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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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On 6/13/2023 at 2:28 PM, BenaSPACE.6028 said:

A way to merge all of the living world tomes to save space

Merged tomes would be so awesome.  I would love for the home portal stone, passes to hubs, and boss devices to also go into a merged gizmo, preferably one we could just keep adding portal scrolls, passes, and anything that auto transports you to a location.

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On 6/14/2023 at 5:06 AM, Aelin.9317 said:

I would like a legendary fishing rod! 

Something like,

More bonus fishing power

A small chance at landing a double hook!

Fish at each node 6 times instead of three. 



This would be a really great addition.  Also wouldn't really stop users who collect skins from getting newly released skins from the Gem Store.

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Make map exploration mostly account bound. Leave the heart quests and hero points as character bound. But it would be nice if PoIs, vistas, and waypoints were all account bound. It would actually would make rerolling a new character easier and less time consuming. Leaving heart and HP quests as character bound would allow players to still work for the gift of exploration and player progression.

Edited by BobbyT.7192
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The book of bounty hunter recipes she offers is randomly determined each day and does not follow any particular order.

1. Why?

2. Please make it work like a music playlist, because people that designed music playlists somewhere between fire and the wheel realized people didn't want to hear Up Town Funk in their 50 song play list 10 times in a row, and would rather hear 'all' the songs once, then reshuffled, then every song once in that new order, repeat. I need a set of recipes for a set of armor, which I thought would take me 6 days to get, and now could, possibly, take 1,000 years-to-never.

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Please let us dismount while in the air, even with ground mounts. This would be particularly useful with the racing beetle since it often goes airborne from the tiniest of bumps, making it difficult to dismount in motion without the Bond of Faith.

Also, can we have legendary gears scale with level so that we can use them on low level characters? Or at the very least, add an armory for Bloodbound weapons so that they don't take up storage space?

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So yesterday I had this amazing idea for the game and the idea just kept getting better and better. I will start by listing system changes required for such content to be implemented, and continue to more specific details.

Generic changes

  • Pets can be stored in pet bank now, up to 5 of each species. After this, taming or breeding a new pet of that species will require deletion of one.
  • Pets can be tamed to pet bank by any class now, only ranger can wield one open world.
  • Juvenile creatures now roll randomly between -200 and +200 power, precision, ferocity, toughness and vitality up to same total stats.
  • Juvenile creatures start with 3 personal traits that affect their ability in combat. To get certain trait combinations, you have to breed next generation pets. More about traits in later section.
  • Increased amount of Juvenile spawns and they do not get removed from map when tamed
  • Juvenile creatures roll new stats and traits every 6 hours


  • 2 pets of same type can be bred together to make off-spring. Off-spring gets 25-50% of their stats from 1 parent, and rest from another. 1 trait is chosen by the player from each parent, and 3rd is randomly rolled between both
  • Specifics regarding breeding time taken or possible fashion options included, will be left to imagination of developers.

Content pets would be included in

  • Ranger pets: Same as before but more indepth stat and trait combinations.

In following content, each pet type will have couple of extra abilities outside the base ones for diversity. You do not have to play Ranger to experience following:

  • Pet battles 1vs1, 2vs2: All characters can participate with team of 3 pets: 1vs1 and 2vs2. You control the pet as if it was player character. Pets cannot heal in combat outside certain abilities. If your pet or team of 2 players controlling pets loses, you enter with next pet in your team against the winning pets remaining health until 1 team of 3 pets is fully eliminated. Pet battles can be initiated as matchmaking system in pet arena of any major city, or used for personal battles at guild hall.
  • Pet GvGs 15vs15: Guild members each control 1 pet and work to eliminate enemy lord. Respawn available after certain time of being dead.
  • Pet dungeons: 5 person dungeons. Each player controls 1 pet and tries to pass the epic dungeon.
  • Pet instance: Pet instance would allow breeding and decorating pets for your home instance.

Note: Pet content outside Ranger gameplay is all player controlling a pet, your actual characters don't participate. It would be "content with simpler combat system" and more about time investment in breeding and theorycrafting perfect pets.

Pet traits

As you tame pets, they would come with 3 different trait. Each trait has 2 positive and 1 negative effect. Traits could be such as:

  • Agressive: +10% strike/condition damage, +15% endurance regeneration, +10% damage taken
  • Agile:  +15% movement speed,  +200 precision, -15% endurance regeneration,
  • Calm:  +20% healing, +200 toughness, -10% critical strike damage
  • Passive: -10% damage taken,  + 200 vitality, -15% movement speed
  • Reckless: +10% critical strike damage, +200 ferocity,  -200 precision

etc: at least 10 different.

For example Juvenile Pets with agressive trait could come with 2 of Reckless, Agile or other fitting traits, but not Calm or Passive traits. If you want agressive and calm together, you have to breed pet with agressive trait with a calm one together but there will be little bit of randomness involved regarding 3rd trait and stats the pet gains from each parent.

As you can notice, all the negative effects of a trait will have a cancelling effect in another trait. So if you choose to have only positive effects  for your pet and cancel all the negative ones out, you can choose to do so. Or you can also choose to have lot of negative and positive effects. For example condition pet probably won't care much about ferocity so sacrificing 200 ferocity to have an positive trait would probably be optimal

Why would this content be good for the game?

Lot of Guild Wars 2 content is limited by its amazing combat system with lot of depth. However Super Adventure Box (SAB) is still extremely popular despite its simplicity and that proves going away from complexity isn't necessarily bad. By entering pet content and breeding in this game, not only does it allow for simpler content, but another creative/competitive outlet for people. Also as lot of pet abilities and art already exist in the game, you cut development costs and time of this completely new content to minimum.

With pet taming being more complex and having content associated with it playerbase would not only discuss optimal combinations but communicate with each other when and where there are good pets. The differences between average random pet you tame won't be massive or gamebreaking, but still worth small optimizing if you play ranger or participate in pet content a lot.

The whole idea of this content fills me with excitement and nothing would be more thrilling than spending time to build, tame and breed my roster of pets, and outplay enemies by controlling it. This could be as big opportunity within MMORPG community as Pokemon worldwide: simple, little bit of randomness involved but still requires skill.

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New Legendary Armor , from minigames + skiffing . It transform incoming boons (every 0,2 sec) into exploding shells for your random highligted spells +3 auto attacks.

If you get cc-ed from the boss , or build "rage"you can activate this mechanic for some secs

Play some WvW and if the OW boss have 10+stacks of bleeds , you attack faster (Guts-Bersek) and you get selfbleed 

Play some unranked PvP and If you get bleed from the bosses (rare)   , you can activate it . (if the group have low damage , and in the 30sec mark people havent cleared 5% hp of the boss , the boss does bleed). Or less alluring you get vampirism stacks

Play the eevery-3-months mingames , to improve your armor at the end of the year

For every damage you take ,  you fill different stages of meters , that locks you out  of your spells +weapon swap  if you are carefull . So better do the mechanics (-1 lock utilitie in the end) and avoid damage like in EoD hearts).

If you are locked out from all your weapons (xaxax , who could have guessed!) you cannot benefit from boons and your Fields + Wirls have 100% to activate and offer boons  .

Edit: Or the system transformed you locked utilities into fields and  highlights and add a Wirl efect to a random 1-5 spell 

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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Please, please let us filter out " skill recharging", "out of range' combat messages in a separate category. 

Combat panel is very useful for me to see who my character is getting killed by and how but as a keyboard faceroller/button spammer, all these useless red messages make it very difficult to see what's going on..combat panel is super useful but I can't see whats happening.  Incoming damage and interrupts are completely hidden by me trying to avoid it. Can you please make it a separate category?

(This has bugged me for years actually but I only now got the wherewithal to post.  Nothing more fun than dying and not knowing what kills you or what is killing you until after your character is defeated because all your button pressing and active heals/evades blocks defenses means all the skill recharging messages so you can't see what's going on in combat. ).  Been a long pain point please fix thanks. 

I've also commiserated with other players over this, esp when doing activities where knowing what is going on combat wise would be helpful. It is an inconvenience for everyone, tho some people learn to live with it.  

Edited by cloudsareyum.8120
I remembered all of us complaining about how annoying this was
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Hi, im fairly new to GW2 and loving it so far. One of the main problems for me and my friend group is the locked positions of the weapon skills and their inconsistency.

For example guardian has the leap skill is in slot 3 in greatsword and in sword similar skill is in slot 2. For decades people have been able to customize their binds in many other games and have hardstuck habits of having specific type of skills in particular button. I don't doubt that with time you can learn and adapt to this but being able to move the skills or make specific binds for each weapon would be huge QoL improvement especially for new player experience.

TLDR: We old now with deeply engraved habits, learning new stuff is hard.

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That would be nice, and it's been requested many times before, but I think it's unlikely to happen.

In GW1 its possible to choose the order of your skills (it's sort-of a 'deck' building game where you're expected to pick different skills for each area) but usually that's the only way your skills will change. If you go into one of the few places where your skill bar is replaced (like the snowball fight during Wintersday) and move those skills around when you leave your normal skills will have moved in the same way. But that usually isn't a problem because it's rare for your bar to be replaced (weapon swap, transformations etc. don't change your skills).

GW2 is built on a modified version of the same engine and I suspect that hasn't changed, but in this game there's a lot more things which change your skill bar, most frequently weapon swap. I suspect if it was possible to swap round skill 2 and 3 on greatsword you'd find when you swapped to sword skill 2 and 3 had changed on that as well.

I don't know if it's possible for Anet to fix it, but I do know it's been requested a lot over the last 11 years and they've never done it.

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49 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

That would be nice, and it's been requested many times before, but I think it's unlikely to happen.

In GW1 its possible to choose the order of your skills (it's sort-of a 'deck' building game where you're expected to pick different skills for each area) but usually that's the only way your skills will change. If you go into one of the few places where your skill bar is replaced (like the snowball fight during Wintersday) and move those skills around when you leave your normal skills will have moved in the same way. But that usually isn't a problem because it's rare for your bar to be replaced (weapon swap, transformations etc. don't change your skills).

GW2 is built on a modified version of the same engine and I suspect that hasn't changed, but in this game there's a lot more things which change your skill bar, most frequently weapon swap. I suspect if it was possible to swap round skill 2 and 3 on greatsword you'd find when you swapped to sword skill 2 and 3 had changed on that as well.

I don't know if it's possible for Anet to fix it, but I do know it's been requested a lot over the last 11 years and they've never done it.

You are propably right about this being requested alot and with no update on it, it might just is not be possible due to the older code or just too high risk to break other parts of the game.

I think the easier solution would be just to swap the skills of the weapons in general to more consistent spots. For example if a weapon has a ability with movement factor its always on the same slot.

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34 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

That would be nice, and it's been requested many times before, but I think it's unlikely to happen.

In GW1 its possible to choose the order of your skills (it's sort-of a 'deck' building game where you're expected to pick different skills for each area) but usually that's the only way your skills will change. If you go into one of the few places where your skill bar is replaced (like the snowball fight during Wintersday) and move those skills around when you leave your normal skills will have moved in the same way. But that usually isn't a problem because it's rare for your bar to be replaced (weapon swap, transformations etc. don't change your skills).

GW2 is built on a modified version of the same engine and I suspect that hasn't changed, but in this game there's a lot more things which change your skill bar, most frequently weapon swap. I suspect if it was possible to swap round skill 2 and 3 on greatsword you'd find when you swapped to sword skill 2 and 3 had changed on that as well.

I don't know if it's possible for Anet to fix it, but I do know it's been requested a lot over the last 11 years and they've never done it.

Considering how many times your 5 keys for weapons are being replaced with another set of skills when one use Special Action Key (which sometimes work as a toggle for bundle, other times as a skill or a second layer of skills), don't forget how mounts also change mode and mode is the base which this game is built around.

In combat you can not change weapons (only for some professions this is an exception), the same for mount as mount where locked until you dismounted (with Skyscale change from SoTO this have been changed a bit) and you couldn't mount while you are in combat mode. Out of combat on other hand have other layers like you can not procs Sigil that make use of weapon swap etc.

During story mode, mount mode, festival events etc you will some times get another set of skills (which expect a certain order for #1-#5 or even include all skills on skill bar (weapon, healing, utility and elite).

If it where possible to freely move around skills and which key bind to control what commands that game make use it would cause issues as then it would need to store several layers of key binds, connect each layer to in what mode you character are in (out of combat; in combat; mount; which weapon are equipped and meant to show etc).

I don't think it would work as well as some people suggest it.

It would cause a mess as to explain where a certain skill should be when a certain mode is active and where to find it.

We already can see that UI have limitation when it try to show where a buff, an effect or where a skill should be for learning new player experience (NPE) where it show a large arrow to point where something should be on screen. It is the same issue with pop up to show a notification about something or to explain something where it often doesn't really connect to the object on screen it is meant to point to.

Often it will point in wrong part on my screen because it have a higher resolution then 1080P and that also moves some object in another place on screen then the default 1080P which have a dimension of 1920 x 1080 and aspect ration of 16:9 where my screen is 3440 x 1440 pixel with aspect ratio of 21:9.

With ability to set where each skill should be on screen and how each keybind should be working with that skill it would also have an impact on UI as for where it should be without getting in the way, have enough information for what keybind/control that is linked to that skill and tooltip that is informative enough for basic understanding of what that skill is supposed to do.

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Please add a useful option to ALL existing recipe books.

If you have been playing this game for more than 3 months, you have gotten all the recipes contained in things like Sinister Jewelry Recipe Book, but you keep getting the book as loot drops. It would be real nice if after you have learned all the recipies in the book, you could select to take a piece of junk, simple materials, or a salvageable item from the book as opposed to having to manually discard it as unusable unsellable junk.

Alternately, make them sellable at a vendor, or simply make them stop dropping after you have learned all the recipes they contain.


Edited by DemonAtTheWheel.1804
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Further improvments to Crafting UI:

  • All filters are unchecked by default, and when all filters are unchecked - Show everything
    this has the benefit that if i want to find a specific tier or quality of item, I just have to check the appropriate boxes;
    in the current setting, if I want to filter, let's say just masterworks quality, I have to uncheck 5 seperated boxes and then check them back when i'm finished, that a total of 10 clicks,
    If everything is shown when the filters are unchecked, i only need to click that checkbox twice to show the items that i want, and return everything to normal.
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Allied aoe efftcs more opaque than important game mechanic AoE effects. If it's red it's bad. 


Specter wells and other ally aoe effects clutter the screen in raids and strikes etc most of the time,  will make it very very difficult to see red AoE markers. Counterintuitive if you don't see them. Make allied aoe more opaque.


Check my scorpion wires' interaction with basilisk venom, mostly a bug or bad interaction with each other. Treat those 2 skills with the bountiful theft & Sleight of Hand ️  interaction for prioritization before trigger effects. (Trust me, thieves will love you)



~give me DoubeTaps old job relocate me and I'll work on thieves~

Edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230
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Suggestion: To dungeon vendor add tab with at level weapons, could be rare if exotic inavaible at that level, so catacumbs is 35lv. And make requirments resonable for leveling so 2 runs not 8, or maybe even just run story. And price also resonable, less than 300tokens. There are now armours at levels, but no weapons. Even with 1 run requirment, we will need to run multiple dungeons over 1-80, so it will not be easy.

Reasoning: Gearing up when leveling could be not fun, so adding option to just run a dungeon here and there would make process smoother, also it is more fun than just getting free stuff or buy from tp.

Dungeons are a bit forgotten content, which is a shame, as they are group, there is story, and objectives, so generally good stuff. Adding some extra reason to run it for new players or bonus character could keep lfg going.


Edited by evilcat.6817
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More quality of life:

Unspeand specialization points reminder: right now if there is a possibility to spend on something skill points, each time i change instance, or load character there is red flash of unspent points. However if i am saving for new track i want some inspend points, untill i collect 250 for elite specialization for example and spending it sooner have no use. So there could be a change, that we get a reinder only if we got new skill points with level, or when doing skill points challenge, and that it.

There is also a reminder that one of equipment have unchoosen focus, this one is important, and i never know if there is a equipment focus (important) or reminder that i save for elite specialization (i know).


Quest list managment: It would be nice if we could manage our objective list, like add remove things from it. Like personal story, map events missions, daily objectives, adventurer guid. For example maybe i am not interested in adventurer guide right now, but want to sea daily challnges. Just let me choose what i see on that right of the screan list.

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On 10/7/2023 at 12:01 PM, Avelione.6075 said:

Yes, pls Anet, some people (me, I'm some people) :3 have sensitive eyesight and reducing those random glowing/flashing effects, or making an option in menu that reduces/removes them would be a huge QoL change in a long term!

I hope that they do this. this doesn't solve the problem and I really hope they do this but a Band-Aid solution has been for me has been turning off post processing. The other thing that somewhat helps is under options turning the the character high quality the amount of high quality character models to lowest because the majority of flashing comes from other people's characters sparkly stuff so that replaces all the character models with these like pink cloaked things which is somewhat helpful when feeling sensitive. It's still a very flashy game though.

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 tackle box like the special inventory containers (20 slot craftsman's bag. 20 slot invisible bag) specifically for fish so that is easy and organized to stockpile rare fish for trading for ancient ambergris, easy to keep my catches seperate and organized from the rest of my stuff and also have all my bait in one place neatly. 

Another way this could go is an item taking up one inventory slot that all fishing related stuff and bait goes into. 


People who aren't super into fishing may not be aware but fishing eats a lot of inventory space and we have to organize everything manually.  I think it is the perfect thing to have a fishing dedicated container like we have crafting containers etc. 

Edited by cloudsareyum.8120
Edited for clarity in response to confused reaction
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11 minutes ago, cloudsareyum.8120 said:

Sorry about the previous post repeats, how do I delete? I don't know what the forums really bugged out

It happens from time to time.

In order to get them deleted, your best option is to use the report function and then choose

"This comment is okay, but I want to tell a moderator about it".

This option should also be already marked by default.

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7 hours ago, evilcat.6817 said:

Suggestion: To dungeon vendor add tab with at level weapons, could be rare if exotic inavaible at that level, so catacumbs is 35lv. And make requirments resonable for leveling so 2 runs not 8, or maybe even just run story. And price also resonable, less than 300tokens. There are now armours at levels, but no weapons. Even with 1 run requirment, we will need to run multiple dungeons over 1-80, so it will not be easy.

Reasoning: Gearing up when leveling could be not fun, so adding option to just run a dungeon here and there would make process smoother, also it is more fun than just getting free stuff or buy from tp.

Dungeons are a bit forgotten content, which is a shame, as they are group, there is story, and objectives, so generally good stuff. Adding some extra reason to run it for new players or bonus character could keep lfg going.


Lovely idea .


Or there could be a  gear that starts as Exotic level 1  and can be lvlup-ed to 80  by playing multiple dungeons and then reset to lvl 1 as Ascended and so forth. One specific piece of armor  have a chance to drop from one specific dungeon , or you can get it after the 20th kill.

Afterwards it might becomes a "combat armor"  that offer your "weapon switch"ability ,  a random chance to change  "stances" like Rev that either you mount up and you get a new sets of abilities , or "univeral 3-4 new specs" , or as long as you dont use abilities , you get a random one after 2 sec in combat for the 0.9 coefficient spells and your UI icon that is looking like a roullete , change from Necro to Necro/Warrior for example . You can narrow it down to 3 classes and you can sucrifice the Elite that has no cd and an utility that will not fully activate because of the elite and with reduced cd ,  to dircard one spec as fast as posible and get a random second one .

And it wouldnt hurt if you could see the other people that are in the same "rarity" as you , just like Fractal tiers . Or copy you "fractal stats- most played Tier" rather thn lamp people in the same pot 


Edited by Woof.8246
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