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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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36 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

Sure more options would be nice. Don't expect new voice actors though, that would be a ridiculous expense for little gain.

I scrolled through the wiki quickly, and it sure looked like more than 7 options to me. Is that more of "7 options I like?"

Voice actors?? we are in 2024 mate there's a lot of options to create voices with IA

and it wont be "ridiculous expensive" hire some voice actors to record some dialogues, and i dont think that they would get a "little gain" literally the most of the persons would buy the kit if they see that new option

btw i put 7 beacuse i dont have the exactly number of options from each race

Edited by Doggimangg.4891
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1. I'm quite sensitive to blinking  and flickering visuals: AIR BULLET and to smaller degree, ice bullet in Elementalist are much too flickery and are an annoyance at best. Really makes hard to focus on gamepley. Can u please make it more transparent or have an option to not show up (only in the HUD instead)

1a. Similar with Call of Wild in Ranger. I have to close my eyes or have my camera set to not to see the "pressure wave" effect. It is spectacular and I think it's very cool but my brain thinks it's a firework right in my face :c   HALP!

2. Could you add a filter of  "can be salvaged for research notes" in the crafting filters please?? (for peeps who have jade bots) it would be a VERY helpful thing.


Thank youuuuuu



Edited by Avelione.6075
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Dear most greatest, and most awesome developers hopefully reading this message.
I would really like to see a few things different, hence I made a list... I have a couple more ideas but they might be too daring.
Please take these ten ideas in your mind while you are busy making the game (like always) more attractive and the best game in the world!

  • Show backpacks in character selection-screen
  • Show backpacks while using emotes
  • Add an option to wear tails as cosmetics (demon tail, Shrine Guardian tail, etc)
  • New emotes you can use together (/hug /kiss)
  • Emotes during walking
  • Option to use emotes on chairs
  • A flying mount to hold up to two players
  • Flying an Airship
  • Option to be able to use instruments on tonics
  • Remove portals and create one big map

(A note on the last idea, I just really want to explore Tyria with my friends and get out Queensdale having more to do than fast travel wasting pocket money. People are so used wasting their gold!)

With kind regards,

Edited by Veryl.1923
Fixed some confusion.
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I was standing next to a ranger with a sky-chak pet. For a long time, I couldn't figure out what the CLOPCLIPCLACKCLOPCLOPCLOPCLOPCLIPCLACK noises were, but they very nearly overrode every other sound. My gosh they're loud.

Didn't we have a similar issue with the Juvenile Jacaranda, and that noise was toned down? I hardly ever notice the buzzing now. A similar fix for the sky-chak would be welcome.

Edited by Batel.9206
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It would be very nice once one dies in a content instanced raid and strike to have the possibility to activate the spectator mode as it already happens in pvp and have the free camera to look around and better understand the mechanics of the boss instead of standing still in a distant spot.

It would be nice if you could copy the system that already exists in pvp with all the keybinds already present.

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Some kind of filter for the wardrobe storage in the bank would be great. Some examples:

- Filter by type of item. For back items, for example, filters for capes, backpacks, wings, etc. would make it easier to search for specific types of back items.

- Filter by source. Filters for skins obtainable in-game, through the black lion chest, and the gem store. For skins available in-game, filters for general PVE (open world), pvp, wvw, instances, expansions, etc.

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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Would like if the outfit menu had two tabs, one for head and the other for body that can be toggled on and off which would allow us to not only to mix and match heads and bodies between different outfits but also use the normal armor body with the outfit's head and vice-versa(Changes limited to only full body and head). 

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The ability to zoom in/out while previewing character would be a great and easy addition to the game, especially given how much detail is put into cosmetics. I personally use a charr and can't see half of my weapon most of the time. It's frustrating and I have to end up going on wiki to see what I'm even using sometimes. Adding a little magnifying glass, some sort of scrollbar or even using the mouse wheel to simply zoom in and out would be great to have. A little drag action while zoomed in to look around would bring it to the next level; but a simple zoom in/out on the inspect/preview page in the equipment section for dyes, wardrobe, etc would be awesome to have. 😄

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Wizards Tower QoL improvement:

It has been mentioned before elsewhere in forums, but Wizards Tower can really use Guild Bank access.
Eye of the North and Arborstone have it.  I drop stuff off in the guild bank all the time when cleaning up
  character inventory, and while i could go to Mistlock Sanctuary, Arborstone, or guild hall itself, it makes 
  me regret going to wizards tower sometimes.

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Invisible backpack, shoulder, gloves and headgear skin.

Probably easier to implement than being able to check the show/hide boxes per equipment template. And I would really love to be able to decide if I do or do not want my backitem showing per equipment template. Sometimes you need a cape, and sometimes your weapon is all the backitem you need - visible, that is. Wouldn't want to miss the stats O:) 

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This suggestion involves the research note system.

I would HIGHLY recommend making crafting recipes at around crafting level 350 with the sole purpose of turning targeted materials into research notes.

The current method of turning common and uncommon items into research notes takes  HUGE amounts of time and in turn become a WASTE OF ELECTRICITY.

for example with jewelcrafting:

right now players use 8 mithril ore + 1 jewel to craft 1 item worth 5 research notes but from a crafting standpoint this means: 8 mithril ore --> 4 mithril ingot --> 1 mithril setting + 1 mithril earring --> [jewel] mithril earring. Now do this 3000x for 1 set of obsidian legendary armor and suddenly you spend over an hour crafting junk to turn into research notes.

I would suggest making a recipe for jewelcrafting:

250 mithril ore + 250 mithril ore + 62 jewels --> an item that can only be salvaged for research notes (300 research notes in this case).

And make recipes like these for armor crafting / weapon crafting professions as well.


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On 2/29/2024 at 1:36 AM, Kunzal.5640 said:

Please let us change Jade Mech Color,

If you don't want to change it by color options(this would be better),
please change colors by trait decisions,

I play mostly heal alac mechanist, in squads there are at least 2 3 mechanist same time, support mech should be easy to recognize, its location is important.
this situation really confusing, sometimes 4 or more mechanist... all of them same...

gw2 universe has tech to have jade mech, but can't change color of it... 😞

I agree! This is a good idea. I play quite a lot as a Mechanist and those mechs are just everywhere sometimes, especially during world boss fights and Strikes or similar events - can get confusing like hell. I ALSO WANT TO SUGGEST TO HAVE A SMALL SELECTION OF SKINS FOR MECHS but changing their color would be good too

:3c please, please, prety pleasie

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Im not reading all 394 pages of this thread, but a nice QoL for me would be expanding the "Gain Research notes from salvaging crafted items" to include the Dragonsblood and Heroic Dragonsblood weapons. Not sure why they were skipped, but I have a bunch of them waiting patiently in an alt character's inventory for the day I will be able to get research notes from them.

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Edit: and wassup with young barracudas knocking back players at Triskell Quay like they are thundershrimps on steroids??? 😛

What's up with the Arena/Gladiator Activity in Arborstone? It seems to be still in beta (?) At least not much of a difficulty or entertainment for veteran players like me (hehhee). At least let us fight a few opponents at once and/or some veterans/elites from other fractions, not only Kestrel trainees. Spectating is just nothing happening , at least for me... And for the love of gods, pls make the spectators actually react to what's happening, at least a bit? Throw a few "insults" and praises depending on the result of the fight. Just don't make them too repeatable ;-;

I'm THE commander, I kick kitten and I wanna feel it!  (profanity filter made it look as if  I "kick kitten"! I'd NEVER kick a kitten ;-;)


Edited by Avelione.6075
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Good day, 


I've been farming the new zones for there materials like static charges pinches of stardust etc with there meta event items working towards the new PVE /open world legendary armor and I'm finding amnytas materials are alot harder to farm due to the events being so spread out, what feels like less greater and lesser chests and the meta doesn't compensate for the lack of pinches of stardust. 

While skywatch and inner Nayos both have event density and what feels like more chests overall. 

Unless I'm just missing something in amnytas I feel like we should be able to use our excess unusual coins to buy zone currencies or meta materials. At least then you'd have a use for the coins after using the 1500 for the Lego set. 

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QoL Suggestion:
Not sure why there is nothing like that in-game yet but...

A timer or an indicator telling us how much time is remaining on the Cooldown of a Triggered Ability Effect (e.g. the Effect of the Relic of Cerus (which if I read the tooltip correctly, can only be triggered once every 30 seconds; where our only indicator of time is for the Elite Skill itself)) before we are allowed to reproc that effect again.

Edited by LoboRaptorLo.2603
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I suggest a a preview system for cosmetic infusions similar to the preview system for other equipment (armor and weapons). This would give us an idea how the cosmetic infusions will look on a certain character before buying it on the TP (which is a big investment already).

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Not sure why this passed into the game - but can the belt be removed from the Medium Armor Tattoo Skins. On every other weight its attached to the pants, but for some reason on Medium if you have the Tattoo Chest piece it shows the belt. It ruins a lot of looks with the belt showing when you don't want it to, its also weird to not have a skin that unlocks on all weight levels not have the same look on all weight levels.


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I am hoping this is the right spot for this suggestion, but the Dominion Tribune Manica glove set is very well done, and has a lovely effect - but the one huge issue with it is the glove on the right side is out of place. My suggestion is to offer it the same way some of the newer gloves are being presented, where you can select it with both gloves or simply the full left arm piece on its own. The glove on the right conflicts super heavily with most any look you plan to do with this item, so being allowed to select it with or without the smaller glove would be a Fashion Wars game changer for it Here is a twitter link to the image/item in question


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