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Why is JQ still closed?


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@MaLeVoLenT.8129 said:

@diamondgirl.6315 said:"Being locked and split from your friends for 7 months is enough."

Not enough to make them move servers.

I mean, we've done this before. Its called implosion and it results in the samething. A stacked server. The only difference is this stacked server is now disorganize and split. So tanking is the better option hence the 5 or so servers doing it.

I wouldn't say better. I'd say worse. Moving your guild to a server where they can all fit and have fun sounds way better to me than staying in a server and spoiling other peoples' fun by tanking. But it's an opinion thing, I guess.

We wouldn't be moving just my guild. Because pugs and guilds follow other guilds. Pugs have commanders they rather follow, and guilds like to work with each other. If OnS left JQ, we wouldn't leave alone and its unfeasible for us to do so. My guild is not the only guild like this, and chain effects is what kills off servers. So it would be worse. Ive done it before. 4 times.

Everytime my guild has moved. People complained about spoiling fun, now youre asking me to do it again. The same people who are complaining about Jade Quarry are the very same people who would complain if a large body of guilds and players went to another server.

My guild also shares members with other guilds on JQ.

Congrats, announcing a possible incoming mega gem sale for anet after taking on a hardline stance, not too hard for anet to choose gem sales or taking action. Simply not take action and money comes pouring in for them ya?

Once again, anet laughs it's way to the bank for doing nothing. Rofl

anetwinsagain #anetultimatedominator

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@"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:patiently waiting on someone to realize bandwagoning is what created half the WvW mess

Actually it's not and people wrongly saying this is what drove the dev's the past two years. If players had freedom of movement, guilds would move about far more frequently. This would help balance and keep matches from going stale. Locking server's down, squeezing the populations lower, and reducing freedom of movement only made the game feel stale, restrictive, and withering.

For JQ, the Dev's need to open the darn server already and stop the "never JQ" nonsense from two years ago. Otherwise this is going to go from blackout, to boycott, to lost customers pdq.

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@ThunderPanda.1872 said:

@Red Haired Savage.5430 said:Server stacking and match manipulation (no matter your intentions) ruins the game for everyone.

JQ going to t1 would be a good thing.I agree it would be a good thing. I was making a generalization of it and just saying about all servers that do it.@MaLeVoLenT.8129 said:While you guys pound on JQ for their choices another server is left with the same solutions in another thread. Ironic.I'm not pounding JQ (or at least trying not to) I'm saying this about all servers doing match manipulation.

Honestly the BIGGEST problem with WvW isn't the gameplay mechanics or the balance, it's the players that need to take a good hard look at ourselves. Don't get me wrong Anet needs to look at mechanics and balance, but to me it's not nearly the issue that we players are doing to the game and each other. We've caused 90% of the issues in this game from match manipulation, elitism, tag-less squads, the toxic way we treat each other and several other things. Anet can't do anything because any time they've tried to do something nice for us it ends up spat back in their faces. I also know I'm not completely innocent in these things, it's something we all need to work on.

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