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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Allow us to customize the threshold at which the Black Lion Trading Company alerts you that you have money to pick up.  While it is great that there is a red flag that you have something to pick up at the TP, it is not worth the trip for 5 copper. Allowing us to set the flag for an amount that would make the trip worth our time would be nice.

Alternately, let us choose to silence the flag if we have checked what is there and have chosen "I'll get to it when I get to it" over "ooo yay, let me go get that right now"

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There are lots of good suggestions in here.

Personally I'd like the ability to X out a search criteria. For example if you're searching the TP and you want to change what you're looking for you have to either click in the search box and backspace to the beginning, or highlight the text and backspace to empty the box. The same thing happens in the crafting UI. For small things it's not a big deal, but if you're doing a lot of TP stuff or crafting it's a bit annoying. My feeling is that it would also be an easy thing to add to the UI.

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Some power creep: In Adventurer Guide II and IV the requirment to uprade to next tome could be lowered to 17 or even 15, you still can finish the old ones, but you dont have to, and could move on to next tome.

The problem is that it is easy to overlevel 15-30, you do some world boss, you do dungeon, you discover some points interests, it really piles up. So at some point you are level 30 grinding tier II zones so you can finish the tome an unlock the next one. Grindin 5 more hearths is not that fun. Same with grinding harvest.

Tomes I and III could have more repetables, so yyou need only 13 to finish tome, but could spend more time in low level zones doing more hearts and everything.

The root of problem is that each adventure task gives some % of level xp, and tomes II and IV have 20 required objectives, and you still get xp from other sources. So of course it will generate a lot of xp so we can reach next tier, since we have to complete so many objectives. With 15 requirments we can choose, and once we do 15 there will level up to next tier.

Edited by evilcat.6817
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Some of us have dozens of characters. It's not practical to finish Personal Story on all of them.

However, the Personal Story objectives can't be hidden. It's annoying as I don't want to see that info. But on the content guide, whether it's set to "Off" or "Disable Personal Story", the green star and the personal story step is still there.

Annoying to have info we don't want to see on our HUD, day in and day out. 

Edited by Sylvi.8372
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For the love of the six..... either add more "Activities" to the one that count towards the daily Wizards's Vault, or reduce how often the daily tells you to "Participate in an activity"!

There are currently a whopping 4 "activities" that count, (Crab Toss, Sanctum Sprint, Southsun Survival, Keg Brawl) and you get assigned to participate several times a week.... there are only so many times you can run up the sanctum sprint hill before you have flash backs of your high school gym teacher making you run laps cause he is too hung over to plan an activity.

Either allow the other static mini-games (like Tendril Torchers and Bugs in the Branches) to count towards the daily as well, or allow us to drop out of the activity after like 30 seconds and have it still count.

If you are unlucky enough to get assigned it on Sanctum Sprint day, and get into an instance before the timer starts.... you are stuck in there for like 7 and a half minutes.... for a task that takes like 90 second to complete!  And don't get to the end, then go AKF to get a drink or hit the restroom, cause it will timeout, kick you out, and you have to do it all over again for NO REASON.

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13 hours ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

You get 4 activities? I've only ever gotten Sprint or Crab Toss! Or maybe it's been the others, but I skipped it in favor of the other 3.

If it's comparably to the prior daily system, it really is Crab Toss most of the time. Is has been that way with the prior daily system as well.

Back then, it was maybe once or twice a month that the daily activity overlapped with one of the other three activities.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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Begging for free stuff: With each expansion box, part of the package could be +1 character slot. lv 80 boost is nice, but ppl may have already lv 80 character, so this boost isnt much use. However character slot + boost would allow to create a completly new character for new content. I mean free slot as part of expansion box, so you already got money from selling expansion.

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58 minutes ago, evilcat.6817 said:

Begging for free stuff: With each expansion box, part of the package could be +1 character slot. lv 80 boost is nice, but ppl may have already lv 80 character, so this boost isnt much use. However character slot + boost would allow to create a completly new character for new content. I mean free slot as part of expansion box, so you already got money from selling expansion.

Since a Character Slot is part of Deluxe/Ultimate, it's unlikely it will be moved to Standard. 

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Please, can we just have multiple Tabs that SAVE the transmutated looks + dyes? Nearly every other game has this simple option.

There's so much customization available to us yet every time we want to switch our look we have to individually change each piece of gear and the dye.

Some of us have set looks that we want to switch between.  Please let us save them to easily swap out like gear sets. 🙏🏻

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Having a game mode with 0 rewards whatsoever/ 0 rewards forced onto players no matter whst they do because yall decided to remove them is unacceptable. Fix lunatic Inquisition. 


(Thanks, it seems... Altho there is no participation anymore, at least the lunatics do get some bags on full kill all ghosts win now, which is good enough as a prize 🙂). 

Edited by cloudsareyum.8120
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Once again, I am petitioning to have the Candy Corn Gobbler (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Candy_Corn_Gobbler)   changed to function like the Snowflake Gobbler (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Snowflake_Gobbler)  and Zhaitaffy Gobbler (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Zhaitaffy_Gobbler)   It is a long shot, but hopefully one day all the gobblers will be united and we will be enjoy them all in their gobbledy goodnesses

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Haven't read all the posts but I always have a list of my own. Finally getting into the forum space !

I agree and the pinning characters in the select screen to the front, or selecting their order manually should be an option (or two). This is on my natural list.

1. The option to have the cursor return to The Center of the screen when toggling back from action Cam.

2.  WvW . Add seige items: 

- Ladders

- cheaper fortifications like walls/ bunkers

- Placeable jump/launch pads

3. WvW : I find it depressing that there are two basically identical maps .... Less immersive and organic...just saying...

4. More options for manipulating the UI.

 Allow various positions of at  least for the 'Target' and 'Cast time Bar'. ( like party/ chat)

Even more individual element resizing would be great! ( like the map)

5. Saved control Keymap profiles for each character or class , and/or Mapable keybinds to swap profiles like builds and gear have the options. ( as they are available to swap between through the menu I realize)

6. The same thing but for Graphics options presets. For WvW vs PvE/ PvP.

** it would be nice to be able to easily change these and take less time away from actually playing ; as selling things on the marketplace and organizing inventory takes up enough time with its clunkyness as it is 😉

Thanks for your time .

Edited by pHAREZ.7259
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Here is a QoL that could be useful.
If you guys could add a line "Has Special Sound Effects" on some items, Warhorns by example, this would help.
I have a lot of chests that I don't dare open because I'm trying to collect the weapons with special sound effects but without a way to tell if they have one or it is the basic ones, they just keep piling. The other way would be to pick one and ask Support to refund if they don't have one, which honestly I do believe that a lot of us would rather avoid doing so.

Edited by LoboRaptorLo.2603
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Yet another Halloweenie year has come with an overabundance of @#%$()*& rolls of TP, rotten eggs, and utterly useless transform potions.... and still no viable way to get rid of them except throwing away like cigarette butts on the sidewalk.

Either let us sell this utter garbage as "junk" or give us a gobbler that can turn it into junk that is worth 1 copper per 50 or even 250 gobbled! 
This would also be a great use for the Jade Bot chips.... transform useless weenie stuff into candy corn (no one knows what that stuff is made from anyway)

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8 hours ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

Aren't they listed on the wiki? Might help you out until such a time as this is added.

Not all the time, I know several items special noise is not mentionned. There IS an extensive list but they are all old items, by example the new Grim Machine Set, we can't know until someone picks the warhorn and insert the info in the wiki, it would be way quicker and would avoid us asking CS for a refund on the item on information we won't have. Having that line on the item would just be nicer to have.

Unless if by not adding that they actually are telling us that they are okay with us constantly asking refunds (because the proper information to facilitate if we want the warhorn or any potential items with special sound effect is lacking).

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3 minutes ago, nobleboivin.4102 said:

An upgrade to the Not So Secret jumping puzzle so that people with poor motor skills due to disabilities can be able to complete it.  Some of the jumps are just so hard to do.

Honestly, your best bet is to catch someone porting to the top... which does happen fairly often.

That JP is fairly challenging, even for those without any motor skill issues. They would have to nerf it heavily to make it "moderate difficulty" for those that are disabled.

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