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When should we expect an actual nerf to Spellbreaker?

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@Sahne.6950 i should have take a look .. lols. I meant its CD when played on discipline xd. Its on 12 Seconds CD. It is should be on Like 10 Seconds when played with discipline. But for some weird reason it is reduced to 8 Seconds instead in the actuall Game if i remember correct xd.

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@Shagie.7612 huh? Nah im only defending the in its current state only way to Play Power warr in a good Division^^. Im always Open for Changes. I mean i even said Staff needed a Nerf and was thinking about how you could do it without just killing the whole thing.

Because you know? It is something to Nerf stuff. But it is something else to Nerf them so hard that they are not playable anymore ^^


And in this case. A CD increase to Spellbreakers Main mechanic for like double the CD would something that would kill it. The only real way to pretent it been useless after something like this would be to let it do hard dmg again. But as i said earlier peops would then cry even more about it. 


Edited by Myror.7521
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4 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Waaaaaiiit..... im by no means a warrior expert..... but Fullcounter already has 12 seconds cooldown......  or am i trippin?!

12 in pvp/WvW and 8 in pve. The cd reduction trait reduces it by more than intended though. So, fix that first then reevaluate it.

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