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Elementalists are still raising hell in WvW

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Posted (edited)

As of the time of writing... I still see atleast 10-25 Elementalists on the top dog servers of EU daily. (You know who you are) The numbers don't lie; why would there be such a big influx of elementalists of all variety if it wasn't for the class being super stacked and FOTM? (Or more like FOTY at this point) Why and how can be the terrorizing of the oppressed Ranger, Necro and Rev mains be overlooked by Anet? Is it class favoritism? One of the Devs plays Elementalist a lot, after all... 

Look, I don't know what the devs were smoking to get the game to its current state, and I'm not sure I want to know either, all I'm saying is that Elementalists should get brought down a notch to be on par with other roaming builds out there. Start with the obvious overperformer Power and Cele catalyst, (that elite specialization was a mistake) by changing stability from auras into something, anything, else. Then go to less known builds like FA Weaver and power Tempest so they can't have fun either. Oh yeah and IP ban anyone with at least 5 hours playtime on signet Cata. Oh, and also, nerf zerg support Tempest too, while you are at it, it's definitely not enough of a joke yet. ^^

These are harsh, but warranted, changes and if you do them I might just reconsider leaving the gamemode for good. 

Sincerely, Kraft Punk, head of the cheesy Rangers' civil union - SFR




Edited by Codename T.2847
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