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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Why can't I invite someone to a party in the context menu in chat?  Sometimes I'm chatting with someone in map chat, and I would like to help with something, but I don't have an option to add them to my party.  I can block them, I can add them as a friend,  but there is no option to invite them to a party.

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44 minutes ago, Nemesis.8576 said:

Why can't I invite someone to a party in the context menu in chat?  Sometimes I'm chatting with someone in map chat, and I would like to help with something, but I don't have an option to add them to my party.  I can block them, I can add them as a friend,  but there is no option to invite them to a party.

There's this: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chat_command#Group/party

Perhaps, you can use Alt/Ctrl to add their name. 

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Make a new map that supports 1,000+ players concurrently that runs efficiently, not graphically straining with so many players that may be in one location, responsive, networks efficiently, needs only medium powered modern computer to play with good frame rates...the game design, graphics and gameplay would need to change as necessary to meet these criteria. 

Make a new storyline every 6 months or year so new players are not lost and the story is refreshed for veteran players.  Old characters can make cameos to spice things up.

Make improvement to abilities that are unique to or originally from each profession or elite spec to differentiate themselves from other professions with similar or same abilities.

Have events that make more use of skiffs and turtles.  Add weapons and utility abilities to skiffs for passengers to use.  Add secondary or tertiary abilities to turtles where only one can be  made to be used at a time so more strategic gameplay is needed and optimal composition would improve gameplay.

Increase guild limit to 10 for 10 year anniversary.  Not monetized.

Add events and games in major cities, maybe something like holiday events, that are permanent to give cities more purpose and liveliness, and also to attract more visitors hehe.  Activities in the cities could be taxed to fund more activities in that city once a requirement has been met and for any other possible things that may attract more visitors.

Add fishing skill to slow down the reciprocating bar and another skill to widen the moving follow bar in it.  Have cool down and skill affect times as needed.  Add fish attacks or skills to fish as needed too.

Heal bar mechanic for allies.  Each player has a heal bar somewhere on their screen that fills up when healing allies.  When this bar fills up, a point is given to ally healing and the bar resets.  This would help give credit to support players.  There can be a bar for buffs given, debuffs removed, resurrections and any other support action.  Points can be combined and added to a main support bar too.  A dps bar can also be added to help player gauge their output damage also.

Identify items in inventory as heart quest type items for easier inventory management.  Identify others as needed also.

Aoe skill that pulses a ring of effect that spread from a center circle and outwards.  Have another one that starts from a larger ring that shrinks in size.

A skill that creates a point with tethered ball that moves around the point.  A line that tethers the ball causes some effect to allies and some to enemies.  The center and ball can do other things too.  Either can periodically do things too.

Aoe effect circle that follows a player then stops after a length of time and then remains at a place and cause another effect.

A skill that places a few medium or small objects located near each other that can block projectiles and enemies from passing through them to help impede enemies.  These objects can have other mechanics where they combine together to create a larger barrier or move back or forth to push or pull enemies.  Or they can explode or provide aoe buffs or debuffs.

A skill that creates a tunnel that allows allies to travel underground for a short distance to another location to avoid visibility and damage.  Skill usage would be reduced while players freely move between the ends of the tunnel.

A skill that creates a hovering airship mount that can carry five players around for a short period of time to avoid damage.  The airship would have it's own health pool to protect against limited damage.  The ship would have forward firing gunshot attack usable by the pilot.  One or more passengers would have and aoe ground target bomb or other attack.  Other passengers would have defensive skills like shields, healing or stealth.

A skill that creates an underground trench line that players can move into from the side of the trench to reduce damage and conditions from attacks in front and rear the trench.

Wvw - population based strength and protection balance.   Because server population affects balance so much at any given time, have 3 levels of map protection for each map based on the servers map population at that time.  Each level lasts for one minute at a time.  Have Population Levels 1, 2, 3 matching the ranges of each servers population.  The higher the level the less protection.  Level 1 is the lowest population range.  At lowest level, players are buffed, deaths are less rewarded to servers at higher levels, capture points of that server are buffed the highest, things like capture rings take longer for higher level servers, npcs are stronger with more health, walls have higher health and a defiance bars and warn lower level servers when wall health reaches a certain level, captured points give players more and the strongest level of buffs, righteous indignation lasts the longest, extra defense npcs are given to each point, siege weapons have a 30% speed and damage debuff against it, defensive siege equipment of level 1 servers at each owned point cost less supply to build, builds faster; more defensive siege are spawned and automatically builds themselves.  Defensive sieges at each controlled points attack faster and stronger and have higher health.  More waypoints are given and emergency waypoints last longer.  Supply levels are boosted for the duration of the level.  Supply carriers are faster, more supply is given to each, more carriers are produced on each route.  Seige traps are less effective against lower level servers.  Siege range is the highest.
Each population level is adjusted accordingly to their level and against population of other levels.

Add gaming cards to have a table top type of gameplay.

Enemy npcs that use mounts and can be dismounted.

Have an event calender in the gw2 website.

Upgrade the turtle mount to hold 5 players and skills for each player.

Add control points to the open world with dolyaks and other supply carriers with mechanics like in wvw.  Add siege gameplay.

Add a rappelling grapple skill mastery available to core tyria players.  This skill would help newer players vertically traverse maps easier when vertical mounts are not available.

Make a gw2 manual to show new players how to play gw2.

Wvw, have more control supply carriers and how many carriers are going to which control point.  More upgrades to more and improved carriers and types of carriers with more defense for carriers.  Carrier armor, speed, health, shielding, trap dropping,  and defensive upgrades.  Armed carrier defenses.

Wvw, more impenetrable walls around SMC or moats to reduce entry points.

Wvw, some mobile defense and offense units with heavy armor and artillery power.  Some armored infantry carrier vehicles too.

Wvw, trap detection units.

Have a registered version of wvw and a non registered version to help reduce cheating from other server players with second accounts who try to sabotage opposing teams or spy for them or collude with another server.  A competitive and less competitive version.  One version would have normalized stats and another not like currently.

Wvw, give good rewards to servers for winning skirmishes and achieving high scores each tick.

A skill that has full range, aoe, speed, strength etc when used on full recharge cool down but can be used at different cool down times for reduced range, aoe, speed, strength etc in exchange for the reduced cool down time usage.  3 or 4 cool down levels could be okay.

Have enemy target name and health bar brighten up and enlarged some for increased visibility.

Wvw, add new quick load slots for siege blueprints, disablers and any or similar things.  This can be a new skill bar set thats always on screen or full bar swap that swaps the weapon and slot skill bar with it, like weapon swapping.  Also move siege blueprints and similar from inventory to the wallet or something like that.

Wvw, be able to create autonomous defensive and offensive siege weapons. 

A boss encounter there the adds constantly retrieve weapons and other things for the boss to make it stronger and more difficult.  Players can knock the retrieved things away temporarily to weaken the boss and make the encounter easier.  The adds will also build defensive autonomous weapons and structuress to defend against players.  The boss may retreat into protective rooms to retreat from players at certain times.  Adds may make prisoner rooms to temporarily lock players in to separate them from parties.  There may be destructible and creatible parts of the environment to help players impede adds and provide tactical advantages.

Skill, ability or trait, an aoe detection pulse field that temporarily reveals stealth for a second on each pulse every 3 seconds.  This does not remove stealth.  Allies in field gain this field that stays on them with a smaller radius and shorter duration.

A skill/ability to fear or cause targets to run uncontrollably to a location.  This skill only affects minions, pets, mechs, illusions, or any other player created combat entities.

Make ascended gear more useful once a player has more legendary gear.

A skill that drops multiple weapons of different types for others to use.

A skill that emits radial particles outward in a wave-like pattern to heal and give allies boon and then all the particles project directly towards and enemy to cause damage and knocks back on to the ground.

A condition called Radiation Poisoning that causes burning, weakness, fumbling then bursts of damage.  The other conditions would be contained as a sub condition of Radiation Poisoning that would be removed if the main condition is removed.

A skill that creates aoe circle that reduces condition damage and duration by 50% while players are in the circle.  All conditions applied within the circle are saved for a few seconds to be used by the player againsts enemies in a larger aoe circle that applies 150% damage and duration of original conditions.

An aoe circle skill that creates up to 5 clones of players in the circle.  When other allies with the same skill are within an area of each other the clone limit is reduced to a minimum of 2 clones.  Each player with the same skill with the same skill nearby will reduce clone limit of others by 1.  Alive clones will die to meet clone limit.  The clones do little to no damage and serve to deceive enemies bolster target numbers.  This skill can clone allies in addition to cloning the player.  These clones have high health to mitigate applied damage and can be created when out of combat.  Their lifespan before losing all health can last from 30-90 seconds.  After initially using the skill, the player gains 3 skill to control movement of the clones.  Skill 1 causes the clones to scatter and run away from a target location in a radial pattern.  Skill 2 causes the clones to run towards a target location.  Skill 3 causes clones to move to a target location or if out of combat, to follow a target ally.  If no enemies are present, the clone will follow the player fairly closely.

A skill that creates a clone of an enemy and uses  their own skills against them.

A skill that pulls projectiles towards a target.

Be able to upgrade existing mounts to carry one or more other players.

Wvw, be able to slowly move catapults and other siege equipment to new positions after they are built.

Show guild name of players in squad gui.

A commander ability to draw a custom line with an arrow at one end on the ground to direct squad movement.  The line appears on the ground like markers but is a custom line that is drawn out by the commander.  Multiple lines drawn quickly can be useful.

Be able to text label a commander tag for others to see to identify your role and coordinate with other tags.

In the quick build GUI next to the weapon skills show the current build being used in the main screen.  Also move that GUI and the novelty selector away from all the other GUIs so they can't be accidentally clicked on when clicking the skills or mount/dismount activation buttons.

Wvw, give more incentive to home borderland territory and ebg territory.

Wvw, rank guilds based on average wvw scores of combined scores of that guild.  Ranks are placed in tiers to match similar pools of rankings.  Players choose their single wvw guild to play wvw with, with only one allowed per 3 or 6 months or year depending on how often is necessary.  Guilds are ranked and placed on servers that match similar ranked guilds.  

Have an option to be able to see other squads on the map and mini-map.  Each squad would have the colors of the commanders tag on the map and mini-map to deferentiate themselves.

Squad UI, be able to mark the roles of players so the squad can see which players are playing which roles.  Basic marks would be DPS, support, tank, healing, control, utility.  Have the marks be assigned by the commander, lieutenant, and squad members as options selectable.  An icon plus rewriteable text would be useful.

A reward track that will guide you to areas that will get you the materials and things thing you need for a specific legendary or item.

Home units that can be built, sold and traded. Have blueprints of different rarities.  Blueprints have the basic layout but additions and modifications can be made without limit, beyond the map size.  Also be able to save a blueprints of builds that can be bought sold and traded too with previews of the build to be shown.

Have lots of single player sandbox areas where players can build out their own worlds.

An Aoe time snapshot skill that places an aoe circle that takes a snapshot of time for things in that circle and reverts things back to that snapshot after a length of time.  When enemies are reverted negative effects are added like increased skill cooldowns or health is reduced or debuffs are added.  The opposite affects would happen if allies are reverted and are buffed instead.  Position would also be reverted.  Skill is similar to continuum split but can affect multiple people.

An aoe circle skill that creates a copy of one or more other aoe skill that is targeted in that circle that the player can use themself.  Buffs or increased strength can be added in addition to the added skill access.

A reflective skill that reflects projectiles but splits the projectile into two or more other projectiles that have reduced damage or effect and can hit other enemies.  Split projectiles have additional debuffs added to it also.

A projectile skill that creates a projectile that splits into two or more projectiles and continuously combines and splits as it travels.  While split it's damage is spread but reduced in strength but when combined, the opposite is true.  This projectiles has piercing damage.

Add squad features to parties like ready checking and markers.

Be able to change the size of parts of UI independently of each other.

Open world map queue.

Group match making system for game content like dungeons, fractals, raids, open world metas.  A player just chooses which content they want to play from a list and will automatically matched with other players who are doing the same.  Have a queue so players can sort members and remove players if needed while a queue can save players into a waiting state.  A unique group match squad could be created to be used for the group formation so players would not need to have person with a commander tag in the group.


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I don't know how long this change is in the game, must have missed it in the game update notes, but I just recently noticed that a red exclamation mark in a white circle is shown in LFG-entries, if the commander is on a full map. This seems to be like a small QoL thing, but I think this is a big improvement for the lfg-tool. No more joining several squads (endlessely) and then later finding out that the map is full when trying to switch map instance.

I think another impactful QoL improvement to this would be, if there was also a small yes/no-checkbox near the text search field with "ignore lfg-entries where commander is on full map" that could filter the listed entries. This would help to find not-full-maps faster without scrolling a lot when (during festvials/events) there are a lot of similar entries in the lfg-tool.

What do you think?

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If the goal is , that some traits behave differently in each mode (skill splitting - some offer quickness vs not-quickess /scrapper) , shouldn't the area around that specific Trait in the UI have a hazardous-warning effect and a small tooltip in the bottom  that say this icon means different skills in different modes  ?

But it would better to create an ideology where , in PvE the placeholder spell  is Quickness/Alacrity , while in PvP/WvW it's  the proper spell (pvp centric or one trait ,change the mundane of many PvE skils(every skill that offer 0.25s fury into quickness and every skill that has "2" bleed into 1sec freeze and the skills that have "4" bleed into +20% damage boost) , while leaving aside the baseline 1 , 3 + existing bleed effect to continue to exist)

Edited by Noir.8561
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Just a quick suggestion for WvW.


● Add new weapon blue prints.


1. Bunkers.

Same hit points as a gate.

Holds up to 3 allies.

Ideal for ranged units.


2. Portable Mortar. 

Same hit points as a wall mounted mortar



● Add Siege Turtle



● Give each profession a special ability in WvW only.


1. Thief

Able to infiltrate enemy buildings and steal supplies or activate their tactics. 


2. Ranger

Send pet to seek out a specific target. 

HP and power massively increased while on a task.

Detect stealthed foes.


3. Engineer.

Able to hold a much larger anount of supplies.

Builds and repairs faster.


4. Elementalist 

Gains boosters according to the terrain is in.

Land augment earth attunement. 

Water augment water attunement. 



5. Mesmer

Create an AI clone that can travel to a designated point in the map or roam at random to serve as a decoy.


6. Necromancer

Re animate NPC corpses and use them as spies or other tasks.



Give extra protection to NPC allies.

Increase building defenses around.

Strenghten near by Guards.



Possess an NPC body and control it.



Increase near by ally NPCs Power and DPS.


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You all have been really great about giving us options to deal with annoying sounds and such, but a new one has popped up.

Would you please flag the sounds that minis and tonics make so that we can turn them off with "Other Player's Unique Item Sounds"?

The Halloween tonic(?) that changes someone from skeleton to spider, etc. was annoying enough, but the new Ghost mini sounds for the Jade Bot are driving me crazy. If I turn them off with the "Effects Volume" slider, I lose all action/spell effects as well.

I really think that extraneous fluff should be on a separate channel from important sounds like combat effects, the way environmental sounds are separate. On that note, I'd love to be able to eliminate the repetitive NPC comments without losing story dialogue. As it stand, if I want to hear new story dialogue, I also have to listen to "more violets, less violence" over and over again. One of the big reasons I bought the Mistlock Sanctuary was to get away from all the noise, but now the ghosts are everywhere and I've lost that peace. I can't even use the mute key on my keyboard as that kills the sound from Discord, etc., so I have to go into options over and over again.

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Please give us an Option to tick in the setting that prevents auto-filling the wiki chat code.


For example, if german type "/wiki" in chat it automatically adds it to "/wiki de:". Same for french and others. Please let us disable the "autofilling", because almost all wiki sites besides the english are bad.

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I'd like it if we could mute all items from other players.

Someone mentioned two of these things above, but I have something to add 

The new jade bot mini, all the currently available skins make noise. Which get annoying when you're in a place like mistlock sanctuary and six people around you all have various skins of that mini. Especially the new ghost skin. The giggling sound is cute, but not when all six minis play it on a loop at different times around you.

The candy corn gobbler also makes super annoying noises. I've had to listen as people use it every five seconds to build up their buff. Which has made me super aware just how much noise I'm making for the people around me every time I use it.

The Super Adventure Box minis also make the noises they make in SAB, and it would be great if they didn't.

I've also been led to believe that Pet Dog Whsitle: Basenji's Howl noise when given the Speak command can be heard by other players. But I cannot confirm this myself, as I never bothered learning the tricks.

ALL of these should be covered by "Other Players' Unique Item Sounds", and I cannot believe that they aren't, especially considering how old those SAB minis are. Minis should be muted for everyone but their owner by default, and the candy corn gobbler has been needing a rework for years. It should act like the snowflake or zaitan gobbler, where it's effectively a store transaction, and it should make no noise.

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Would love to see the sitting poses from the Someone In Need collection added to the hotbar when actually sitting in a chair, or when sitting in a novelty chair. Don't care about clipping, just love the new poses and need to have them available when actually sitting on a chair in the world.

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(I apologize for any error, i don't speak english perfectly, and I hope that here is the right place to post this)


I really wish some animation changes, but i will talk only about one:

Scepter - Skill 1 - Elementalist - Fire Attunement: That animation is absolutely terrible, and even if sometimes this is not a problem because it's used on occasional skills, on the first skill of a main weapon is painful to watch, same on Dagger, Earth Attunement, first skill. Just anything else would be better.

Anyway Elementalist animations bounce from absolutely amazing and totally garbage, I love this class but sometimes I find miself to avoid some attunement or weapons for this reason. Still, the one animation I talked about above is the one that i think requires a restyle for shure.


Another thing that the game requires by now is a remastering of the free-to-play personal story, especially all the stuff from Claw Island and after that. The whole campaign against Zaithan is getting old vary badly, and all episodes are full of visual glitches like NPCs that vanish during cinematics or worst, NPC models that change during dialogues, like Maeva's during the mission where you set on fire the Risen Ark. Anyway there are a lot of updates that the personal story requires, all of Zaithan campaign needs more pathos, more stimulating fights, a better dubbing for Zaithan minions (the Mouth or the Eye are absolutely pathetic to hear, not because of the dubbing itself, well, kinda, but mostly because the texts are embarassing), glitch fixing, and some improvement that can make the whole free-to-play personal story more appealing. I think that now that the dragons storyline has come to an end and the game has been released on steam, it is a perfect moment to work on this stuff. Ah, and there could be added some story-achievements like the ones of every LW and Expansion too.


Also I want to talk about the new experience boost achievements that came out with game release on Steam. Everyone could use some tutorial-like achievements, and the experience as a reward it's nice, but they give you TOO MUCH experience in my hopinion. It became almost pointless the map completition, last time i leveled up a character i found myself leveling from 1 to 25 in less then a hour, and it's not only during low level, it's the same on high level, I get from Lvl 70 to 80 just by crafting some low level stuff and compleating an achievement tier, achievement that are something like "use the bank", "level up", "pick up some flowers", it doesn't make any sense. It's ok the experience reward, it's fantastic using achievement as a tutorial because they could push you to try and learn basically everything, but there's too much exp, i think those achievement need to reduce the amount of exp given by a half at least; still, tier 4 and 5 of those achievement are basically useless because you can reach lvl 80 during tier 3, or at least that happened to me.

Edited by Val.7826
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Heres a suggestion for you... STop it with the jumping puzzles!!! Not everyone likes them and not everyone can do them!!!  We are seriously missing out on content and achievements because someone on the dev team thinks we all want jumping puzzles.  ONce again I cannot do an achievement (Someone in Need) because its got so many jumping puzzles!!!!!!  Whats ironic is this is part of the Extra Life 2022 content and yet the jumping puzzles are virtually impossible for those with disabilities involving their hands or perceptions!!!!  Really Anet....come off the jumping puzzles!!! I and i know alot of others would love to be able to complete evvetns and achievements !!

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3 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

And what?  What did the CS Team say?  Did you have trouble proving the account was yours? Or what? 

Many players have posted about having changed their Account Name. 

Well, I tried again, and this time it worked. They must have upped their game in the last few years.

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