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Posted (edited)

I looking for some great builds to use but right now i don't have the last DLC but what build should i look for 

EDIT: I have been off for a few years i have just come back to GW2

Edited by xFanityZx.7254
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Posted (edited)

Before anyone here can make a build tailored to you, we need to know what your interests are. PvE, WvW, PvP? What role do you enjoy or what characteristics do you like about Guardian's?

As a starting point for builds, check out MetaBattle, Hardstuck.gg, Snowcrows (this one is primarily focused on endgame PvE such as raids), GuildJen, or Mukluklabs. Some of those such as GuildJen and Mukluklabs are ran by content creators whose channels you can find on YouTube and Twitch.

Edited by XSevSpreeX.2143
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Posted (edited)

so much have change from last time i play and it's about a few years so i allmost all DLC planing to get the last one this month

from my last playtime for few years ago i have a lvl 80 core build ranger but most on other forums they say guardians is the one to play right now any tips is great on what char i sould go with i am open to try others char to 🙂


and i most only play solo

Edited by xFanityZx.7254
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why making cunfused ikon if you don't have guts to write? a forum is most for asking for tips or somthing not only making ikons jees or is this forum for only 24/7 players that's talking kitten on other players

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6 minutes ago, xFanityZx.7254 said:

why making cunfused ikon if you don't have guts to write? a forum is most for asking for tips or somthing not only making ikons jees or is this forum for only 24/7 players that's talking kitten on other players

Yeah ignore them, it's just 1 person reacting with confuse. If you don't have the latest expansion (SOTO) it's okay, builds like soulbeast or dragonhunter are still good. As the other person said, look on guildjen, mukluklabs, snowcrows, they're all good enough at least as a starting point.

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