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Total hack and cheating fest in wvw

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I have less than 500 rank to max out in wvw and its not even worth login in that mode due to all the ridiculous cheating going on that is ignored and been allowed for years.

Anything from  invuln hacks to portal hacks, downed state portaling 6-9 times away from players, then getting up and running away, speed hacks, where  players are literally running up to mounts from distances like Umb camp to past the durious bridge in less than 2 secs.

I have watched some recent videos on you tube and its beyond disturbing that one, this type of gameplay disruption is allowed, and 2, that anyone normal or decent person would even cheat, hack in this game.

I will not ever support GW3 in any form unless GW2 wvw cheating is publicly addressed, apologies from the devs of lack of response and action, then maybe then anet might win back tons of support it lost by allowing all the ridiculous cheating.

BTW Dear Anet,   your code being hacked and manipulated is out there for any loser to download and cheat with so I have no idea why you don't protect your investment.

I'm so disappointed and disgusted with GW2 and the lack of owing this diaster and putting an

end to the cheating once and for all.

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Just look at the post history. At this point it either has to be a troll or someone trying to advertise those non functional hacks, by attempting to make players belive they do work.

Who else would continue to post nothing but the very same complaints about alleged hacks for years! without providing the slightest evidence and after having "quit" the game multiple times already?

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But everyone know some sort of cheating is happening in WVW not everyday but what has been said in the first post is happening and for reveryone to say if not evendence did not happen, really that sounds like playground talk. I have seen this kind of thing happening but i dont record nor will I try too, it is up to anet to sort the issues out every other game does something to sort cheats out not 100% but at least they try.

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14 minutes ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

Just look at the post history. At this point it either has to be a troll or someone trying to advertise those non functional hacks, by attempting to make players belive they do work.

Who else would continue to post nothing but the very same complaints about alleged hacks for years! without providing the slightest evidence and after having "quit" the game multiple times already?

There's even mentions of "new and improved hack", I suspect you are right 😄

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20 hours ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

Just look at the post history. At this point it either has to be a troll or someone trying to advertise those non functional hacks, by attempting to make players belive they do work.

Who else would continue to post nothing but the very same complaints about alleged hacks for years! without providing the slightest evidence and after having "quit" the game multiple times already?

I have provided guild names, specific comanders, players, the website info where alot of these hacks and trainer programs are downloaded.  I have providedlniks to vidoes and where is it all??????

DELETED by ANET and I got banned form posting on the forums several times, why?

Because anet and clowns like you do not want anyone to see this information, its like see no evil hear no evil BS.

The excuse Anet has is use the support ticket, submit all the information to them, they will investigate and take the appropiate action.


NOW thats funny because in all the years since beta only one dev did anything public to disgrace cheating and obviously that is not their stance anymore.

Google gw2 public hacker or cgeater disgraced.


NICE try calling me a troll and like all the clowns I play with in wvw, denying and making excuses for the cheating.

When players have invuln, or insane speed, or regen more damage than 5 players dish out, and there is not one frikin buff or icon on that player to justify it, how do you explain that troll bait?

I have first hand experienced everything I have reported, there are many many players on my server angry and upset and recognize the hacking and cheating, apparently your not skilled enough to know when someone is cheating.


Whats the term used? Oh yeah...................get good clown.


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33 minutes ago, Jaising.7253 said:

NICE try calling me a troll and like all the clowns I play with in wvw, denying and making excuses for the cheating.

When players have invuln, or insane speed, or regen more damage than 5 players dish out, and there is not one frikin buff or icon on that player to justify it, how do you explain that troll bait?

I have first hand experienced everything I have reported, there are many many players on my server angry and upset and recognize the hacking and cheating, apparently your not skilled enough to know when someone is cheating.


Whats the term used? Oh yeah...................get good clown.

not skilled enough to know someone is cheating would be if they would constantly get farmed and couldnt tell a hacker from an experienced player.
however what if you can count the opponents you need to be careful about in each matchup on a single hand and know that what they are doing is legit, because you understand the fights you have against them? are you then too good to notice the hackers because you kill them too fast?

that is not to say that there are no hackers at all. yet i very rarely see someone that i can tell is hacking, this week for example we have an opponents with very obvious teleport hack going on. but like all the other obvious hackers i have seen, they are terribly bad. they manage to make harbinger look very weak which is quite the feat.

the other reason you do get such a reaction is that experienced roamers will from time to time get whispers from opponents that one is apperently hacking and reported, which indicates that people do actually see hackers where there are none and then it becomes reasonable to question when someone is calling hacks.

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As someone who played GW2 for years and quit because of the cheating....

You gotta understand, there's two kinds of cheaters. You have your everyday cheater who's going to use cheat-tools made by more professional hacking players. Some of these tools you have to buy in order to unlock better features. These tools let you do things like super speed and teleport anywhere at will. Tools like this allow players to play a class with stealth, like thief, mesmer and ranger, to use the teleport tool to create the visual effect of super stealth but it's not really stealth because their just teleporting away and back again. Ever wondered why a thief could vanish in the middle of tons of "AOE" damage and not take a scratch? It's because they're really not there thanks to the teleport cheat tools out there.

The second kind of hacker you have is the "ArenaNet Baby." These people, male or female, are somehow associated with the "Devs/ArenaNet" and they are allowed to freely play with some kind of debug-like controls/cheats on their side. In other words, server-side cheaters. These people are GFs, BFs, Wives, Husbands, Spoiled-Brats, Friends, you name it... These players are the ones doing the cheats that are NOT possible client-side!

For example, an "ArenaNet Baby" Ranger teleported on top of me in mid air while I was gliding in MY territory. This server-side cheater was performing ground attacks in mid air while floating with me. He/she suddenly vanished and when I finally landed, they teleported on top of me again and made the Map attack me, yes the map! You know that bird attack when you're gliding in enemy territory too long? This ranger made that attack happen on me while I was on the ground in MY territory! He then did some crazy animations that are NOT in the game, dealing super-sonic damage. He stood their while I rallied and healed up and before I could take off for my home keep, he did a one hit kill while I was at full health.

Here's another one... An "ArenaNet Baby" followed me to the second floor of Stonemist Castle. He had no idea I knew my Necro Class well and I exploded on his @$$! When his health hit about 5 percent, I was already delivering the final blow to drop him but guess what? He went into God Mode. I could no longer strike him and no, this was not an "invul" cast, he wasn't that kind of class besides, he stood their while I dropped another set of explosive attacks on him and ZERO damage! No "invul" could last that long, it's only 3 seconds. After I stopped attacking and was like WTF is going on, that's when he dealt a one hit killing blow.

Here's another one.... This dude was bragging about his damage in game and he was on a meta build Necro like me, same Class meta. I started pm chatting him and he actually linked me the same Necro ability I had on my action bar because it was a staff ability and I carried the staff at the time. Here's the thing.... My ability's base damage was around 1k give or take. This "ArenaNet Baby's" base damage was 10 + K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's when I realized how they were pulling off the one hit kills while players were at full health. You see, you can't do that from client-side...jacking up your attributes and boons... You gotta have server-side cheating power to do that and that's a dead giveaway these players were NOT everyday cheaters.

Even knowing I was up against cheating Gods, I still gave them hell and took out some that tried to best me without the cheats. They eventually got mad at me for being a quality player that didn't cheat and started cheating me all the time.

Here's another one... They started taking direct control of MY character! When ever I dealt damage to them and got away, I would lose control of my character and they would make my character run all the way back to them, and yes I had to watch this happen, and when my character got to them, they would do something like jump up and down to let me know it was them and then drop a one hit kill. I even had them drop a one hit kill, instantly rally me, one hit kill again, instantly rally again and yet, another one hit kill.... That's how mad I made them just because I was a good player in WvW.

When I started calling them out in the Forums and spreading the world across the internet, they REALLY got mad and literally started hunting me in-game! If I was standing far in the distance, I would go flying high in mid air and sail forever until I landed in front of their Zerg. Once I was practically in the middle of Stonemist Castle and I went flying down the hall and over the inner and outer wall and landed right in the middle of their Zerg. Rangers would make their arrow barrage shot appear inside the middle of keeps right over me for a kill if I managed to escape inside. They even started pulling me directly through walls into their Zerg.

They were so chicken "chit", if I caught on of them one on one, even though they had server-side cheats, they would instantly do a one hit kill when before they use to try to beat me and went in God Mode before I killed them.

I started doing surprise attacks on them, trying to burst kill a "Baby" before they hit what ever debug keys they had at their disposal and that was working...I was killing some of them again but sadly, that was short lived. They started making my controls go dead when I surprised attacked them and they were about to drop. None of my presses/clicks would work and they would take their time to do a full heal and attempt the one hit kill. Some times I got away because Necro's Shroud kicks in on a killing blow and that pissed them off too, so what did they do? They made their one hit kills double strike so Shroud got destroyed too, all in one blow.

I put up with that "chit" for the longest, every time I logged into WvW it was the same "chit." Entire Zergs lead by "ArenaNet Babies" would drop everything they were doing and chase after me. What's %$#% up about it even more is the fact, I was spending a lot of money on the game. I finally said %$#% it".... I'm tired of playing in their world because server-side cheaters can do what they want and can't be reported or stopped and that's no longer a game, that's customer/player abuse and I was not going to be a fool any longer and give them my money just to cheat me so I finally stopped playing that %$#%! FF14 is a better game and has better PvP, which GW2 copied!

Ask yourself this.... Why is it, in PvE you're always picking Mesmers, Thiefs and "Eles" off the ground.... It's because they're glass classes and take high damage all the time and hard to stay upright. So how is it, when you get into WvW, these same glass build classes can't take damage at all and deal 10x the normal damage.... If that was normal for those classes, would you not use the same build in PvE? Why the %$#% would you pass on a God Build? There is no such "chit" and players running around WvW with those classes, killing everything in sight with little to zero damage, are nothing but no %$#% good "ArenaNet Babies!" Those Mesmers who cast 15 clones instantly and you can never hit them, "ArenaNet Baby!" Those "Eles" that take out 15 players at once while barely taking any damage, "ArenaNet Baby!" I once seen a single thief take out an entire 40 man Zerg! %$#% "ArenaNet Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

That's completely unprofessional what they're doing and thus turned what could have been the best MMO on the market right now into the worst MMO on the market right now.

Do yourselves a favor and stay far away from GW2 and ArenaNet!

If you search the Net, you see post were other players are talking about how the "Babies" are cheating them...like the one I can across recently talking about how this Zerg was able to take out their Zerg, that was inside a Keep with all walls up. This dude said they basically got cut down by a Zerg that was outside the keep walls.

That happened because an "ArenaNet Baby" (ore more) were in the other Zerg and they can make anything happen with their server-size access (cheat wise) and if you're in their Zerg, you will be protected by their cheats too. For example.... Super Boons that never end and always stay at full and give off 5 to 10x the effect making the entire Zerg a God Blob. Next time your in WvW, keep an eye out for Commanders that seem to walk through Zergs without dying while everyone else dies. This happens because that Commander is an "ArenaNet Baby" on your side and they're not allowing the entire Zerg to go God Mode.

Sorry for "typos",


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On 4/30/2024 at 7:30 PM, Zyreva.1078 said:

Just look at the post history. At this point it either has to be a troll or someone trying to advertise those non functional hacks, by attempting to make players belive they do work.

Who else would continue to post nothing but the very same complaints about alleged hacks for years! without providing the slightest evidence and after having "quit" the game multiple times already?

How can it be an alleged hack when you're seeing it right in front of you...  What I don't understand is, what kind of low life would support cheating by attacking players who just want a clean game?

Get a life Buddy.

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19 hours ago, Jaising.7253 said:

insane speed

It was as recent as yesterday I got accused of being a speed hacker. I was on my sb/dagger/warhorn condi bomber soulbeast which is sooooo sloooooow compared to my engineer running traited rocket boots, perma swiftness, +66% swiftness speed AND +25% move speed just in case swiftness is ripped.

Guess I shouldnt have used the speed signet, ranger OP 🤷‍♂️

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Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, pcgamefreak.5208 said:

As someone who played GW2 for years and quit because of the cheating....

You gotta understand, there's two kinds of cheaters. You have your everyday cheater who's going to use cheat-tools made by more professional hacking players. Some of these tools you have to buy in order to unlock better features. These tools let you do things like super speed and teleport anywhere at will. Tools like this allow players to play a class with stealth, like thief, mesmer and ranger, to use the teleport tool to create the visual effect of super stealth but it's not really stealth because their just teleporting away and back again. Ever wondered why a thief could vanish in the middle of tons of "AOE" damage and not take a scratch? It's because they're really not there thanks to the teleport cheat tools out there.

The second kind of hacker you have is the "ArenaNet Baby." These people, male or female, are somehow associated with the "Devs/ArenaNet" and they are allowed to freely play with some kind of debug-like controls/cheats on their side. In other words, server-side cheaters. These people are GFs, BFs, Wives, Husbands, Spoiled-Brats, Friends, you name it... These players are the ones doing the cheats that are NOT possible client-side!

For example, an "ArenaNet Baby" Ranger teleported on top of me in mid air while I was gliding in MY territory. This server-side cheater was performing ground attacks in mid air while floating with me. He/she suddenly vanished and when I finally landed, they teleported on top of me again and made the Map attack me, yes the map! You know that bird attack when you're gliding in enemy territory too long? This ranger made that attack happen on me while I was on the ground in MY territory! He then did some crazy animations that are NOT in the game, dealing super-sonic damage. He stood their while I rallied and healed up and before I could take off for my home keep, he did a one hit kill while I was at full health.

Here's another one... An "ArenaNet Baby" followed me to the second floor of Stonemist Castle. He had no idea I knew my Necro Class well and I exploded on his @$$! When his health hit about 5 percent, I was already delivering the final blow to drop him but guess what? He went into God Mode. I could no longer strike him and no, this was not an "invul" cast, he wasn't that kind of class besides, he stood their while I dropped another set of explosive attacks on him and ZERO damage! No "invul" could last that long, it's only 3 seconds. After I stopped attacking and was like WTF is going on, that's when he dealt a one hit killing blow.

Here's another one.... This dude was bragging about his damage in game and he was on a meta build Necro like me, same Class meta. I started pm chatting him and he actually linked me the same Necro ability I had on my action bar because it was a staff ability and I carried the staff at the time. Here's the thing.... My ability's base damage was around 1k give or take. This "ArenaNet Baby's" base damage was 10 + K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's when I realized how they were pulling off the one hit kills while players were at full health. You see, you can't do that from client-side...jacking up your attributes and boons... You gotta have server-side cheating power to do that and that's a dead giveaway these players were NOT everyday cheaters.

Even knowing I was up against cheating Gods, I still gave them hell and took out some that tried to best me without the cheats. They eventually got mad at me for being a quality player that didn't cheat and started cheating me all the time.

Here's another one... They started taking direct control of MY character! When ever I dealt damage to them and got away, I would lose control of my character and they would make my character run all the way back to them, and yes I had to watch this happen, and when my character got to them, they would do something like jump up and down to let me know it was them and then drop a one hit kill. I even had them drop a one hit kill, instantly rally me, one hit kill again, instantly rally again and yet, another one hit kill.... That's how mad I made them just because I was a good player in WvW.

When I started calling them out in the Forums and spreading the world across the internet, they REALLY got mad and literally started hunting me in-game! If I was standing far in the distance, I would go flying high in mid air and sail forever until I landed in front of their Zerg. Once I was practically in the middle of Stonemist Castle and I went flying down the hall and over the inner and outer wall and landed right in the middle of their Zerg. Rangers would make their arrow barrage shot appear inside the middle of keeps right over me for a kill if I managed to escape inside. They even started pulling me directly through walls into their Zerg.

They were so chicken "chit", if I caught on of them one on one, even though they had server-side cheats, they would instantly do a one hit kill when before they use to try to beat me and went in God Mode before I killed them.

I started doing surprise attacks on them, trying to burst kill a "Baby" before they hit what ever debug keys they had at their disposal and that was working...I was killing some of them again but sadly, that was short lived. They started making my controls go dead when I surprised attacked them and they were about to drop. None of my presses/clicks would work and they would take their time to do a full heal and attempt the one hit kill. Some times I got away because Necro's Shroud kicks in on a killing blow and that pissed them off too, so what did they do? They made their one hit kills double strike so Shroud got destroyed too, all in one blow.

I put up with that "chit" for the longest, every time I logged into WvW it was the same "chit." Entire Zergs lead by "ArenaNet Babies" would drop everything they were doing and chase after me. What's %$#% up about it even more is the fact, I was spending a lot of money on the game. I finally said %$#% it".... I'm tired of playing in their world because server-side cheaters can do what they want and can't be reported or stopped and that's no longer a game, that's customer/player abuse and I was not going to be a fool any longer and give them my money just to cheat me so I finally stopped playing that %$#%! FF14 is a better game and has better PvP, which GW2 copied!

Ask yourself this.... Why is it, in PvE you're always picking Mesmers, Thiefs and "Eles" off the ground.... It's because they're glass classes and take high damage all the time and hard to stay upright. So how is it, when you get into WvW, these same glass build classes can't take damage at all and deal 10x the normal damage.... If that was normal for those classes, would you not use the same build in PvE? Why the %$#% would you pass on a God Build? There is no such "chit" and players running around WvW with those classes, killing everything in sight with little to zero damage, are nothing but no %$#% good "ArenaNet Babies!" Those Mesmers who cast 15 clones instantly and you can never hit them, "ArenaNet Baby!" Those "Eles" that take out 15 players at once while barely taking any damage, "ArenaNet Baby!" I once seen a single thief take out an entire 40 man Zerg! %$#% "ArenaNet Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

That's completely unprofessional what they're doing and thus turned what could have been the best MMO on the market right now into the worst MMO on the market right now.

Do yourselves a favor and stay far away from GW2 and ArenaNet!

If you search the Net, you see post were other players are talking about how the "Babies" are cheating them...like the one I can across recently talking about how this Zerg was able to take out their Zerg, that was inside a Keep with all walls up. This dude said they basically got cut down by a Zerg that was outside the keep walls.

That happened because an "ArenaNet Baby" (ore more) were in the other Zerg and they can make anything happen with their server-size access (cheat wise) and if you're in their Zerg, you will be protected by their cheats too. For example.... Super Boons that never end and always stay at full and give off 5 to 10x the effect making the entire Zerg a God Blob. Next time your in WvW, keep an eye out for Commanders that seem to walk through Zergs without dying while everyone else dies. This happens because that Commander is an "ArenaNet Baby" on your side and they're not allowing the entire Zerg to go God Mode.

Sorry for "typos",


Lol! Hard to tell if you're serious here, man. Or if this is really a clever meme post?  The absurdity levels are quite high.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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On 5/1/2024 at 1:39 AM, apoko.5246 said:

But everyone know some sort of cheating is happening in WVW not everyday but what has been said in the first post is happening and for reveryone to say if not evendence did not happen, really that sounds like playground talk. I have seen this kind of thing happening but i dont record nor will I try too, it is up to anet to sort the issues out every other game does something to sort cheats out not 100% but at least they try.

Sadly many of them do work 😞

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On 5/2/2024 at 5:07 PM, pcgamefreak.5208 said:

As someone who played GW2 for years and quit because of the cheating....

You gotta understand, there's two kinds of cheaters. You have your everyday cheater who's going to use cheat-tools made by more professional hacking players. Some of these tools you have to buy in order to unlock better features. These tools let you do things like super speed and teleport anywhere at will. Tools like this allow players to play a class with stealth, like thief, mesmer and ranger, to use the teleport tool to create the visual effect of super stealth but it's not really stealth because their just teleporting away and back again. Ever wondered why a thief could vanish in the middle of tons of "AOE" damage and not take a scratch? It's because they're really not there thanks to the teleport cheat tools out there.

The second kind of hacker you have is the "ArenaNet Baby." These people, male or female, are somehow associated with the "Devs/ArenaNet" and they are allowed to freely play with some kind of debug-like controls/cheats on their side. In other words, server-side cheaters. These people are GFs, BFs, Wives, Husbands, Spoiled-Brats, Friends, you name it... These players are the ones doing the cheats that are NOT possible client-side!

For example, an "ArenaNet Baby" Ranger teleported on top of me in mid air while I was gliding in MY territory. This server-side cheater was performing ground attacks in mid air while floating with me. He/she suddenly vanished and when I finally landed, they teleported on top of me again and made the Map attack me, yes the map! You know that bird attack when you're gliding in enemy territory too long? This ranger made that attack happen on me while I was on the ground in MY territory! He then did some crazy animations that are NOT in the game, dealing super-sonic damage. He stood their while I rallied and healed up and before I could take off for my home keep, he did a one hit kill while I was at full health.

Here's another one... An "ArenaNet Baby" followed me to the second floor of Stonemist Castle. He had no idea I knew my Necro Class well and I exploded on his @$$! When his health hit about 5 percent, I was already delivering the final blow to drop him but guess what? He went into God Mode. I could no longer strike him and no, this was not an "invul" cast, he wasn't that kind of class besides, he stood their while I dropped another set of explosive attacks on him and ZERO damage! No "invul" could last that long, it's only 3 seconds. After I stopped attacking and was like WTF is going on, that's when he dealt a one hit killing blow.

Here's another one.... This dude was bragging about his damage in game and he was on a meta build Necro like me, same Class meta. I started pm chatting him and he actually linked me the same Necro ability I had on my action bar because it was a staff ability and I carried the staff at the time. Here's the thing.... My ability's base damage was around 1k give or take. This "ArenaNet Baby's" base damage was 10 + K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's when I realized how they were pulling off the one hit kills while players were at full health. You see, you can't do that from client-side...jacking up your attributes and boons... You gotta have server-side cheating power to do that and that's a dead giveaway these players were NOT everyday cheaters.

Even knowing I was up against cheating Gods, I still gave them hell and took out some that tried to best me without the cheats. They eventually got mad at me for being a quality player that didn't cheat and started cheating me all the time.

Here's another one... They started taking direct control of MY character! When ever I dealt damage to them and got away, I would lose control of my character and they would make my character run all the way back to them, and yes I had to watch this happen, and when my character got to them, they would do something like jump up and down to let me know it was them and then drop a one hit kill. I even had them drop a one hit kill, instantly rally me, one hit kill again, instantly rally again and yet, another one hit kill.... That's how mad I made them just because I was a good player in WvW.

When I started calling them out in the Forums and spreading the world across the internet, they REALLY got mad and literally started hunting me in-game! If I was standing far in the distance, I would go flying high in mid air and sail forever until I landed in front of their Zerg. Once I was practically in the middle of Stonemist Castle and I went flying down the hall and over the inner and outer wall and landed right in the middle of their Zerg. Rangers would make their arrow barrage shot appear inside the middle of keeps right over me for a kill if I managed to escape inside. They even started pulling me directly through walls into their Zerg.

They were so chicken "chit", if I caught on of them one on one, even though they had server-side cheats, they would instantly do a one hit kill when before they use to try to beat me and went in God Mode before I killed them.

I started doing surprise attacks on them, trying to burst kill a "Baby" before they hit what ever debug keys they had at their disposal and that was working...I was killing some of them again but sadly, that was short lived. They started making my controls go dead when I surprised attacked them and they were about to drop. None of my presses/clicks would work and they would take their time to do a full heal and attempt the one hit kill. Some times I got away because Necro's Shroud kicks in on a killing blow and that pissed them off too, so what did they do? They made their one hit kills double strike so Shroud got destroyed too, all in one blow.

I put up with that "chit" for the longest, every time I logged into WvW it was the same "chit." Entire Zergs lead by "ArenaNet Babies" would drop everything they were doing and chase after me. What's %$#% up about it even more is the fact, I was spending a lot of money on the game. I finally said %$#% it".... I'm tired of playing in their world because server-side cheaters can do what they want and can't be reported or stopped and that's no longer a game, that's customer/player abuse and I was not going to be a fool any longer and give them my money just to cheat me so I finally stopped playing that %$#%! FF14 is a better game and has better PvP, which GW2 copied!

Ask yourself this.... Why is it, in PvE you're always picking Mesmers, Thiefs and "Eles" off the ground.... It's because they're glass classes and take high damage all the time and hard to stay upright. So how is it, when you get into WvW, these same glass build classes can't take damage at all and deal 10x the normal damage.... If that was normal for those classes, would you not use the same build in PvE? Why the %$#% would you pass on a God Build? There is no such "chit" and players running around WvW with those classes, killing everything in sight with little to zero damage, are nothing but no %$#% good "ArenaNet Babies!" Those Mesmers who cast 15 clones instantly and you can never hit them, "ArenaNet Baby!" Those "Eles" that take out 15 players at once while barely taking any damage, "ArenaNet Baby!" I once seen a single thief take out an entire 40 man Zerg! %$#% "ArenaNet Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

That's completely unprofessional what they're doing and thus turned what could have been the best MMO on the market right now into the worst MMO on the market right now.

Do yourselves a favor and stay far away from GW2 and ArenaNet!

If you search the Net, you see post were other players are talking about how the "Babies" are cheating them...like the one I can across recently talking about how this Zerg was able to take out their Zerg, that was inside a Keep with all walls up. This dude said they basically got cut down by a Zerg that was outside the keep walls.

That happened because an "ArenaNet Baby" (ore more) were in the other Zerg and they can make anything happen with their server-size access (cheat wise) and if you're in their Zerg, you will be protected by their cheats too. For example.... Super Boons that never end and always stay at full and give off 5 to 10x the effect making the entire Zerg a God Blob. Next time your in WvW, keep an eye out for Commanders that seem to walk through Zergs without dying while everyone else dies. This happens because that Commander is an "ArenaNet Baby" on your side and they're not allowing the entire Zerg to go God Mode.

Sorry for "typos",


Yes I believe this is spot on. 

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Posted (edited)
On 5/2/2024 at 3:54 AM, Jaising.7253 said:

I have provided guild names, specific comanders, players, the website info where alot of these hacks and trainer programs are downloaded.  I have providedlniks to vidoes and where is it all??????

DELETED by ANET and I got banned form posting on the forums several times, why?

Because anet and clowns like you do not want anyone to see this information, its like see no evil hear no evil BS.

The excuse Anet has is use the support ticket, submit all the information to them, they will investigate and take the appropiate action.


NOW thats funny because in all the years since beta only one dev did anything public to disgrace cheating and obviously that is not their stance anymore.

Google gw2 public hacker or cgeater disgraced.


NICE try calling me a troll and like all the clowns I play with in wvw, denying and making excuses for the cheating.

When players have invuln, or insane speed, or regen more damage than 5 players dish out, and there is not one frikin buff or icon on that player to justify it, how do you explain that troll bait?

I have first hand experienced everything I have reported, there are many many players on my server angry and upset and recognize the hacking and cheating, apparently your not skilled enough to know when someone is cheating.


Whats the term used? Oh yeah...................get good clown.


You are angry/disgusted, that is very understandable because you are here reporting and you got banned, but throwing a tantrum like this is going to get you more ban (been there done that, you can't win in this case).  But what you did wrong is you report it here. you should use the support ticket. if you want to let people know there are cheating (on the forum), try not to 
Don't use the word Anet, Dev, Moderator, unless it is to thank them if you can, this  is in the tos
Don't point to another player if you can - this is in the tos 
Don't use the word YOU ever if you can.  if you use this word, people can report you and say you are moking them trolling etc
Generally just don't talk about anyone else, except yourself. and you will be safe. also most importantly , read the next line.

good luck. use the report ticket.

Edited by SweetPotato.7456
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Posted (edited)
On 5/2/2024 at 8:48 AM, Dawdler.8521 said:

It was as recent as yesterday I got accused of being a speed hacker. I was on my sb/dagger/warhorn condi bomber soulbeast which is sooooo sloooooow compared to my engineer running traited rocket boots, perma swiftness, +66% swiftness speed AND +25% move speed just in case swiftness is ripped.

Guess I shouldnt have used the speed signet, ranger OP 🤷‍♂️

I remember someone whispered me accusing me of hacking because we can hit hills inner wall and outer wall at the same time.

My first thought was "Hey, is that a forumer?", and it was.

I mean there's definitely hackers out there. But there's also more dumb players out there. 🤣

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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7 hours ago, Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:

Yeah, ran into 3 cheaters in less than 5 days in last MU.

First 10 seconds of this video too:


I dont know if it is the same daredevil but this week we were against Gandara and i fought many times a daredevil with infinite shadow steps!

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30 minutes ago, alteriel valie.4751 said:

I dont know if it is the same daredevil but this week we were against Gandara and i fought many times a daredevil with infinite shadow steps!

Yeah, DD, no SB, no signet, no swords or wells. Mithril rank too, but why give a kitten about purchased accounts I guess.
Makes me wonder how abusable this is in stealth.

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Posted (edited)
On 5/3/2024 at 9:50 AM, Chaba.5410 said:

Lol! Hard to tell if you're serious here, man. Or if this is really a clever meme post?  The absurdity levels are quite high.

Sadly yes. As soon as they mentioned that the devs provide "secret hacking" tools to all their friends and family, I remembered this poster saying the same in other threads in the past.  It's all fine and good if you want to wear the tinfoil hat...just don't wear it out in the Sun for too long, ok?

Edited by Ronin.4501
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8 hours ago, Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:

Yeah, ran into 3 cheaters in less than 5 days in last MU.

First 10 seconds of this video too:


Just today in our matchup i had almost a dozen that I ran into. As soon as they were in trouble or downed, they'd teleport to the tops of outcroppings or into the nearest keep. I've not bothered to put in any more support tickets, because last year, i turned in 7 videos of blatant crap, and none of the offenders are banned even now. I once had a dev standing on a tower near me watching a guy float in the air attacking with longbow 5 spam, no cd just spamming it on a soulbeast. There is no fixing this.

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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Blackjackfletcher.5079 said:

Just today in our matchup i had almost a dozen that I ran into. As soon as they were in trouble or downed, they'd teleport to the tops of outcroppings or into the nearest keep. I've not bothered to put in any more support tickets, because last year, i turned in 7 videos of blatant crap, and none of the offenders are banned even now. I once had a dev standing on a tower near me watching a guy float in the air attacking with longbow 5 spam, no cd just spamming it on a soulbeast. There is no fixing this.

I sent well documented reports of all encounters I had, but I've not been checking on those account names at all and honestly can't be arsed about it. It's on ingame's staff conscience now.

Honestly, they should just start rewarding players for well-documented reports of confirmed cheaters. The problem will just die on its own eventually. Yes, there will be silly people who report others just because they don't know their class or class they are fighting (or more often than not both), but it shouldn't be problematic for competent staff to come up with a template reply for this kind of person.

If you don't believe in ingame staff and the company, then just upload videos to youtube with respective tags. Youtube doesn't remove videos like that, so it's a perfect way to spread the word.

Edited by Vasdamas Anklast.1607
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1 hour ago, Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:

Yeah, DD, no SB, no signet, no swords or wells.

while it does not explain the teleports in your video, he does run axe/dagger which has a 900 range targeted teleport, but that only works while actually in range.

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39 minutes ago, bq pd.2148 said:

while it does not explain the teleports in your video, he does run axe/dagger which has a 900 range targeted teleport, but that only works while actually in range.

Yeah, I know. By DD I actually meant daredevil. He had his utility shadowstep off CD when he reached that bridge too.
The moment he was about to get downed he was also charging into a wall and that just looked very weird.

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On 5/2/2024 at 5:07 PM, pcgamefreak.5208 said:

As someone who played GW2 for years and quit because of the cheating....

You gotta understand, there's two kinds of cheaters. You have your everyday cheater who's going to use cheat-tools made by more professional hacking players. Some of these tools you have to buy in order to unlock better features. These tools let you do things like super speed and teleport anywhere at will. Tools like this allow players to play a class with stealth, like thief, mesmer and ranger, to use the teleport tool to create the visual effect of super stealth but it's not really stealth because their just teleporting away and back again. Ever wondered why a thief could vanish in the middle of tons of "AOE" damage and not take a scratch? It's because they're really not there thanks to the teleport cheat tools out there.

The second kind of hacker you have is the "ArenaNet Baby." These people, male or female, are somehow associated with the "Devs/ArenaNet" and they are allowed to freely play with some kind of debug-like controls/cheats on their side. In other words, server-side cheaters. These people are GFs, BFs, Wives, Husbands, Spoiled-Brats, Friends, you name it... These players are the ones doing the cheats that are NOT possible client-side!

For example, an "ArenaNet Baby" Ranger teleported on top of me in mid air while I was gliding in MY territory. This server-side cheater was performing ground attacks in mid air while floating with me. He/she suddenly vanished and when I finally landed, they teleported on top of me again and made the Map attack me, yes the map! You know that bird attack when you're gliding in enemy territory too long? This ranger made that attack happen on me while I was on the ground in MY territory! He then did some crazy animations that are NOT in the game, dealing super-sonic damage. He stood their while I rallied and healed up and before I could take off for my home keep, he did a one hit kill while I was at full health.

Here's another one... An "ArenaNet Baby" followed me to the second floor of Stonemist Castle. He had no idea I knew my Necro Class well and I exploded on his @$$! When his health hit about 5 percent, I was already delivering the final blow to drop him but guess what? He went into God Mode. I could no longer strike him and no, this was not an "invul" cast, he wasn't that kind of class besides, he stood their while I dropped another set of explosive attacks on him and ZERO damage! No "invul" could last that long, it's only 3 seconds. After I stopped attacking and was like WTF is going on, that's when he dealt a one hit killing blow.

Here's another one.... This dude was bragging about his damage in game and he was on a meta build Necro like me, same Class meta. I started pm chatting him and he actually linked me the same Necro ability I had on my action bar because it was a staff ability and I carried the staff at the time. Here's the thing.... My ability's base damage was around 1k give or take. This "ArenaNet Baby's" base damage was 10 + K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's when I realized how they were pulling off the one hit kills while players were at full health. You see, you can't do that from client-side...jacking up your attributes and boons... You gotta have server-side cheating power to do that and that's a dead giveaway these players were NOT everyday cheaters.

Even knowing I was up against cheating Gods, I still gave them hell and took out some that tried to best me without the cheats. They eventually got mad at me for being a quality player that didn't cheat and started cheating me all the time.

Here's another one... They started taking direct control of MY character! When ever I dealt damage to them and got away, I would lose control of my character and they would make my character run all the way back to them, and yes I had to watch this happen, and when my character got to them, they would do something like jump up and down to let me know it was them and then drop a one hit kill. I even had them drop a one hit kill, instantly rally me, one hit kill again, instantly rally again and yet, another one hit kill.... That's how mad I made them just because I was a good player in WvW.

When I started calling them out in the Forums and spreading the world across the internet, they REALLY got mad and literally started hunting me in-game! If I was standing far in the distance, I would go flying high in mid air and sail forever until I landed in front of their Zerg. Once I was practically in the middle of Stonemist Castle and I went flying down the hall and over the inner and outer wall and landed right in the middle of their Zerg. Rangers would make their arrow barrage shot appear inside the middle of keeps right over me for a kill if I managed to escape inside. They even started pulling me directly through walls into their Zerg.

They were so chicken "chit", if I caught on of them one on one, even though they had server-side cheats, they would instantly do a one hit kill when before they use to try to beat me and went in God Mode before I killed them.

I started doing surprise attacks on them, trying to burst kill a "Baby" before they hit what ever debug keys they had at their disposal and that was working...I was killing some of them again but sadly, that was short lived. They started making my controls go dead when I surprised attacked them and they were about to drop. None of my presses/clicks would work and they would take their time to do a full heal and attempt the one hit kill. Some times I got away because Necro's Shroud kicks in on a killing blow and that pissed them off too, so what did they do? They made their one hit kills double strike so Shroud got destroyed too, all in one blow.

I put up with that "chit" for the longest, every time I logged into WvW it was the same "chit." Entire Zergs lead by "ArenaNet Babies" would drop everything they were doing and chase after me. What's %$#% up about it even more is the fact, I was spending a lot of money on the game. I finally said %$#% it".... I'm tired of playing in their world because server-side cheaters can do what they want and can't be reported or stopped and that's no longer a game, that's customer/player abuse and I was not going to be a fool any longer and give them my money just to cheat me so I finally stopped playing that %$#%! FF14 is a better game and has better PvP, which GW2 copied!

Ask yourself this.... Why is it, in PvE you're always picking Mesmers, Thiefs and "Eles" off the ground.... It's because they're glass classes and take high damage all the time and hard to stay upright. So how is it, when you get into WvW, these same glass build classes can't take damage at all and deal 10x the normal damage.... If that was normal for those classes, would you not use the same build in PvE? Why the %$#% would you pass on a God Build? There is no such "chit" and players running around WvW with those classes, killing everything in sight with little to zero damage, are nothing but no %$#% good "ArenaNet Babies!" Those Mesmers who cast 15 clones instantly and you can never hit them, "ArenaNet Baby!" Those "Eles" that take out 15 players at once while barely taking any damage, "ArenaNet Baby!" I once seen a single thief take out an entire 40 man Zerg! %$#% "ArenaNet Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

That's completely unprofessional what they're doing and thus turned what could have been the best MMO on the market right now into the worst MMO on the market right now.

Do yourselves a favor and stay far away from GW2 and ArenaNet!

If you search the Net, you see post were other players are talking about how the "Babies" are cheating them...like the one I can across recently talking about how this Zerg was able to take out their Zerg, that was inside a Keep with all walls up. This dude said they basically got cut down by a Zerg that was outside the keep walls.

That happened because an "ArenaNet Baby" (ore more) were in the other Zerg and they can make anything happen with their server-size access (cheat wise) and if you're in their Zerg, you will be protected by their cheats too. For example.... Super Boons that never end and always stay at full and give off 5 to 10x the effect making the entire Zerg a God Blob. Next time your in WvW, keep an eye out for Commanders that seem to walk through Zergs without dying while everyone else dies. This happens because that Commander is an "ArenaNet Baby" on your side and they're not allowing the entire Zerg to go God Mode.

Sorry for "typos",


This is very true. While I haven't experienced all of it, but some of it for sure.

Let's not forget that ArenaNet belongs to NCSoft and all of NC's games are infested with bots and hacks. It even looks like the same packet sniffers are used in all of their games. I've seen what looks like a packet sniffer for Lineage 2 in cheat videos for GW2 on YouTube. 

I've played a number of NC games and they've never done anything against cheating, so don't expect anything to be done here. Lineage 2, Aion, Guild Wars, all of it suffers from the same because it all belongs to the same company that doesn't care.

Since we're only wallets to them, when everyone reconsiders their investments they'll be forced to care.

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