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SoTO story doesn't progress

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Chapter 12: The Survivors
The problem started at this part:
Work with Peitha and the Astral Ward survivors to establish a foothold in Heitor's territory.
Complete events to help strengthen Peitha's hold on the region.

After talking to Peitha and Arina in an instance, doing events in Inner Nayos doesn't give progression. At first it did when i was doing the new west meta i believe, but i had to exit and re-enter Inner Nayos and then the progress bar stopped no matter how many events did, which events and in what area of the map. I restarted the story chapter, talked to Peitha and Arina again, the progress bar reset, and still nothing counts, not even east meta itself.
I did this story step when it first came out on another character and i don't recall having troubles progressing it.
Did it actually bug out or am i doing something wrong?

Edited by blinktwice.7529
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I had this same issue, had to do a complete restart of the game. I found two that worked for me. Escorting rift hunter Helvig  in the astral ward camp to a cave and the second was just past the pillars of Mosyn ne of the camp collecting supplies. I had to do the supply one while under constant aerial bombardment.

I have no explanation why these two worked and none others did.


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I was literally coming to post this. I'll give some examples of events in the East side of the map that 'should' work to progress 12. The Survivors.

Next to the Point of Interest "The Southern Extractor" which is FIRMLY within the east side of the map for Heitor's territory. There is an event chain of 3 events: defeat the tendrils on the ground followed by collect magic in the air followed by kill Valdus, a champ boss.  NONE of these events provided credit even when I soloed them!

Also, even when I did the east meta, destroy the gate, kill Ignaxious, neither counted towards this progress bar.

I know they'll fix it, but it's very frustrating.

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Exact same issue, was progressing fine until 85%ish... It's my 2nd character going through, 1st had no issue. Don't play the character with the issue as much so not exactly sure when the issue started. Last time I did any Story was weeks before the recent update.

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Seems this started somehow overnight. Did yesterday the escort mission around first checkpoint and it counted -  today it didn't. Did 4 other events and none of them worked, stuck in 50% of the progress.

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Went through this last night around 8-9pm CST. Was starting Chapter 12 - after the initial instance with Peitha and Arina I did 3 events in the area and received no credit for them for this step. Joined in the Heitor fight at end of meta-event, received no progress towards this from that either.

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Hey, i have the same Problem. I do events and did already 4 meta event on the map. Im stuck here since 6 hours and I dont have any progress. I don't know why but i only completed 1/3. I hope they will fix it soon

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Same for me. First time playing the chapter, I've done quite a few events around the map including the meta and none of it made any progress towards story. I would like to finish my story but am quite literally unable to. Restarting or replaying older chapters made no difference.

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Just had this happen -- in a map that had the Spider Lair meta active.  My friend and I are getting her through the story and the green bar wouldn't go.  We managed to zone out and back in to a map that was progressing the Astral Ward readiness and then events worked for us again.

So I think you need to be in a map where the Astral Ward bar or Heitor's Gate meta can progress for The Survivors events to work.

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Was able to finally finish this about 10 min ago. Either got very lucky or they fixed it. Bringing back supplies, destroying turrets, finishing east meta - all counted and while east meta pre-events were already ongoing.
Good luck to you all.

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8 hours ago, Donari.5237 said:

Just had this happen -- in a map that had the Spider Lair meta active.  My friend and I are getting her through the story and the green bar wouldn't go.  We managed to zone out and back in to a map that was progressing the Astral Ward readiness and then events worked for us again.

So I think you need to be in a map where the Astral Ward bar or Heitor's Gate meta can progress for The Survivors events to work.

Can confirm that this works. Thanks for the suggestion!

Should still be fixed, but you can work around it.

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3 minutes ago, Phoenix of the Fire.9274 said:

Can confirm that this works. Thanks for the suggestion!

Should still be fixed, but you can work around it.

Sadly this is not the case for me, I just tried this exact 'work around' and still no progress. Hope this gets fixed soon as I would like to proceed with my story.

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Posted (edited)

Same. 3 of us in grp then disband and still no credit. Logged out, restarted story, still no credit for events...sigh



edit: Changed maps with the meta going on and now getting credit! Seems the map is the issue.

Edited by Lady Vanithy.6495
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