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WvW weekly Wizards Vault - EoTM & OS

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Posted (edited)

I am wondering if this has been brought up before... why are the jumping puzzle and random caps in EoTM included in the weekly? It is not a top priority to change this but it is still baffling. PvErs would more likely choose PvE as a weekly and WvW players are not going to be doing jumping puzzles unless they are desperate for 50 Astral Acclaim over the other 6 weekly vault objectives you need to complete a weekly.

To be more detailed I am referencing the following:

  • Capture 5 World vs. World objectives in the Edge of the Mists
  • Complete the Obsidian Sanctum Jumping Puzzle in the Obsidian Sanctum Map
  • Complete the Emerald Sanctum or Sapphire Sanctum Jumping Puzzle


Edited by Infusion.7149
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  • Infusion.7149 changed the title to WvW weekly Wizards Vault - EoTM & OS
11 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

I am wondering if this has been brought up before... why are the jumping puzzle and random caps in EoTM included in the weekly? It is not a top priority to change this but it is still baffling. PvErs would more likely choose PvE as a weekly and WvW players are not going to be doing jumping puzzles unless they are desperate for 50 Astral Acclaim over the other 6 weekly vault objectives you need to complete a weekly.

To be more detailed I am referencing the following:

  • Capture 5 World vs. World objectives in the Edge of the Mists
  • Complete the Obsidian Sanctum Jumping Puzzle in the Obsidian Sanctum Map
  • Complete the Emerald Sanctum or Sapphire Sanctum Jumping Puzzle


I admit I don't look at the weeklies but just click thru them when it shows something is done. First guess is that they already have enough normal style WvW events that they just added them for more variety over and above and what they had. Second as you pointed out might be a carrot on a stick to try and draw more PvX or PvE style players into the game mode. Isn't there also still a guild mission linked to the OS puzzle? May have to check the wiki on that one.

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Because more than likely the wvw weeklies were done by a pve dev that doesn't know any better, they just included every part of wvw including dead eotm. Also could have swore the capture 5 eotm objectives use to be 3 before, which means it's pve devs, or the wvw devs are having a laugh at us with the increase. Or maybe it's a mandela effect or something I dunno... 🤭

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4 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Because more than likely the wvw weeklies were done by a pve dev that doesn't know any better, they just included every part of wvw including dead eotm. Also could have swore the capture 5 eotm objectives use to be 3 before, which means it's pve devs, or the wvw devs are having a laugh at us with the increase. Or maybe it's a mandela effect or something I dunno... 🤭

They just didn't think of enough  stuff to put in and the WV was designed to have 6 tasks and requires more for leeway. So that is what happens.\

At the very least they are optional even when stacked together but it is annoying regardless.

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48 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

They just didn't think of enough  stuff to put in and the WV was designed to have 6 tasks and requires more for leeway. So that is what happens.\

At the very least they are optional even when stacked together but it is annoying regardless.

Meh the jumping puzzles and eotm all rotate as one category anyways, all the rest are static, so they could easy just dropped that one or add something else like I dunno kill a lord 5 times.

Wonder why they don't put in kill weeklies, like kill 20 guards/warriors/thieves/etc for the week, or kill 5 commanders, or kill 5 asurans/humans/etc, make things more interesting with bounty type of weeklies. Or more wvw gameplay weeklies as they have damage and healing, but where's the boon strip 100 times or cc 10 times weeklies, or capture 3 bays/fire, or 3 garrisons/earth, or 3 hills/air, they're making it easier to train cap those so might as well put in weeklies for it. Also kinda funny the spvp kill player weekly is 30 players, but the wvw one is only 10 lol. 🤷‍♂️

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these JPs and EotM are a part of WvW, just like killing guards/dolyaks is PvE activity but part of WvW. they are in the Wizard Vault to nudge some people to do them from time to time as to not forget about their existence i suppose.

53 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Wonder why they don't put in kill weeklies, like kill 20 guards/warriors/thieves/etc for the week, or kill 5 commanders, or kill 5 asurans/humans/etc, make things more interesting with bounty type of weeklies.

killing certain classes/races requires cooperation by the opponent to actually play that class/race.
if it was not a global weekly/daily, but random for each player which class/race they have to hunt, that would work.
i also would prefer if it was not kills but stomps required, so you don't randomly get that while farting some boons inside an army.

59 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

 Or more wvw gameplay weeklies as they have damage and healing, but where's the boon strip 100 times or cc 10 times weeklies

that number needs to be higher for a weekly, you can get that in 1-3 fights against some roamers in 1 vs 1, in blobs should be much faster with the right classe(s)
then again the damage/healing numbers are also way too low for a weekly. 

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1 hour ago, bq pd.2148 said:

killing certain classes/races requires cooperation by the opponent to actually play that class/race.

No it doesn't, I'm not saying to kill specifically an asuran guardian or a human warrior, it's separate, kill 10 guardians of whatever race, kill 10 asurans of whatever race, if you manage to get an asuran guardian then it's 2 for 1 bonus day for you.


1 hour ago, bq pd.2148 said:

if it was not a global weekly/daily, but random for each player which class/race they have to hunt, that would work.
i also would prefer if it was not kills but stomps required, so you don't randomly get that while farting some boons inside an army.

Kills would be easier to do. Stomps can be another category, which I would favor btw cause I like to see finishers.


1 hour ago, bq pd.2148 said:

that number needs to be higher for a weekly, you can get that in 1-3 fights against some roamers in 1 vs 1, in blobs should be much faster with the right classe(s)
then again the damage/healing numbers are also way too low for a weekly. 

Obviously example numbers, anet will set whatever they want.

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19 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

I am wondering if this has been brought up before... why are the jumping puzzle and random caps in EoTM included in the weekly? It is not a top priority to change this but it is still baffling. PvErs would more likely choose PvE as a weekly and WvW players are not going to be doing jumping puzzles unless they are desperate for 50 Astral Acclaim over the other 6 weekly vault objectives you need to complete a weekly.

To be more detailed I am referencing the following:

  • Capture 5 World vs. World objectives in the Edge of the Mists
  • Complete the Obsidian Sanctum Jumping Puzzle in the Obsidian Sanctum Map
  • Complete the Emerald Sanctum or Sapphire Sanctum Jumping Puzzle


Eotm ones is easy, just take over 5 supply generators. Can be done solo. 

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I just don't do JP in WvW. Best case scenario, I spend 15-20 mins doing something I don't like for really meager rewards. 

Worst case, a couple of thieves disintegrate me just before the chest so not only I can't get the sad reward but also finish the gaming session angry. 

Either way, bad idea.



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2 hours ago, disForm.2837 said:

I just don't do JP in WvW. Best case scenario, I spend 15-20 mins doing something I don't like for really meager rewards. 

Worst case, a couple of thieves disintegrate me just before the chest so not only I can't get the sad reward but also finish the gaming session angry. 

Either way, bad idea.



Good example. Have to agree, first off you are pulling a player to a JP versus doing something more constructive on the map. Then you are pulling a player away on the other side as well from fighting somewhere more constructive. Take the inverse, a player not getting attacked while doing a JP is wasting a spot on the map if they miss their jumps and a player just waiting to attack jumpers that aren't there is also wasting a spot by not being somewhere where there are players to attack. This is a lose all around scenario. Sub those out. 

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Posted (edited)

Good point about the JP in the WvW map!
It is even worse for WvW in general than the OS JP.

I was thinking about this more and the PvE ones could be copied verbatim to the WvW weekly as a replacement:

  • Defeat 25 , 50 or 100 Enemies While under a Nourishment Effect
  • Defeat 25, 50 or 100 Enemies While under an Enhancement Effect
  • Dodge ____ Enemy Attacks Using a Dodge Roll
  • Break ____ defiance bars (since lords now have one)
  • Repair ____ walls, gates, or cannons/oil 
  • Earn 5 Rewards from WvW Reward Tracks.  --- same as PvP weekly
Edited by Infusion.7149
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