compartment for bait, lures and fish. 

Stacks should stay when map shard closes. Sometimes you get on the map and your half to to building your stacks and then map closing prompt pops up. 

Mobs should not attack skiffs. Thats just annoying and troll.

There needs to be a pity system. Going one hour of fishing should never yield 0 legendary fish.


Not as important QoL(imo):


When you catch a fish the fish itself should look different based on the quality. Maybe have a glow colored based on the quality.

There needs to be more consistence when catching fight. Some times a legendary fish is easier to hook in than trash. It would be nice to be able to tell what fish is being pulled in based on the difficulty of the mini game. 

Would be nice is the anchor could be used while still moving. Maybe make it so that if you use it while moving your skiff takes some dmg. 


I'm sure theres more but I can't really think of them off the top of my head atm. I probably should have wrote a listen before posting here. 


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This is a suggestion to add a hold key bind for "walking".

This could be used to setup low, medium and high pressure zones on joysticks that are set to map onto the specified walk key bind (hold).

Currently, mapping a single stroke of the walking key will make it desynchronize with the walk mode very quickly (meaning you suddenly start walking when giving the highest pressure on the joystick)

With a "Walking (Hold)" keybinding we could have the Low Pressure Zone of a stick to press and hold the key and when transitioning to a higher pressure zone it would release said key without ever getting out of think with the walk mode of the game.

This would make it more immersive when using controller with the Action Camera.

Edited by Nekres.1943
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The Elite enemies by hero points in EoD maps respawn way, way too fast. They respawn in about 30 seconds. That's enough time to commune with the hero point, but sometimes something distracts me or I have to go move a cat so they don't puke on the carpet and then the bugger has respawned again. It's a small thing but I think the respawn timer should be longer on these guys.

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EDIT: This post was moved from a topic titled "Back items and weapons should be visible during emotes":

Since the update to DX11, I think it's time we look into allowing these items to be visible at all times.


However, I know this might be an issue for some of the weapon placements, as greatsword doesn't look great when displayed on the back in certain positions. Just a suggestion, though!

Edited by Kalthea.4326
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- An option to disable the visual effects of other players' gathering tools.

- An option to disable the visual effects of other players' skills and abilities.

- An option to reduce and completely disable particle effects.

- An option to mute other players' minis (screw you, Funkopop Aurene! And you, Watchwork abominations! And you, Ho-Ho-Tron! And you, Mad King head! And you, Basenji! And you, Professor Meow and friends! And you, Ellen Kiel!)

- An option to hide other players' minis.

- Colorblind options.

- More bank tabs. 20 would make for a good start, 25 would actually be useful.

- More character slots. 90 would at least allow us to play every possible combination of race, gender and profession, 100 would make some people (those with money) very happy. And no, I won't invest in more accounts any longer. I didn't invest ten years into my main account just to start over collecting and unlocking things.

- More shared inventory slots. 32 at least, so I'll no longer have to look at three and a half row. The more you'd allow me to have, the more I'd buy, same applies to bank tabs and character slots.

- More guild slots. Ten would be awesome.

- More dye favorites. At least ten to fill the entire first row, 20 would be even better.

- Background music should stop the moment I leave a zone, not continue playing for as long as the track goes no matter where I go (imagine hearing Shiverpeaks background music for several minutes while being... virtually anywhere else in the world really).

- Weapons, back items and infusions shouldn't render on default character models. Those things are the reason why I disable rendering on other players' character models in the first place and not their armor.

- Make the functions that are tied to the left Shift-, Control- and Alt keys rebindable.

EDIT: - An option to lock characters in place on the character selection, so that people who log on with dozens of characters a day won't have to stay logged in for over a minute each time just to make sure that their characters remain in the desired order. This is especially important to me and any ArenaNet employee with access to my account API will very quickly see why.

Edited by Calais.6348
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There are points in this game that make it almost unplayable with how lazy the mount bindings are. A good example is Forging Steel, where anyone who has custom keybindings for their mounts literally CANNOT use the tank. This is a major problem for warclaws in WvW as well. Please. Just add actual keybindings for mounts so I can play the game without having to screw up my settings everytime I need to do certain content.

The devs have been doing a really awesome job fixing things in the game, but this remains a thorn that needs to be pulled out.

Edit for people who dont understand the issue:

Mounts only have 2 key bindings. Mounts that have more than 2 skills default to your weapon skills. This means you cannot use your 2 mount keybindings in any place that conflicts with the 3 mount skills that you CANT keybind.

Mount skill 1 is unbindable and by default set to your basic attack skill. Mount skills 2-3 can be bound but they cannot be bound to certain keys that mounts with 5 skills will be defaulting to. Whats worse is that these positions are different on certain mounts.

Edited by Harrada.8041
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I'm a little puzzled.  I have custom keybound my mounts and the tank works just fine for me in all respects.  I can board, dismount, and fire off all the skills.

It is true that I keep F as my interact key and X as my default mount key.  Perhaps if I had changed those I would know what you are talking about.

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I wish there were more settings in general. I want my mini-map larger and chat box larger with bigger text while everything else is small. Setting UI on small restricts how much you can stretch windows and makes the text smaller than large version. Making UI even smaller would be great but till those are addressed you'll barely be able to see your mini-map or chat.

I'd also like toggles for each UI element on right~ I want to follow achievements but I don't want them on my screen and the only option to hide it hides event info too. Can't hide story on it's own either. (though part of why I wanna hide it is cuz my mouse sometimes hovers over the text on the right by accident and I cast a ground target skill on myself, and it never stays collapsed. Other reason is ofc... I don't need it there.)

Edited by Doggie.3184
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